WTF screenshots
Once C.J.'s vehicle bumped it, this truck rolled down the road as shown till
it was bumped again:
Low flying Rustler:
Flying train:
Invisible motorcycle policeman:
After downing the helicopter in "Toreno's Last Flight":
Really bad gang car (the game wasn't modded--I haven't seen this since)
I.7.a Foot Controls
Note: I remap Spacebar and Left Shift so each does the job of the other--Jump
is Spacebar and Run or Sprint is Left Shift--so it's more like "Vice City."
W Forward
S Backwards
Mouse Steering or A Left
Mouse Steering or D Right
You can turn the "camera" with the mouse so to face C.J., then press S to keep
him going in the same direction in the scenery yet now towards you and the cam-
era; a similar thing can be done with A and D.
W,S,A, and D can also be used for the dance game, and A and D can be used to
go through the food selection at a restaurant.
Get a rhythm going and tap W,S,,A, or D on the beat, sometimes in the same di-
rection for pairs of beats, to give C.J. a little dance move paradiddle you can
throw in now and then, like when C.J. sings, for some snazz.
Mouse Look anywhere, though you need to move C.J. to look directly up or
down. When standing still, C.J. doesn't swivel as you move the
mouse as Tommy Vercetti or Claude Speed did. You get a greater va-
riety of views of him that way, but it makes aiming him busier.
While he faces in one direction, you can look in another with the
Mouse; if you want to face him in the new direction, press W,S,A, or
D as needed. I usually press W, which makes him go in the direction
the Mouse is pointed, to turn him.
F or Enter (Return) Enter or get on a vehicle, have C.J. buy a soft drink or
snack, end a transaction at a restaurant or barber shop,
etc., end a phone call, spend $100 for, or quit watching,
a lap dance, open the freezer at the Abattoir, detach a
deployed Parachute, and let go of something he's hanging
The camera swirl after C.J. leaves a vehicle can be disorienting for a moment.
When that happens, you may speed things up by pressing W to turn him in the di-
rection you want him to go, then W again to continue.
If two choices are equally near when you press F, C.J. goes in the direction
of the vehicle or vending machine he's pointed toward. Otherwise, he'll turn
and go to the closer one.
Left Shift Sprint (I remap it from Spacebar) when added to W. The sprint
lasts longer as C.J. gets stronger, as does the faster sprint
created by pressing it quickly and repeatedly. Complete the
Burglary mission for the infinite sprint. Left Shift is also
used to buy food at a restaurant, preview/buy a haircut, etc.
Spacebar Jump, grab something to climb, or climb something (I remap it
from Left Shift).
Left Alt Walk Add Left Alt to W,S,A, or D to make C.J. walk. I mainly use
this because I think it looks funny to have C.J. stop scrambling
and act normal till he's just past a police officer. If you add
Left Alt while C.J. moves in a crouch, he moves slower, too.
If you equip C.J. with a one of the rifles or automatic rifles,
he can walk faster, so you might use that when C.J.'s in a big
house during the Burglary mission.
Tab or \ View player Respect, Stamina, Muscle, Fat, and Sex Appeal Stats,
what day it is, and the Weapon Skill C.J. has for an upgradable
weapon if he's equipped with one, in a menu in the lower left
corner of the screen. You can also use it to have C.J. answer a
cell phone, give a gift to or kiss a girlfriend (awwwr!), buy
property, and equip the weapon of the pickup C.J. is standing in
to replace the weapon currently in that slot.
C Crouch Use W,S,A, and D to have C.J. move while crouching, and
tap one of them repeatedly, or add Left Alt, to have C.J. do it
slowly. It can help C.J. sneak up on enemies. End a crouch
with Spacebar, Left Shift, F, Enter, or the LMB. C.J. can't
crouch with a Camera, Fire Extinguisher, Chainsaw, thrown weap-
on (Molotov, etc.,), or heavy weapon (Minigun, Flamethrower, or
either rocket launcher).
C and hold the RMB C.J. crouches and can target someone (see "RMB or Caps
Lock" below). Crouching can help C.J. fire a gun with
more accuracy and make him harder to hit. If you press
A or D, he rolls left or right and takes aim again.
LMB Fire, punch, hit with a melee weapon, throw, spray paint, deploy a
Parachute while C.J. is falling, change the "camera" view of a
lap dance, and take a snap shot. As in "Vice City," you can
hold the LMB down to keep a Chainsaw revved up and pointed for-
ward, then move with W,S,A, or D to create fast Chainsaw at-
tacks. Unlike Tommy, C.J. can't jump while he's equipped with
it, though.
RMB or Caps Lock Target someone or bring up the scope of a Sniper Rifle,
Rocket Launcher, or Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher so it can
be aimed and fired. In the case of a Heat-Seeking Rocket
Launcher, it also makes a green reticle appear over the
target, and the green turns to red as the system locks on-
to the target.
To target someone, aim C.J. or his weapon at them and
press RMB or Caps Lock. It makes an arrow point down at
their head. The color of the arrow indicates their
health. It turns from green to red to black and disap-
pears as they weaken and die. If C.J. is equipped with a
Knife and you target someone from behind with the RMB,
C.J. prepares for a stealth kill he'll execute if you
press the LMB. It also creates the potential for C.J. to
see if they can be recruited into his gang (see below).
RMB or Caps Lock,
and G or H Press the RMB to target one of his gang members (see
above) and press G, and if C.J. has enough Respect,
they'll follow him as a gang member (into a vehicle,
swimming, sometimes over walls, etc.) and attack oppos-
ing gang members and criminals--they may also attack law
enforcers who pursue or attack C.J.. With 80% Respect,
C.J. can recruit seven gang members.
Press G to draw them to C.J. if they run away, and press H
to have them wait in place (I remember the keys by
thinking of "G" for "Gang" and "H" for "Hang back").
They may ignore the last command if one of those they
attack comes by, and C.J. doesn't have to go far for
them to ignore a command to stay in place and run toward
him, though. If you want a recruit to leave the group,
such as when their health gets low, make the arrow ap-
pear over them and press H. To disband the whole group,
hold H or have C.J. go far away from them.
RMB and LMB To have C.J.'s recruits attack someone, target the victim
with the RMB then press the LMB.
E or Mouse Wheel Down Next weapon/Target
Q or Mouse Wheel Up Previous Weapon/Target
X or Mouse Wheel Up Zoom In
Z or Mouse Wheel Down Zoom Out
Y Conversation "Yes"
N Conversation "No" Besides using these two to have C.J. respond to someone
in a mission or to a hooker or drug dealer, it can let
him respond to some of the things the pedestrians say.
V View: you can pick one of several distances for a 3rd person
view that mainly follows C.J. from behind.
NP1 or MMB Look Behind
I.7.aa Climbing trees
C.J. can walk up sloped trees, too, like Tommy Vercetti could in "Vice City."
One tall one is at the N side of the swamp in Back O Beyond.
He can jump from the ground into the kind of trees on square boxes on the
sidewalks in Ocean Flats, too, if you have him jump from beyond a corner of the
base at the highest of the bottom limbs. If he jumps on a vehicle 1st, about a
vehicle hood distance from the next to the lowest limb with his head in or by
the leaves, sometimes he climbs up into the same trees.
He can jump up and climb the sort of trees with white trunks that you can find
by one with a thick gray trunk--it's on a grass strip behind a white picket
fence S of the lot that's on the S side of the Fleischberg plant that's SW of
downtown Blueberry.
He can climb the kind, with pale marbled beige bark and gray limbs, you find
an example of across the street and NE of the hospital in Fort Carson.
He can climb onto the trees that look like little squat palm trees, and onto
the cactus (that has the basic shape of Saguaro cactus except with a smooth
skin), in the desert.
On the W side of the park that has a statue of a baseball player, on the block
of "ANC" of "FINANCIAL" in San Fierro, C.J. can jump from a ledge and get into a
tall tree with white bark.
******** Taking Photographs
Raise the viewfinder of a Camera with the RMB, Zoom in and out with X and Z or
the Mouse Wheel, and snap the photo with the LMB.
Press the RMB to aim the Camera viewfinder at a GSF gang member recruited to
follow C.J., or a girlfriend, and they'll pose for a picture.
With the Camera equipped, press Tab around a GSF gang member recruited to fol-
low C.J. to have them take the Camera. Pose C.J. with W,S,A,D,C, and/or Space-
bar, then either press Tab again for them to take C.J.'s picture, or F or Enter
to have them return the Camera.
You can save the pictures taken with it in your GTA San Andreas User Files in
My Documents if you turn the option for Store Gallery Photos on in the menu.
I.7.b Initial fight moves Controls
Hold the RMB and press the LMB Advances with left and right jabs
Hold the RMB and press F Advances with Right jabs
and right kicks
Hold the RMB and W
and press the LMB Advances at a trot with right jabs
Note: I remap Left Shift and Spacebar for Foot Controls so each does the job
of the other.
Hold the RMB, W, and Left Shift,
and press the LMB Runs with right jabs
Hold the RMB and press Spacebar Blocks with both arms; this can also
be done while C.J. trots or runs
See the several gym sections for moves C.J. learns later. He needs to beat
all three trainers and learn their fight moves for 100% completion of the game.
Thanks to a Gamefaqs post by metalacid123 for pointing out that C.J. uses the
fight moves used by the last instructor he beat, so you could send him to an
earlier trainer if you like their style better, etc.
The fight moves can be supplemented with a melee weapon. Reader Chen Dong
shows this to good effect with C.J. armed with a Knife for "Gray Imports" and
"Los Sepulcros." It's a good combination of C.J. being able to run fast for a
chase, knock the target down, and use a strong weapon on them. Having C.J. punch his neighbors to get to know them
A couple of pedestrians you might see in Fort Carson:
The cowboy in black with an eyepatch: "Green-blooded abomination!" "Can't let
them take me again," "He's one of them!" "For Earth, man!" "You can't steal my
mind," "You're not probin' me again," and "I know things."
A cowboy with sunglasses, a light beard, and a blue checkered shirt over a
blue jersey: "You won't abduct me--no, you won't."
I.7.c Swimming Controls
No key Tread water; if underwater, slowly rise to the surface
W Swim forward with a breast stroke
Mouse Steering Turn
Note: I remap Left Shift and Spacebar for Foot Controls so each does the
job of the other.
Left Shift Swim forward fast with a crawl;
press it quickly and repeatedly to have C.J. swim faster
Spacebar Jump till the water is about knee high; climb out of water
W then add LMB Dive underwater
W then add LMB (dive),
then hold Left Shift Swim underwater
Once he's underwater, you just need Left Shift, with Mouse Steering, to have
him keep swimming there. Press Left Shift quickly and repeatedly to have C.J.
swim faster.
Mind the breath meter, and notice that most of the marine life swims away if
C.J. gets close to them--the way they react to people in real life.
(You might try the Joypad option, which you can't use mouse steering for, to
see what swimming looks like with it. When C.J. is underwater, hold down Left
Shift and alternate between W and S, and C.J. goes forward by waving up and down
like a fish. Turning strokes, with A or D, look more active, too.)
Walking, driving, and flying underwater
Mxyzptlk, at GTA Forums, gave an exception for the swimming controls--a glitch
that lets C.J. walk, drive, etc., underwater.
One of the places you can send C.J. to create the glitch is N of the curve in
the highway between Hanky Pank Point and the pretzel-shaped intersection to the
W of it. Have him dive at the S side of the floor of San Andreas Sound and swim
at the place where the floor meets the cliff. His breath bar will rise then
disappear, he'll stand on his feet, and C.J. will be able to explore the under-
water area like he can on dry land.
You can use a code to spawn a vehicle or have C.J. push one into the water
ahead of time. (If C.J. walks onto non-solid ground, like at the edge of the
map, he'll fall then appear on nearby dry land.)
Thanks to Spaceeinstein for sending me a link to his video that shows how to
have C.J. drive underwater:
If you have C.J. push the vehicle to the same spot that lets C.J. walk under-
water, it will show the properties it does on land, too, so C.J. can drive it.
Thanks to Demarest for explaining it as matter of finding a way to put C.J.
underwater without the game considering him as having crossed through the sur-
face of the water--the game won't treat him as if he's underwater and he can
walk along the bottom.
Thanks to GTA_Phreak for recommending that you look for the difference in the
lighting (lighter) waviness (none) and sound (no gurgling or whatever that is)
to find the spot, also indicated by the fact that it's the only underwater sur-
face that C.J. can create fires on, and if it's hard to put the vehicle in it,
you can sometimes get the same effect by having C.J. enter the vehicle.
He adds several more places where you can use the glitch:
- at the coast S of the 1st "O" of "PANOPTICON," a tiny bit W of due S of the
SW corner of the big brown square,
- in the middle of a NW to SE section of coast that's S of the W edge of the
"O" of "FLINT COUNTY," and
- at the SE coast of Flint County W of the "S" of the compass shown on the
ocean on the paper map. Using the map and radar in the game, going S to N, you
can see the coast has a straight line then a curved one--the spot is most of the
way N along the curve.
Orion_SR found another spot for the gimmick at the base of a gray corner of
the coast that's N of the T intersection that's N of the 1st "A" of "EASTER BAY
Swimming mania hits San Andreas
The general understanding is that C.J. is the only one in the game who can
swim; an exception to that is that Ryder can swim in "Pier 69."
Shane Wong, a reader, wrote to me that Catalina can swim, too, if C.J. drives
into the water with her while he has his choice of places to rob and she follows
him. That's the kind of thing that's interesting to me--it shows the depth of
the world Rockstar has created for us to have fun with. So I asked Shane to let
me know what any other testing about that turned up. It turns out all kinds of
people can swim in "San Andreas."
If C.J. leads any GSF gang members who follow him into water, they can swim.
If C.J. drives the car Sweet must use (as in "Los Sepulcros") into the water,
Sweet will get out and drown. But if C.J. drives a car that's optional for
Sweet (as in "Sweet's Girl") into the water, Sweet (and the girlfriend) will get
out and swim after C.J..
Reader Anurag Sinha confirms Catalina's swimming ability and adds that Mike
Toreno and T-Bone can swim in the mission "Mike Toreno."
Any law enforcer I've seen follow C.J. if he gets a wanted rating drowns if
they get into water, but since they are assigned vehicles, I guess they fit the
rest of the idea.
It sounds to me like anyone that follows C.J., including people codes cause to
follow him, can swim if C.J. leads them into water, including ones who get out
of vehicles that are optional for missions. They drown if they get out of a ve-
hicle they must use for a mission.
Thanks to Shane Wong for a real good find!
I.7.d Vehicle Controls
Note: I remap Horn from Caps Lock or H to Left Shift to be like my setup for
"Vice City."
I.7.e Four-Wheel vehicle Controls
Note for all non-flying vehicles:
turn on STEER WITH MOUSE in the OPTIONS menu.
W Accelerate
S Reverse; activates rear lights
Mouse Steering or A Left
Mouse Steering or D Right
A and D can also be used to correct the tipping of a vehicle, which can be
easier if you do it while accelerating.
Spacebar Brake; four wheel steering for a Monster truck or Rhino
In some cases, such as in front of the barber shop in "Ryder," II.7, having
C.J. drive into a red shaft of light during a mission will stop his vehicle,
Q Look or aim left
E Look or aim right
Q and E
or MMB Look behind
LMB Fire
RMB Look all around using the mouse; auto-aim for Rhino cannon
F or Enter Exit a vehicle (if the vehicle is moving slowly, one press stops
the vehicle and another press makes C.J. exit)
Left Shift (I remap it from Caps Lock or H) Horn; Mr. Whoopee jingle; Taxi or
Cabbie Boost Jump after delivering 50 fares; siren and flashing
lights for emergency and law enforcement vehicles.
or 2 Sub-mission
Y Trip Skip: in some missions that start with a long driving section,
if C.J. fails the mission and you have him go back to the shaft of
light to start the mission again, you'll get a prompt asking if
you want to use the Trip Skip to skip past the initial section to
get to the rest of the mission--if you do, press Y.
Some missions that let you skip initial driving section are, at
least, "OG Loc," "Badlands," "Lure," and "Interdiction." ("End of
the Line" does something like that automatically for both the
timed section of getting out of Big Smoke's place and the Fire-
truck chase.)
V Change "Camera" View;
while using Cinematic View--the variety of views--
you can select from among the views it has with NP4
Up "Camera" positioned higher (good for seeing ahead near hilltops)
Down "Camera" positioned lower (good for reading C.J.'s license plate)
NP4 The scene revolves clockwise
NP6 The scene revolves counter-clockwise
F5 User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station
Mouse Wheel Up
or 4 Next Radio Station
Mouse Wheel Down
or R Previous Radio Station
Left Ctrl
or NP0 Nitro Boost--available for certain vehicles at mod shops
and for Taxis and Cabbies after delivering 50 fares
Tow Truck hook, Fork Lift fork, Dozer scoop, Dumper bed, Tractor hitch, and
Packer ramp:
NP2 Raise
NP8 Lower
The Tractor can pull a Plow behind it. (I've also used it to tow a sedan.)
Back a Linerunner, Tanker, or Roadtrain to one of several shapes of box trail-
er, or to an oil tank trailer, or a Baggage to a Baggage trailer or tall mobile
set of steps, to hitch it. To unhitch it, jackknife the combo (which may throw
the hitched part a distance away, for some reason) or run the front of the back
part into something. A Baggage trailer may be hitched to another Baggage trail-
er or to a tall set of mobile steps.
The Tug has a hitch on the back as a Baggage vehicle does, but I've yet to
find anything that hitches to it.
A Utility Van can also be hitched to a little "STREET CLEAN" trailer (see
"Utility Van" under "Land vehicles"--see I.8.a) the same way, but I'm not
sure if that trailer is in the unmodified game. So far I've only seen it by
using the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) which calls it a "Utility Trailer."
The Forklift, Dozer, and Combine Harvester are steered by turning the rear
wheels, which makes the vehicle steer in the opposite direction than the one
you're used to. It may be easier to get used to steering one if you use the
keyboard and not the mouse. But if you want to make one steer with the front
wheels, see X.10.b under "...miscellaneous jazz" for how to change column ag in
the data\handling.cfg file with Ben "Cerbera" Millard's CFG Studio 2.
Left Shift Raise or lower the body;
the body holds this mode after the key is pressed
NP+ Raise or lower the body;
the body holds this mode while the key is pressed
NP4 Raises the left side while pressed when the body is lowered, and
lowers the left side while pressed when the body is raised
NP6 Raises the right side while pressed when the body is lowered, and
lowers the right side while pressed when the body is raised
NP2 Raises the back end while pressed when the body is lowered, and
lowers the back end while pressed when the body is raised
NP8 Raises the front end while pressed when the body is lowered, and
lowers the front end while pressed when the body is raised
You can combine one front or back number pad key with one right or left side
number pad key to raise or lower a corner of the vehicle.
If Left Shift is pressed, and so the mode is changed from raised to lowered or
lowered to raised, while one or two number pad keys are pressed, the effect of
the number pad keys pressed changes accordingly: a lowered front in raised mode
changes to a raised front end in lowered mode, etc.
If NP+ is pressed while one or two number pad keys are pressed, it
raises the lowered part while pressed when the body is in lowered mode, and
lowers the raised part while pressed when the body is in raised mode.
The things you can find in the back of trucks
- wooden crates stencilled "AMMUNITION" and "DO NOT EAT!"
- Discount Furniture: two chairs
- LSD--Los Santos Delivery Co.: a crate with an LSD label and a microwave
- Uphill Gardner: a potted flower
- boxes
Berkley's Van
- RC toy boxes
- Shafted Appliances: refrigerators and a microwave
- Semi: boxes with labels that say "SEMI"
- Toy Corner: Toy Corner boxes
- a sound system (not just in a Pony in "Life's a Beach"--every Pony has one)
- a caged-off section containing a cabinet with security deposit drawers
- Big Gas: a crate with a Big Gas label
- RS Haul: a crate with an RS Haul label and a microwave
The HESOYAM code, besides giving C.J. $250,000 and maximum Armor and Health,
has the effect of the Health code of the last two GTA's and repairs any vehicle
C.J. is in.
I.7.f Motorcycle or Bicycle Controls
W Accelerate; for a bicycle, press it repeatedly and quickly
to have C.J. stand and pump the pedals to go faster
S Reverse the front wheel on a bicycle;
Reverse the rear wheel on a motorcycle
Spacebar Brake rear wheel
Spacebar and S Stronger braking by adding a bit of reverse
In some cases, such as near the end of "Sweet and Kendl," II.6, having C.J.
drive into a red shaft of light during a mission will stop his vehicle, too.
Mouse steering or A Left
Mouse Steering or D Right
It's easier for me to do stunts or a forward drive-by if I leave Mouse Steer-
ing alone and use my right hand for the Up, Down, and either Fire button.
Left Shift Motorcycle horn or bicycle bell
(I remap it from Caps Lock or H)
F or Enter Get off a motorcycle or bicycle (if the vehicle is moving
slowly, one press stops the vehicle and another press makes
C.J. get off)
NP0 or
Left Ctrl C.J. prepares to Bunny Hop on bike; release NP0 for C.J. to
Bunny Hop. The bicycle hops higher as his cycling skill im-
proves. Press the LMB to fire a submachine gun just after
releasing NP0, and sometimes C.J. hops a great deal higher.
2 or NP+ Sub-mission Vigilante for HPV1000
Y Trip Skip: in some missions that start with a long driving section,
if C.J. fails the mission and you have him go back to the shaft of
light to start the mission again, you'll get a prompt asking if
you want to use the Trip Skip to skip past the initial section to
get to the rest of the mission--if you do, press Y.
Some missions that let you skip initial driving section are, at
least, "OG Loc," "Badlands," "Lure," and "Interdiction." ("End of
the Line" does something like that automatically for both the
timed section of getting out of Big Smoke's place and the Fire-
truck chase.)
Up Stand and lean Forward--part of a Stoppie.
Pressing it quickly and repeatedly, without letting C.J. stand up,
makes a motorcycle go faster.
Down Lean back--part of a Wheelie. It can be used for sharper turns, too.
Up and Down can level the wheels for safer landings.
Q Look, aim submachine gun or package left
E Look, aim submachine gun or package right
Q and E Look behind
RMB Look all around using the mouse
LMB or Left Alt Fire SMG (while looking forward, left, or right);
do this just after letting go of NP0 to Bunny Hop and
sometimes C.J. hops real high.
Mouse Wheel Up
or 4 Next Radio Station on a motorcycle
Mouse Wheel Down
or R Previous Radio Station on a motorcycle
F5 User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station
on a motorcycle
All motorcycles seat two except the Pizza Boy. All bicycles seat one.
The HESOYAM code, besides giving C.J. $250,000 and maximum Armor and Health,
has the effect of the Health code of the last two GTA's and repairs any vehicle
C.J. is in.
The OUIQDMW code, besides giving C.J. the ability to aim in any direction
while using a land vehicle, makes it easy for him to do airgrabs and less likely
to fall off of his motorcycle.
I.7.ff Stunt information
Si J'ai des Sauts pour L'amour (Ending Edited By Act Of Congress)
A Li'l Dodo film by Glen T. Winstein
C.J. does stunts for Michelle. I think this reflects the work I did with
Stroheim. I also suggested the oat variety for his grain bread, athough I
didn't get credit for it.
You can download this file (Si J'ai Des Sauts Pour L'amour 80.6 MB) from
You can download any of my video files or "Glenster's Go On San Andreas v.1
Mission Select Save Games" (Glenster's MissionSelect SA v1) from filefront at
this link:
The 70 Unique Jumps, not needed for 100% completion of the game, are in sec-
tion XI.a.
Also see "Glenster's Guide to Some of Vice City" for some stunt info. For
more, by the big guys, see
Another place to try is The GTA Place Forums > Grand Theft Auto Gaming >
You can find a lot of GTA Stunt videos at:
You might also try Then go to "Grand Theft Auto:
San Andreas," "Media," "Videos and Trailers," and see dozens of choices.
"Flight Gear" (the one that starts at the drive-in on the E side of Fort Car-
son) is a snazzy stunt video by Pep and Kr3mlin.
"As One Again," a collaboration by the Twisted Metal Stunters with the Xtreme
Stunting Alliance, has good motorcycle and car stunts.
"Amped 2" is a real good community stunt video of motorcycle, bicycle, and car
stunts from gtastunting directed by daffy.
"GTA San Andreas Stunt Show" by Kid007
"GTA San Andreas Bike Stunts" (Video 4) by AJSTYLESISPHENOMENAL
"Overwatch" by Xtreme Stunting Alliance
"GTA San Andreas Stunts #1" by gelenkigeOma
"gta longest stoppie wheelie EVER!! in youtube" by kkingss4 and
backward stoppies to grinds by Daksad vs GangstaG
You can have C.J. drive a motorcycle or bicycle into the inverted yellow cone
on the NE side of the oval building S of "LOS" of "DOWNTOWN LOS SANTOS" to have
C.J. and his vehicle appear on the roof (where there's a Parachute). It makes a
good jump spot, and C.J., and any GSF gang member he takes on the motorcycle,
won't get hurt if you can have him land while staying on the vehicle.
All the motorcycles and bicycles, like the "Vice City" Sanchez, make it easy
to hold the wheelie position (hold down the Up key) except:
- the Wayfarer (the back fender won't let it),
- the Mountain Bike can do it but you need to pump the Up key and low acceler-
ation a while before you can get the bike to hold the wheelie, and
- the Sanchez, ironically, is too lousy at it to bother. If you pump the Up
key and low acceleration, you can get it to do it a bit.
According to Fugitive at the GTA Place Forums > Grand Theft Auto Gaming >
Stunting, to do a wallride:
- wheelie before the wall (unless there's already a slope up to it at the base
of it), and
- hit the wall and press and hold right (if the wall is to the right) or left
(if the wall is on the left).
(For SA, he also recommends you hold Lean Forward--NP9.)
The drainage ditches, including one E of C.J.'s house, can be used for an easy
way to get used to doing wallrides.
Fugitive, at the GTA Place Forums > Grand Theft Auto Gaming > Stunting, has
the motorcycle wheelie so the front wheel hits the top of the ledge 1st. For
small ledges, wheelie just before the ledge; for higher ledges, wheelie higher
from farther back from the ledge and press Lean Forward (NP9) upon impact. For
a curb bump. wheelie at about 80 degrees so the back of the motorcycle hits the
For a double bump, wheelie at least 45 degrees to hit the sidewalk with the
back of the motorcycle at the time of the 1st bump.
The Wheelie method for a faster bicycle
According to Fugitive at the GTA Place Forums > Grand Theft Auto Gaming >
Stunting, if C.J. makes a bicycle wheelie to about a 45 degree angle as he ac-
celerates, it gives him a higher top speed. A wheelie closer to 90 degrees can
let C.J. go even faster, but if it's too high it will slow him down.
I'll add that you should release Up once C.J. has a wheelie.
Fugitive, at the GTA Place Forums > Grand Theft Auto Gaming > Stunting, has
advice for a few different kinds of airgrabs.
Ground Grab
Have C.J.'s motorcycle get airborne (by going over the crest of a hill, doing
a jump, etc.), wheelie/lean back so the back of the motorcycle hits the ground,
at which time you have C.J. bail, and press F/Enter quickly and repeatedly.
Fall Grab
Have C.J. push a motorcycle off the edge of a high place like the roof of a
building. Press F/Enter quickly and repeatedly as it starts to fall.
Ground Grab to Fall Grab
Combine the two methods given above. Have C.J. drive a motorcycle toward the
edge of a roof, wheelie so the back of the motorcycle hits the roof and bail as
it hits, and press F/Enter to have C.J. do the grab as the bike goes off the
The San Andreas Superjump
Spuds725, at the message board below, gave a good explanation of how to do the
San Andreas Superjump that 1gamer26 discovered and shared on the Gamefaqs web
site message board.
You have C.J. drive the motorcycle along the front of the right wing of the
Cropduster or Hydra toward the fuselage and try to drive under the engine or
where the wing meets the body. He's teleported somewhere else, sometimes with a
lot of rotations. So far, on PC, I've only managed to make the plane hover in
mid-air in a wheelie position.
The "Vice City" morphing gimmick, which keeps Tommy on a motorcycle, isn't
used in "San Andreas," and certain PS2 codes that have the effect of keeping
C.J. on his motorcycle don't do that for the PC version.
Spuds says to use the PS2 "full weapon aiming while driving" code--on PC,
that's "OUIQDMW"--to have C.J. stay on the bike and get big Stats. I can reaf-
firm that one.
In a GTA Forums post, gtamike123 says to have C.J. stand by the motorcycle,
put in the code that makes vehicles blow up when C.J.'s vehicle bumps them, have
him get on the motorcycle, and put the code in again to disable it.
Bryceroni69 reports that Mxyzptlk's idea--to have C.J. get on a motorcycle
then enter the Jetpack code--which works for PS2 to keep C.J. on his motorcycle,
works for some collisions for PC.
Monster Superjump
Have C.J. drive a Monster to an intersection where vehicles are stopped and
drive it onto the engine hood of a vehicle that's stopped. Have C.J. exit to
stop the truck in that position then try to enter the other vehicle.
Various things can happen. Before C.J. can enter the other vehicle, it may
become imbedded grill downward in the street--sometimes in a larger, flatter
condition. It may disappear or spin off somewhere nearby. When the driver
doesn't try to drive away and stays in the vehicle while C.J. takes it from
them, it may take C.J. spinning for a super jump. (If so, the vehicle may ex-
plode before landing.)
YourFloody made a video of it called "GTA San Andreas Monster Truck Glitch."
Quad front flips by EVOLUTIONGSR8
When C.J. is going fairly fast on a Quad, have him stand and lean forward, Up,
while holding down Brake, Spacebar, and Reverse, S--in other words, do what you
do to have him do a Stoppie on a motorcycle--and he'll do a front flip. You can
have him do it down Mount Chiliad for a lot of flips (then fire an SMG like
Samus Aran).
The BMX Stoppie glitch
The BMX can be used for a long stoppie time, although it's more of a glitch
than a long stoppie. To do it, have C.J. do a stoppie with the BMX and lean so
far forward that the BMX becomes stuck in one spot, which you maintain by hold-
ing Up/Lean Forward.
The Two Wheeler gimmick
A "Vice City" gimmick I learned from Chris of the GTA Place web site...
works in "San Andreas," too. It lets you use a helicopter to get a big Two
Wheeler score. To do it, get C.J. into a Maverick or such and give W a tap to
get the helicopter off the ground. Press S and either A or D to press one land-
ing rail to the ground. When you've got as long a time for it as you want, have
C.J. exit the helicopter and enter a land vehicle. The Two Wheeler score will
appear on the screen. (The score has a glitch of giving you a longer time per-
iod than you used for the stunt.)
Quadruple Insane Jumps
PLPynton at GTA Forums says that Insane Jumps are based on jumps that are one
to three of these four things:
-more than 40 meters long
-more than 4 meters high
-2 flips or more
-more than 360 degree of rotation z (around a vertical axis)
He says you can get the game to recognize Quadruple Insane Jumps by changing
the data\main.scm file. You find the heading:
The 2nd line there is:
0020: $1304 > 4.0 ;; floating-point values
Change it to:
0018: $1292 > 4 ;; integer values
You can use one of Demarest's SA Code Tools (see X.13.n), "Darkpact," to
change the data\main.scm file so you won't have to create a new save game file
for it.
I.7.g Note for all the flying vehicles
You can turn on FLY WITH MOUSE in the OPTIONS menu (I usually don't).
You might want to remember where the airborne bribes are.
When C.J. uses one of the planes, jets, helicopters, or the Parachute, an al-
timeter appears to the left of the radar.
As in "Vice City," the horizontal traffic light posts aren't solid--the verti-
cal ones are. Candy Suxxx' lifted leg and the big chicken head aren't solid,
A flying vehicle can take some damage and keep flying, although the flying
ability may be impaired and it may smoke. A Hydra can get hit by a missile,
show some flames for a bit, then continue that way.
When C.J. is flying with a wanted rating, have him fly low to avoid attracting
Police Mavericks that fire bullets (three or more stars) and Hydras that fire
heat-seeking missiles (four or more stars). It can let you practice for
"N.O.E.," too--keep flying low and the Hydras will lose C.J. (and thanks to
spaceeinstein for reminding me).
Where the three airline entrances are
- Los Santos International Airport: east of the terminal building that looks
like the Theme Building (similar to the one in "III") is a rectangle of pairs of
roads paired with one over another. The airline entrance is north of "LOS" by
the north side of the upper street of the pair that are the northern east to
west pair.
- Easter Bay Airport: it's another case of roads paired with one over another.
The entrance is by the northeast section of the inner part of the upper circular
road south of "ER."
- Las Venturas Airport: the entrance is just south of the middle of the east
side of the basically "X"-shaped terminal building--just southwest of the west
tip of the "V" of the big "LAS VENTURAS" letters.
C.J. can pay a Juank airline $500 to get a ride on an AT-400 from one airport
to another. Each airline office is open from the start of the game but only
makes rides available to territories that are legally available, so rides are
available when C.J. makes at least two territories legally available. An air-
line ride gets rid of any number of wanted stars, too. Thanks to Orion_SR for
telling me that when the Badlands become legally available C.J. can get an air-
line ride from Las Venturas, which clears the wanted rating he got from going
there, to Los Santos.
I.7.h Plane or Jet Controls
W Accelerate
S Reverse
Mouse Steering or A Bank left (right flap down, left flap up)
Mouse Steering or D Bank right (right flap up, left flap down)
Q Rudder--turn left while Q is pressed
E Rudder--turn right while E is pressed
While the craft turns, the "camera" view lags behind it in making the turn.
The "camera" aims ahead while the craft moves forward after the turn.
Down Up
Up Down
F or Enter Exit the vehicle (if the vehicle is moving slowly on the
ground, one press stops the vehicle and another press
makes C.J. exit)
2 or NP+ Raise or lower landing gear--planes and jets go faster
with it raised; start or stop the release of dust from
the Crop Duster and red smoke from the Stuntplane
Left Ctrl
or NP0 Fire the machine gun of the Rustler and RC Baron
Mouse Wheel Up
or 4 Next Radio Station
Mouse Wheel Down
or R Previous Radio Station
F5 User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station
V "Camera" view
RMB Look all around using the mouse
NP8 Raise and close the hatch on the back of the Andromada
NP2 Lower and open the hatch on the back of the Andromada
NP4 The scene revolves clockwise
NP6 The scene revolves counter-clockwise
Controls for the Dodo:
Controls for the Skimmer:
Don't turn off the frame limiter when you have C.J. fly the Skimmer or it
won't be able to take off from the water.
Thanks to the tip by at Gamefaqs by Riamu for the tip that Shamals and
AT-400's have auto-pilot. (I'll add the Hydra and Andromada to the list--in
other words, all the jets have it.) Once you give one of those jets enough al-
titude, you can let go of the controls and it will fly, a bit slower and at the
same altitude, in the same direction.
Banking turns cause a drop in altitude which you can compensate for with ac-
celeration and by turning the vehicle up (the Down key). Rudder turns don't
cause that problem but don't allow as sharp a turn.
Thanks to Orion_SR for the tip that the AT-400 doesn't get attacked by Hydras
during a high wanted rating.
People who aren't used to the PC controls for planes, and complain that the
controls make planes hard to fly, might want to see this stunt video, "Wichita,"
by Ghostchild:
I have his word that he did it on PC with a keyboard and mouse setup and not a
gamepad or joystick. (If you saw his motorcycle stunt videos for "Vice City,"
you shouldn't be too surprised.)
According to Rockstar North lead level designer Craig Filshie, early 2005:
"Planes, like the rest of San Andreas, are drawn around CJ as he moves
through the state. In Los Santos, you'll see high-flying commercial jets
thousands of feet in the air. On the beaches of Santa Marina, there might
be the occasional flyby of a biplane. Out in the country, smaller private
aircraft are constantly buzzing around. When we first implemented the
feature, we found that every once in a while a plane would spawn with a
trajectory that led it directly into the side of a mountain or right into
the ground. And we loved it, so it stayed."
I'll add that sometimes the planes come trailing smoke down to the ground.
The area near the SW side of the Big Ear is a good spot to see it more often.
I.7.i Hydra Controls
Hover mode (like controls for a helicopter)
W Up
S Down
Mouse steering, A, or Left Bank left
Mouse steering, D, or Right Bank right
Q Rudder--Pivot left
E Rudder--Pivot right
Up Dip forward
Down Raise back
NP8 Hold until it changes to jet mode--four thruster nozzles pointing back
Jet mode
W Forward
S Reverse
Mouse Steering, A, or Left Bank left
Mouse Steering, D, or Right Bank right
Q Turn left
E Turn right
Up Down
Down Up
NP2 Hold until it changes to hover mode--four thruster nozzles pointing down
Either mode
F or Enter Exit the Hydra (if it's moving slowly on the ground, one
press stops the vehicle and another press makes C.J. exit)
Mouse Wheel Up
or 4 Next Radio Station
Mouse Wheel Down
or R Previous Radio Station
F5 User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station
V "Camera" view
RMB Look all around using the mouse
NP4 The scene revolves clockwise
NP6 The scene revolves counter-clockwise
2 or NP+ Raise or lower landing gear;
raising it lets the Hydra go faster
Spacebar Target; it causes a green reticle to appear over the target,
and the green turns to red when the system locks onto the
NP0 or
Left Ctrl Fire a rocket
Left Alt, or Right Ctrl Drop chaff (strips like aluminum foil, or clus-
ters of fine wire, meant to throw off radar de-
tection) and a flare (to throw off heat detec-
tion). You can use this, and change the path
of the Hydra, to elude missiles, which are in-
dicated on the radar and by a sound effect.
You might like to try flying the Hydra upside-down for a change.
You can point the thrusters at an angle for a slow forward speed. The Hydra
jolts for an instant when you go from hover mode to jet mode or back (Thanks to
The screen shot at the 2nd link below reflects that I remapped Fire from NP0
to hyphen--"-"--to make it easier to fire while taking a screen shot with F10
with FRAPS.
I.7.j Helicopter Controls
W Up
S Down
Mouse steering, A, or Left Bank left
Mouse steering, D, or Right Bank right
Q Pivot left
E Pivot right
Up Dip forward
Down Raise back
F or Enter Exit the helicopter
Mouse Wheel Up
or 4 Next Radio Station
Mouse Wheel Down
or R Previous Radio Station
F5 User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station
V "Camera" view
NP4 The scene revolves clockwise
NP6 The scene revolves counter-clockwise
Left Shift (remapped from Caps Lock or H) Stop the horizontal movement; turns
the Police Maverick search light
on and off from 19:00 to 6:00
2 or NP+ Sub-mission: "Brown Thunder" for the Hunter
Left Ctrl
or NP0 Fire the machine gun (Hunter or Sea Sparrow)
Left Alt, or Right Ctrl Fire a rocket of the Hunter; activate or deactivate
the magnet of the RC Goblin in "New Model Army"
and of the Leviathan in "Up, Up, and Away!"
The lag of the turn of the "camera" behind the turn of a vehicle is the worst
for the helicopters. Going to a backward view for a moment aims the "camera"
ahead again.
The Hunter machine gun has auto-aim for the Vigilante mission.
In "San Andreas," C.J. and others sometimes make superhuman jumps to get into
vehicles, which I noticed playing around with the BUBBLECARS code. Law enforc-
ers can do this to bust C.J., too, so avoid flying low to the ground during a
wanted rating.
For something a little different to look at more than it's generally useful, a
helicopter can be tilted to use the big spinning blades as a weapon that flings
targets a good distance.
I.7.k Parachute Controls
Select Parachute in the weapon/gift slot
Falling before opening the parachute:
Down/S slow descent, arms and legs spread
Up/W fast forward descent, arms to body and legs together
A or D Twirl
LMB Deploy a parachute while C.J. is falling
Parachute deployed:
S or Down C.J. pulls his knees up, which slows his descent and moves him
A or Right Fly left
D or Left Fly right
F or Enter Detach the parachute (preferably as C.J. nears the ground)
V "Camera" view
Sometimes, with full Armor and Health, C.J. can survive a long fall, but will
die if he falls the same distance but lands wearing an unopened Parachute.
Sometimes it doesn't open if C.J. doesn't fall enough 1st. To avoid that, try
not to cut it close--give him a high altitude where he can deploy it safely.
When C.J.'s Parachute is deployed and it looks like he may overshoot his land-
ing spot, you can have him fly in a circle to delay his advance toward it.
C.J. can jump from a flying vehicle into deep water without harm if the water
is deep enough. If he has a Parachute, it's a way to let him make such a jump
yet keep his Parachute afterward, too.
I.7.l Jetpack Controls
Left Shift Up
Spacebar Down
W or Up Forward (overrides Up)
S or Down Backwards
A or Left Left
D or Right Right
Mouse Steering Aim C.J. in any horizontal direction you want him to go
RMB Press to have C.J. immediately go in the direction the mouse
is aimed
or Left Ctrl Fire weapon if C.J. has a Tec 9 or Micro SMG; if not, he can
fire a 9mm Pistol; any of them can be dual-wielded with the
F or Enter Remove the Jetpack--it may not remain where C.J. leaves it if
C.J. uses something else, like a Parachute, in that slot,
or uses a vehicle, and might disappear if C.J. goes into
a building that loads the graphics for the interior. It
often appears in front instead of behind him at removal,
leading to moments more like Maxwell Smart than James
Bond when he's in a hurry.
C.J. can't enter a building that loads an interior while wearing the Jetpack.
C.J. has to remove the Jetpack to switch from one of the several weapons he
can fire while wearing it to another, even if the weapon he's equipped with
while wearing the Jetpack runs out of ammo.
Within limits, the Jetpack will go higher if operated over a higher surface.
An interesting feature for the Jetpack in the Joypad Configuration is to let
you have C.J. hover motionless by pressing the buttons or keys for strafe left
and strafe right at the same time. Combined with the auto-target feature, it
can be handy for having C.J. keep some distance while he shoots human targets.
I.7.m Crane Controls
F or Enter In the red shaft of light near the crane, Enter the crane;
Exit the crane
W or Up Move the magnet farther away
S or Down Move the magnet closer
A or Left Move the magnet left
D or Right Move the magnet right
Left Shift
(remapped) Lower the magnet
Spacebar Raise the magnet
Tab Deactivate or activate the magnetism of the magnet
V Close or distant "camera" view of the magnet
You use the same controls for the crane in Hunter Quarry except you use the
LMB to activate or deactivate the magnet for it, and V doesn't work to change
the view.
The Dude crane magnet in Easter Basin, San Fierro, and the one in Hunter Quar-
ry, Bone County, work on vehicles. (You can have C.J. get into an attached ve-
hicle and make a swing of it. This can also help you get Insane Stunt and Two
Wheeler stats.)
The Final Build magnet E of the Clown's Pocket, Las Venturas, only works on
the boxes in the area. Once the boxes are lifted, they hover in space.
All three have magnets that look a little like they're from "Plan 9 from Out-
er Space" by Ed Wood, 1959.
The wrecking ball crane, in San Fierro at the N end of the big brown block N
of where it says "DOHERTY" on the paper map, can be used to attack pedestrians
and vehicles. It doesn't reach beyond the lot, though, so C.J. has to bring one
into the range of the crane. A wanted rating will bring the corrupt law en-
forcers and their vehicles around. It can kill a pedestrian in one drop of the
wrecking ball, but it takes a number of drops or swings of it to do much damage
to a vehicle. Since it's impractical, it's a sort of Rube Goldberg contraption.
I.7.n Boat Controls
W Accelerate
S Reverse
A Left
D Right
F or Enter Enter a boat and man the steering wheel;
release the steering wheel
Q Look, aim submachine gun left
E Look, aim submachine gun right
Q and E Look behind
LMB Fire
Mouse Wheel Up
or 4 Next Radio Station
Mouse Wheel Down
or R Previous Radio Station
F5 User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station
V "Camera" view
RMB Look all around using the mouse
NP4 The scene revolves clockwise
NP6 The scene revolves counter-clockwise
The Predator police boat, just as in "III" and "Vice City," has a built-in
machine gun that fires forward or to either side.
C.J. can jack a boat. Have him swim to the front of it and press Spacebar to
have him grab the side, and again to have him climb aboard. As in "Vice City,"
the pilot jumps off and can't swim. If it's a Predator, you may have a police-
man stand on the front and fire at C.J., though.
See "Codes," I.14, to see how to use the FLYINGFISH code to fly one of the
speedboats like a flying Rhino.
I.8.a A rundown of some of the vehicles and some of their real names
There are pictures of the vehicles at:
I especially thank the gta-series web site for having the screen shots I re-
lied on the most till I came up with my own.
I'm sorry if some of the screen shots have looked look a little murky. For
about half a year, I had to use an old GeForce4 MX 440 graphics card to see the
game vehicle proportions to make real vehicle comparisons. If I put all the
settings low, I could get rid of graphic distortions in C.J.'s immediate area by
switching between a couple of the lowest resolutions. With a shot lined up, I'd
crank it to 1024x768 and medium detail for the shot. Otherwise, it would look
like this:
Going from a graphics card that barely manages to play the game to one that's
moderately good, with a moderately good PC, otherwise, really makes a differ-
ence. It's like the difference between seeing a sketch of something compared to
seeing it with the color shading and little light effects added. A good card,
etc., lets you use a draw distance mod, too, so screenshots look a lot better.
If I go on too much with certain vehicles, it's because the new card makes me
go, "Oo-oo, look at that!" at everything--I'll calm down.
As noted at the start, this walk-through, with active links, is at:
Click "Back" to return from any of the links there--if you "X" it out, you'll
exit the web page. To compare screenshots to photographs of vehicles, you might
bring a page up twice and click a link from each.
The vehicles that return unchanged from "Vice City" are covered in "Glenster's
Guide to Some of Vice City" in sections I.9.B to I.9.E. A few of the new ones
are also covered in this guide at "Exports and Imports for the Cranberry Crane"
Sometimes, the years I give for a model aren't the entire range of years the
model looked like that. The Wikipedia article that accompanies a model may give
the years of the "generation" of a model. Google Image Search may help me nar-
row the range of years beyond that. It's not a perfect system, so if anyone has
any helpful ideas, please let me know. At this writing, I could use the proper
names for, at least, some of the boats, the Sweeper, and the Dozer.
If a web address I give doesn't work by the time you read this, try using the
beginning of the address and searching the site (or just scouring Google or such
like I did).
Flying vehicles
AT-400 Boeing 737--I'm guessing 737-400 to match the "400"; an Airbus A320 is
similar The AT-400 is in a big hanger at the SE corner of Las Venturas Airport.
C.J. can also get a ride in one as a passenger at each of the three airports.
If you have C.J. try to go around the surface of it with a Jet Pack, you find
it has some unusual collision files. There are big invisible parts over the
wings, and a bumpy strip of it over the fuselage. C.J. can go through the
wheels, the middle of the tail fin, and fly up into part of the belly of the
fuselage, which can leave it in a wheelie position. I haven't tried the VC su-
perjump, except using an SA AT-400 for the VC Packer, with it, though.
C.J. can enter an AT-400 on the right or left side, but I'm not sure if the
AT-400 seats one or two. I haven't yet tried to get the right door near a plat-
form high enough for one of C.J.'s gang members to enter it, if they can. They
won't go up the steps he can tow to a door.
Thanks to Mxyzptlk for the Airbus A320 tip
Andromada The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is a good match for the wings and engines
and may be the origin of the name--the name of a galaxy. The fuselage has the
right bulge along the lower sides and proportion to the wings and engines, but
the nose is too pointed and the Galaxy is entirely too big and moosey to be the
A newer cargo jet, the Boeing C-17 Globemaster, just manages to get into the
1992 time frame of the game, and the most similar models (without the upturned
tips on the main wings) have the right round nose. The proportion between fuse-
lage and engines is wrong but it's a good indication of the overall size of the
An older cargo jet, the Lockheed C-141B or C Starlifter, is similar but it's
too long and thin with too long a fuselage in front of the main wings.
You might say it's mainly a Galaxy reduced to the size of a Globemaster and
given the nose of the Globemaster. It's featured in "Stowaway" and "A Home in
the Hills." On PC, you can also make it appear with the GTA SA Control Center
(X.13.c). You can open and close the hatch in back (but can't get anything in
it) with NP8 and NP2. The Andromada seats two.
Beagle Britten-Norman Islander It's high wing, twin prop plane. If they
made a more stubby-nosed version, it would be perfect. The 1st Islander, the
G-ATCT c/n 1, shown in the 1st link below, looks the most that way of the ones I
found. The name may come via a pun with the name of the C-2 Greyhound, which
has a few similar features, and the fact that the black bulb on the nose of new-
er Islanders, combined with the two big front windows, makes it look a little
like a beagle. The Beagle seats two.
Cargobob Sikorsky CH-53 front and attachments, Boeing CH47D Chinook fuselage,
and Eurocopter EC135 tail prop. This is sort of the Glendale of helicopters
(and about as much fun to drive). It looks to me like someone took a CH-53 and
smoothed it off and shaped it like a Chinook on the way back to one of those
distinctive Eurocopter tail props. And thanks to photographer Peter Jong, who I
think is right about the Cargobob looking like it has the fuselage of a Boeing
CH47D Chinook. It also makes the name funnier:
The name is, I think, a play on the idea of a shiskebab. You take a Eurocop-
ter tail prop, including the stem or "stick," and stick a Chinook on it--a cargo
helicopter on it--and you get a Cargobob. It seats two.
(The 1st several links below show a CH-53, a Chinook, and two Eurocopters.)
Cropduster Grumman G-164 AgCat Use 2 or NP+ to make the dust start or stop
appearing from the back end. The Cropduster seats one.
Dodo Cessna 150--called a 152 since 1978 The Dodo seats two.
See? "San Andreas" graphics make it look gray and sad in the middle of a
sunshiny field. Someone should make a mod to throw more light on C.J. and his
vehicles. The Dodo should be lit up more like this (without the fire):
Easter Bay Airport entrance: the depiction of an airplane over the entrance
looks a bit like a U.K. WWII bomber--the Avro Manchester, predecessor to the
Avro Lancaster. (Thanks to thedude777 for pointing out the three blade type of
Flying Saucer Could be a replica of a flying saucer. Could be a flying sau-
cer. Could be a promotion for yoyos sold in the lobby. Could be to bring yoyos
into the lobby. I do know this: the real one, at the Little A'Le'Inn (as in
"little alien") in Rachel, Nevada, is on a cable strung through a crane, and
this one is stuck on a stick.
Hunter: Hughes/McDonnell Douglas AH-64A Apache '84-'92 The Hunter, the
HPV1000 motorcycle, and the Rhino tank are the most popular of the law enforce-
ment vehicles to use for the Vigilante mission (III.24). The Hunter seats one.
The wings, back of the cockpit, and shorter nose are like a Harrier II verti-
cal/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) jet.
The tailpiece, thinner body, the rest of the cockpit, and the intake on the
bottom (not one on each side as with a Harrier II) are like an F16.
The word "Hydra" has had many uses. It began to be associated with something
fierce as the name of a mythical monster with more than one head. In recent
years, a Hydra-like problem, or Hydra, is one that increases in problems as you
as you try to solve it.
The Hydra 70 family of WAFAR (Wrap-Around Fin Aerial Rocket) includes the Mk
40, "originally used during the Korean and Vietnam wars," "from about 20 differ-
ent firing platforms, both fixed-wing and armed helicopters, by all US armed
forces. Today, the AH-64D Apache Longbow carries the Hydra rocket launcher
standard on its weapon pylons." The relationship of this rocket to the type of
helicopter the Hunter is based on is probably the source of the name of the "San
Andreas" Hydra.
The Hydra seats one.
Jet Pack Jet Pack or Rocket Pack In text\american.gxt, it's called both a
"jet pack" and a "jetpack." Sean Connery used one in the James Bond movie
"Thunderball," 1965. In real life, it's mainly useful in outer space where the
small fuel supply isn't taxed as much.
Leviathan Sikorsky H-3 Sea King. The Leviathan can land on water. A "Levia-
than" in the Bible is a large sea creature, possibly a crocodile; the word has
come to have a broader meaning and refer to something big, like a big ship. The
Leviathan seats one.
Little dot that flies around in the sky Some say "flying saucer." Cooler
heads prevail and say "jet flying through the stratosphere." But on closer in-
spection, it proves to be a little dot that flies around in the sky. We don't
know about the little dot that flies around in the sky. We like it, but we
don't know. And that's how we like it.
Maverick Bell 206L-4 The Maverick seats four.
Nevada Douglas C-47 (modified DC-3) Skytrain "Dakota." The Nevada seats one.
News Chopper Bell 206 B, B2, or B3 JetRanger except with a smaller body in
the back, and the front side window is bigger than the rear side window instead
of vice versa as with most of the models I found. The News Chopper seats two.
Parachute A parafoil
Ottae, at GTA Forums, wrote that the Parachutes have a tartan pattern. (It
has what we in North America call a plaid pattern, and it signifies a Scottish
clan. It's probably related that Rockstar North is based in Scotland.)
Police Maverick Bell 206L-4 Left Shift can activate the search light from
19:00 to 6:00. The Police Maverick seats four.
RC Baron An RC toy biplane version of Manfred von Richthofen's (the Red Bar-
on's) Fokker Dr.I triplane.
The Pizzadox Plus 27 trainer (X.13.l) lets you stop the timer if you want to
play Beefy Baron longer.
Raindance Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk. It may be related that GTA stars Bill
Fichtner--Ken Rosenberg, and Tom Sizemore--Sonny Forelli, starred in the 2001
movie "Black Hawk Down." The Raindance seats two.
(For the 2nd link, you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the 1st line in
the address bar.)
Rustler Curtiss P-40D Warhawk "Kittyhawk"
Thanks again to GTA Phreak--this time for specifying the D version of the P40.
Like the Rustler, it's stubbier than preceding models, the front end is differ-
ent, and the machine guns were moved from the center to the wings.
P40B (3rd photo down gives a profile)
The Rustler seats one.
Sea Sparrow Bell 47G (Army: H-13, OH-13D, and OH-13E; Navy/Marines: HTL-4)
helicopter with pontoons This looks like the kind the Coast Guard might use.
The Sea Sparrow seats two.
Shamal Bombardier Learjet 55 "Shamal" is the name of the NW wind in the low-
er valley of the Tigris and Euphrates and the Persian Gulf. (Thanks to a post
at the GTA Forums message board by pdescobar.) A "Shamal" is also a Pokemon.
The Shamal seats one.
Skimmer Cessna 150 on floats The Skimmer seats two. I had to get it on
ground before one of C.J.'s gang members would enter it, so you might try that
in shallow water along a coast to be able to take off afterward.
Sparrow Bell 47G (Army: H-13, OH-13D, and OH-13E; Navy/Marines: HTL-4) heli-
copter A Bell 47D-1, an earlier model, is suspended for viewers as an example
of excellence in design at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The Spar-
row seats two.
Stuntplane (Curtis Pitt's) Pitt's Special Use 2 or NP+ to make red smoke
start or stop appearing from the back end. The Stuntplane seats one.
Thanks to the AggroSk8er walk-through at Gamefaqs for the names of the AT-400,
Cropduster, Leviathan, Nevada, Raindance, Rustler (with GTA Phreak), and Stunt-
Coastguard A low flats boat, about 20', with a couple of outboard motors,
good in shallow water, with a rollover bar-looking thing with several antennae
in the back. It's the same as the one used in "Vice City." Whether it is or
isn't based on an actual Miami or San Francisco Coast Guard Response boat, it's
a plausible example of how one could look. It could also pass for someone's
lake and stream fishing boat.
Dinghy An inflatable fast rescue, landing, diving, or recreational boat. It
looks like an inflatable life raft in the front and sides with a steering wheel
stuck in the front and two motors in the back. It could be used as a dinghy--a
smaller boat used as a utility boat by a larger boat.
Jetmax A turbine jet boat. A jet boat is propelled by sending water out
through nozzles in the back instead of using propellers. It has a showy inboard
motor with an air scoop and two exhaust pipes.
Launch It looks like one of the Police Coast Guard patrol crafts, possibly of
either the New Generation Patrol Craft (PC Class) or Interceptor Craft (PK
Class), that can have a general purpose machine gun fitted in the back.
The 'E' class Tiger Marine Fast Response Craft, used by the Maritime and
Coastguard Agency (MCA), the Port of London Authority (PLA), and the Royal Na-
tional Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) on the River Thames, looks like a similar
boat. It would need a metal hull, if it doesn't have one, to be more of a
It's more recent than 1992, the time of "San Andreas," but a USN Mark V Spe-
cial Operations Craft (SOC) is a bigger version of a similar boat. Even more
recent, a CMN Interceptor DV-15 fast patrol boat is a similar kind of boat but
would need to be stretched out to have a longer open deck to be a good match.
A "launch" is a motorboat with an open or half open deck. The Launch has a
machine gun fitted on the back but it doesn't work. It's in the 2nd covered
dock S of the 2nd "S" of "Easter Basin."
Marquis 69 It looks like the Endeavour 42 sailboat, a sloop, Crockett had in
the TV series "Miami Vice" except smaller--more the length of an Endeavor 32,
33, or 35. A 35' model is shown at the next link.
Predator A police boat. I found a couple of basically comparable fast patrol
boats, shown at the 1st two links below. It's a little launch with a radar that
doesn't revolve on top. Like the Predator of "III" and "Vice City," it has a
built-in machine gun that shoots forward or to either side.
Reefer A sport fisherman boat. It's like a little Orca, the fishing boat
Quint, Robert Shaw, hunts sharks with in the Steven Spielberg movie "Jaws,"
1975. The radar on top revolves.
Speeder It's a propeller-driven, original-style "cigarette" speedboat (from
the 1960's when Donald Aronow designed that type of speedboat, probably).
Squalo III As in "Vice City," it looks like a "cigarette" speedboat Crockett
had in the TV series "Miami Vice" (except with a rounded windshield, etc.). In
"San Andreas" it has the railing of the 39' Chris Craft Stinger used in the pi-
lot episode, 1984, and otherwise basically looks like the Wellcraft 38 Scarab KV
used for the 2nd season and on.
The first link below is for a Chris Craft Stinger, and the next five are Well-
crafts, the last three of which show the one Wellcraft made for Don Johnson
(thanks to posts by DJdude at the forum for those five pictures
of Wellcrafts).
Tropic A sedan bridge powerboat, like the 1980 Sea Ray 270 Sedan Bridge shown
at the page at the 1st link below.
(For the 2nd link, you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the 1st in the
address bar.)
USS Numnutz: the submarine at the coast of Esplanade East, San Fierro, is a
solid version of the non-solid one that's underwater N of North Point Mall in
"Vice city."
As mentioned in section I.1, I think the name of the submarine at the coast of
Esplanade East, San Fierro, may be a pun on the name of Fleet Admiral Chester
William Nimitz, who helped design and served in submarines during much of his
early naval career, was the United States signatory to the surrender terms
aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay at the end of WWII, and was ac-
tive in San Francisco community affairs in the last years of his life.
Thanks to Ben "Cerbera" Millard for the tip that the Nimitz class of aircraft
carriers, named after the same Fleet Admiral, is the biggest--the aircraft car-
rier at Easter Basin is relatively puny.
Vortex A hovercraft souped up for racing See I.12.b, "Fun glitches, gim-
micks, etc.," for the way to use "The Vortex submarine gimmick" in the PC ver-
sion of "San Andreas."
One observation: some people need the Stallion to be a pure Ford Mustang,
which the middle of the Stallion may be a modified version of, but they overlook
the Mustangs of the Hotring Racer, which is a better car, and which they usually
call a Chevrolet Monte Carlo Aero Coupe, which is mostly what Hotring Racer B
Bike Lowrider--a combination of a 1964-1975 Schwinn Fair Lady and a 1963-1975
Schwinn Sting-Ray.
Blade Mid-1960's Chevrolets and a 1967 Oldsmobile Cutlass
Most of the basic body shape: 1967 Chevrolet Camaro with the front end made
shorter by the changes given below
Front wheel wells, which are repeated in style for the back ones, front of
the engine hood, grill, and similarly rounded, if not as tall, windshield: 1964
Chevrolet Bel Air
Grill (similar to the Bel Air) and front bumper: 1966 Chevrolet Caprice
Brake lights and the similarity of the shape of the body to the metal plate
the Blade has them on: 1963 Chevrolet Biscayne
Front of the engine hood (similar to the Bel Air) and two pairs of headlights
with a space between each pair where a third is placed on the Blade: 1967 Olds-
mobile Cutlass
Buffalo 1992 Dodge Daytona
1985-1992 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z
1987-1993 Ford Mustang GT
The back is the Daytona with smaller rear side windows (similar to the Mustang
rounded off).
The middle is the Camaro without the back dividing strip of a rear window.
In the front, the engine hood has a point in the middle of the front like the
Camaro, and the grill area has the slant of the Mustang. The headlights are
like none of them.
Thanks to QuickFord97 at GTA Forums for the Daytona/Camaro blend idea,
CKYbassplayer69 at GTA Forums for reaffirming the lead on the Daytona, and can-
ada rules at Gamefaqs for the lead on the Mustang.
Comet Porsches and Jaguars
It has the uncovered recessed headlights of a series 2 (1969-1971) Jaguar E-
It has the uncovered convertible cab of a 1967-1973 (and later) Porsche 911
Targa (thanks to sonofkorol at Gamefaqs) featuring a rollover bar (a bit squared
off on the Comet) (the Targa has a removable top and back window)...
...except the back of the roll bar is vertical and covered except for a little
horizontal window, smaller than the ones on the back of Jaguar series 2 E-type
convertible roofs (with unfortunately little rear visibility for the driver).
It's different than the back of the cab of the "Vice City" Comet. It's like a
squared-off version of the back window of the GTA Hustler. I haven't found a
real good match for it.
The top of the front of the body of one of those Porsche 911 Targas has been
smoothed flat from side to side and is horizontal over the engine but slants
down from across the back of the headlights to the front bumper.
The bumpers are like those of those 1967-1973 Porsche 911 Targas except that
the bumpers are thicker and the back bumper goes completely across the back end.
The back end of the body is like a 1978-1983 Porsche 911 featuring the "whale
The bumpers are thicker like those on those 911's as well, except the two ver-
tical black segments of the rear bumper are slimmer and repeated on the front
bumper, resembling all-blackened versions of the ones found on some of the bump-
ers of the 1967-1973 models mentioned above.
And the horizontal bumpers look more like those on a 1985-1990 Jaguar XJ-S.
Esperanto 1978 Cadillac Eldorado Coupe
1980 Lincoln Continental Town Car
1972-1979 Lincoln Continental Town Coupe
It's a stocky version of the "Vice City" Esperanto, which is also mainly a
1978 Cadillac Eldorado Coupe. But for the "San Andreas" version, different
things are used to change the front and back ends.
The long oval vertical brake light housings of the Eldorado have been turned
upside-down and the black pads and the housing for them have been removed.
The horizontal brake lights look like those of a 1980 Lincoln Continental Town
Car with the middle horizontal brake light replaced--it looks like it was
painted with a color that nearly matches the one used for the body.
The grill and headlights look like those on a 1972-1979 Lincoln Continental
Town Coupe but with a flattened grill. A 1978 model is shown at the 1st link
Glendale 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air
1961 Dodge Dart Pioneer four-door
1960 Dodge Dart Phoenix
It has headlights above the grill, which has a round spear-like bumper project
from it on either side, like a smoothed-out, simplified front of a 1957 Chevro-
let Bel Air. For example, Rockstar North removed the horizontal bar that goes
across the middle of the front. (A 1955 Buick is similar and would be simpli-
fied, too.)
It has the middle and back end of a 1961 Dodge Dart Pioneer four-door except
for two things.
One, once at the back of the trunk, the Glendale strange tail fins slope down
to the rear bumper and the 1961 Dodge Dart strange tail fins curl forward in a
horizontal line to the middle of the side of the body.
And two, it has the housing of the brake lights of a 1960 Dodge Dart Phoenix
except smoothed off from front to back.
The Oceanic uses the front end of the 1961 Dodge Dart Pioneer (see below).
Hotring Racer (Los Santos Forum after "8-Track")
1983-1986 Ford Mustang LX
1987-1988 Ford Mustang GT hatchback
It has "SUMO" on the engine hood. 1983-1986 Ford Mustang LX (preferably 1986
because it got stronger through that period) with some 1987-1988 Ford Mustang GT
hatchback features.
You give it the sort of headlights and grill of a 1983-1986 Ford Mustang ex-
cept each pair of headlights are merged into one rectangular headlight as found
on a 1987-1988 Ford Mustang. You give it the sort of windows of a 1986 LX and
the airfoil found on the back edge of the trunk of some of the 1987-1988 GT
hatchback versions. Then you improvise a few other NASCAR design changes for
the front and back ends. The Wikipedia article at a link below has a section on
popular ways the Mustang has been customized. A couple of 1986 LX models and a
1987 GT hatchback version are shown in the 1st three links below. The 2nd 1986
model has been customized a bit in the Hotring way.
Hotring Racer A 1984-1986 Chrysler Laser/Dodge Daytona
1973-1975 Vauxhall Firenza
1989-1992 Ford Thunderbird
It has "Panoramic" and "hinterland" on the engine hood. The front end looks
like a 1984-1986 Chrysler Laser/Dodge Daytona...
...or a 1973-1975 Vauxhall Firenza--a "Droopsnoot."
It looks like the front end of one of those cars listed was grafted onto a
1987 Ford Thunderbird Aero Bird used for NASCAR racing, although with a thicker
divider between the side windows and less body behind the rear side window like
those on a 1989-1992 (more a "San Andreas" time frame though it appeared in
"Vice City" in 1986) Ford Thunderbird (shown at the 2nd link below).
Hotring Racer B 1986 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Aero Coupe Notchback
1984 Hurst/Olds
1986 Buick Regal T-Type/Grand National
It has "BOBO" on the engine hood. It's a 1986 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Aero
Coupe Notchback. The Aero Coupe model, introduced in 1986, has a shorter trunk,
which is good for the match, but has a rear window that slopes out more from the
back of the cab, which is bad for it. A Notchback doesn't have that big rear
window. Champion Dale Earnhardt is pictured with one below.
The grill is longer vertically and is made up of vertical bars, which look
like the bars on the front end of a 1984 Hurst/Olds by Oldsmobile except put in
the middle like on the front end of a 1986 Buick Regal T-Type/Grand National.
The same three Hotring Racers appeared in the Hotring races at Hyman Memorial
Stadium in "Vice City." (Thanks to Ben "Cerbera" Millard for telling me the 3rd
one appeared there.)
Oceanic 1961 Dodge Dart Pioneer
1955 and 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air
It has the grill and front end of a 1961 Dodge Dart Pioneer...
It has the wheel wells of a 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air.
It has the loop of color on the side of a 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air four door
except the loop goes from the middle toward the back instead of the front.
It has the back end and brake lights of a 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air except each
red brake light covers the entire back of the metal plate for it.
I haven't found a great match for the cab yet. It's roughly like a cab for a
1957 four door Chrysler Windsor with the little window dividers removed, and
with the back window of a 1956 Chevrolet.
The Glendale uses the middle and back of the 1961 Dodge Dart Pioneer (see
Rancher and Ranger 1983-1988 Chevrolet K5 Blazer and S10 Blazer
1984-1992 Jeep Cherokee
The Ranger is basically a Rancher that's been adapted for police use and is
usually found beyond the main cities. They're both shaped like the "Vice City"
A "Vice City" gimmick has broader application in "San Andreas": C.J. gets five
Shotgun shells, for any kind of Shotgun (shells for one add to the ammo of any
other), the 1st time he enters any of the Police cars or a Ranger
1983-1988 Chevrolet K5 Blazer (the GMC Jimmy is similar) for most of the body
with each pair of headlights simplified into one.
Thanks to the GTA Forums > GTA San Andreas > General Discussion > Real Car
Names list by nekkidhillbilly for the Chevrolet K5 Blazer tip.
And thanks to reader Logan King for pointing out that the models of this range
of years make a better match for the grill and headlights.
A 1988 model is at the next link.
The parking lights on the front corners are like those on a Chevrolet S10
Blazer from the same period. A 1988 model is at the next link.
The back window and brake lights look like those on a 1984-1992 Jeep Cherokee
XJ but only the lower sections, about the size of those on a Blazer, of the
brake lights light up. A 1992 model is at the next link.
Romero Custom Cadillac, Lincoln, and Mercury Marquis Colony Park hearse It's
not the same as Romero's Hearse in "Vice City."
Front bumper, raised section in the middle of the engine hood, and wheel
wells: 1980-89 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham except the two vertical pieces on the
front of the bumper should be removed. A 1985 model is shown at the link below.
The front sides of the hood and parking lights are like those on a 1974-1979
Lincoln Continental. A 1977 model is shown at the link below.
Brake lights: 1989-1992 Lincoln Mark VII or 1975 Mercury Marquis Colony Park
wagon. A 1989 Lincoln Mark VII and a 1975 Mercury Marquis Colony Park wagon are
shown at the two links below.
Back bumper: 1975 Mercury Marquis Colony Park wagon.
The headlights of any of these examples are replaced with two large square
The engine hood should come down farther in the front in a straight horizontal
line. The front end, above the bumper, should be customized to be a bit like
that of a 1971 Chevrolet Impala.
The 1974 custom Cadillac station wagon shown at the next link has vertical
bars for a grill that's similar to the one on the Romero.
Sabre 1971-1972 Buick GSX
1970 Oldsmobile 442
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle
1971-1972 Buick GSX for the pairs of round headlights and the sides of the
front bumper. Of the three cars listed, it also comes the closest to matching
the middle of the grill, although it should be flat and not project to a verti-
cal line in the middle. The 1970 Buick Gran Sport GSX is remembered as the pow-
erful GSX since GM requirements of the next two years--to use low lead gasoline,
etc.--made the GSX less powerful. If we choose the Buick, the "Vice City" Sabre
Turbo could be the 1970 GSX and the Sabre could represent the 1971-1972 models.
Thanks to nekkidhillbilly at GTA Forums for the Buick GSX
The 1970 Oldsmobile 442 gets the headlights and sides of the front bumper
right but the grill is less of a match.
Thanks to Pesci at GTA Forums for the 1970 Oldsmobile 442
Thanks to reader Ruffin Bailey for suggesting that the name "Sabre" may come
from the 442, prior to 1968, being an option to soup up an Oldsmobile Cutlass.
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle for the body It matches the arch at the back of the
side window better than the two listed above. The "Vice City" Sabre Turbo could
be the SS 454 (see the Wikipedia article at the link below).
Thanks to El_Diablo, reaffirmed by CKYbassplayer69, at GTA Forums
The back end looks like that of a 1970 Oldsmobile 442 convertible, with the
hard top cab of one of the Chevelle given a window squared off to be a bit
smaller than that of a convertible Chevrolet Chevelle, Buick GS, or Oldsmobile
Sandking 1984-1992 Jeep XJ Cherokee
1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee, aka a Jeep ZJ
The overall style is that of a 1984-1992 Jeep XJ two door with bigger suspen-
sion and wheels, a hood vent, an air foil on the back of the roof, and the head-
lights made the same vertical length as the grill.
A 1986 and 1992 model, and three models of unknown years, are shown at the
links below.
The body looks a little fatter in relation to the windows and upper cab area.
The body, except the front end, has been rounded like a 1993 Jeep ZJ to look
more aerodynamic.
It's about the same as the "Vice City" Sandking. It could be used off road,
such as for Baja racing. (This isn't to be confused with one of the San Andreas
pedestrians calling someone a "baha." "Baha" is pronounced the same but is a
derogatory term for a hippie that doesn't bath or such.)
The bigger suspension makes it credible that it could raise so much when it
has hydraulics, which it has about one in ten-fifteen of the times it appears by
the Big Ear.
Stallion 1978 Oldsmobile 442
1971-1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1
1987-1992 Ford Mustang LX
Early 1970's/1978 Oldsmobile 442
It has the head lights and grill of a 1978 Oldsmobile 442.
It has a pair of hood scoops similar to those seen on some 1971-1973, at
least, models of the Ford Mustang Mach 1. A 1973 model is shown below.
Seen in profile, the body looks like a 1987-1992 Ford Mustang LX except with
the back rounded off and the wheel wells squared off. A 1988 and 1989 Ford Mus-
tang LX, and the profiles of the "Vice City" and "San Andreas" Stallions, are
shown below.
The Ford Mustang LX rear side windows have been covered with vinyl so the
front side edge is above the back of the doors. The rear side window dividers
are slid forward to make little nearly triangular rectangular front side windows
except the dividers are vertical. The back windows look like those on the Mus-
tang convertible. A 1992 Ford Mustang LX is shown below.
It has a back bumper and brake lights like a simplified version of those on an
early 1970's Oldsmobile 442/"Vice City" Stallion. It's as though compressing
the "Vice City" Stallion to make the "San Andreas" Stallion made the brake
lights bigger, like those on the back of a later Oldsmobile. Thanks to Prodi-
gital at GTA Forums for the 1970 Oldsmobile 442 brake lights tip. A 1972 Olds-
mobile 442, a 1981 Oldsmobile Delta 88, and the backs of the "Vice City" and
"San Andreas" Stallions, are shown at the 1st four links below.
If I had to simplify all that, I'd say it looks like a Mustang with a modified
cab, rounded back end, and squared off wheel wells, with some Oldsmobile stuff
on the ends.
Stretch Cadillac limousine and Lincoln Town Car (another Ladillac or Cadin-
coln) stretch limousine--possibly some Ford Mercury limos thrown in for good
measure It's not the same as the "Vice City" Stretch.
Most, not all, limousines are customizations of cars by Cadillac or Lincoln.
Some features are better indications of the customizer than of the original car.
Add the fact that Rockstar sometimes makes a vehicle out of a blend of two or
more, and identifying the original car could get tricky. I mainly used photo-
graphs of Cadillac and Lincoln Town Car limousines to identify a few things
about the Stretch.
Front bumper: the 1989 Lincoln Town Car limo front bumper goes straight across
like the one on the Stretch, but the bumpers should wrap around the sides like
the ones on the Ford Mercury limo given a few paragraphs below. The two verti-
cal pieces that are on the bumper in front of the grill should be removed, too.
Grill: Lincoln Town Car grill made as big as the grill of a 1993 Cadillac
Fleetwood limo.
Back end, brake lights, bumper, and rear window: 1986 Cadillac DeVille without
the little horizontal reflector strip (?) just above the bumper. It's the same
as on the "Vice City" Stretch.
Wheel wells: 1992 Cadillac Deville (rectangular with rounded corners) and
other Cadillacs. At the link below, a regular Deville is shown. I'd like to
see how good a match the limo version is, but I didn't find one the last time I
checked the Internet.
Another good match for the wheel wells is the Ford Mercury limo (year?) shown
at the link below. The black line on the sides, and wrap around bumpers, are
similar, too. Unfortunately, this is the only picture of it I found the last
time I checked the Internet.
Walton Chevrolet 1st Series 1955 model 3014 with the cab of a Chevrolet 2nd
Series 3100 "Task Force" pickup '55 and a wooden cargo bed.
Land vehicles
The car shown at the link above is a 1960 Austin Healey Sprite. Isn't it
cute? Imagine it with hydraulics bouncing along to some tunes.
Thanks to the GTA Forums > GTA San Andreas > General Discussion > Real Car
Names list by nekkidhillbilly for the ones marked with an asterisk.
I thank FORDSUCK for the ones marked with two asterisks. FORDSUCK's "Real
Life Car List" can be found at:
I thank PRB051 for the ones marked with three asterisks. PRB051's "Real Car
Names List/FAQ" can be found at:
Admiral 1976-1985 Mercedes Benz E-Class (W123)
Alpha 1991-1996 Dodge Stealth*
Ambulance 1992 Ford E350 type 3 Ambulance (cube style), a newer model of the
kind found in "Vice City." It's used for the Paramedic mission, III.25. If
C.J.'s Health isn't at the maximum level, the 1st time C.J. gets into an Ambu-
lance, he gets a little Health.
BF Injection A Volkswagen Beetle-based, or similar, fiberglass, street reg-
istered beach buggy.
Thanks to pdescobar at GTA Forums for seeing the reference in the name to the
phrase "hot beef injection," which is used as a reference to hot dogs in the TV
cartoon show "The Simpsons," 1989-present, and is also used as a euphemism.
BF-400 Honda VFR 400 The BF-400 may or may not have a windshield but always
has two separate round headlights. A "B" may have been added to the "F" of
"VFR" to refer to the same thing as the "BF" in the listing above.
BMX Schwinn (?) BMX BMX stands for Bicycle Moto-cross(X)
Baggage 1985 Equitech M40 baggage tractor is close. (As with the same vehi-
cle of "Vice City," an Equitech for another year is probably the match, but I
couldn't find it. Some models by other companies are nearly matches, too.)
Bandito It's a pipe frame dune buggy, sometimes called a sand rail. Gordon
Freeman drives one in the game "Half Life 2," 2004, which is also referred to
with the crowbar in Area 69.
Banshee 1992 Dodge Viper*** with variations mainly to the front and back ends
(For the 1st link, you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the 1st in the
address bar.)
I'll add that the brake lights look more like those on the 1995 model shown at
the next link.
Barracks M923 U.S. military transport truck.
Benson 1984-1986 Ford F-series truck used as a 14' (?) U-Haul moving van. U-
Haul attaches prefabricated truck boxes to Ford and GMC trucks.
A 1986 Ford F250 (7th generation) and a 1987-1991 (?) Ford F250 (8th genera-
tion), which is a later model but which is shown in use as a U-Haul truck, are
at the next two links.
Berkley's RC Van 1971-1974 Honda Life with some minor design changes The
windows should be a bit smaller, but it's the best match for the body size and
shape I've seen. The 1986 GMC Vandura and Dodge Ram van or B series van are too
fat, etc., to be matches, but the headlights look like those on one of the Dodge
vans. Berkley's RC van is little--he only has nine model kit boxes in the back.
The "San Andreas" Pony, and the "Vice City" Top Fun van and Pony, are the
A 1972 and 1971-1974 (year?) Honda Life, and a 1985 Dodge 3500, are shown be-
Bike See the section above on Hybrids.
Blade See the section above on Hybrids.
Blista 1983-1987 Honda CR-X with a front bumper guard.
Bloodring Banger It's a Glendale customized for demolition derby. The de-
scription of a Glendale is in the Hybrids section above.
Bobcat 1982-1988 Ford Ranger (the models of the last couple of those years
have a similar horizontal black band on the bumpers) with rounder wheel wells,
like those on a Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck
A 1988 Ford Ranger is shown at the 1st link below.
Boxville 1988 (range of years?) Chevrolet Step Van P-30 except the roof
slants down a bit from back to front over the cab (a little bigger than a Mr.
Whoopee van).
Bravura 1985 Oldsmobile Calais* (with a different slant of the rear window)
If C.J. stands on the roof, his feet go though it and into the cabin.
Broadway 1947 Cadillac Series 62 convertible with a shorter top bar on the
grill, some of the features stripped off, and the rear wheels uncovered.
The back of the back fenders are vertical like they are on a 1941 Cadillac
Series 62, and it has brake lights in a variation of the ones on the back of
some 1939 Cadillacs. A 1941 Series 62 and a 1939 Cadillac are shown at the 1st
two links below.
C.J. can use any Broadway for the Pimping mission, III.22. One Broadway is
parked by a gas station in the NE area of the block of the Idlewood 24/7.
Thanks to GTA_Phreak for the tip that starting and cancelling the Pimping mis-
sion gives the Broadway 200% Health--the extra endurance is gone after the car
is saved in a garage, but it's easy to start and stop the mission anytime.
The Broadway is also the vehicle represented over Michelle's garage door.
Brown Streak Amtrak F40PH made by General Motors Electro-Motive Division
since 1976. The Brown Streak and the Freight can be used for the Freight Train
mission, VII.12.
Buccaneer Chevrolet Monte Carlo** of the 1970-1972 1st generation with the
roof squared off a bit at the back of the top, the back window squared off and a
little smaller, and the rear side window dividers changed to slant forward from
bottom to top.
The models for 1970, 1971, and 1972 are shown at the links below.
Buffalo See the section above on Hybrids.
Bullet 2005-2007 Ford GT** supercar with a smaller hood vent. It's based on
the GT40's of the mid and late 1960's. Of those GT40's, I think it most resem-
bles an MkII with the angles smoothed out and a few design simplifications--a
1966 model is shown at the next link.
Burrito 1981-1992 Dodge Ram Van except the fenders flare out a bit and the
flare of the front fenders continues around the bottom of the front a bit simi-
lar to Pimp Daddy Snapp's customization of a 1987 model It looks like the "Vice
City" Burrito. Three 1983 models, one from 1985, the front of Snapp's 1987 cus-
tomization, and a 1992 model are shown at the links below.
As Mxyzptlk showed with some funny videos at GTA Forums, get a black version
of this van if you want to give C.J. a Mohawk and beard, etc., and have him pre-
tend to be Mr. T--Lawrence Tero--of the 1983-1987 TV series "The A-Team." It
comes close to looking like the 1983 GMC G-15 of the show.
I changed the subtitles for a couple of the screenshots because the walk-
through sites aren't M-rated.
Bus Similar to a mid-1980's-1992 Greyhound MC8 or MC9, or a 1992 MC-12, Stan-
dard Coach but with wheel wells that are more squared-off.
A couple of 1978 MCI MC-8's, a 1981 MCI MC-9, and an early 1990's MCI MC-12
are shown below.
Colin Attle wrote to me (and thanks again for all his help!) to remind me that
the word "canny" (displayed with a drawing of a Scottish thistle), besides pos-
sibly referring to "cannibis," as many of us thought, also means "shrewd, cau-
tious, or crafty."
Cabbie 1956-1982 Checker Cab The Cabbie and the Taxi can be used for the
Taxi Driver mission, III.9. The 1st time C.J. enters a Taxi or Cabbie he gets
$12 (as Tommy did in "Vice City").
Caddy: Golf cart/car/buggy. A Western 400 is similar--a more squared-off ear-
lier version than the recent model at the next link might match.
Cadrona 1988-1994 Chevrolet Cavalier** with the back side windows of the
Chevy Cavalier Coupe.
Thanks to FORDSUCK, and KnockOut at GTA Forums, for the Chevy Cavalier scoop.
(I did the Coupe part.)
Camper 1963-1966 Volkswagen Type 2 T1c 11 window Camper, aka a VW-Bus, Bully,
or Kombi (as in the 1982 Men At Work song "Down Under": "Travelling in a fried-
out Kombi ..."). The Truth's model is custom painted.
Cement Truck 1986?-1991 Ford L8000 or 9000 Concrete Mixer The wide rectangu-
lar arc-shaped grill of the Ford is similar but should be widest at the base
instead of the middle, and the Ford headlights should project from the front of
the fenders a bit instead of being recessed into them. The L of the Ford L
series is more common than the LT or LTS, which look similar.
The 1st link is for a 1986 (L?) 9000, the 2nd is a 1990 L8000, and the 3rd is
a 1988 LT8000.
Cheetah 1991-1992 Ferrari 512TR, the 1991 update of the Testarossa.
("Ferrari" means "red head.")
Clover 1969-1972 Oldmobile Cutlass with the rounded wheel wells of the early
part of that period and the brake lights changed to horizontal ones. (A 1968
Oldsmobile 442 had horizontal brake lights but they were thinner.) Thanks to
Two 1969 models and one 1971 model are shown below.
Club Volkswagen Golf GTI Mk1 or Citi Golf. (Thanks to FORDSUCK for the
Volkswagen Golf tip.) The brake lights and rear window of the Club look more
like those on early 1990's Golfs. The Volkswagen may have two pairs of head-
lights like the Club except the Club has the larger of the two pairs of head-
lights as the inside pair. The body of the Club is more squared off. A 1992
Golf GTI is at the next two links.
Coach Mid-1980's (range of years?) Greyhound MCI MC9 with a cap built onto
the front of the roof to show destination (see the Motor Coach Industries arti-
cle below), MCI C3 European Style Coach (see the richfieldbus article below--I
think it refers to the 102C3), and some models of MCI 102A3, 102C3, 102D3, or
Thanks to robin24k at GTA Forums for the tip about adding the 102DL3.
A 1982 MCI MC9, 1986 MCI 102A3, (year?) MCI 102C3, and a mid-1990's MCI 102D3
are shown below.
Combine Harvester A combine with a straw chopper attached to the front. Some
of the John Deere combines I saw are the most similar to the GTA one in shape.
Many of them have a cab with a yellow roof like the GTA one, too.
A 1982 John Deere 7720, a 7720 I don't have a model year for, a 1983 John
Deere 8820, and a 1984 8820 are shown at the links below.
Aside from the cab, the GTA combine is mainly gray-red. The closest matches
in color I found so far are bright red Massey Ferguson and Case International
combines like the ones shown at the web addresses below.
All the real ones I saw were different in having thicker front, and usually
thicker back, wheels.
Comet See the section above on Hybrids.
DFT-30 A late 1980's to late 1990's (range of years?) Ford Cargo CF8000 Ford
Cargo is a Ford of Europe truck. The "FT" may stand for "Ford Truck." I don't
know how you designate the kind with the 3rd window on each side. It's a good
match for cab shape, fenders, and side windows. Thanks to Mxyzptlk at GTA For-
ums for showing that it's a better match if, like similar Mitsubishi cargo
trucks, it's given a horizontal black band below the windshield. The bottom of
the band should be the height of the bottom of the front side window.
The DFT30 is a six wheel truck that's missing the middle wheel on the left
side. The 6x4 Ford Cargo trucks like this I found are 2622, 2626, and 2631. If
the DFT30 is thought to look like a 4x4 on the left side, it matches a number of
1980's Ford Cargo 4x4s.
The 1987, 1988, 1990, and 1997 models of the Ford Cargo CF8000 are at the next
four links.
Dozer ? Wheel loader
It's called a Dozer, which has tracks like a tank. But, like the Rhino, it
has wheels instead, so it's a near match for a number of (late 1980's?) Cater-
pillar, Case, Ford, Komatsu, etc., wheel loaders. I haven't found a good match
for the fenced platform in front of the cab. I wonder if that's from another
vehicle and this is another example for the Hybrids section.
Dumper (Iveco) Astra Rigid Dump Truck, an articulated dump truck. An "artic-
ulated" vehicle is built in sections that are hinged or connected in some way to
allow flexibility of movement (thanks to my Webster's unabridged).
Like the Monster trucks, the Dumper is good for running over other vehicles--
it sends one flying now and then, too.
Dune A 1991 Mercedes-Benz AK 4x4 with a flatter front end makes the closest
match of the models I saw. It's one of the kinds of trucks that might be used
in the Paris-Dakar Rally. The Mercedes-Benz SK is similar but I didn't find a
version of it as a 4x4. There are similar trucks by MAN (LE2000, ME2000, TG-A,
Thanks to k1ngr0b at GTA Forums for the tip that it looked like one of the
trucks used in the Dakar.
The 1st link shows a 1991 Mercedes-Benz AK 4x4.
Elegant 1992 Buick Roadmaster*** with the grill upside-down and a vertical
bar in the center of it as on a 1992 Buick Roadmaster wagon
Elegy 1981--1985 Nissan Skyline DR30***
A 1982 model is shown at the 1st link below. Half-a**ed effort with Microsoft
Paint (not my favorite medium) by GTW removed the epithet about Japanese people
from the license plate.
Emperor 1990-1992 Infiniti Q45
Thanks to Gman8 at GTA Forums
A 1991 model is shown at the 1st link below.
Enforcer It could be in the heavy rescue, armored car, or crowd control cate-
gory. Except for the front fenders, it looks similar to the 1986 Freightliner
Heavy Rescue truck shown at the 1st link below. It could be modified to be an
armored law enforcement vehicle like the ones in the 2nd link below.
The front fenders look similar to those on a 1988 or so Mack Superliner.
C.J. gets full Armor the 1st time he gets into an Enforcer. If C.J.'s Armor
is knocked down by law enforcement, you might have him jack an Enforcer.
Esperanto See the section above on Hybrids.
Euros 1989-1992 Nissan 300ZX*
A 1990 model is shown at the 1st link below.
F.B.I. Rancher 1983-1988 Chevrolet Suburban except each pair of headlights
has been simplified into one and the parking lights have been moved to the front
corners. Thanks to reader Logan King for pointing out that it's like the Subur-
ban of the handful of years (1983-1988) around the "Vice City" era (1986).
One picture of a 1985 model and two pictures of 1986 models are at the links
F.B.I. Truck 1984-1992 Jeep Cherokee It looks to me like somebody took the
Jeep to a while-you-wait auto-armor place and had it dipped it into blue glop,
then rubbed off a couple of patches on the front windshield with the elbow of
their shirt sleeve to look through.
This truck is in the game files but not activated for the game. In the PC
version, you can use a mod, or a vehicle spawner like the GTA SA Control Center
(X.13.c) has, to put it in the game if you like a gloppy Jeep.
FCR-900 Honda CBR 900 RR Fireblade It looks like a PCJ-600/Honda CBR 600 ex-
cept with a bigger engine (900cc). "RR" stands for "race replica." The FCR-
900, with a windshield, has two bulbs in the headlight; without the windshield,
it has a single headlight. The "F" may come from "Fireblade" and the "CR" may
come from "CBR."
Faggio 1984-1986 Piaggio Vespa PX 200
Feltzer 1972-1988 Mercedes Benz SL-Class convertible***
Fire Truck (on the NE corner of the block due E of "COMMERCE," in the middle
of the S end of the block N of "HARRY GOLD PARKWAY," and used for the Firefight-
er Submission, III.23)
1992 Spartan (Crimson Fire since merging with Luverne Fire Apparatus and Qual-
ity Manufacturing in 2003) fire truck
Fire Truck (on the block S of the save place that's on the brown block E of
"GARCIA," and in the "End of the Line" mission) I think it's one of the cuter
vehicles in San Andreas (and not bad for getting through traffic). I think it's
a late 1980's Maxim Aerial Ladder fire truck. A 1983 model is shown at the 1st
link below.
Flash 1990-1992 Nissan Pulsar GTi-R
Thanks to pinky at GTA Forums
Flatbed 1983-1992 M-939 military truck.
Forklift The 1996 Hyster E100XL electric forklift shown at the 1st link below
is similar. The Hyster E100XL (year?) shown at the 2nd link shows that the seat
is on a box that opens up (to access the battery or store tools in, I guess).
Fortune 1989-1997 Ford Thunderbird***
Freeway 1966-1985 Harley Davidson Shovelhead The best matches I found were
made in 1976. Freeway exhaust pipes are only on the right side in "San An-
dreas."At the 3rd link, for which you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the
1st in the address bar,you can look at hundreds of Harley Davidsons to choose
from (I hope you don't have the slow speed, dial-up modem).
Freight Jan. 1966-July 1972 EMD SD40 6-axle diesel locomotive, or a Jan. 1972
to Feb. 1986 Dash 2 upgrade, the EMD SD40-2, built by General Motors Electro-Mo-
tive Division. The Freight and the Brown Streak can be used for the Freight
Train mission, VII.12.
You can put the name of one of the locomotives, and other preferences, in the
search engine at the 1st site given below for photos.
Glendale See the section above on Hybrids.
Greenwood A 1983-1989 Chrysler Fifth Avenue with the side windows of a 1981-
1989 Dodge Diplomat.
Thanks to the GTA Forums list by nekkidhillbilly, reaffirmed by CKYbassplayer-
69, for the Dodge Diplomat tip
A 1985 Chrysler Fifth Avenue and a 1988 Dodge Diplomat are shown below.
HPV1000 Kawasaki KZ1000-P21 Thanks to Mxyzptlk for explaining that "HPV"
could stand for "Highway Patrol/Police Vehicle," and can could also be thought
to refer to a form of genital warts.
The HPV1000, the Hunter helicopter, and the Rhino tank are the most popular of
the law enforcement vehicles to use for the Vigilante mission, III.24.
1987 and 1992 Kawasakis are at the next two links below.
Hermes 1949 Mercury two-door with uncovered rear wheel wells and two pairs of
brake lights instead of one pair
The 1st one given below was driven by James Dean in "Rebel Without a Cause,"
1955, which also starred Dennis Hopper, who does the voice of Steve Scott for
"Vice City," and which features Griffith Observatory, which is what the one in
Verdant Bluffs in "San Andreas" is modeled after.
Hotdog A Volkswagen Type 2, aka a VW-Bus, Bully, or Kombi, modified to be a
mobile concession stand.
Hotknife 1933 Hudson Pacemaker 8 two-door, three window (the windshield isn't
counted) Coupe customized as a hotrod with a flatter roof, a blower, no fenders,
and front side exhausts. The most popular cars from this era to customize as
hotrods are 1932-1934 Fords, and in some ways this looks like a 1932 Ford Three
window coupe customized that way.
It looks like the original grill was removed and a smaller grid and a couple
of bars partly cover the hole. But the hole indicates the grill isn't from a
Ford. The closest comparison I know for it is with a 1933 Hudson Pacemaker 8
Coupe. (If you use a 1933 Hudson-Essex Terraplane Coupe, which has the same
grill as the Hudson Pacemaker 8 Coupe, you need to eliminate the two little rear
side windows when the hood for the cab is created.)
A 1933 Hudson Pacemaker 8 Coupe, a 1933 Hudson-Essex Terraplane Coupe, and a
regular and a hotrod 1932 Ford Three Window Coupe are shown at the 1st four
links below. The 1st Hudson and 1st Ford look about identical except for the
grill--the Ford grill is shown better on the Ford hotrod.
Hotring Racer See the section above on Hybrids.
Huntley 1987 (U.S. debut)-1992 Land Rover Range Rover, except the headlights
look more like the ones on a 1990-1992 GMC Sierra and the grill looks like the
one on a 1989-1992 Ford Bronco. The 1st two links below show a 1989 and 1990
Land Rover Range Rover, the next shows a 1991 GMC Sierra, and the next shows a
1989 Ford Bronco. A link below that shows a LRRR used by a main character in
the movie "Sna*ch," which is mentioned in section on "San Andreas" radio station
Master Sounds 98.3 at I.13.
Hustler 1933-1935 or so five window (the windshield isn't counted) coupe with
some hot rod customization: the roof is lower than on the typical coupe of the
time. A lot of cars of this period have similar features as one another, and
the roof and windows of a lot of them, even pickup trucks, from this period have
gotten the same sort of hot rod treatment, the most popular choices for it being
1932-1934 Fords. This isn't a Ford, though.
The grill isn't very wide, doesn't flare forward at the bottom as some grills
from this period do, and the sides of it are parallel instead of getting closer
together from top to bottom. The closest comparison for the grill I've found so
far is a 1935-1936 Willys (pronounced "willis").
For comparison, it looks like a 1935 Chevrolet three window coupe that's had
the back of the doors and cab moved back a bit and has been made into a five
window coupe.
Either due to body customization or the model it is, the back of the back
fenders curl down more than most of the cars of the time, and the trunk curls
down father back than the fenders. The fenders of most cars of the period
flare back beside the flare of the trunk, all at the same 135 degree or so an-
Infernus 1991-2001 Honda Acura NSX
Thanks to the Real Car Name List by PRB051
Intruder 1989-1994 Subaru Legacy (with the headlights and grill squared off)
Thanks to Gman8, reaffirmed by kpeters, at GTA Forums
Models from 1989, 1992, and 1994 are shown at the next three links.
Jester 1986-1992 Toyota Supra Mk 3 with the headlights of a 1993-2002 Mk 4.*
Journey Winnebago with a GMC grill and headlights. It's a recrea-
tional vehicle used as a motor home.
The next link shows a comparable 25' 1978 Class C Winnebago with a GM engine.
It would be a better match if it had two pairs of headlights.
Kart Kart. A go cart--in particular, the kind of kart that's a racing kart.
For more on the races with the kind of go carts called karts, the Association of
British Kart Clubs (ABkC). etc., see these web pages:
I see some similarity between the Kart and some Tony Kart karts shown at the
1st two links below.
Landstalker 1991-1994 Ford Explorer
I'd say 1991-1994 Ford Explorer, but since it didn't come out till 1991 and
was used in "Vice City," which takes place in 1986, and if you need it to be
something from the right time period, I'd say 1986 Chevrolet Suburban but with
the windows, grill, and wheel wells of a Ford Explorer. Personally, I'd just
say the model is based on a 1991 to 1994 Ford Explorer. (See below; brawling
will be restricted to the rules according to Hoyle.)
Linerunner 1986-1992 (later models look about the same) Peterbilt 379 has the
right level engine hood but the headlights aren't built into the front fenders.
DazzaJay (thanks!) has a good match with a 1994 Freightliner Classic XL for
the way the headlights are built into the fenders; it otherwise looks similar to
the Peterbilt but the engine hood is slanted.
Majestic 1982-1987 Buick Regal***
Manana 1987-1992 Dodge Shadow/Plymouth Sundance (Prior to "San Andreas" it
was a 1981-1984 Dodge Aries coupe.)
Thanks to Tornado_2 for the tip about the Manana being a slightly modified
1987-1992 Dodge Shadow/Plymouth Sundance. 1991 and 1987 models are shown below.
Merit 1990-1998 Mazda 929 (Mark 4, aka the Efini MS-9)
The 1992 and 1993 (a year after the time of the game, but the style is the
same) models are shown at the links below.
The headlights, grill, and brake lights are more like the boxier ones on the
1986-1992 Mazda 929 (Mark 3). (The years of the Mark 3 and 4 overlap). The
Merit has a few variations of those--for example, the inner edges of the brake
lights are slanted parallel to the slant of the light divider in the middle of
them. And the outside edges of the parking lights are slanted a little differ-
A 1987 and 1990 model are shown at the links below.
Thanks to Gman8 at GTA Forums for the Mazda 929 tip
Mesa 1987-1996 Jeep Wrangler
(It's the "Mesa Grande" of "Vice City.")
The next three are monster truck modifications--pickup trucks given large
wheels and suspension.
Jamolos Negrit?a> at GTA Forums gets my thanks for explaining a Monster truck
glitch: if you drive a front wheel of a Monster truck up to, or a bit over,
another vehicle, then use acceleration and brake at the same time, you can send
the other vehicle flying. (Just run over other vehicles enough with the Dumper
and you'll see it happen, too.)
Monster A (Los Santos Forum after "8-Track")
1984-1986 Ford F-series truck with sharply angled wheel wells and horizontally
narrower headlights and parking lights
(A 1985 model and a 1986 monster truck version are shown at the 1st two links
Monster B (Michelle's) 1980-1986 Datsun 720 (Later the Nissan hardbody) pickup
truck A 1982 Datsun 720 is shown at the next link.
Monster ("Monster" and "Exports and Imports" missions; Flint Intersection
trailer park) 1994 Chevrolet S-10 with an extended cab and the grill of a 1983-
1992 Ford Ranger (Other vehicles made after the 1992 time period of the game
are the matches for the Slamvan and Bullet. The vehicle match for the Trashmas-
ter and Yankee was made in 1992 though they appear in "Vice City," which takes
place in 1986. See "Yankee.")
Moonbeam 1985 to 1992 Chevrolet Astro Van.*
Mountain Bike Schwinn Mesa Mountain Hardtail?
Mower John Deere 455 Garden Tractor, aka a diesel Compact Tractor The model
of another year than whatever the one I show is might have the right headlights.
Mr. Whoopee 1986-1992 (wide range of years) GMC Grumman Step van and Chevro-
let Step Van P-10 (a little smaller than a Boxville) modified to be a mobile
concession stand
Mule 1983-1991 Ford E-350 cube/box truck except the windows have sharp cor-
ners The box is similar to ones used by U Haul, which makes their moving trucks
by putting their various-sized, pre-fabricated boxes on GMC and Ford trucks.
The roof of this box slants down a bit from back to front over the cab. ("Vice
City" Mule and Spand Ex trucks have the same basic shape except the roof of the
box is flatter.)
A 1984 Ford E-350 and a couple of 1990 models are shown at the 1st two links
NRG-500 2001 Honda NSR 500 A 1992 model is similar enough and suits the time
frame of the game. The Honda NSR 500 was used in the 500cc class of motorcycle
Grand Prix racing by Valentino Rossi to come in 2nd in 2000 and be the world
champion in 2001. The NRG-500 often has the only number he uses: 46, the racing
number of his father. "NRG" sounds like "energy" and it's also the name of a
model of scooter by Piaggio.
To make a copy of C.J. as shown in the next batch of links, see IV.21 "Manage-
ment Issues"--"The 'Management Issues' way to make a copy of C.J."
Nebula 1982-1988 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera
The back end of the coupe and sedan were changed, and the roof of the sedan
was changed, in 1989; the last year for it was 1996.
Thanks to Captain Holland at GTA Forums
A 1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera is shown at the 1st link below.
Newsvan 1986-1991 Ford Econoline cargo van with the front end of a 1986-1992
Dodge Ram or B series van except the little section below the headlights and
main front corner backup lights of the Dodge should be removed. It has an an-
tenna on the roof like the TV Van of "GTA 2" (the antenna doesn't point at your
save place, though).
A 1989 Ford E350 cargo van and a 1990 Dodge Ram van are shown below.
Oceanic See the section above on Hybrids.
PCJ-600 1992 Honda CBR 600 The headlight has a smaller, less demented-look-
ing smile than it did in "Vice City," but it still has, along with the Wayfarer,
one of the biggest smiles of any motorcycle headlight in the game, and earns its
keep the most of the two. The engine has an exhaust pipe on either side. The
only guess I have for the initials is that "PC" may come from the favored format
for clear motorcycle stunt videos since the PCJ 600 was introduced to GTA's with
"Vice City."
Packer It's like the Linerunner--a 1967-1985 Peterbilt 359/1986 onward 379
but with pairs of round headlights built into the fenders like those on a 1994
Freightliner Classic XL or Western Star 4800 (thanks DazzaJay), or 1976-1981
(range of years?) Kenworth W900, except the Packer fenders are angled in the
back more like those of a Ford LT9000 or Mack Superliner.
The 1st link shows a Peterbilt 379 with a car hauler ramp. The picture at the
2nd link doesn't have a matching truck but shows a ramp similar to the one a
Packer has. The 3rd link shows a 1990 Peterbilt (model?) car hauler.
The 1976-1981 (range of years?) Kenworth W900 is basically similar to the
Packer, and has pairs of round headlights fitted into the fronts of the fenders,
but, like the Peterbilt, the fenders and wheel wells are too round, and the Ken-
worth windshield is about the right size but should be flatter:
The next two links show a 1987 Ford LT9000 and a Mack Superliner to show the
fenders that are closer, not identical, to those on a Packer,
Whichever it is, it's attached to a four or five vehicle transport trailer--a
car hauler--with a straight rigid upper ramp. It's the same as the Packer in
"Vice City," but the back of the upper ramp can now be raised and lowered (NP8
and NP2) so it can haul vehicles as well as serve as a jump ramp.
Redtier999666, of the Gamefaqs PS2 message board, wrote a post that explained
how to do something that was mentioned in an earlier post by Webdude06--how to
get an Insane Stunt bonus with a Packer. Have C.J. raise the ramp of the Packer
and back it up to a pedestrian--if they walk under the ramp, the Packer may fly.
Patriot 1985-? AM General M998 Military HMMWV, aka a Humvee (not the civilian
Perennial 1962-1965 Chevrolet Nova (or "Nova II") station wagon
Phoenix 1979-1981 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am
The separating strip was removed from between each pair of headlights, and the
optional engine hood vent was enlarged. The dividing strip between the side
windows was narrowed and made vertical, and the side windows were made more nar-
row horizontally--seen in profile, the "San Andreas" version looks like the ends
of the "Vice City" version were pushed to make the car shorter and fatter. It
has the two pairs of round brake lights of a 1961-1992, at least, Chevrolet Cor-
(C.J. can get one by failing the "San Fierro Hills" Street Race or by taking
Big Poppa's in "A Home In The Hills." You can also make one appear with the GTA
SA Control Center, X.13.c.)
A 1979 and 1980 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am and a 1980 Chevrolet Corvette are
shown at the 1st three links below.
Picador 1971 Chevrolet El Camino/GMC Sprint
The El Camino/Sprint body would need to be shorter from front to back--more
like a 1964-1967 El Camino. A 1965 Chevrolet El Camino is shown below.
Like the 1973-1975 El Caminos, there shouldn't be lights on the front corners.
Thanks to nekkidhillbilly at GTA Forums for the 1973-1975 El Camino tip. A 1974
model is shown below.
The upper back of the cab should be squared off a bit, too.
Pizza Boy 1984-1986 Piaggio Vespa PX 200 customized
Police (Los Santos and San Fierro) See Taxi. (Though these three are based
on the same car, the data\handling.cfg file is a little different for each.)
A "Vice City" gimmick has broader application in "San Andreas": C.J. gets five
Shotgun shells, for any kind of Shotgun (shells for one add to the ammo of any
other), the 1st time he enters any of the Police cars or a Ranger (a police ve-
hicle seen more often in the country or desert).
Police (Las Venturas) Mid-1980's-1990 Chevrolet Caprice without the little
divider strip on the back side windows. Thanks to Tornado_2 for the tip. A
1990 model is shown below.
Pony See Berkley's RC Van
Premier 1991-1994 Chevrolet Caprice* with the top of the cab squared off a
bit and a horizontal bar put in the middle of the grill
Previon 1982-1990 Honda Prelude
Thanks to Gman8 at GTA Forums
Primo 1986-1991 Toyota Camry*
Quadbike 1987-1992 Honda TRX250x is a similar ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) The
GTA version has a running board on either side for C.J. to rest his feet on.
The data\american.gxt file refers to it as both "Quad" and "Quadbike," so take
your pick. (I once gave a Quad hydraulics, but I forget how I did it. It may
have just been a glitch.) The Quadbike seats two.
RC Cam Light orange-brown clay flower pot without a bottom. It travels si-
lently like a futuristic hovercraft with the handling of an inflatable punching
toy that's weighted at the bottom and rights itself after it's hit. It has the
appearance of being mostly filled with dirt, but only if viewed from above, and
C.J. passes through it and parts of the pot to sit in it. It's round but leaves
a square shadow. C.J. opens an invisible door before he sits in it, and steers
with an invisible steering wheel. It has headlights and brake lights and passes
through other vehicles.
The name may come from the idea of surveillance gadgets hidden in ordinary
things like flowerpots (or the trophies of deer heads with red glowing eyes that
shazard pointed out are above the exit door at Palomino Creek and Blueberry Am-
mu-Nations; there's another in Toreno's ranch but the eyes don't glow).
The name may also be due to it letting C.J., in the 1st person view, pass
though other vehicles to see the people inside them.
It also seats two and can be used with the speedfreak, wheelsonlyplease,
ripazha, and bubblecars codes.
You can use something with a vehicle spawner, like the GTA SA Control Center,
X.13.c, to make the RC Cam appear.
Rancher See "Rancher and Ranger" in the Hybrids section above.
Ranger See "Rancher and Ranger" in the Hybrids section above.
Regina 1985-1992 Volvo 740 wagon except for some changes including some to
the front and that the bottoms of the rear windows are a little higher. A 1988,
1987, and 1988 model are shown at the links below.
The front of the engine hood is higher and curves down to the grill in a look
some Cadillacs have. It has a small version of the grill and front bumper of a
1983-1986 Pontiac Parisienne Safari with the middle of the grill pointed forward
to give it a Cadillac look. The "Vice City" Regina is the same.
Thanks to Gman8 at GTA Forums for the Pontiac Parisienne Safari tip.
A 1985 Pontiac Safari and a 1974 Cadillac Fleetwood are shown at the links be-
The closest I found for a definition for "Regina" in Urban Dictionary are a
couple of phrases it's part of that use the word to mean a woman who thinks
they're better than they are--I cleaned that up a little. This could be symbol-
ized in the Regina with the customized Cadillac front though the rest isn't a
custom Cadillac. The name could also be due to the fact that "Volvo" sounds a
little like "vulva."
Remington Mid-1970's Lincoln Town Coupe with custom fenders
One example I found, which doesn't feature the same curve on the back of the
fenders, is Rick Romero's (slamn78's) 1978 Lincoln Town Coupe lowrider:
Unless a better match comes along, I'm going to figure the fenders may be
meant as a sight gag to rib the 1958-1962-era Cadillac fenders. A good web site
to look around in to see what I mean is Hubcap Cafe at the 1st link below:
Rhino An M1 Abrams tank The Rhino, the HPV1000 motorcycle, and the Hunter
helicopter are the most popular of the law enforcement vehicles to use for the
Vigilante mission, III.24.
Roadtrain 1977-1993 Mack Superliner (still made as a light version of the
Australian Titan) except the fenders/headlights are different in the front (more
similar during a segment of that period?). Thanks to DazzaJay for the tip on
the Mack and the photos at the 1st link below.
The grill covering and fenders look more like the kind on caertain heavy duty
International trucks, like the (year?) S-F2500 or the 1980 1900 shown at the
next two links. Several such trucks, such as some models of Ford LTL 9000, have
similar headlights.
Romero See the section above on Hybrids.
Rumpo 1981-1986 Dodge Ram Van Conversion, aka Hi-Top. A Dodge Camper Van, if
the same size, looks similar. The owners gave these vans special religious
hats. Don't curse them out in traffic--you'll die. If God doesn't get you, the
owner--no, no, no...
I added a later model to show one with the same Hi-Top shape.
S.W.A.T. van Cadillac Gage V-100 Commando It's also like an OT-65 Otter
(FUG) Scout Car.
You can activate a vigilante mission with it, but it's better at just having
good handling for a moderate speed vehicle, and for having a working water can-
non on top to squirt people with now and then, which is some fun.
Sabre See the section above on Hybrids.
Sadler 1976-1977 Ford F-series pickup truck.
Sanchez 1989-1992 Yamaha DT 200 dirt bike
The 1989 and 1992 models are shown at the links below.
Sandking See the section above on Hybrids.
San Fierro trolley California Street line San Francisco cable car. A cable
car is pulled by a cable in a conduit underneath a slot between the rails. San
Francisco has the only permanently operational manually-operated cable car sys-
I used the Camera on a two car San Fierro trolley that wasn't moving and read
the triangular sign that's inside it--it says "Powell & Mason Sts."
Thanks to imut_knight at GTA Forums for telling me it's a reference to real
life and is referred to on this toy trolley:
According to the next link, the Powell and Mason Streets line is one of the
oldest cable car lines still operating in San Francisco:
Normally, nothing stops the San Fierro trolley, so some people at the "San An-
dreas" message boards have dubbed it "the trolley of doom." At one link given
below, a screenshot shows a car stuck sideways in the back car of a two car
trolley. A better example of that is near the end of the "San Andreas" stunt
video by Gotups and Buzzsaw called "Synergy": they somehow got a Packer stuck
sideways in there to wreak havoc down the street.
Savannah 1964 Chevrolet Biscayne or Bel Air (an Impala would have two sets of
three brake lights). As with the Blade, all I have for the shape of the plate
around the brake lights is that it's a bit like the shape on the back end of a
1963 Chevrolet Biscayne or Bel Air (a 1963 Biscayne is shown at the 5th link be-
Securicar International Navistar 4900 Truck modified like the SWAT Truck
"Bulldog" II sold by Alpineco.
Sentinel 1984-1987 BMW E28 M5 four door sedan without the little rear side
window divider, with the grill and headlights made rectangular...
...and with the rounder cab, and parking and brake lights, of a 1983-1989 BMW
M635CSi, aka M6, coupe The mix of the two is a little different than is used in
"Vice City." Two 1988 models are shown at the 1st two links below.
Slamvan 1994-present Dodge Ram body and cab modified to be a lowrider and a
bit squared off with rounded wheel wells. I know the time frame is off for a
1992 GTA setting, but I think this is it.
Solair 1986-1991 Ford Taurus station wagon***
Stafford 1971-1981 Rolls Royce Corniche
Thanks to the Real Car Name List by PRB051 for the "Rolls Royce" lead
Stallion See the section above on Hybrids.
Stratum 1991-1992 Honda Accord station wagon***
Stretch See the section above on Hybrids.
Sultan 1990-1994 Subaru Legacy
Sunrise 1989-1991 Nissa Maxima
Thanks to DazzaJay who saw this as a better match than the 1990-1991 Honda Ac-
Super GT 1991-1992 Mitsubishi 3000 GT***
Sweeper I haven't found a real good match for it. It's really more of an en-
closed compact ride on litter vacuum sweeper made to handle a small neighbor-
hood, beach, or park. The sloped front reminds me a little of the front of an
Elgin Pelican, a big street sweeper I'm more familiar with.
A Madvac 231D, Scarab Minor, Schmidt Classic, Johnston 5000 compact, and Elgin
Crosswind, just given as basic examples of a compact sweeper truck, are shown at
the 1st five links below. An Elgin Pelican is shown at the sixth link.
It looks like a little electric vehicle, an EV, possibly an electric truck,
converted into a street sweeper or floor scrubber or such. A few examples of
electric trucks are shown at the next three links.
Tahoma 1990 (range of years?) Chevrolet Caprice Brougham with a flattened
1981-1982 Chevrolet Monte Carlo back end. The Monte Carlo is also better for
the front end in the pictures I found for not having parking lights on the front
corners (Just a related note: Hotring Racer B is mostly a 1986 Monte Carlo Aero
Coupe Notchback.)
The 1st six links below show two pictures of a 1981 Monte Carlo, two of a 1990
Chevrolet Caprice (to show a couple of angles I didn't find for the Brougham),
and five of a 1990 Chevrolet Caprice Brougham.
Tampa 1965-1969 Chevrolet Corvair body styling that's been made longer and
flatter--the size of the body below the cab roof seems more like that of a 1965
Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu.
It's also been given a flatter front end with a six-sided grill. The grill
looks like the inside edges of the Corvair headlight plates have been reversed
for the outside edges of the Tampa grill, and it's a little smaller than the
grill of a 1965-1966 Ford Mustang. It might be a clue to a longer, flatter car
the Corvair is a blend with, and it just be there to throw people off when they
try to guess the real car comparison for it--I haven't seen a match for it yet.
Thanks to nekkidhillbilly, reaffirmed by Gman8, at GTA Forums for the Chevro-
let Corvair tip.
A 1965 Chevrolet Corvair, a 1965 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu, and a 1965 Ford
Mustang are shown at the links below.
Tanker 1980-1989 (range of years?) Mack R or DM 10-wheeler truck
Taxi It's a 1984-1986 Holden VK Commodore, or some other variety of Holden
Commodore, except without a slant to the grill and with a smaller triangular
rear side window. The grill is more like the one on a 1990's Chevrolet Ca-
price.* (The "Vice City" Taxi was a Ford LTD--not Crown Victoria--1983 to, at
least, 1985.) The Taxi and the Cabbie can be used for the Taxi Driver mission,
The 1st time C.J. enters a Taxi or Cabbie he gets $12 (as Tommy did in "Vice
Thanks to the Real Life Car List by Hamish Duncan, aka FORDSUCK, for the 1989
Holden VR Commodore tip.
Tornado 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air Thanks again to FORDSUCK for noticing the
grill, with a couple of projections, is like the one on a 1957 Chevy Bel Air
(shown at the 3rd link). The front of the front bumper is shaped more like the
one on a 1957 Plymouth Savoy, Belvedere, or Fury (a Savoy is shown at the 4th
Towtruck 1982-1986 Ford F550 (F450?) tow truck, aka a wrecker, without the
horizontal bars on the grill The F550 has a thicker engine area than the hand-
ful with lower numbers in the F series, so the back of the engine hood and bot-
tom of the windshield is higher, so they're higher than the bottoms of the side
windows. At the third link below, the Holmes unit on the back of the F350 looks
similar except for the back of the top of it. (For the "holmes wrecker" that
wants to wreck it with a truck, I guess.) It has bumpers that began appearing
in the later 1980's.
I had a hard time finding an F550 for the time period, let alone one that's a
wrecker, on the Internet, so you'll have to imagine it pieced together from what
I could find.
The 1st three links below show a 1985 (F550?) truck, then a 1999 F550 (too re-
cent, styled differently, but you can see it's moosier), then a 1988 Ford F450
wrecker (too recent, so the style is a bit wrong; it looks like it has a Holmes
wrecker), then a (year?) Ford F350 with a Holmes wrecker.
Tractor 1965-1971 (?) Ford 2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 (?) tractor This Ford
tractor was part of a product line that extend by 1000's from 2000 to 9000 and
ran from 1965-1975 (see the history of it at the 3rd link below). In the range
of it I 1st listed, some matched the headlights (built into the front instead of
on either side of it), the body over the front sides of the motor, and fenders,
but I didn't find all of that with as slim a body covering along the top of the
A couple of Ford 2000's, the 1st from 1970 and the 2nd from an unidentified
year, are shown at the 1st two links below.
Trashmaster 1992 Ford F800 ten-wheeler used as a rear loader garbage truck
It's the same truck as the Yankee, and both are the same as the same-name trucks
in "Vice City." For more about this model, a 9th generation (1992-1996) F
series truck, appearing in the time period of that game, 1986, see "Yankee."
A 1995 Ford F800 and a 1992 International DT360, just shown to show the big
trash box on the back, are shown at the 1st two links below. A 1997 Ford F800--
10th generation, but it looks the same to me--with a similar trash box is shown
at the 3rd link.
Tug Baggage tractor. As with the Baggage, there are a lot of similar-looking
models but I couldn't find an exact match. The one shown at the web address
given below, a Harlan Baggage Tow Tractor Model HTAG-30/40, basically looks like
a Tug. Although the Tug has a hitch on the back as a Baggage vehicle does, I've
yet to find anything that can be hitched to it.
Turismo 1987-1988 Ferrari F40**
Uranus 1990-1994 Mitsubishi Eclipse, Eagle Talon, and Plymouth Laser*
Utility Van mid--1970's to 1992 Chevrolet (C20?*) Utility truck with a Ford
F-series front
A (year?) Chevrolet Utility truck and a 1989 Ford F250 utility truck are shown
at the 1st two links below.
A Utility Van can also be hitched to a little "STREET CLEAN" trailer, but I'm
not sure if it's in the unmodified game. So far I've only seen it by using the
GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) which calls it a "Utility Trailer."
Vincent an early-mid 1980's (elongated) Audi 100/200/5000 (without a strip
to divide off the little rear side windows and a squared off cab) with BMW 5
Series (round) headlights
Thanks to NSX of the GTA Forums site
Virgo 1977-1979 Mercury Cougar XR7 with the vertical brake lights of a 1977-
1979 Lincoln Continental Mark V. It's like the "Vice City" Virgo except it
doesn't have the horizontal brake lights of the Lincoln.
Thanks to Grand Theft Grampa at GTA Forums for the Mercury Cougar XR7 tip.
A 1978 Mercury Cougar XR7 and a 1977 Lincoln Continental Mark V are shown at
the links below.
Voodoo 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air coupe low-rider The 1960 Chevrolet Biscayne
Fleetmaster, Biscayne, and Bel Air models had two brake lights per side--the Im-
pala had three per side. The Biscayne Fleetmaster was the least expensive, with
some parts painted instead of being chrome-plated. The regular Biscayne had
less "brightwork," as the Wikipedia site describes it, than the Bel Air.
Some of the small number of Biscaynes and Bel Airs I found with the Google
search engine have been fixed up and painted, and I can't be sure which, if any,
of the Biscaynes I saw are Biscayne Fleetmasters.
The Voodoo has a chrome plate across the back that the brake lights are set
in. The Bel Air had that chrome plate or a chrome ring around the same area.
Unless all the Biscaynes I saw were Fleetmasters, it looks like the Biscayne
didn't have the chrome plate or ring.
The Voodoo doesn't have chrome-plating on the edges of the tail fins. All the
Biscaynes I found had that chrome plating on them, so the lack of it could be a
detail of a Biscayne Fleetmaster or just a detail that was left off.
The chrome stripe on each side of the Voodoo looks wider than the one on the
Bel Air and I didn't see one on a Biscayne, so it either suggests the Bel Air or
a customization.
The "Vice City" Voodoo is similar.
Thanks to reader Timo Hakala for writing to me that Rockstar designed it so
you can blow it up by shooting the license plate in the back because the gas cap
is behind the license plate on an Impala. (So I guess it's the same for a Bis-
cayne or Bel Air.)
Walton See the section above on Hybrids.
Washington 1984(?)-1987 Lincoln Continental The body looks like a model from
the latter part of the 1982-1987 generation--more rounded. It doesn't have the
round raised section, where the spare tire goes, on the trunk. The outside
edges of the parking lights have been made vertical and the top of the grill is
a bit lower. In addition to the vertical brake lights, it has the horizontal
brake lights of a Lincoln Town Car except the middle section is replaced by a
license plate. (The "Vice City" Washington and FBI Washington have a body and
grill more like a Lincoln Continental from the 1982-1983 part of the time
A 1986 Lincoln Continental is shown at the 1st three links below, and a 1987
Lincoln Town Car is at the fourth link.
Wayfarer 1988-1992 Honda Goldwing GL1500 suits the time period, but the back
end, seen in profile, looks more like a 2001-2004 model.
Willard 1988-1989 Dodge Dynasty* or Chrysler New Yorker.
Windsor 1966 Alfa Duetto (later models, a bit different, are called Alfa
Romeo Spider) It was made popular as the car Dustin Hoffman's character, Ben-
jamin Braddock, drove in the movie "The Graduate," 1967. Thanks to a post at
the Gamefaqs message boards by sonofkorol who nailed this one.
This is the glitch that happens if C.J. lets the lady in the screenshots for
the Launch, Reefer, Maverick, and S.W.A.T. van drive:
Yankee 1992 Ford F800 used as a box truck
It's the same truck as the one used as a Trashmaster. The earliest matching
picture I found was from 1994, so it's probably from the F series 9th generation
(1992-1996) described in the Wikipedia article below. If so, since it appeared
in "Vice City" in a 1986 setting, it's like the Slamvan in having a real life
counterpart that appeared after the time frame of the game. (The Yankee 1st ap-
peared, and looked about like it does in "San Andreas," in "GTA III," which has
a 2001 or so time frame.)
I try to pick vehicles that appeared within the time frame of the game when I
can, but to adhere to that too strictly is impossible. Many of the vehicles,
like the Glendale, are mixtures that never appeared in that combination in any
period in real life at all. I only have a hard and fast rule that if a vehicle
has a real life counterpart, it has to appear before the game was created--af-
terward is right out...unless someone mods a Mercury to look like the Cuban
Hermes after "Vice City" comes out or such.
A couple of 1995 Ford F800s, one with a 16' box and one with an 18' box, are
shown at the 1st two links below.
Yosemite 1980-1986 Datsun 720 (Later the Nissan hardbody) pickup truck It's
like the Monster B except the wheel wells are squared off. Thanks again to
reader Logan King for tip about the 1988-1990 GMC GMT400 trucks, which have a
similar body and make a better match for the wheel wells, and about the Monster
B/Yosemite similarity.
A 1982 Datsun 720 and a 1988 GMC GMT-400 are at the next two links.
ZR 350 1989-1991 (1992?) Mazda RX-7*** with an air foil on the trunk The
ZR 350 headlights open or close depending on how bright the surroundings are.
Some performance notes so far:
Fast motorcycles with good handling:
NRG-500, FCR-900, and PCJ-600.
Fast cars with good handling and/or Sex Appeal (SA) and/or resistance to dam-
Hotring Racer and Cheetah (SA), followed by Bullet (SA), Super GT (SA), and
Banshee (SA).
Fast cars with Sex appeal but frail:
Infernus, Turismo, and Comet.
Fast bicycle:
Mountain bike (I like the CJPHONEHOME code for it, too).
Moderate speed with good handling:
Uranus (SA), Bandito (good ability to flip upright for one of the bouncier ve-
hicles), Tow Truck, Berkley's RC Van, Hotknife (if going fast, use Brake and
Reverse before turns), S.W.A.T.(durable), Taxi, Hustler, and Dune.
Sandking (fast and durable), FBI Rancher, and Rancher.
Little, light, fast cars:
Comet (SA but not real durable), Blista, and Flash (SA).
Burly bruisers:
Rhino, San Fierro trolley, Trains, Roadtrain, the little San Fierro Fire truck
with a ladder, and Dumper.
Fast boats with Sex Appeal:
Squalo III (SA) and Speeder (SA).
Roll over--
things: Dumper, Monster truck, and various vehicles when given hydraulics;
people: Combine Harvester.
Roll around with a--
hostage: Hotdog van or some jacked vehicles;
gang member or prostitute: car, truck, motorcycle except the Pizzaboy, Andro-
mada, Beagle, Dodo, possibly a Skimmer, and a helicopter except the Hunter or
I'll see if I can find out more later; in the meantime:
I.8.b A rundown of some of the people who drive them
The criminals, gangs, and hookers of "San Andreas" have their own automotive
preferences. According to data\cargrp.dat:
The criminals listed in "Crimes" (I.5.k) are among those who drive Perennials,
Blades, and Clovers.
Drug dealers are among those who drive Ranchers.
The hookers are among those who drive Perennials.
These gangs are among those who drive the vehicles following their names:
The Ballas Majestics and Tahomas
The Grove Street Family Greenwoods, Savannahs, and Voodoos
The Los Santos Vagos Oceanics, Tornados, and Hermes
The San Fierro Rifa Sabres, Stallions, and Blades
The De Nang Boys Buccaneers, Mananas, and Tampas.
The Italian Mafia Sentinels, Admirals, and Feltzers
The Triads Sultans, Stratums, and Elegys
The Varrio Los Aztecas Hermes, Broadways, and Glendales
I.9 Wanted Ratings
- One star causes a policeman or two to chase on foot or in one or two Police
Cars, Rangers, or HPV1000s, and attack with 9mms or Nightsticks; if C.J. is in a
boat or in the water, or flying low enough over water, travelled by boats, po-
lice may attack with a Predator or two, firing 9mm guns and the machine gun of
the Predator,
- two, the police chase and attack more aggressively,
- three, the police chase and attack with 9mm pistols and sometimes Shotguns,
roadblocks of destructible sawhorses and Police cars with police men who attack
with 9mm pistols, and occasionally Shotguns, are put up, and a Police Maverick
firing a machine gun joins to chase and attack.
The police on the ground are mostly replaced for the three higher wanted rat-
ings, and the replacement for each of the three is unique to that wanted rating.
Otherwise, Predators of police still fire 9mm pistols or the machine gun of the
Predator if C.J. is in a boat or in the water, or flying low enough over water,
travelled by boats, and a Police Maverick still fires a machine gun in each
case. In addition, a Hydra that fires missiles may appear if C.J. is flying
high enough in each case.
- four, roadblocks of destructible sawhorses and Enforcers with S.W.A.T.
agents who attack with Mini-SMGs are put up, and S.W.A.T. agents chase in En-
forcers, rappel from another helicopter, and attack with Mini-SMGs,
- five, roadblocks of destructible sawhorses and FBI Ranchers with FBI agents
who attack with SMGs are put up, four FBI agents per FBI Rancher chase and at-
tack with SMGs, and a News Chopper, and a second Police Maverick that attacks
with a machine gun, may appear near the Police Maverick that attacks with a ma-
chine gun, and
- six, roadblocks of destructible sawhorses and Barracks with Army soldiers
who attack with M4s and Shotguns are put up, the Army soldiers chase in Barracks
and Rhinos and attack with M4s and Shotguns, and a News Chopper, and a second
Police Maverick that attacks with a machine gun, may appear near the Police Mav-
erick that attacks with a machine gun.
C.J. can get five wanted stars after "Farewell, My Love" (VI.15).
C.J. can get six wanted stars after "Buy Verdant Meadows Aircraft Graveyard"
In San Fierro, social worker policemen, who tell C.J. they offer counseling
and understanding as an alternative but attack just like the other policemen,
appear among the policemen.
Thanks to Orion_SR for the extra information about what triggers the game to
create law enforcement, etc. During a one star wanted level, only one police
man on foot will chase C.J. at a time--the one that's closest to C.J.. If a
second one joins in shooting at him, the one farther away stops when they're
through with their current round of shots. They get confused someetimes,
though, as when Orion_SR had C.J. get behind a police man who didn't take up the
attack on C.J. and a second police man kept shooting the first one.
And the map has hundreds of spawn points for the appearance of law enforce-
ment, so you can remember some of them and plan C.J.'s crime spree routes ac-
One wanted star and bribes
For one star, I think having C.J. get away from a pedestrian area, get on
foot, and crouch helps end it. Otherwise, you can just have C.J. keep driving,
flying, or sailing, fast enough that the police can't bust him till the star
goes away.
Unlike "Vice City," where only one star might go away in time, I've had higher
numbers of stars do that in "San Andreas." Rusk says up to four might do that
depending on what C.J. did to get them.
A bribe gets rid of one wanted star.
Once a bribe is used, another appears in the same location in five hours of
game time (a little over five minutes) if C.J. is at least 20 feet (?) from the
spot it usually appears in at the time it can reappear.
Some airborne bribes, or ones near the ground with enough clearance around
them, can help if C.J. is flying. For the locations of the airborne bribes, see
"How to get as much done as possible before starting the main missions" (I.16).
Some basics for handling a wanted rating
Orion_SR gets my thanks for the tips he picked up in having C.J. make bold ex-
plorations into the off-limit areas with a four star wanted level--tips that
have good general application in having C.J. survive a high wanted level (I.16):
For a higher wanted rating, the firing at C.J. increases, and knocks down his
Armor and Health if he's on foot, so try to keep him driving. Have C.J. drive
fast enough to keep the Police from being able to bust him, but drive slow
enough to be able to brake to avoid Police cars that drive in front of him.
Have him try to drive off-road, even away from where pedestrians appear, and
cross the street in the middle of blocks instead of at intersections, as much
as possible to cause the Police to lose track of him.
If he's flying, have him fly low to the ground to try to avoid some of the
shots fired from Police Maverick helicopters. Flying low can also cause any Hy-
dras, which fire heat-seeking missiles at him, to lose track of him (as in
C.J. gets full Armor the 1st time he gets into an Enforcer. If C.J.'s Armor
is knocked down by law enforcement, you might have him jack an Enforcer.
C.J. will probably be shot at if he's on foot or swimming when he's wanted.
Sometimes he's busted instead if he's in a vehicle that's on the ground, or a
flying vehicle hovering near the ground, when the corrupt law enforcers attack
him. Law enforcers like to ram his vehicle with their land vehicles, so it's
frequently a good evasive maneuver to have C.J. brake instead of accelerate when
that's about to happen.
Things that remove any number of wanted stars
Having C.J. get a vehicle a new coat of paint at a Pay 'n' Spray, Michelle's
garage, or a mod shop, having him put on a hat, shades, or clothes for torso or
legs, get a haircut, get a ride on an airline from one of the three airports to
one of the other ones, and sometimes end a mission, can get rid of any number of
wanted stars.
Having C.J. take off and put on the same torso, etc., clothes works, too, so
you can have him do that at the very start of the game when he only has one out-
fit, or later if you don't want to change his look.
Each of the three airport airline offices (I.7.g) is available for rides when
its territory is legally available--C.J. has to make at least two territories
legally available to use the airlines for rides. Thanks to Orion_SR for telling
me that when the Badlands become legally available C.J. can get an airline ride
from Las Venturas, which clears the wanted rating he got from going there, to
Los Santos, too.
(Having C.J. get wasted or busted clears a wanted rating, too, but I don't
save the game after that. Saving the game can do it, but I don't save the game
while C.J. has wanted stars, either.)
(At the other extreme, having C.J. drive a law enforcement vehicle makes a
wanted rating last at least as long as he drives it.)
The Stat for how long C.J. can make a five star wanted rating last
One place to try could be the Pay 'n' Spray across from the Cluckin' Bell in S
Idlewood, Los Santos. Leave a vehicle in it so C.J. can get rid of the rating
before getting killed. A save place with a wardrobe closet that has clothes in
it will work just as well, especially one with an awning, like the Clown's Pock-
et, that also lets C.J. run for cover from helicopter fire.
Another good place is the mid-N side of Corvin Stadium in San Fierro. The low
ground between the stadium and the road the law enforcers show up on makes a
kind of moat. There's a chili dog vendor and a soft drink machine on the porch
if C.J.'s Health gets low.
Fun with wanted ratings
As with the last couple of GTAs, it can be fun to lead the law enforcer's ve-
hicles over Unique Jumps.
Another gimmick is to cause their vehicles to fall down slopes, such as the
side of Mount Chiliad.
Another spot like that is Fisher's Lagoon, mostly S on the beach under the
"L," in Red County. When I tried it, the law enforcement vehicles kept coming
over the guard rail of the road to the W. They couldn't handle the slope from
it very well, and they usually either tried to get back up the slope, ignoring
C.J., or slid right past the beach into the water. At that stage, I didn't see
any helicopters, for some reason. Before helicopters showed up, C.J. had little
to shoot--the biggest worry is he would die of starvation from how long he could
stand around and watch this. Then I flew him to a vehicle left in a Pay 'n'
A similar spot you might like for C.J. if he gets a wanted rating during a
rain is an area of Chinatown with steep streets on three sides. The law en-
forcement vehicles slide back down those streets when they try to drive up to
In one test I did, a police car would fly down from a roof onto the E part of
the E to W street of the N side of the "wine glass" shape of the Emerald Isle
area while C.J. drove E to W on it. It's sort of a Lemmingsmobile. Orion_SR
wrote to me that the proper place for the Police car to come from is through the
gate of the LVPD garage to the E, but there's no Z axis figure (vertical place-
ment) for the car, so it may come from the roof. (He also said pictures by GTA
Phreak and zmoonchild of the falling car are what prompted Orion_SR and pdesco-
bar to try to figure out trigger zones.)
He said a similar Police Lemmingsmobile may fly from the roof of the LV Court
House garage instead of through the gate for the same reason. The gate is N of
the NE corner of the block with "CA ANTE" of "ROCA ESCALANTE." If you have C.J.
drive E then S around that corner, you might see the Police car crash on the
road farther S (in the area of the garage with a Minigun).
voodoochild19's post at Gamefaqs reaffirms that if C.J. is going to use a
weapon weaker than a Rocket Launcher or Minigun to shoot down a helicopter, it's
easier if he shoots at the front of the propeller motor box on the roof.
A Hydra dogfight, dropping chaff to throw the attacking Hydras off and shoot-
ing them down with missiles, can be exciting. One gimmick which might help you
target (Spacebar) and shoot attacking Hydras is to put the thrusters of C.J.'s
Hydra in a halfway position (NP2 and NP8) so it maneuvers like a jet but goes
The off-limits area of Area 69
From the start of the game till "Farewell my Love" (VI.15), having C.J. go
over the off-limits section of Area 69 causes a four star wanted level. After
that mission, it causes a five star wanted level till C.J. leaves the area, when
it drops down to four.
The fenced-in sections of Area 69 give the best reference for the off-limits
areas of it--it's a smaller area within the one surrounded by the dirt path
shown on the map and radar in the game.
The boundaries of the off limits areas are:
- W: about four feet outside the W fence, and extending straight south to a 90
degree angle with the S boundary.
- N: in the NW, straight E from the middle of the SAM missile launcher and
along the inside of the W half or so of the N fence, and a couple feet outside
the E half or so of the N fence.
- E: a couple of feet outside the E-most E fence, and extending straight S to
a 90 degree angle with the S boundary.
- S: a couple of feet outside the S-most S fence, and extending E to a 90 de-
gree angle with the E boundary, and extending W to a 90 degree angle with the W
For more about the blind spots of the SAM sites in Area 69, see the end of
"Black Project," VIII.15.
The four SAM sites at Area 69 are active throughout the game.
The off-limits area of Easter Basin Naval Base
From the start of the game till "Farewell my Love" (VI.15), going over the
off-limits area of the Easter Basin Naval Base causes a four star wanted level.
After that mission, it causes a five star wanted level till C.J. leaves the ar-
ea, when it drops down to four.
Below the SW corner is a set of steps, not indicated on the map, that lead up
E from a low pier, which is shown as a small square. The N-S border line I drew
is N of the base of the steps.
The off-limit area extends about two feet N of the entrance--from there, E to
the shore and W to about halfway along a little section of fence.
The SAM sites on the ship are only active during "Vertical Bird" (IX.2.
I.10 Ghost hell, ghost world, ghost heaven, and Liberty City
To explore the interior world of "San Andreas," go to the GTA Forums web site,
GTA Series, GTA San Andreas, Cheats and Tricks, Hidden Interiors via the Ganton
Gym! Go to page one, etc., and the various links offered:
For PC teleportation devices, see:
The San Andreas Place Manager (X.13.a)
Map Teleporter/Vehicle Spawn (X.13.b)
The GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c)
Make sure it works with v1.01 if you use the patch for the game. The GTA SA
Control Center works with the unpatched or patched version of the original game.
Interior heaven
Most of the hidden interiors are rendered separately from the exterior SA
world and are grouped in "heavens," high above the usual height limit of the
game, which include commonly available places on the ground, like Cluckin'
Bell. Entering a commonly available one gives you access to the others of the
group. See this message board, "Hidden Interiors via the Ganton Gym!" at GTA
If you want to teleport C.J. to one, make sure you send him somewhere he can
get there from 1st--an interior of the same interior heaven group. For example,
from the inside of the Prickle Pine save house, C.J. can teleport to the Andro-
meda interior used in "Stowaway." If you don't do that, you may just watch C.J.
fall a long way to invisible ground.
Which interiors to use to get into the others of the group:
The places in each heaven:
You might otherwise want to use the Parachute code, AIYPWZQP, to give C.J. a
safe landing if he falls. The Jetpack code is ROCKETMAN. I've had C.J. fall
and it didn't give him a Jetpack till he hit the ground, which wasn't much use,
yet the Parachute appeared in time for the same fall.
A GTA Forums message posted by Fireman gave a list of the coordinates for the
PC version of the hidden interiors:
A number of the interiors are listed in the data\maps\Audiozon.ipl file.
Have C.J. enter a place that loads the graphics for the interior, then tele-
port him to an interior of the same group.
Spaceeinstein's SA version of his "All In One Mod" (X.13.ii) makes it easy to
have C.J. go to the hidden interiors, too.
The Atrium, Doherty garage, Area 69, and Sindacco plastics factory interiors
appear inside their exteriors, but only the last two interiors appear at the
same time as the outside world. The Verdant Meadows safehouse, Welcome Pump
truck stop, and Lil' Probe Inn interiors are all below ground in basically the
same area as their exteriors.
The Atrium and the Doherty garage are distinctive hidden interiors in that
their interiors appear with some exterior elements added. You can compare ex-
terior things seen from outside and inside to see the difference. The Jetpack
works in the Atrium so you can use it to look through the upper windows.
Opius says that the reason most interiors are created separately from their
exteriors is that many are larger than the exteriors and, since some use a lot
of polygons, it saves the game from having to render a batch of them unnecessar-
Liberty City
I'll give you a multiple choice of ways to see Marco's Bistro, from the easi-
est to the hardest.
- Install the Liberty City mod for "Vice City," which uses the interior and
back lot and yard of Marco's Bistro from "San Andreas" except for the snow, and
send Claude there to look at it. He can use a helicopter to look at the rest of
Liberty City, too.
- Teleport.
According to Fireman:
Send C.J. into any interior that has a yellow entrance cone (C.J's house, a
fast food place, etc.), then use these coordinates to send C.J. to the inside of
a warehouse:
x 1416.725
y 2.203633
z 1000.926
Then have C.J. teleport from the warehouse to Liberty City:
My coordinates for the street in front of Marco's Bistro:
X -737.7181
Y 492.2733
Z 1371.977
Fireman's coordinates for the back lot of Marco's Bistro:
x -819.465
y 504.4395
z 1362.436
From there, C.J. can use the back door to see the interior.
You can have C.J. shoot a gun and see what causes a ricochet to see what's
Downhill from the front of Marco's, the street and sidewalks are solid until
beyond the first intersection. N from Marco's at the top of the hill, the
street and sidewalks are solid up until past the first gray door on the left.
In front of Marco's, the building N of Marco's isn't solid, and the darks walls
of the S part of Marco's aren't solid.
The Jetpack won't help C.J. fly in Liberty City, but you can use the "kanga-
roo" code so he can jump over a wall from the highest patio in front to the back
The back lot, yard, and walls that enclose them are solid. You can have C.J.
do a "kangaroo" jump to the N over a couple of walls and walk on a couple of al-
If you use the SCM Hook (, you can remove the height limit for the
Jetpack and let C.J. fly to get a better look at the scenery. More of Portland
can be seen than you might have expected, although the graphics are mostly pret-
ty plain.
According to edisoncarter, "You can teleport straight to LC if you go into
SubUrban or Caligula's Casino, although the sky color probably won't be right."
If you have C.J. teleport to the warehouse, you can have him use the Jetpack
to fly to the Doherty garage since approaching it this way causes the N garage
door to be open. The "camera" views used while C.J.'s inside the garage aren't
the best for exploring, but you can have C.J. use his Camera to get a close look
at everything.
- Ben Fleming at GTA Forums explains how you can send C.J. to Liberty City on
PS2 and Xbox, also a long method that works for all versions of "San Andreas,"
at the next link.
Entrance markers in the sky
A yellow inverted cone of light, the kind used by C.J. to enter and exit
buildings, for the interior of the Cluckin' Bell hovers high above the ground
level exterior of the Cluckin' Bell in Fort Carson, Bone County. It's on the E
side of the stem of the "Y" formed by two roads E of the main residential sec-
tion of blocks. (To get to the cone of light, you might use the "SCM Hook" mod,, to remove the height limit for the PC Jetpack, or you might try the
method rwesterh used for the next example.)
rwesterh found a yellow entrance marker for a 24-7 high above the middle of
the E side of the brown oval of Blueberry Acres. He used the GTA SA Control
Center, X.13.c, to teleport C.J. up to it. The coordinates he used to get C.J.
up there in a flying Dinghy are:
X: 1.277
Y: -31.309
Z: 990.962
Fireman says there are a lot of them high above Catalina's place, too.
How to enter the Bone County "Stowaway" Andromada
by MOrt(at)nius and me
MOrt(at)nius writes that the coordinates for the interior of the Andromada
used in "Stowaway" are X: 319.0025, Y: 1024.137, Z: 1949.88.
I'll add that you could have C.J. enter the Prickle Pine save house in NW Las
Venturas or a Cluckin' Bell, then use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) to
teleport C.J. to this Andromada interior.
The exterior of the jet, with a red windshield, isn't solid, so you can't have
C.J. teleport up about 10 feet more and walk around on it. You could use the
SCM Hook ( to allow the Jetpack to travel higher than the usual height
limit, use the "ROCKETMAN" code to give C.J. a Jetpack, then have C.J. fly out
the end (the end C.J. jumps from in "Stowaway") to let C.J. fly around to have
a look at it.
Fireman's, edisoncarter's, and pdescobar's coordinates
Thanks to Fireman for these coordinates (I found the return trip ones):
Sweet's house, seen in "Reuniting the Families"--send C.J. into Sub Urban or
Caligula's, then teleport him to:
X 2524.27, Y -1679.94, Z 1015.497
(Send him back to Sub Urban: X 203.778, Y -48.4924, Z 1001.805.)
Fireman says if C.J. isn't equipped with a weapon, the light in Sweet's living
room is off, but if he's equipped with a weapon, the light is on.
Ryder's place--send C.J. into The Pig Pen, then teleport him to:
X 2464.109863, Y -1698.659912, Z 1013.509949
(Send him back to The Pig Pen: X 1205.476, Y -8.671263, Z 1000.922.)
Thanks to edisoncarter for these coordinates (I found the return trip ones):
Airport--send C.J. to the Johnson house clothes closet (Wardrobe), then tele-
port him to:
X -1863.149902, Y -19.6598, Z 1061.149902
(Send him back to the Johnson house clothes closet: X 255.137, Y -41.5322,
Z 1002.023, Angle 270.)
Brothel (Fanny Batter's whore house)--send C.J. into Zero's RC Shop, San Fier-
ro gym, or the Las Venturas Sex Shop, then teleport him to:
X 744.54, Y 1437.6, Z 1102.7.
(Send him back to Zero's RC Shop: X -2238.686, Y 130.9023, Z 1035.414.)
Brothel 2--send C.J. into the Johnson house, Pro-Laps, Inside Track Betting,
Big Spread Ranch, Las venturas Sex Shop, or Las Venturas Tattoo Parlor, then
teleport him to:
X 964.106995, Y -53.205498, Z 1001.179993.
(Send him back to the Johnson house: X 2495.9, Y -1707.45, Z 1014.742.)
The lights of Brothel 2 turn on if C.J. is equipped with a gun and turn off if
he isn't, as Fireman noticed about Sweet's house.
Rusty Brown's Donuts--send C.J. into the San Fierro Tattoo Parlor or Sherman
Dam, then teleport him to:
X 377.098999, Y -192.439987, Z 1000.643982.
(Send him back to the Tattoo Parlor: X -202.3096, Y -8.056161, Z 1002.273.)
Thanks to pdescobar for these coordinates (I found the return trip ones):
The RC Battleground--send C.J. into the Four Dragon's casino or any Burger-
shot, then teleport him to:
X -1042, Y 1060, Z 1345.9.
(Send him back to either the Four Dragon's casino: X 1994.244, Y 1018.036,
Z 994.8906, or Burgershot: X 369.9607, Y -72.40347, Z 1001.508.)
Wuzi's Betting Shop--send C.J. into any interior, then teleport him to:
X-2159, Y 643.1, Z 1052.4.
(Send him back to any interior accessible from the exterior world except those
only accessible during missions.)
Going through the Jefferson Motel skylight by me
One of the rooms of the Jefferson Motel in Los Santos has a skylight, and a
floppy disk, like the ones you save games with, hovers in it. (Between the Mul-
holland Intersection and the E coast, the radar and in-game map show a thick N-S
section for the railroad where it's between two streets. The Jefferson Motel
faces it on the W side of the N end. In a waiting room on the 3rd floor,
there's a pitch black rectangle where a skylight would be. Stand C.J. on the N
end of the room and look S up into it to see a revolving floppy disk just past
the S edge.)
About anything I read had C.J. do that Kangaroo jumping jazz. Nuh-uh. Send
C.J. to the lobby at the end of the hall on the 2nd floor of the Jefferson Mo-
tel. There's a rectangular skylight in the ceiling, and above and beyond the S
edge of it is a save game cassette revolving in a black sky. You could teleport
C.J. from within the motel onto the ledge by the marker with the GTA SA Control
Center (X.13.c). One possible set of coordinates: X: 2244.554; Y: -1185.505;
Z: 1040.797; Angle: 75.9.
Once he's up there, you can see there are five save game cassettes revolving,
each above and beyond one side or another of the surface C.J. can walk on. If
C.J. drops off the side of of the motel, he falls through Black Hell, I guess
it's called, and ends up near the rest of the motel in scenery that has most of
the graphics missing. You may want to use the SCM Hook ( with this gim-
mick if you plan to enter the Jetpack code, ROCKETMAN, to have C.J. fly around
the game save cassettes above an interior that's higher than the usual height
limit of the game. You might otherwise want to use the Parachute code,
AIYPWZQP, to give C.J. a safe landing if he falls.
Hole in a ceiling of the Prickle Pine safehouse
On PC. you can enter the high jump code, KANGAROO, send C.J. into the house,
have him turn right, and have him jump through the ceiling onto the solid plate
above the ceiling of the next room. (It's part of the same interior heaven as
the inside of the safehouse.) (The PS2 glitch of having C.J. jump from outside
into a window to enter blue hell doesn't work on PC.)
Ghost World and Blue hell entrances
What I called "Ghost World" in my "Vice City" walk-through is more commonly
known as "Blue Hell." (For example, one way there in VC is to fly a helicopter
up into the porch roof of the WK Chariot hotel. You could see parts of it in
many places with the Rocket Launcher gimmick, which doesn't work in SA.) (Never
mind it isn't always blue and doesn't seem to have anything Hellish about it).
The easy thing about leaving the big underground type of Blue Hell is the same
as it's been since "GTA III." You don't have to find a missing collision file
to leave. Pick a spot of the regular game world you'd like C.J. to appear in,
then let C.J. sink so far down below that spot that the game puts him above the
ground there.
If C.J. wears the Jet Pack, he can fly around the ghost world under San An-
dreas and get a view similar to the one you could get of Vice City with the gim-
mick of sending the Sea Sparrow up through the porch roof of the WK Chariot
hotel. There's an additional concern in the San Andreas version: solid river
and sea beds, which you may need to do some maneuvering to get around. When you
think C.J. has seen enough of it, send him low enough and he'll appear on the
land above.
The main game use for Ghost World is to use it to get into Area 69. Since
some things are there from the start of the game, and especially since some
things are only there from "Black Project" on or afterward, I think Rockstar ex-
pected us to find a way to get inside it using Ghost World.
Several ways to do that are given below. Mxyzptlk's spot I call "Ghost wall"
is conveniently close to Area 69, and Alexander's Toys and Vulgari gives C.J. a
way to get to the interior of Area 69 while meant to be restricted to Los San-
The gimmick of spawning a vehicle halfway into the blast doors of Area 69 is
an easy, fast way to enter it, too, if requiring a cheat code and more dangerous
other than during a glitch that lets C.J. explore without a wanted level, as he
can use during "Drive-By." Other than by using the GTA SA Control Center to
teleport C.J. to Area 69 and back, Ghost World/Blue Hell is the only way to have
C.J. go to the interior of Area 69 without using a cheat code. Otherwise, it's
still something to play with if you think it's fun to explore and like the
change of scenery.
The Pro-Laps, Alexander's Toys and Vulgari,
and Mulholland house entrances
Thanks to The Duff Man's "Secrets FAQ" at Gamefaqs for a couple of ways to get
to Ghost World from Los Santos. Some screen shots for it are at:
Mangymonki found a way to send C.J. to Ghost World at the Los Santos Pro-Laps.
Have C.J. Jetpack up into the ceiling of the little porch-like ledge that ex-
tends over the front door/yellow entrance marker, then have him go forward. As
The Duff Man says, "The whole block is pretty messed up, as you can also get in-
to blue hell through Alexander's Toys and Vulgari."
Alexander's Toys and Vulgari is next door to Pro-Laps to the S, has a bigger
front porch to fly up into, and it doesn't have some invisible solids inside to
get C.J. past as Pro-Laps does.
ArturP found that C.J. can see a little of Ghost World at the site of a Sniper
Rifle in Mulholland. It's the big light beige house with a dirty pink surround-
ing wall at the SW end of the block that's N of the Pay 'n' Spray. Have C.J.
Jetpack against the middle of the lower, more enclosed balcony, and he can walk
inside the balcony. (If you send him further back in and down through the
house, more of the house becomes invisible, but you may have a hard time finding
the way out through the invisible barriers.)
The Las Colinas entrance
Punknoodle found another Los Santos entrance: the 2nd building on the right
side of the road that goes N from the Jefferson Motel has an enclosed porch,
with four open windows with round tops, on the top floor. The porch ceiling
isn't solid.
Ghost mountain
The_Raven's Mount Chiliad entrance to Blue Hell
On the in-game map, there are three small green splotches NW of the brown spot
that represents the peak of Mount Chiliad. The blue hell entrance is a strip of
ground at the base of the cliff on the S side of the path S of the W end of the
E green splotch. On the paper map, it's on the S side of the 2nd crossing of
the path N of the "C" of "CHILIAD."
In the screenshot at the next link, the entrance is indicated by the white
blob at the base of the cliff beyond C.J.'s head.
If you have C.J. enter it with his Jetpack and have a hard time finding the
way out for him, just let him drop far enough and he'll appear above land but
without the Jetpack.
Ghost garage entrance
A Gamefaqs post by Foxracing500r, Nov.4, 2005, gave a way to ghost world.
Have C.J. go to the San Fierro Airport, go right instead of going through the
gate, go around to the parking garage, enter it on the right lane, and go ahead
to the "NO ENTRY KEEP CLEAR" sign that hangs from the ceiling. C.J. can go
through the 3rd pillar ahead, fall through ghost world, and land on the ship
used for the Export/Import mission.
Ghost cliff entrance
A Secret posted at Gamefaqs by drewpot2001 gives a different entrance to that
kind of ghost world. Have C.J. Jetpack against the cliffs, a little higher than
the water level, E of Sobell Rail Yard in Las Venturas. The Duff Man, in his
Secrets FAQ at the Gamefaqs web site, recommends going N from the Jetmax to
where that section of cliff ends in a ledge, then turning left into the ledge to
send C.J. through the cliff. C.J. can then make his way N through a little
channel of invisible stuff, and go on a surreal exploration.
Mxyzptlk's entrance to Blue Hell
W of the LV Turning Tricks Driving School
This entrance to Blue Hell is conveniently close to Area 69. Beside the Las
Venturas Turning Tricks Driving School (for motorcycles) to the W (and S of
Blackfield Stadium) is an opening to a big lot. The opening is made of two
curved walls. The Blue Hell entrance is the inside of the straight length of
wall beside the E curved part. Have C.J., equipped with the Jetpack, go forward
into it then go down.
Great Saiyaman's Blackfield entrance
Great Saiyaman found a non-solid part of a wall just a bit N of the previous
one. It's on the N side of the dark gray horizontal E-W bar S of the "C" of
"BLACKFIELD." The non-solid part, NE of the 5th bench from the W, is on the W
side of the wall that extends N-S into the lower lot.
Ghost 69
How to enter the interior of Area 69 from the start of the game
Mxyzptlk also showed a way to enter or leave the interior of Area 69 using
Blue Hell: the ceiling isn't solid above the grate against the wall by the en-
trance to the shallow W trench. See the map I made (VIII.15) for the location.
Mxyzptlk's video is at this link:
Mxyzptlk has C.J. descend below Hunter Quarry until he appears above the
ground there.
Another way to have C.J. get out of Blue Hell at Hunter Quarry is to send him
up under the crane till you get the prompt to press F or Enter to have him use
the crane. Press it twice to have him enter and exit the crane and be in the
regular world. Wherever you send C.J. low enough into Blue Hell, he'll appear
in the game world above that.
You can send C.J. to the Ghost World entrance of the interior of Area 69 from
the start of the game with the Ghost World entrance in the porch ceiling of
Alexander's Toys and Vulgari, which is beside the Los Santos Pro-Laps and men-
tioned above, or via the Las Colinas entrance mentioned above, with the ROCKET-
MAN code, and get a Minigun earlier than usual. Beforehand, you might use the
Never Wanted button of the GTA SA Control Center, X.13.c. The Control Center
lets you use either the "Auto-Clear Status after inserting cheats" button before
you use any codes or the "Clear Cheated 'Status' and 'Count'" button before you
save the game.
This pair of examples lets C.J. enter and leave Area 69 from the exterior
The inside of the air vent entrance: X 245.6275, Y 1862.581, Z 18.73007.
Over the grate of the air vent entrance: X 245.367, Y 1862.359, Z 21.97531.
You can use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) to send C.J. there from any-
where in the exterior SA world. Press the Locations tab, the "Read from GTASA"
button, and write down the coordinates.
Then put in a set of coordinates for the inside of the air vent entrance and
press Teleport. After getting the Minigun or such, put in the coordinates you
wrote down and press Teleport.
C.J. gets a four star wanted level for entering the part of Area 69 shown on
the map of it I made (I.9) (VIII.15). Once the Badlands and San Fierro are
freely available, C.J. gets five stars that goes down to four once C.J. leaves
that part of Area 69.
Ring_of_Fire's way to open the door to Ghost World
Ring_of_Fire, whose glitch finds include ways of using the PCJ600 and Skimmer
to send Tommy to Ghost World in "Vice City," found a way to use a BMX or motor-
cycle to send C.J. to Ghost World in "San Andreas."
In certain circumstances, you can equip C.J. with a Jetpack and have him push
a bicycle or motorcycle to hold open the doors with entrance markers of safe-
houses and stores, not those for gyms, and go through the entrance box of some
into Ghost World.
According to Ring_of_Fire, it works:
- at the Johnson house (and some others) after the screen prompts you to "Go
get the SWAT Tank" in "End of the Line."
- during "Customs Fast Track."
- during a mission if it has a mission vehicle (like the Black Boxville of the
Burglary mission or the BMX of a Courier mission) which C.J. can put nearby.
- during a mission with a lead character that has a blue cone pointing down at
them whom you can put nearby.
Fireman's method to make extra interiors available
at the start of the game
Another way to see interiors of the game is described in this message board,
started by Fireman, at GTA Forums:
To see the interiors, start a new game. After the scene in which C.J.'s head
is bumped while he's being put into a Police car, the screen goes black for a
moment. During the scene in which C.J. is being driven N, you enter the code to
spawn a Jetpack: "ROCKETMAN." The "Cheat activated" message lingers till the
end of the scene. C.J. gets "Wasted" and appears by the hospital but without
the text that usually appears when that happens. Type "ROCKETMAN" again so C.J.
can fly somewhere else, the text appears, then the yellow entrance cones appear
for many of the interiors that you normally only see during missions.
The interiors include:
- the Vagos Gang house ("Burning Desire") is on the N side of the block that's
E of the thick N-S line on the map, indicating a RR track with a road on either
side of it, by "JEFFERSON,"
- Jizzy's Pleasure Domes front and roof entrances ("Jizzy") are under the S
end of the Gant Bridge,
- the Sindacco Abattoir ("The Meat Business") is at the NE corner of the block
of the bottom of the "EST" of "WHITEWOOD ESTATES," and
- the City Planning Department ("Architectural Espionage") is N of the "L" of
Zero's RC Shop (at the "C" of "GARCIA"), the fast food places, Ammu-Nations,
and clothes stores open, too.
A special thanks to Fireman for contributing one of the reasons that I like
exploring in GTA's more than in other games.
Note--places that load interior graphics and that are already open without the
- Colonel Fuhrberger's house ("Home Invasion"), which is at the top of the 2nd
block N of the "B" of "EAST BEACH" and on the same road as the "B,"
- the Atrium ("Just Business"), which has two doors and is on the block W of
the martini glass icon that's N of "LITTLE MEXICO,"
- the Jefferson Motel ("Reuniting the Families"), which is on the 3rd block N
of "SON" of "JEFFERSON,"
- "Generator Hall," which has an entrance on the N side of the E tower of the
Sherman Dam by the road that goes over the dam (it's a different entrance than
the one used in "Dam and Blast"),
- Caligula's Palace, which has two roof doors and a Penthouse door below them
inside ("Breaking the Bank at Caligula's"), and
- the Sex Shop ("Key to her Heart"), which is on the W side of The Strip E of
"Redsands East.
On PC, you can't knock open Big Smoke's crack den before "End of the Line."
C.J. can also enter these places for which the interior graphics are a part of
the outside world:
- the liquor store that's across the street to the E of the N block of down-
town Blueberry,
- an abandoned diner on the E side of the biggest block of Palomino Creek,
- until you've done the mission that uses it--"Small Town Bank" with Catalina,
a bank at the S end of the W side of the block that the Palomino Creek Cluckin'
Bell is on (you can't break down the door later on PC),
- a shack, with a red glow inside at night, on the NE shore of Fisher's La-
- the "Truck Terminal" truck shop on the S block of Blueberry,
- a shack in Shady Creeks where the path from Angel Pine bends N,
- Wang Cars, NE across the street from the Xoomer garage save place, on the
border of Doherty and Downtown in San Fierro,
- Otto's Autos, at the "E" of "EAST" of "ESPLANADE EAST," in Downtown San Fi-
- and various barns in Red County and Flint County.
Rough draft/Go through everything world
by sum GTA Guy and gamefarter
Have C.J. get on the ledge above the skylight of the Jefferson Motel (see the
entry above). Use the in-game Map and put a marker at the Bayside Boat School.
Enter the Jetpack code, ROCKETMAN, and have C.J. Jetpack there.
(There's a long drop through Black Hell 1st. The radar shows what direction
the marker is in but nothing else. Use the in-game map to check your progress.)
Have C.J. get into the red marker for the school mission. (You may need to
have him run against the school awhile to find the door on the E side of the
little building. Look at it in the regular game to see that the door is partly
surrounded by a couple of little low walls that make an opening on the S end.)
Start any mission and fail it with the "blow up all vehicles" code: ALLCARSGO-
BOOM or CPKTNWT. C.J. is dropped into the water--have him swim to shore and
give him a Jetpack with which he can explore this world of non-solid partial
graphics. The graphics are often the blurry kind used for things when seen from
a distance.
To exit this world without exiting the game, have C.J. fly to the Atrium in
Los Santos--there's a solid section by a door on the side with escalators. The
Atrium is E of the building that looks like four vertical blue glassy cylinders.
When he exits, he'll be in the regular world.
Driving a blown-up boat by Ring_of_Fire
Have C.J. get off a boat, and press F/Enter when he touches the water--C.J.
walks underwater to get back on the boat. Type "allcarsgoboom" to teleport C.J.
onto the boat (not when C.J. is very close to the boat or C.J. won't teleport--
he'll just be hurt by the explosion). Type "hesoyam" before the boat explodes
again and C.J. can drive a blown-up boat. It can be destroyed again with weap-
I'll add that it makes a Predator look like the Ghost Missing boat in "GTA
Ghost land vehicles for travelling into buildings
You can spawn a vehicle halfway into the Sindacco plastics (counterfeit chip)
factory, S of the "TES" of "WHITEWOOD ESTATES," or the blast doors of Area 69,
to enter it. Their interiors are rendered with the outside world.
The only skyscraper in Los Santos with a 3D interior (at the N end of the
block that's E of the one with "NTOS" of "DOWNTOWN LOS SANTOS"),
the Gasso station with Max pane glass with bullet holes (on the SW block of
Dillimore; the S wall worked for me; the floor is solid except for the hall be-
hind the counter),
and Big Smoke's crack den (on the NE corner of the block that's W of the one
with "F" of "LOS FLORES"; I couldn't break the wall of Big Smoke's crack den be-
fore "End of the Line" on PC),
are easy to enter that way, too.
Ghost Beagle and Mower
xox_vanzant_xox saw that an airplane called a Beagle may appear with the left
side embedded in, or laying on, a house in Fort Carson (on the N side of the SE
block). (In the PS2 version of the game, the Mower appears in a tree trunk in
Dillimore. Thanks to Cube623.)
"Ghost" Glendales, etc.
On PS2, a scratched-up, discarded Glendale appears and coasts downhill near
the NW side of the S of two horse shoe-shaped hills in Back O' Beyond. (On PC,
the couple of Glendales I see there are just sitting there.) It's been nick-
named the Ghost Car, and it's useful in providing a ride out of the wilderness.
(I have a ghost Vortex at the beach NE of downtown Bayside Marina, though, and
I've never seen anyone inside the trolley.)
(The dented Glendale also appears elsewhere in the game, as does a scratched
and dented Sadler pickup truck.)
Ghost upside-down chili vendor
If C.J. uses a Rocket Launcher to shoot the chili dogs stand at the end of the
Santa Maria pier, it appears upside-down in the water under the pier. If he
swims into the red shaft of light by it to buy a chili dog, he'll eat it if you
have him climb onto the stand. The vendor stays nearby in the drowned position
as long as C.J. stays there. (That was known when somebody posted it, but I
can't remember where I read it originally.)
Ghost house
A GTA Forums post by imut_knight showed an unorthodox way to enter a house
that's N and across the street from the 2nd "O" of "IDLEWOOD." Have C.J. jump
at the garage door on the S side of the house, and he can hang on to the top
edge and climb in. When he's inside, the ceiling is invisible. He can climb
out where he climbed in.
Ghost 3D office building
The one skyscraper in Los Santos with a 3D interior is at the N end of the
block that's E of the one with "NTOS" of "DOWNTOWN LOS SANTOS." As Fireman ex-
plained at GTA Forums, you can point C.J. at the building (from the sidewalk
edge that's nearest to the lot of the building), type "VROCKPOKEY" to have Hot-
ring Racer A appear with one side imbedded in the building, and have C.J. enter
the car and go out the other side to enter the building.
Once he's in there, you could type "ROCKETMAN" so C.J. gets a Jet Pack and can
look around--the things inside it aren't solid. You might also use the GTA SA
Control Center, X.13.c, and use coordinates to transport him into and out of it.
A possible pair of sets of coordinates I came up with are:
X: 1819.59300
Y: -1287.79900
Z: 13.600860
Angle: 92.935470
X: 1839.620000
Y: -1280.601000
Z: 13.545330
Angle: 128.297200
(It's not the only 3D building in Los Santos. For one example, the shopping
center S of the E block of Glen Park has 3D windows, too.)
Ghost woman in a pawn shop wall
I found this one:
If you have C.J. stand NW of the Cluckin' Bell that's S of the Johnson house
and look SW at the yellow pawn shop, you can see a woman, shown from about waist
up, with brown hair and a red dress. She's in the rectangle-shaped indentation
on the near yellow wall of the shop. C.J. can get closer to see her if you turn
the draw distance down.
If you have C.J. go closer to her,she's covered over with a lighter or darker
color (depending on the time of day) than the wall.
The Rocket Launcher gimmick that let you see through walls in the last two
GTA's doesn't work in "San Andreas," so I don't know how to get a closer look.
The same yellow building except with a barber shop appears on the SW corner of
the block of "S" of "PLAYA DEL SEVILLE." You can see the ghost woman on the W
side of the S wall if C.J. is far enough away. I couldn't get the woman to ap-
pear on the wall of the yellow pawn shop behind the Johnson house.
A very minor ghost world find
I'm on a roll here for your ghost excitement--I found this, too.
Go S from the little loop of road in Mulholland to the T intersection, go S
from the end of the double yellow line in the middle of the street and across
the intersection to the tan stucco house with a dirty white picket fence. C.J.
can walk into the non-solid grass in the lawn at the SE side of the house till
the grass is over his head. He gets the best view of Ghost World from the spot
by looking N.
At the top of the driveway, you may find a couple of garbage pails that have
"Vice City" maps inside them (as found across from the Angel Pine Cluckin'
Ghost Garver Bridge
Zmoonchild showed a way to get into the underside of the Garver Bridge, which
was also found earlier by pdescobar and others.
At the SW end of the Garver Bridge, just past the N end of the length of
earthquake damaged highway, have C.J. go up the gray embankment. If you send
him out along the edge of the bridge while pushing to his right, he'll find the
entrance to the underside of it. He can go to the other end of the bridge,
where there's a gray wall.
Ghost walls
Benjimino234's invisible wall behind the Willowfield Cluckin' Bell
Benjimino234 found an invisible block--as punknoodle described, it's "beside
the orderbox...looks to be about a 1 foot wide by 3 foot long wall at a diagonal
to the back wall"--behind the Cluckin' Bell that's S of C.J.'s Mom's house.
bagga rabbit's invisible wall on the porch of Cranberry Station
bagga rabbit found an invisible wall on the front of the porch of the street
entrance to the Cranberry train station.
More names on the mantle of explorers of ghost world--good finds!
Ghost fence
Masterkraft found a section of fence without a collision file. It's the SW to
NE section of fence along the coast W of the S end of the Gant Bridge.
punknoodle found that the W end of it isn't solid, either.
The Vinewood cemetery
C.J.'s Mom's grave is at the NE corner of the graves in the Vinewood cemetery,
which is on the N side of the block N of the block with "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD."
The top couple of feet of dirt is missing from the grave, which is covered with
a solid invisible plate with a few tufts of grass on it. It's given rise to
rumors of her having left the grave to haunt C.J.'s house. Besides it and a
similar grave (except covered with a dark plate that's easier to see through at
night) a few plots W creating a couple of places for the "camera" during "Sweet
and Kendl," it just looks like the top couple of feet of the hole of each were
filled in with polyurethane topped with a few tufts of artificial grass, so it
doesn't suggest anything to me if I had to think of a real life or movie refer-
ence explanation (ghost dirt?).
Likewise, some rumors of the place being haunted have arisen from gang graffi-
ti appearing on the cemetery walls from 20:00 to 6:00. Since Sweet tells C.J.
several gang members are buried there, you might imagine C.J. remembering the
late spirits of gang members killed in gang wars for that.
I.11 Odds and Ends
At the start of the game, before all the railroad tracks are free to travel,
you might see the Brown Streak diesel locomotive, which has two cars hitched to
it, or a Freight train with several flat cars. When one stops at a train sta-
tion, C.J. can jack it and go back and forth over the length of the track in the
legally allowed Los Santos and Red County areas. The view while driving a train
is the cinematic view, in which you can pick a view with NP4. There are barri-
ers at either end of the allowed section, and, with the train travelling at a
moderate speed, the game makes the train come to a stop before either of them.
But if the train goes fast enough, it can go through the barriers and travel
the whole circuit around San Andreas. When I did this, I had the train go from
the NE Red County end at full acceleration, only releasing acceleration a bit in
SE Los Santos when I could see the train shake a bit (if you floor it long
enough, you can derail the train). The train went through the barriers in Rich-
man. C.J. got a four star wanted rating but the law enforcers can't stop the
train. (You can do it without the wanted rating if you use the "Reuniting the
Families" glitch). The game made the train stop on the Frederick Bridge before
going through the NE Red County barriers again, though--I don't know if the
train would have gone through them if I'd floored it again.
(My Dad was a brakeman on the railroad in the 1930's before he became an art-
ist/cartoonist at the Pittsburgh Press for the rest of his life, so that goes
1st. There aren't any 30's steam engines in "Mafia," so I'll take what I can
You can drive into the full size trees that rest on square flat boxes, such as
along the sidewalks of the couple of blocks N of Avispa Country Club in SF, and
knock them over. C.J. can climb them, and several other kinds of trees, too.
(For more examples, see I.7.aa.)
C.J., like Tommy Vercetti, can walk up a tree that slopes from the ground--
there's one, a tall pine tree, leaning over the N end of the big pond of Back O'
You might have already seen this in stunt videos--you can drive a motorcycle
up the cables of the Garver Bridge. Going down the cable on the other side is
trickier, especially twice.
The Alhambra is a dance club. It has flaming torches in front, and is tan by
day but is lit up red and blue at night, along the middle of the W side of the
block with "IDL" of "IDLEWOOD" in Los Santos. The locations of the other dance
clubs are given at "Life's a Beach" (IV.19). If you have C.J. go inside one and
walk into the shaft of light, he dances with a lady while you press W,S,A, and
D for up, down, etc., in time with the music at the time each arrow rolls into
a stationary circle in the middle of the screen. He dances better if you get
it right. You get a Stat for your highest score.
The Pig Pen strip club is on the W side of the block that's N of the one with
a martini glass symbol that's W of "LOS FLORES." C.J. can throw money down by
the strippers for them to do one of those Jane Fonda aerobics moves they do. He
can also pay $100 when in a shaft of light to go into a room to be seated while
one of several strippers does a private dance for him. You can use the LMB to
pick from several views to watch it.
The other strip clubs can be found between the W side of Las Venturas and the
E side of the No Fly Zone, at the NE corner of the block S of the one with "VEN-
TURAS" of "OLD VENTURAS STRIP," and at the SE corner of the block that's E of
the block with "OT" of "COME-A-LOT."
Thanks to a post by Mxyzptlk at the GTA Forums web site--his overseeing of the
other posters in expansion of Shaft21's "San Andreas" secrets--for the next
couple of tips.
In the original versions of "San Andreas":
The Pay 'n' Spray behind Come-a-lot, S Las Venturas, isn't on the in-game map.
On PS2, you can see the inside of it as your vehicle is sprayed and the floor
has a non-solid spot. On PC, it's non-functional. To get there, go N from the
S end of the road that divides by the Emerald Isle, take the 3rd right, the 2nd
left, then turn right and look for it on your left.
There's also an unmarked barber shop in El Quebrados (Spanish for "The Frac-
tion"), in the N area of Tierra Robada, that isn't on the map.
Apropos of nothing more than that they're GTA-related concerns, and I wanted a
place for the Internet to have them:
Rebirth: a suggestion for how to make music in a future GTA
If anyone from Rockstar North reads this, I have a suggestion for an extra
feature for the next GTA. The lead player could go into a music store and play
with something like ReBirth 2.0.1 by Propellerhead. Previously sold for about
$160, it's been discontinued and is now freeware. The game player doesn't need
to know how to play an instrument to have fun with it, and Rockstar North could
give the lead player and the pedestrians some moves to do to the rhythm. It's
easier to play with, and more fun, than the dance game, and it's only a little
over 4 MBs.
A good article about it is here:
The article shows a picture of the interface--you can click the picture to see
an enlargement of it. The article mentions a CD you need to play the full free
version, but you don't need the CD to play the demo version I gave a "freefun-
files" link for above that.
If you try it, there are two bass synthesizers and two drum machines. Each of
them has four sets--A to D--of eight buttons each on the left side of the dis-
play. Any one combination--C6, A4, etc.--represents a one measure pattern of
music. You don't need good timing--the combo you pick will start playing at the
start of the next four beat measure; if you don't make a selection, the pattern
keeps repeating. You can change the notes, bend them, adjust the tones, of the
bass lines with the keyboard, etc., displays. You can pick the percussion in-
struments and adjust their tones on the two bottom displays. You can choose
from two overall sets--Pattern or Song mode--at the top of the screen.
Where to get the 1st two GTA's and "Wild Metal Country" free
You can still download "GTA," "GTA2," and "Wild Metal Country" (a futuristic
shooter between futuristic Rhinos) for free at:
How to see the coordinates on the PC "GTA2"
"GTA2" doesn't have a radar or in-game map. The walk-throughs for it give the
location of weapons, mission concerns, etc., with coordinates, and the PS2 "wug-
gles" code doesn't make the coordinates appear on PC. To see the coordinates on
PC, go to the Gouranga web site, GTA2, Tips and Cheats, and get the "GTA2 Power
Manager" by Harry Denholm, aka Ishani.
Click the "Debug" tab at the top and check the box for "Do Bebug Keys." Dur-
ing the game, press C to see the coordinates.
How to get Darkel into "III"
Darkel is a tramp created for "III" then edited out of the game before it was
released. His name and voice actor--Bill Fiore--are listed in the credits,
though, and his .dff and .txd files and some others are still in the game.
It was widely rumored that he led a group of bums, now found among the other
pedestrians and around a Hidden Package in the tunnel behind 8-Ball's Portland
bomb shop, and he sent Claude Speed to do missions that later became the Ram-
pages and the "I Scream, You Scream" mission for El Burro. Some think Claude
was to meet Darkel in the tunnel.
Here's an excerpt from an article about the then-upcoming "GTA III" at the
Gouranga! web site (thanks to a Gamefaqs post by quest78 for reminding me about
the article):
Another mission source is a street urchin named Darkel (according to Game
Informer, he will be replacing the Kill Frenzies that were in GTA and GTA2).
Darkel is a rather odd addition who asks you to commit various random acts
of violence. One such act mentioned in the IGN preview is to steal an ice
cream truck, load it with dynamite, and then set off the bomb after attract-
ing a large enough crowd. Sounds pretty dark but I'd imagine that its just
the tip of the iceberg.
Some rumors have it that he was edited out of the game because he had Claude
create destruction that was somehow similar to the Sept.11, 2001 tragedy which
happened not long before the game was released. (One rumor has it Darkel had
Claude fly a plane into the tallest skyscraper, the one Donald Love lives in,
and that the fast deletion of Darkel caused the disappearance of Donald Love to
be abrupt and unexplained.)
This Wikipedia article has some more about it. It makes it sound possible
that Darkel was removed, among other changes, due to the tragedy, but says there
weren't any plane missions to remove:
You can put Darkel into "III" with Notepad. Un-check the green dot 1st (X.4).
Then click > Edit > Replace, and replace "scum_man" with "darkel" in data\de-
fault.ide and data\pedgrp.dat.
(Don't try it by renaming their .txd and .dff files with each other's names or
you end up with a white Darkel ghost. This just changes which .dff and .txd
files the game calls for.)
You might try using him as your lead character a bit with the "ifeellikedress-
ingup" code.
How to find Odie's Statue of Liberty mod, the Wichita-Airport Bridge, the Nakt
patch, etc.
Mods for "III" are getting harder to find. But I just saw a lot of mods for
"III," including Odie's Miss Liberty (the Statue of Liberty), at the GTA Place
and gta-downloads web sites:
The Wichita-Airport Bridge by MrMilti connects Wichita Gardens to Francis In-
ternational Airport, and makes Sub-missions around there a lot easier:
The Naktpatch by Sveni didn't cause such a scandal back when GTA prostitute
mods just dared show half of each niblet:
How to let Claude leave Portland early
To let Claude Speed leave Portland the fastest, easiest way, un-check the
green dot (X.4), go into data\handling.cfg--where you might go, anyway, to soup
up the Submission vehicles or the Rumpo (to make "Big N' Veiny" easier)--and
give a vehicle a -1 in column I: percent submerged. Then, when Claude drives it
off one end of the destroyed Callahan bridge and it falls into the water, it
will appear on the other end of the bridge. This works to get across the lift
bridge before it's working, too, to get to Shoreside Vale.
Besides the popular choice--typing "chittychittybb" and having Claude fly a
Police car (esp. a souped up one) over the Callahan Bridge--a couple of methods
I learned from Rusk's PS2 testing work on PC, too:
If you send Claude W along the N side of the destroyed Callahan Bridge, down
to about 5' (?) from the end of the 2nd straight length of a bent red girder
that projects beyond the end of Claude's side of the bridge, Claude can jump
over to the thick silver-gray pipe of the other side of the bridge. He can en-
ter the subway at the S end of Staunton and use it to get to Shoreside Vale.
Another way is to have Claude back the back wheels of the Easy Autos Banshee
out over the water from the concrete tunnel roof in NW Portland, backing out to
about where the middle of the road below is and until the Banshee teeters on the
verge of falling. Have Claude exit and he lands on the tunnel roof. Send him W
while aiming the view with the mouse to see the tunnel roof below the blue
stuff. He has to jump over an obstruction then can go over the middle of the
tunnel roof to Staunton, where some invisible solid stuff won't let him continue
to Shoreside Vale unless he uses the ledge at the side of the roof. When you
want Claude to appear in either town, have him jump from below the town into the
blue stuff and he'll appear on the land above.
Thanks to variable veracity verifier Orion_SR for some creative gameplay that
leads him to add that you can send Claude from Staunton to Shoreside by having
him drive a Yankee into the subway in S Staunton, onto the far side of the same
upper platform, and having Claude jump from the Yankee roof through the subway
ceiling onto the roof over the tracks. Unlike the case in "Liberty City Stor-
ies," the roof nearby is invisible, though, so it isn't easy to navigate even if
you have Claude shoot it to see where the ricochets appear. Claude can also
make the trip by bailing from a Fire truck he tips into the water over the tun-
nel by NW Staunton (W of the stadium). The radar doesn't show the tunnel there
in "III," so send him into the tunnel 1st to see where it is on the radar.
(Copy and Paste the 2nd halves to the 1sts in the Address Bar for the next two
links to Orion_SR's videos.)
How to use Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle for the lead player of "III"
gtadude1 has come up with a mod that looks so much like Robert De Niro as
Travis Bickle in "Taxi Driver," 1976, it looks like he used a photo and worked
it out from there. If you ever wondered what it would be like to have De Niro
as a lead player, you won't get a better chance than this. gtadude1 wrote that
he'd work on it more if there was support for it, so I encourage you to show him
(The 1st screen shot also shows the one electric sign I've found so far in
"III" that tells the correct time.)
Where to get the "Liberty City" mod for "Vice City"
Also apropos of nothing more than it's a GTA concern: the Liberty City mod,
used with a copy of "Vice City," and which I describe in "Glenster's Guide to
Some of Vice City," can be found at the GTA Forums web site:
It has an automatic installer now that worked smoothly for me. The "Vice
City" modding, trainer, etc., concerns apply because it's built on the VC engine
(and has the VC PCJ-600, helicopters, etc., too.)
To use a trainer with it, un-check the green dot (X.4), go to the Liberty City
folder, open gta-lc.ini with Notepad, and change "ChangeTaskBar=1" to
"ChangeTaskBar=0" then Save and exit.
How to pick the version of "Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven" you run
The solution for the problem of being unable to use mods or trainers that are
only compatible with certain versions of "Mafia"
Even more tenuously apropos than the sections above: you can get the Mafia
Swap program at:
The instructions have you change a file of the game, then you run the program
at the start of the game. It asks you to enter a number to indicate which mod
you want to use--I enter the number that means I don't have a mod installed.
Then it lets you pick which version of Mafia you want to run.
My copy of "Mafia" was v.1.2 when I bought it, but it can be run as v1, which
lets you use the +19 trainer, the detour gimmick for the race, and give some of
the mods a try.
You might also try Mafia II:
Some GTA clones you might try
Here's an article about GTA clones that might help you decide on a GTA-type
game to try:
I.12 Glitches
I.12.a Problem glitches
Cures for the gym and basketball glitches
Artem Khassanov has a web site that offers fixes for the PC version of the
gym and basketball glitches. (Thanks to silentexistence for the tip about Ar-
tem's new web site.)
According to System error, at the GTA Forums web site, you shouldn't save
your game at Madd Dogg's mansion or the game may not produce any basketballs.
Orion_SR has confirmed, by modding the location of the save cassette, that the
glitch is due to saving near a basketball court.
And abhishekprabhu, at the Gamefaqs web site, adds (that you should remember,
before you decide that you have the glitch) that the basketball doesn't always
appear at all of the courts, and the glitch that causes it not to appear at all
may come and go, anyway. The fix for it resets the counters in the save files.
(GTW note: on PC, the basketballs don't appear till after "Tagging Up Turf.")
According to SuGGaK at the GTA Forums web site, Take-Two suggests that you
have C.J. eat a couple of meals at least once every two days, preferably once a
day, to prevent the glitch of C.J. being unable to work out at the gyms.
(If you get the gym glitch, it often appears late in the game and causes C.J.
to be unable to use the exercise equipment in the gyms. Instead, he gets the
message telling him he's worked out enough for today--come back tomorrow.)
Ring_of_Fire's cure for the gym glitch is to exit the game completely and
start it again, or save the game six times in a row.
Pdescobar's cure for the Taxi mission glitch
Rusk has reported to me that there's a glitch for this in the original ver-
sion on Xbox and was told it's true for the original PC version, too: it seemed
that if C.J. got his Pilot's License, 20%, for his Flying Skill Stat before com-
pleting the Taxi mission or "Mike Toreno," fares didn't appear for the Taxi and
C.J. couldn't find the location of Toreno in "Mike Toreno."
Thanks to scorpion_great for recommending this cure:
Pdescobar isolated the problem as commonly caused by corruption of zone infor-
mation. One thing that causes that cause is to send C.J. to the edge of the
map, so try to avoid sending him to the border of the map (which could happen
while you have C.J. fly to get a Pilot's license). The map zone information for
the save game becomes corrupted that way--when the Taxi mission needs a pedes-
trian to be the customer, the game doesn't know what to do. If you save the
game, the glitch appears on new games you start, too. He used a hex editor to
make the map zone information what it should be.
Orion_SR adds that he's gotten the glitch after doing the Firefighter and
Paramedic missions without flying or going to the edge of the map, but not if he
did the Taxi mission 1st.
I'd play it safe and avoid whatever all may cause the map zone information
corruption by having C.J. do the Taxi mission early. But if you got the glitch
and want to cure it, drag and drop pdescobar's file, found at the link below,
over the .exe file found in the main folder of the game:
The extra gang territory glitch
Mxyzptlk explained the extra gang territory glitch at the GTA Forums web site:
To cover all of San Andreas, including the country areas, with gang turf, have
C.J. fly or sail to a corner of the map in a constant direction for at least 30
minutes. The longer you do, the more gang turf there is, with San Andreas com-
pletely covered with it in two to three hours.
On PS2, you then hold X, pull out the controller, and reinsert it to get con-
trol back. Have C.J. jump out of the plane, land in the sea, and drown. Be-
sides creating a lot of gang territory, it causes drug dealers to appear in San
Fierro and Las Venturas, and each turf war is only one wave. It's not really
worth it because the more turf C.J. wins over, the less percentage he attains
for it in the Stats.
(Planet grand theft auto also discourages it by adding that winning that turf
causes Grove Street Family gang members to appear everywhere, and their cars
aren't fun to drive at all.)
Hmvartak's Online Glitch Repair Tool
hmvartak created an Online Glitch Repair Tool to fix the Pedestrians Riot code
(AJLOJYQY can't normally be removed once the game is saved), basketball (no
basketballs), Taxi (no fares), Pool (no pool player), and barriers (bridge bar-
riers not removed in save games modded from v.1 to v.2 or vice versa) glitches.
The tool, for unmodded v.1 and v.2 saves and ones with the barrier glitch, is at
the next link. (Thanks to Orion_SR)
System error's advice at GTA Forums regarding various other glitches
Don't store any other vehicles in a garage where you save a vehicle with a
special look, like the Mothership, or the special paint job may disappear.
Give a modded car it's own garage so the garage door doesn't take a long time
to open.
If a girlfriend isn't home for a week from the day of a missed date, save the
game repeatedly till a day in game time passes to get her to show up.
Date Michelle before C.J. finishes Driving School or she'll show up a lot less
Get a permanent haircut then get tattoos, or remove all tattoos before getting
a haircut, or a haircut makes the Sex Appeal points gotten from getting tattoos
A two-player game makes the Brass Knuckles in C.J.'s weapon inventory disap-
pear. (GTW note: two player games aren't used in the PC version.)
Don't save your game right after "End of the Line"--complete another mission
1st or your save game may become corrupted.
The Longest 2 Wheels Distance Stat may become very big while the Longest 2
Wheels Time Stat remains normal. (GTW note: this happens in the PC version,
There's a glitch that causes C.J. to retain his money and weapons after being
busted or wasted even though he hasn't successfully dated Katie or Barbara.
(GTW note: since I never save the game after C.J. gets busted or wasted--I press
Esc before the game can show the cut scene about it--I might never know the dif-
The Fire Extinguisher glitch
According to tommy vercetti guy at the GTA Forums web site:
Starting a new game from the start menu after playing another game can make
all the fire extinguishers disappear. (GTW Note: I haven't run into this prob-
lem with the PC version.)
The Xoomer garage and Flips glitches
The San Fierro Xoomer garage has a reputation for eating cars, so don't put
anything hard to replace in it.
In the Stats, under Achievements, Maximum Insane Jump Flips are mistakenly
given in degrees. In one save file I have one degree for that, and in another
save file I have five degrees for it.
I.12.b Fun glitches, gimmicks, etc.
Thanks to GTA Forums, mainly:
the Glitch Index compiled and contributed to by Fireman, and
the Glitch list compiled and contributed to by Cubanjetmax,
for the glitches in this section.
I recommend the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c), which lets you use hotkeys for
codes, to do some of these gimmicks for which time is of the essence. You can
use the Control Center to erase the cheat count, too.
I've divided it into sections for missions, people, vehicles, weapons, and
other things.
Pdescobar's way to explore areas that create a wanted rating without creating
a wanted rating
"No wanted level" mission exploits by pdescobar unless otherwise noted. His
explanations are at the GTA Forums message board at this link:
Loop removal mission The wanted level occasionally flashes and disappears.
Police appear but ignore C.J.. Police vehicles appear, and Rangers, Enforcers,
and FBI Ranchers appear on the dirt road around Area 69.
Ignored by police mission C.J. can get a wanted level but police ignore him.
The two exceptions are that Hydras will shoot at him if he has four or more
wanted stars and he's flying, and that if C.J. enters an interior with a wanted
level, a few police will appear and attack. But if C.J. evades or shoots the
police, there won't be more.
Los Santos Missions
"Drive By" Send C.J. anywhere but into Sweet's Greenwood.
"Just Business" by srg Send C.J. away when he and Big Smoke leave the Atrium.
To best avoid the ways this can fail, srg recommends having C.J. kill the three
Russians closest to Big Smoke then having C.J. jump off the Atrium in the oppo-
site direction (toward the airport).
"Los Sepulcros" by srg Ignored by police mission After C.J. jumps the wall
and talks to Sweet, don't have C.J. attack the Ballas. Have him tell his gang
to stay put and he can go exploring.
"Reuniting the Families" contributed to Rusk's walk-through by "The Chadness"
C.J. can safely explore either after he gets into the red marker at the motel,
or after he shoots down the helicopter on the roof if you don't have him follow
Badlands Missions
"Are You Going to San Fierro?" by Mxyzptlk/Aggrosk8er Loop removal mission
C.J. can safely explore after shooting down the helicopter and getting into the
San Fierro Missions
"Mountain Cloud Boys" by srg Ignored by police mission The police will ig-
nore C.J. once he goes through the alley to the open gate and triggers the cut-
scene. Have C.J. kill all but the last guy, and try but fail to enter the
locked Sentinel. Wu Zi will be able to open it and will get in--have C.J. leave
him there and explore, getting rid of any wanted rating before returning to kill
the last guy and continue.
"Lure" by srg Loop removal mission The wanted level is kept to zero once the
Rancher goes into the marker at Angel Pine, but C.J. must stay in the Rancher.
(Pdescobar says the Rancher is explosion/damage/fire-proof, and you might want
to dunk it to fail the mission and store the Rancher.)
"Amphibious Assault" The wanted level is frozen when C.J. enters the marker
at the pier. Have him swim through the rocks then explore. Have C.J. Use
stealth to reach the pier steps or have him blow up the boats, or snipe the men
on them, 1st.
The Da Nang Thang" contributed by David Sears and Dr. Simon Chan to Rusk's
walk-through/srg Loop removal mission C.J. can safely explore once he's in the
"Mike Toreno" by srg Ignored by police mission When it's time to destroy the
van, don't have C.J. do it. Instead, he can drive away in the Premier he ar-
rived in.
"Outrider" Send C.J. to the gas station, watch the cutscene, have him drive
to the marker, and possibly get the weapons, but don't have him get on the bike.
"Pier 69" by srg Loop removal mission As soon as you have control of C.J.,
he can explore. Don't send him onto the roof.
Desert Missions
"Learning to Fly" C.J. can fly over Area 69.
"N.O.E." by srg Flying overe military bases won't create a wanted level but
SAM sites still operate.
"Black Project" by srg After C.J. gets the Jetpack he can safely explore.
Las Venturas Missions
"You've Had Your Chips" C.J. can safely explore after going near the factory
and being told the gates are guarded. This is the 1st time C.J. can get a Rhino
without any trouble.
"A Home in the Hills" Have C.J. lead the 2nd set of Triads from the roof to
the door, but don't send him inside. Have him hop the wall and explore.
Finale Missions
"Vertical Bird" C.J. can roam the naval base (and get the two nearby Oysters
or the Patriot) without a wanted rating.
"Los Desperados" by srg Loop removal mission Send C.J. somewhere other than
the train station. It's easy for him to jack an FBI Rancher from the dirt road
near where the vehicles are parked at Area 69.
"End of the Line" Either don't have C.J. get in Sweet's Greenwood, or take
Sweet to Big Smoke's place 1st so the car becomes indestructible.
Pdescobar adds that some of the missions that drop the setting for "sensitiv-
ity to crime" (opcode 03C7) from 1.0 to to 0.0 (making it harder to raise a
wanted level) for at least part of the mission are "Stowaway," "Burning Desire,"
"Catalyst," "Just Business," "Madd Dogg's Rhymes," and "Deconstruction." "555
We Tip" uses a setting of -1.0 for part of the mission.
Infinite spray from spray can during "Tagging Up Turf" by InFeRnUs92
When Sweet leaves C.J. in Ballas turf to spray a few Tags, have C.J. do all
100. (Until C.J. sprays those several Tags , you can find Sweet in his car by
C.J.'s house. The car is locked, but you can have C.J. kill him, which causes
Sweet to fall out the door. C.J. can use the damage-proof Greenwood.)
Invincible C.J. 1 by tommy vercetti guy
C.J. can make a standing jump from touching the N fence on top of the tallest
building in San Fierro and won't get hurt.
Invincible C.J. 2 by ?
C.J. can fall from any height onto the flat surface of a vehicle and won't get
hurt. (An exception to the above is if C.J. jumps out of the Andromada of
"Stowaway" too early, which causes him to land on the top of an Admiral.)
Invincible C.J. 3 by most anyone who's observant,
which, at times, includes me
C.J. can fall from any height in a vehicle and won't get hurt. An exception
is if he's in one that blows up, so try to get him to bail to avoid the fast
crash of a flying vehicle. Leveling the wheels of a two wheel vehicle usually
makes for a safe landing.
C.J. can fall from any height into water, and, if it's deep enough, he won't
get hurt. If he has full Health and Armor and isn't equipped with a Parachute
when he lands, he can fall from any height onto ground and survive with a lit-
tle Health, but if he falls even a fraction as far with an unopen Parachute, he
dies. (I forget where I 1st read about those two examples. If you use the Con-
trol Center and have C.J.'s Health set at 176, he won't die from the unopen
Parachute fall.) He won't get hurt if he falls without opening the Parachute
provided near the end of "Breaking the Bank at Caligula's."
Invincible ped by GTAFAN4LIFE
Leave a vehicle in a Pay n' Spray, have C.J. punch a ped and run to the vehi-
cle so the ped is in the Pay 'n' Spray as the door closes, and the ped is invin-
Invincible gang member by gtamike123 and digimetal
Gtamike123's method is to skip the opening cutscene of "Saint Mark's Bistro"
(VIII.29) to see C.J. talking to Maccer by a car Ken is in. Type in the "blow
up all vehicles" code, ALLCARSGOBOOM or CPKTNWT. Use one of the "recruit any-
one" codes, SJMAHPE (recruits get a 9mm) or ROCKETMAYHEM (recruits get a rocket
launcher), and have C.J. recruit Maccer.
Digimetal's plan is about the same except he has C.J. take the Jetpack to The
Truth near the end of "Black Project" (VIII.15), puts in the "peds hate you"
code, BAGOWPG, and after The Truth gets out of the Mothership, digimetal uses a
"recruit anyone" code and enters the "peds hate you" code again to disable it.
(Don't save the game with a "peds hate you" cheat enabled.)
Basically, the more general idea to take from both plans above is to fail a
mission and have C.J. recruit Cesar, Sweet, etc., before they walk away.
The next three examples could go in the Ghost World category, too.
Invisible gang member 1 by xspudx
Have C.J. recruit a gang member to follow him, and have him get them to take
his picture with the Camera (press Tab when prompted). Have C.J. aim a gun at
the "camera" (at you) and fire. This kills the gang member and there's blood on
the ground but no homie. If an Ambulance comes, the paramedic brings the invis-
ible homie back to life. You can put put Satchel Charges on the gang member to
see where he is.
Invisible gang member 2 by gtamike123 and Drizz
Enter a "recruit anyone" code, SJMAHPE (recruits get a 9mm) or ROCKETMAYHEM
(recruits get a rocket launcher) before the chase of the Firetruck Sweet hangs
from in "End of the Line." When the Firetruck goes left over a bridge, have
C.J. get out of his car, get a safe distance from it, then enter the "blow up
all vehicles" code, ALLCARSGOBOOM or CPKTNWT. Have C.J. rush to recruit him--
target the back of the ladder where Sweet was hanging. You could use a code to
spawn a vehicle to rush C.J. to Sweet quicker. (VROCKPOKEY spawns Hotring Racer
Drizz adds that the same gimmick can be used at the end of "Home Invasion."
After the last cutscene, Ryder fades from view as he walks away. Quickly get
C.J. to recruit Ryder before he's gone.
I'll add that using the Control Center (X.13.c), which lets you use hotkeys
for codes, can make it easier to do this gimmick.
Invisible Vagos
If C.J. gets too far ahead of the train in "Wrong Side of the Tracks" (IV.17),
you fail the mission but Vago ghosts, with only their SMGs visible, will go by
on the train. (I had C.J. jump on the train to get them, anyway.)
How to make the Flint trailer park photographers appear
By the W coast of Los Santos inlet, S of the S-most bridge across it, is a
trailer park. One of various pedestrians may appear as a photographer at the
coast S of the entrance. They thoughtfully survey the scenery for subjects for
photos, take one or a few photos, then they walk into the water and drown. (Ap-
parently, they're more upset by a few aspects of the graphics than me.)
If you send C.J. into the park enough to change the location name shown at the
bottom right corner of the screen, then send him toward the entrance enough to
change it back, a different pedestrian appears as the photographer.
Lemmings gimmick 1
On the W side of the Cluckin' Bell, N of the Johnson house in Los Santos, is
a telephone pole pedestrians appear from. Have C.J. stand where it says "RE-
and look S at the pole.
Another spot to watch from is by the little brick pile E of the Tag that's
above the porch roof of the shopping center S of the Cluckin' Bell parking lot.
The pedestrians appear about 15' up, slide down part of the way, fall the
rest, and keep walking. You can turn C.J. away and back to help them spawn.
Lemmings gimmick 2
Similar to the DMA (later Rockstar North) game "Lemmings," 1990, pedestrians,
seen from an alley in Las Venturas, will appear on the 3rd floor ledge of a
building and walk off.
To see them, have C.J. go to the alley on the W side of Welding and Weddings,
which is on the SE section of the block that's W of "ISLE" of "THE EMERALD
ISLE," and go N in that alley to where it intersects an alley that goes W from
it. Look NE at the near corner of the 3rd story gray ledge of the Emerald Isle
skyscraper (by day, the upper W part of the building looks gray-blue with dark
gray-blue horizontal stripes).
If you have C.J. stand in the right several foot-wide spot, the pedestrians
appear on that corner of the ledge and walk off, falling out of view behind a
beige--light gray lit by daylight--wall. I've also seen some pedestrians appear
a bit below the ledge and fly up to it 1st, then walk off, which is strange. I
think it helps spawn them to have C.J. go a bit S to change the name of the lo-
cation, shown in the lower right corner of the screen, and change it back again.
You might hear a scream as they fall, and maybe a crunching sound, possibly
followed by the sound of other pedestrians screaming and running away in a pan-
You can have C.J. zoom in on them with a Sniper Rifle scope or Camera, but you
get the best idea of what's happening there by having C.J. go up a bit with the
Jet Pack.
It just looks like someone may have made a typo in programming the ped path
for the sidewalk below along a corner of the building.
It might even have been left in deliberately, like the flying vehicle wrecks.
Most of the ones that fall get up and walk away. I've even seen some disappear
into the side of the building before they hit the ground.
Lemmings gimmick 3
Thanks to Freeform mixer for reporting to GTA Forums what I think is the most
dramatic variety of the Lemmings glitch, and thanks to Orion_SR for confirming
that it works on PS2 but not PC. It may cause 2-80 peds a minute to rain from
the sky, so -/TNT\- named it "Pedrain" (a variation of the name of the title
character of the game "Bloodrayne," 2002). At the start of "Breaking the Bank
at Caligula's," send C.J. to the front of Caligula's to trigger the warning
message to "Avoid attracting attention in the casino...." but don't send him in-
side. Have him Jetpack ("ROCKETMAN") to the S roof of Caligula's--a T-shaped
section, remove the Jetpack, and stand still. In a minute or two the peds start
falling from the sky and landing near C.J..
Holy Grenade Frenzy recommends having C.J. stand on the apex, which runs E-W,
of the tall middle section, or a bit more S on the apex of the base of the T,
facing S. It's okay to move the "camera" while C.J. is still, but moving him
stops the rain for a minute or so. Once the rain starts, have C.J. get on the
apex of the roof if he isn't already and wait for the rain again for big num-
bers. It adds to the STATS in CRIMES for PEOPLE WASTED BY OTHERS, too.
How to make the Jetpack appear at a save place beyond the airstrip
Thanks to zmoonchild and others for noticing this, and pdescobar for the ex-
"When you take the jetpack off, you might notice it doesn't immediately disap-
pear--instead it becomes a special one-time-only pickup that expires after a
certain amount of time kinda like dropped money and guns. If you save while one
of these dropped jetpacks is still around, it stays in the save and doesn't go
away until very shortly after you reload. By dropping the jetpack in the exact
position you reappear on save (or the exact position you appear when leaving a
savehouse), CJ is able to equip it before the part of the game that recycles old
pickups has a chance to remove it."
Invincible Police Mavericks by spaceeinstein and GTA_Phreak
If you have C.J. shoot Police Mavericks down into water and it's deep enough,
they accumulate on the ocean or river bed without looking blown up. You might
try this about 500 meters S of Los Santos Airport. If you can use Satchel
Charges or such to push one to the shore, it may fly away. If so, it won't reg-
ister with targeting as a live target and you can't shoot it down.
(I'll add that Police Mavericks do something similar in the pool by Pirates in
Men's Pants, probably any shallow water, except they keep exploding.)
GTA Phreak adds that if you have C.J. push a "destroyed" AI helicopter to one
of the spots used for the gimmick of having C.J. walk underwater (I.7.c), "it
will take off and keep continously exploding while flying off trailing black
smoke. No need to be gentle while undrowning it so just move it with the mini-
How to enter the Verdant Meadows "Stowaway" Andromada by El Petone
Send C.J. into the red marker to begin "Stowaway." Toreno says, "I'm too hip,
I've got to go; I'm outta here, okay?" and, a few moments later, that scene
ends. Then begin entering the "destroy all vehicles" code, "ALLCARSGOBOOM" or
"CPKTNWT" as men in black load crates into the back of an Andromada and the
screen turns black. Finish typing it as C.J. is on his way to the motorcycle--
don't let him get close to it or he'll be hurt by the explosion. Have him kill
the government agents or they'll kill C.J..
Send C.J. below the door of the Andromada and press F or Enter. C.J. can en-
ter it but can't exit, and it doesn't move. The back hatch can be made to go up
and down with NP8 and NP2.
"Stowaway" earthquake glitch by Mike_Toreno
Just when the cutscene starts and the Andromada is about to land on C.J.'s
airstrip, enter the "destroy all vehicles" code, "CPKTNWT" or "ALLCARSGOBOOM."
(Press the LMB to end the pause that creates.) The screen goes black then C.J.
appears on the motorcycle. Have him kill all the men in black, go away for a
bit, such as into the desert, then come back. If the Andromada wasn't gone al-
ready, it will be gone. Send C.J. to the W end of the runway, and you may get
the glitch in which the whole scene shakes the way it does when C.J. is in the
Andromada in the mission--it's like an earthquake. (When I had C.J. stay there
for a minute, the effect lasted while C.J. went anywhere else in the game.) You
can have C.J. fly a normal plane to get the impression of the turbulence that
can happen during plane flight.
The Vortex submarine gimmick by FYREWOLF88, Orion_SR, and GTA Phreak
Orion_SR and GTA Phreak came up with some more good finds--ways to get the PS2
gimmick of having C.J. drive a Vortex like a submarine to work on PC.
GTA Phreak wrote that the game regards the Vortex as a plane and a car, so you
can have C.J. do Unique Jumps with it, get the unique "camera" view for them
though not get the game to count the jumps as accomplished, and having C.J.
drive it adds to his driving experience yet Hydras fire missiles at C.J.'s Vor-
tex during a high wanted rating.
"Vortex Submarine" by GTA Phreak:
GTA Phreak showed that you can have C.J. use the Vortex as submarine on PC by
having him use the Vortex for some, not all, of the Unique Jumps that allow C.J.
to land in water, such as from the concrete ramp at the west edge of Easter Bay
Airport, at the jump over a garage and small house toward water or a narrow dock
at Valle Ocultado (the jump is at the E end of the bridge that's at the N end of
the water N of the dam), and the ledge of the coast west of the T intersection
in the southwest section of the Panopticon, and have him land in water. (I'll
add that you might want to use the GTA SA Control Center, X.13.c, to spawn Vor-
texes since you might only get the jump to work a small percent of the time.)
Being careful not to let the Vortex hit anything, using the radar to drive if
necessary, have C.J. drive it into the distance while maintaining acceleration
and leaning forward (holding down the Up key). The Vortex will submerge, and
you regain the normal "camera" view for driving once it hits the ground underwa-
While having C.J. drive it underwater, maintain speed or the Vortex will rise
to the surface. Try not to have it hit anything, which sometimes causes C.J.
and the Vortex to return to normal operation. Have C.J. slow down and keep the
Vortex level to rise to the surface.
If C.J. exits the Vortex (such as to get an Oyster), C.J. and the Vortex re-
turn to normal.
Orion_SR got the gimmick to work sending C.J. west to east over the broken
bridge northwest of Palomino Creek, too.
How to jack a police helicopter by GTA Phreak
GTA Phreak made a video to show one way that "Jacking a Police Helicopter" can
be done. Have C.J. run up and down a steep hillside or such to draw the heli-
copter to the top of it, then have him run up and jack it.
How to get C.J.'s gang members to drive or fly on PC by GTA_Phreak
"Recruit some homies and get them in your vehicle of choice--filling all seats
works best.
Drive/fly it into a girlfriend marker to trigger a date (Barbara works well
with airplanes). Triggering a date dissolves the gang but the homies don't get
out before the gf gets in (which she can't if all seats are taken). Take off
leaving the gf behind (the date will fail).
"When CJ next leaves the vehicle one of the homies will take over control."
Have them try to sly from a high spot with a lot of room around it, like the top
of Mount Chiliad, because "They can't really fly on their own (they'll try to
drive the aircraft away on the ground), so they need a little help to get in the
Everything-proof "Black Project" Mothership
by pdescobar, serge, and digimetal
You might want C.J. to take The Truth's everything-proof van, the Mothership,
at the end of "Black Project," but the doors are locked. Once C.J. is equipped
with the Jetpack in this mission or the next one, C.J. can't remove it, and use
vehicles to push the Mothership to a garage with, unless you have him use the
San Fierro Import/Export crane first, or first use the crane behind the Clown's
Pocket to get rid of the Jetpack then use a slot machine to be able to use vehi-
As pdescobar explains in the same GTA Forums message board, you can then send
C.J. to Area 69 for a Rhino (this is another no wanted level mission) and use it
to push the Mothership, which is everything-proof, to the Verdant Meadows hanger
or garage. Store it upright if it hasn't been destroyed. But C.J. has to die
to fail and end the mission with this gimmick, so I don't use it. You could get
an explosion-proof Mothership from "Are You Going to San Fierro," too, and the
Control Center makes any vehicle of C.J.'s everything-proof.
Make any vehicle explosion and bullet-proof by gtamike123
Enter the code that gives C.J.'s vehicle the ability to blow up vehicles it
bumps, JCNRUAD, enter a vehicle, and enter the code again to disable it, to make
the vehicle explosion and bullet-proof but not blow up other vehicles. It re-
tains the durability if you save it in a garage.
How to cause a Packer toss by Redtier999666 and Webdude06
Redtier999666, on a PS2 message board, explained how to do the Packer gimmick
that was mentioned in an earlier post by Webdude06. Have C.J. raise the ramp of
the Packer and back it up to a pedestrian. If they walk under the ramp, the
Packer may be tossed in the air. (I'll add that you might get the same result
by having C.J. recruit a gang member to follow him under the ramp of the Pack-
Rhino glitch by Jérémie Blanc
Enter the codes for: faster game play, "SPEEDITUP," twice, never wanted,
"AEZAKMI," better driving skills (I'm not sure if he means "NATURALTALENT,"
which gives C.J. maximum vehicle skill, or "STICKLIKEGLUE," which gives C.J.'s
four wheel vehicles non-slip traction), the code that gives C.J.'s vehicle the
ability to blow up vehicles it bumps, "JCNRUAD," and the code to spawn a Rhino,
"AIWPRTON." Do this in a big open area like the W area of Verdant Meadows.
Have C.J. accelerate, look behind, or at least sideways, which causes the cannon
to aim that way, and keep shooting the cannon rapidly. Turn hard--add Brake,
which for the Rhino (or Monster truck) lets it make sharper turns, and try to
flip it upside down--when it is, keep firing. The Rhino spins, bounces off
things, and flies high into the air at tremendous speed, even warping to other
Boat flinging by Haro
Haro came up with a good find--a way to make a boat do something similar to
the Rhino glitch. While C.J. drives a boat forward, use the code that spawns a
Rhino: AIWPRTON. Don't have C.J. drive too fast because you want the Rhino to
fall on the bow of the boat, not the middle. When it works, the boat spins
away, and might even fly across the map!
5th Quarry mission Double Insane stat by FlannelMenace
The 5th Quarry mission, delivering explosives to Verdant Meadows, may count
the whole mission as one big Insane Stunt and give you a stat for it.
Crane gimmicks
In San Fierro at Easter Basin, at the N end of the dead end road on the pro-
jection of land N of Easter Bay Airport, you can attach the magnet of the big
yellow crane to a car, take the slack out of the cable, then drive the car to
make a swing out of it. It can also help you get an Insane Stunt or Two Wheeler
score. There's another crane like that in Hunter's Quarry.
The crane in the lot by the Xoomer garage save place in Doherty has a wreck-
ing ball. The ball doesn't reach beyond the lot, but having C.J. get a wanted
rating before he enters it will draw some of the corrupt law enforcers and their
vehicles to it. The wrecking ball doesn't have much effect if you have C.J.
brush it against them. But since the corrupt law enforcers tend to run against
the base of the crane with their vehicles parked nearby, you can have C.J. get
some results by sending the wrecking ball out as far as it will go then drawing
it back in, dropping it as it gets near them.
The crane that's E of the Clown's Pocket, which is along the Strip in Las Ven-
turas, can't lift vehicles. But if you use it to lift the nearby boxes and re-
lease them above the ground, they hover in place.
Kill a crowd by killing one of the people in it by spaaceeinstein
Have C.J. throw Tear Gas into a crowd inside a dance club and kill one of the
people in it from behind with a Knife using auto-aim and the others will all die
in synchronization.
Auto-aim the Minigun by Mr Killer
C.J. should have a Tec9 or Micro SMG (one of the machine pistols) for this
gimmick. Have C.J. equip the Minigun. Have C.J. equip the Jetpack (type the
Jetpack code, ROCKETMAN, if necessary) and C.J. will hold the machine pistol.
Have C.J. go to someone you want him to auto-aim at and press F/Enter. C.J. can
auto-aim with the Minigun.
Destroying an Artificial Intelligence-guided helicopter with one
shot from a Sniper Rifle, one Hand Granade, or several Molotovs
by voodoochild19, TheTank, and GTA_Phreak
Thanks to voodoochild19 for the tip, reaffirmed by TheTank and GTA Phreak,
that C.J. can shoot down a helicopter with one shot from a Sniper Rifle. Ac-
cording to GTA Phreak, "It only works with helicopters in flight like news and
police choppers. And you need to shoot it from the front on the cowling just
below the rotor."
GTA_Phreak adds that so far he hasn't had the method work on helicopters used
for missions (like during "Mike Toreno").
But he has had a variation of the gimmick work with Grenades and Molotovs.
The Grenade "needs to drop right behind the windshield, then it will somehow get
stuck inside the helicopter until it blows." "Molotov's work as well, but it
takes 2-3 hits to take one out."
Infinite ammo by 2Shores
Have C.J. walk into the red marker for the shooting contest at Ammu-Nation,
cancel the mission immediately, and the ammo doubles (or increases to some de-
gree) for the Silenced Pistol, Desert Eagle, Tec9, SMG, Sawnoff Shotgun, Combat
Shotgun, and M4. You can repeat this and have unlimited ammo. (I think it's
just a large number beyond the count shown on the screen. It makes the regular
Shotgun disappear, though.) A similar gimmick works for VC, too.
Fiery ballistic pool balls
If you start a game of pool then exit the game, the balls stay on the table
and you can have C.J. shoot them with the Sniper Rifle. (The balls can go a lot
faster and create sparks. Occasionally, one creates sparks from within the
table or ends up on the floor, where C.J. may be able to move it around by just
approaching it.)
Burglary ski mask outside of the Burglary mission by The Demon
Don't have C.J. wear any Special outfits (Valet, etc.) or anything worn on the
head (glasses, hats, etc.). Have him wear whatever clothes otherwise you'd like
him to wear while he wears the Burglary mask, because changing clothes makes it
disappear. (This also means you can't have him change clothes to get rid of a
wanted rating while you want him to wear the Burglary mask.)
(It's the top of the Gimp outfit, I think. It's probably Rockstar's sense of
humor again: "You look like you're ready to rob someone's house.")
Start the Burglary mission outside of a safe house with a wardrobe closet
around 5:00 so you don't have to wait a long time. Send C.J. inside to the
closet. Select Remove Items and highlight Special (don't press Run/Left Shift
for it yet). When the timer for Daylight runs down to 00:00, press Left Shift.
The screen freezes for a couple of seconds. C.J. will come out looking normal.
Press F/Enter and he goes back into the closet and comes out wearing the Bur-
glary mask. Press F/Enter to get him out of the clothes closet screens.
It has a Respect and Sex Appeal value of 2. C.J. hunches forward when he
walks. He walks through doors sometimes--otherwise, you can see him do it by
adding Left Alt to W.
Burglarizing Freddy's house by lord fido
In "OG Loc," after the cutscene of OG Loc arguing with Freddy, C.J. and OG
Loc are put on a motorcycle. If you have C.J. get off, OG will, too. If you
have C.J. kill OG Loc, a yellow entrance marker appears at Freddy's front door.
If C.J. goes inside, he gets a scene like one from the Burglary mission, com-
plete with somebody--not Freddy--sleeping in Freddy's bed, except without a
noise meter or wanted rating for waking the person up. C.J. can take some-
thing (when I tried it, there was a Desert Eagle in the living room), but once
he leaves, the yellow entrance marker doesn't reappear.
The various glitches of zooming the Camera to look through mirrors of clothes
stores and tattoo parlors to see other interior heaven things, like the inside
of Ammu-Nation, don't work on PC.
Basketballs aplenty by gamefarter
Enter the Never Wanted code, AEZAKMI, and start "Nines and AKs." When Big
Smoke gets in the car, have C.J. damage it so it's about to blow up. Before it
blows up, send C.J. to Sweets's basketball lot. When the car blows up, a bas-
ketball appears by the usual one. If C.J. stays in the immediate area, starts
the mission again, and repeats this enough times, it's possible to make at least
24 basketballs appear.
Also see:
I.7.c Walking, driving, and flying underwater
I.7.ff The BMX Stoppie glitch and The Two Wheeler gimmick
I.16 How to open the fast food places before doing the main missions
II.13.a Storing a Sea Sparrow on top of the N. Mulholland garage
III.12 The Horse Races gimmick
III.18 The wardrobe glitch
III.22 GTA Phreak's Pimping and Vigilante vehicle health boost gimmick
III.24 The N San Fierro Cluckin' Bell Vigilante gimmick
IV.21 The "Management Issues" way to make a copy of C.J., and
VI.32 Flying trains.
Some of the listings for I.10, "Ghost hell, ghost world, ghost heaven, and
Liberty City" are similar.
I.13 Radio
There's a lot of information about the songs and DJs, and about the connec-
tions with earlier GTAs, at:
Thanks to Joe Dawson for this tip about phone numbers given on the radio in
the game. The following phone numbers have recorded messages. At the end of
each, you're told to press your area code and FAX number, then the pound sign,
#, to have something sent to you.
1-866-FUN-CULT 1-866-386-2858 The Epsilon Tract
1-866-FACE-FEAR 1-866-3223-3327 Inversion Therapy
Thanks to Spaceeinstein for the links to copies of what they send you:
There's a blank slot you can use to turn the radio off. But sometimes you'll
do a vehicle mission over and over ("Wheelie Weave," etc.), and each effort will
start with a song you don't want to hear. To save time, you can turn the sound
for the radio off in the Audio options for the duration of the mission.
Mod shops play your favorite radio station. (Thanks to CubanJetMaX)
This list is subjective--there's no right or wrong about that aspect of music.
Some that have grown on me include:
bounce FM Funk DJ: the mighty Funktipus--George Clinton. "Loopzilla,"
George Clinton, "I Can Make You Dance," Zapp, "West Coast Poplock," Ronnie Hud-
CSR 103:9 Soul (new R&B) DJ: Philip "PM" Michaels--Michael Bivins (of Bell
Biv Devoe).
K Jah Radio West Dub/Reggae DJs: Marshall Peters--Lowell "Sly" Dunbar and
Johnny Lawton--Robert "Robbie" Shakespeare. I'm giving some things I'm not
used to a chance to grow on me with some of the things on the soundtrack, but
so far nothings growing here.
K-DST Old Rock DJ: W. Axl Rose as Tommy "Nightmare" Smith. "Some Kind of
Wonderful" by Grand Funk Railroad, "Green River," Creedence Clearwater Revival,
"Woman to Woman" by Joe Cocker is bouncy. (I'd have preferred his cover of Ray
Charles' "Unchain my Heart.") Later PC and Xbox versions have Cream's "White
Room." (I'd have picked "Crossroads.") Flying vehicles that don't use the po-
lice radio station have this station selected when C.J. enters them.
Tommy "Nightmare" Smith says his 1970's rock band was "The Crystal Ship,"
which is the name of the third song on "The Doors," 1967. (Thanks to The Soft
K Rose Country DJ: Mary-Beth Maybell--Riette Burdick. "Hey, Good Lookin'"
by Hank Williams (Sr.), "Amos Moses" by Jerry Reed. (I remember my Mom doing
the title line of "Make the World Go Away" as a parody of melodrama.)
Master Sounds 98.3 Old R&B DJ: Johnny "The Love Giant" Parkinson--Ricky Har-
ris. "The Payback" and "Funky President" by James Brown, "Green Onions" by
Booker T. and the MGs, "Low Rider" by War. Thanks to Mogyle, at the GTA Forums
web site, for noticing that two of the songs of this station are also heard in
both the Las Venturas casinos and on the soundtrack of the movie "Snat*h," 2000,
in which the lead character runs a casino.
Play Back Old Hip-Hop DJ: ForthRight MC--the rich and robust (sounds like a
coffee commercial) vocal timbre flavorings of Chuck D.
My guess for why Chuck D. is good-humored about having Forthright MC go on
about meeting aliens of flying saucers is that Chuck D.'s group Public Enemy
praised Louis Farrakhan, such as on their 1988 album, "It Takes a Nation of Mil-
lions to Hold Us Back," which said Louis "Farrakhan is a prophet." In an Oct.
24, 1989 press conference, Nation of Islam Supreme Minister Farrakahn claimed to
have been taken aboard a flying saucer, which he alleged to been described in
the Book of Ezekiel 1:15-18, to get instructions from the late Elijah Muhammad.
I get the idea that Farrakhan is about as insincere as Erich Von Daniken or a
Jehovah's Witnesses writer that branched out and hit a different marketing
group. (P.S.: the NOI and the JWs leaders have also shared some of the same
false criticisms of the mainstream Christian belief in Jesus, which I cover in
my "GTJ Brooklyn" article.)
"The Godfather" by Spoonie Gee has a bouncy rhythm track (from "Soul Power" by
James "Godfather of Soul" Brown).
Radio Los Santos New Hip-Hop DJ: Julio G as himself. "Nuthin' But a 'G'
Thang,'" Dr. Dre (partly because my 1st initial is "G").
Radio: X Alternative (New Rock) DJ: Sage--Jodie Shawback. Sometimes you
hear this stuff in stunt videos. It's a little (little?!) over the top. "Pre-
tend We're Dead" by L7 is a nice, peppy song about pretending you're dead.
SFUR House DJ: DJ Hans Oberlander--Lloyd Floyd. House music is the one
that's drum, etc., machine and sampled music with a repetitive rhythm, and some
words you don't understand, but it's not gangsta Hip-Hop. The German host
sounds like he's using a bad babelfish.altavista web site translation to speak
English. So it's, y'know...different. Thanks to Silent Claude for noticing
that Hans is referred to on the radio in the Medieval Millennium Fair commercial
in GTA "III" as "a mysterious prancing German named Hans."
WCTR Talk Radio Lazlow Jones, a little naive, is back in the "Entertaining
America" segment, and Fernando Martinez: Frank Chavez, a little too experienced,
is back in the "Lonely Hearts Show" segment. It's like a John Ford welcome cast
of regulars. (Turn the mouse to get a lot of sky in the picture--John liked
that in shots.) One caller reprises a reference to the lunar landing hoax hoax,
used as a sight gag in the movie studio in "Vice City."
Here's a picture of Lazlow from his web site (thanks to the tip by Sherlock at
the Gamefaqs web site), an interview, and an article:
Also, I recognized Reed Tucker, the "dragon stance," etc., guy from Chatterbox
on "GTA III," as one of the callers (on WCTR?). Renaud Sebbane, who was the
nudist guy, a motion capture actor, and produced the pedestrian chatter in the
last two GTA's, is in the models section of the credits, so you might look for a
secret naked guy to take over when the Hot Coffee controversy dies down.,50649/
User Tracks (TGIPC)
You can put your WAV or OGG (Ogg Vorbis) files (or, if your system has the
right codecs, MP3, WMA, M4A, etc.), or shortcuts for them, in My Documents\GTA
SA User Files\User Tracks, run one of the scan tracks functions (automatic when-
ever you load the game or manual), and have your own radio station.
My changing list includes: "San Andreas Theme Song" by Young MayLay, "Viva Las
Vegas," "La Grange," "Tush," and "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top, "The Power of
Love" by Huey Lewis and the News, "California" by Joni Mitchell, "Dr. Wu" (for
Wuzi) and "Chain Lightning" by Steely Dan, a different take of "Roll Over, Bee-
thoven" by Leslie West and Mountain than I used for "Vice City," "Pack Fair and
Square" by the J. Geils Band live, "I Will Be There" by Van Morrison, "(What's
So Funny, 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding?" by Elvis Costello, "Escapade"
by Janet Jackson, "International Feel" and "Le Feel Internacionale" by Todd
Rundgren, "And She Was" by Talking Heads, "Montana" by Frank Zappa and the Moth-
ers, "I Touch Myself" by Divinyls (a Fernando favorite), "Cucumber Slumber,"
"Black Market" and "Teen Town" by Weather Report, "Chameleon" and "Hang Up Your
Hangups" by Herbie Hancock, "Ruby Ruby," "Runaround Sue," and "The Wanderer" by
Dion, "Montego Bay" by Bobby Bloom, "King of the Road" by Roger Miller, "The
Magnificent Seven" by Elmer Bernstein, "Take the 'A' Train" (Billy Strayhorn)
by Clark Terry and Red Mitchell and by Duke Ellington with Ray Nance, "Good
Times (Let the Good Times Roll)" by Phoebe snow, and a Beethoven Sonata Parody
(the "Colonel Bogey March" from "The Bridge on the River Kwai," 1957) by Dudley
Rollo Interior (Zappa) Ruth Underwood and Dweezil Zappa
For no particular musical reason: George Carl...
...and Monty Python's "Argument Sketch."
Another option I'm trying is Young MayLay's "The Original Mix Tape," 2005.
Sometimes you get some funny co-incidences with what's going on in the game in
a way I like with that, too.
I.14 Codes
To enter as code, type it in during the game. Thanks to Swordsman Kenshin for
correcting me with his Gamefaqs post saying that you can't can't enter a code
while the game is paused (Esc) as I was used to doing (usually with "aspirine"
and a PCJ-600) for "Vice City."
Thanks to the list by edisoncarter and friends at GTA Forums, GTA Series, GTA
San Andreas, Cheats and Tricks, PC Cheats, Page 1.
I experimented with some codes with a copy of a save file. If you go to save
a game you used a code for, you get a warning saying one or more cheats have
been used, and a recommendation to not save the game. If you save a game you
used a code for, you get a Stat showing the number of times you cheated. Even
if you don't use another code, there's a glitch that makes the warning show up
when you go to save subsequent games, for some weird reason.
Various posts at GTA Forums indicate that while a code can lower your Criminal
Rating title, it won't lower or hold back your percentage of completion of the
game. Saving after a "pedestrians riot"-type cheat, though, can make some or
all of the effects of it linger in your game. One of the missions said to be
ruined by that is "Madd Dogg," because Madd Dogg jumps to his death before C.J.
can get the truck beneath him.
The GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) has a "Clear Cheated 'Status' and 'Count'"
function on the right side of the "Vehicle and Game Data" page. It will reset
your cheat count to zero.
Lead player codes
HESOYAM C.J. has $250,000, full Health, and Armor; any vehicle C.J. is in
is repaired (as with the effect of the Health code on the lead
player's vehicle in the last two GTA's)
BAGUVIX C.J. has sturdier Health: fire and melee attacks don't hurt and
the effect of bullets is diminished; C.J. can still be hurt by
drowning or the strong physical impact from explosions, getting
run over, etc.; it must be subtle, because I haven't seen it
add anything to C.J's Health bar or heal a vehicle he's using
CAINEMVHZC C.J. has infinite Health but can still be hurt by explosions and
KVGYZQK C.J. is skinny with no Muscle or Fat
BTCDBCB C.J. has maximum Fat
BUFFMEUP C.J. has maximum Muscle
VKYPQCF C.J. has maximum Stamina
AEDUWNV C.J. never gets hungry
WORSHIPME C.J. has maximum Respect
HELLOLADIES C.J. has maximum Sex Appeal
GOODBYECRUELWORLD C.J. commits suicide; please send him for help 1st.
CVWKXAM C.J. has an infinite ability to stay underwater; to disable,
type it again
KANGAROO C.J. can jump real high but loses a little bit of Health when
he lands; C.J. can make some surprising grabs of things he
can climb onto like Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt at the start of
"Mission: Impossible," 1996; to disable, type it again
ANOSEONGLASS Slow motion and sound and C.J. has a more powerful punch, simi-
lar to the effect of an Adrenaline pill in "Vice City" except
the punch doesn't send people flying so far; like it, it can
be cancelled by doing a Unique Jump; for a more powerful
punch than that "Vice City" one (but pedestrians have it,
too), use "IAVENJQ"
AEZAKMI C.J.'s wanted level won't increase but it also won't decrease
with bribes or cheats, and he can still be arrested; this
can be disabled by typing it a 2nd time
or ASNAEB C.J.'s wanted level is cleared
TURNUPTHEHEAT C.J.'s wanted level is increased by two stars
BRINGITON C.J. has a six star wanted level
If you miss the "Vice City" stilllikedressingup code, you might try using the
Pawfect Skin Changer Mod v1.1 (X.13.q) or the similar function of spaceein-
stein's SA "All in One Mod" (X.13.ii).
Lead player and pedestrian codes
For the next five codes, pedestrian changes don't effect the emergency vehicle
drivers, fast food workers, gang members, bartenders, etc. The effect on pedes-
trians and v ehicles is disabled by typing the code again, but C.J. retains the
new outfit or Katana.
BEKKNQV prostitution style: a lot of the pedestrians are pimps in brown
fur coats and prostitutes; C.J. attracts the prostitutes, who
have sex toys; if C.J. is attacked, a prostitute may beat the
attacker with her sex toy; C.J. is given the Gimp suit
CRAZYTOWN carnival style: a lot of pedestrians are fast food workers and
clowns, and many street vehicles are Mr. Whoopees, Pizza Boys,
BF Injections, Hotdog vans, Hotknifes, Tugs, Quads, etc.; C.J.
gets red hair and his apparel changes to the (Groucho Marx car-
icature) joke mask, white boxer shorts with red hearts, and
some kind of gray boots
LIFESABEACH beach style: a lot of the pedestrians are ones found at the
beach; when I tried it, a lot of the vehicles were BF Injec-
tions, Mr. Whoopees, Mesas, and Glendales; the women in swim
suits that drive vehicles have the pulled up breasts glitch;
beach towels appear on the sidewalks and the beach people may
sunbathe on them; C.J. wears no shirt and has shorts, sun-
glasses, and flip flops
FVTMNBZ country style: a lot of the pedestrians and vehicles are ones
found in the country and include Ranchers, big trucks like
Tankers, and bikers on Freeways; C.J. gets bib overalls, a
plaid shirt, and a "Born 2 Truck" baseball-type cap
NINJATOWN ninja style: a lot of pedestrians are Asian Ninja men--Wu Zi's
gang--with Katanas; vehicles are black and include more motor-
cycles; C.J. get a Katana
or IAVENJQ C.J. and pedestrians have a very powerful punch; to disable, type
it again (thanks to Spaceeinstein for the STINGLIKEABEE tip).
Before heavyweight boxer Muhammad Ali fought Sonny Liston, Mu-
hammad claimed he would "float like a butterfly and sting like
a bee."
To disable either of the next two codes, type it again
SJMAHPE C.J. can recruit anyone except someone that's attacking him; if
the recruit doesn't have a weapon, they get a 9mm Pistol (so
FBI, Army, etc., recruits have stronger weapons) and may at-
tack those C.J. shoots at (especially if they fire back), law
enforcers, sometimes anyone outside the gang that fires a gun,
and others (criminals, I think).
ROCKETMAYHEM C.J. can recruit anyone except someone that's attacking him; if
the recruit doesn't have a weapon, they get a Rocket Launcher
and may attack those C.J. shoots at (especially if they fire
back), law enforcers, sometimes anyone outside the gang that
fires a gun, and others (criminals, I think). This can very
easily get the recruit and C.J. wasted.
If C.J. recruits a prostitute, his regular gang members may try to jack her
from a vehicle and kill her. When I tried having C.J. recruit policemen, C.J.
would get a wanted star whenever he got them into a Police car, and the police-
men would get out--presumably to bust him, so I had him drive away.
Pedestrian codes
BLUESUEDESHOES a lot of pedestrians, except, at least, policemen, gang
members, fast food workers, etc., are Elvis Presley wan-
nabes in black, white, or blue outfits like Elvis wore
onstage in Vegas in the 1970's
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED gangs appear in any area including ones which are normally
territories of other gangs; a combination of members of
different gangs can appear in a vehicle; the gang members
fight the members of other gangs; no other pedestrians
appear except the police, fast food workers, etc.
BIFBUZZ gangs fight; no other pedestrians appear except police,
fast food workers, etc.; the traffic only appears in gang
To disable one of the next five codes, type it again (don't save the game af-
ter activating one of these codes or you'll have to start a new game to get rid
of it?):
BAGOWPG pedestrians attack C.J. with their usual weapons--Fists, if no oth-
FOOOXFT pedestrians have, at least, Rocket Launchers, M4s, Shotguns, Pis-
tols, and Bats, and will fire back if attacked
AJLOJYQY pedestrians armed with, at least, Rocket Launchers, M4s, Shotguns,
Pistols, and Bats attack each other and may attack C.J. if he at-
tacks one of them
BGLUAWML pedestrians have, at least, Pistols, Rocket Launchers, etc., and at-
tack C.J.; the pedestrians include Army men, country guys in cow-
boy hats, and construction workers; there are a lot of abandoned
vehicles on the road
STATEOFEMERGENCY pedestrians riot, loot TVs (which disappear as soon as the
pedestrian does anything else, like fight or run in
fright), attack each other and C.J., and smoke appears
in many places (it's like the situation during "End of
the Line" except all over San Andreas)
Time and weather codes
YSOHNUL the clock and weather are very fast, but motion and sound are nor-
mal; to disable it, type it again
SPEEDITUP fast clock, weather, and motion; sound is normal; disable with
SLOWITDOWN slow clock, weather, motion, and sound; disable with SPEEDITUP
TOODAMNHOT very sunny
ALNSFMZO overcast
SCOTTISHSUMMER thunderstorm (AUIFRVQS does this, too)
OFVIAC it's always 21:00; to disable it, type it again
NIGHTPROWLER it's always midnight--00:00; to disable it, type OFVIAC twice
CWJXUOC sandstorm
Vehicle codes All but NATURALTALENT and VKYPQCF disabled by typing again
NATURALTALENT C.J. has maximum vehicle skill Stats
RIPAZHA C.J.'s cars fly and can be controlled like planes; you can
also get some incredible Insane Stunt Stats with this
JCNRUAD C.J.'s vehicle makes other vehicles blow up when it bumps
Bad`Boys#17 passed along this gimmick: type in the code
while C.J. is in or on a vehicle, have C.J. shoot the vehi-
cle till it's on fire, then have C.J. get back in or on it
and type the code again to disable it, and C.J.'s vehicle
will stay on fire and be BP, even under water; lastikboy95
added that it's EP unless you start a Sub-mission like the
Vigilante mission, which makes it explode.
CJPHONEHOME C.J. can do a VERY high bunny hop on a bike; use Q or E for
a side view, and try the multi-view with V; if the bike
nicks something and spins, C.J. can get some pretty good
Insane Stunt statistics--using A or D helps; he can also
do some skyscraper jumping; level the wheels for a safe
landing and C.J. won't lose any Health; to disable it,
type it again
FLYINGFISH C.J.'s boats can fly; I give one of the several fast speed
boats a side view with Q or E, then make the front end
tip a little above and below horizontal with Up and Down;
once the boat gets some altitude, you can fly it without
doing that and fly pretty high (like with the flying
Rhino gimmick of the last two GTA's); you could also use
this with the BUBBLECARS code, have C.J. bump one boat
with another, then jetpack to the flying boat.
BUBBLECARS C.J.'s vehicle makes other vehicles float in the air when
it hits them; then they continue to float, possibly
bouncing off things, till they float away; by shooting at
them, C.J. can change their direction and scare passen-
gers out of them; C.J. and pedestrians can make extra
high jumps to get into a floating vehicle; C.J. can bump
one vehicle with another that's by the garage door in one
of his garages, then get in the floating one for some-
thing like a balloon ride.
STICKLIKEGLUE C.J.'s four-wheel vehicles have strong road grip and the
taxi boost jump ("PGGOMOY" does this, too)
Traffic codes All but CPKTNWT disabled by typing again
SPEEDFREAK all four wheel land vehicles that C.J. drives, and some
driven by peds, have nitro. The ped vehicles also have
nitro if C.J. touches them. The RC Cam has nitro. The
flames appear on the engine hood of the Baggage and you
can't see them on the Rhino. The flame appears on the
Vortex, and Terminator-UK noticed that a nitro flame ap-
pears on the front left side of the Rustler, but it
doesn't make those two go faster.
ZEIIVG traffic lights are always green
YLTEICZ aggressive drivers
IOWDLAC black vehicles except, at least, the Hunter, Shamal, Hydra,
Barracks, FBI Truck, SWAT van, Rhino, Baggage, Bandito,
Combine Harvester, Hotknife, Kart, Monster trucks, Patri-
ot, and RC Cam
LLQPFBN pink vehicles (same exceptions as above)
GHOSTTOWN few pedestrians and little traffic; parked vehicles appear;
instant replays are longer (thanks to Buzzsaw at GTA
Stunting for the replays tip)
EVERYONEISPOOR cheap cars (data\cargrp.dat calls them "s**t cars")
WHEELSONLYPLEASE only the wheels of four-wheel vehicles are visible
CPKTNWT blow up all four wheel vehicles, motorcycles, flying vehi-
cles, boats, and RC vehicles
Vehicle spawning codes
You can spawn a vehicle, like a Hotring Racer, so it appears with one side im-
bedded in a door or wall, and have C.J. enter it on the near side and get out on
the far side. This can be useful as a way to let him get past the big locked
door, locked beyond the "Black Project" mission, of the interior of Area 69, or
get into the only skyscraper of Los Santos with a 3D interior, etc. Don't ask
me why he goes out the other door for the gimmick, all I know is it works. The
Trashmaster and Hotring Racer are popular choices for that.
AIYPWZQP Parachute
OLDSPEEDDEMON Bloodring Banger
MONSTERMASH Monster the one available after beating "8 Track"
VROCKPOKEY Hotring Racer A "Panoramic" and "hinterland" on the engine
VPJTQWV Hotring Racer B "Bobo" on the engine hood
AMOMHRER Tanker truck
TRUEGRIME Trashmaster
KGGGDKP Vortex hovercraft
Weapon codes
PROFESSIONALKILLER C.J. has Hitman level in all weapon Stats
OUIQDMW C.J., using the positions his recruits use when they do a
drive-by, shoots forward with an SMG with the "camera"
aimed ahead of him whatever position his vehicle is in;
you can aim his fire otherwise if you press the RMB and
aim with the mouse, though it's hard to aim that way
when the vehicle is moving because the "camera" quickly
turns the view back to forward--it's easier do it if you
1st stop and aim C.J.'s weapon and the "camera" with
NP2, NP4, NP6, or NP8, but it's more of a novelty than
convenient. The best thing about it is it makes it easy
for C.J. to do airgrabs on a motorcycle and makes it
less likely for him, or a passenger he takes, to fall
off of it--it's the "San Andreas" variation on "Vice
City" morphing; C.J. can also hold a Stoppie on a BMX
for a long time even after his BMX has stopped
FULLCLIP C.J.'s weapons have infinite ammo and no reload time; the
rifles and rocket launchers can be fired as fast as you
can fire them; to disable, type it again
LXGIWYL C.J. has Brass Knuckles, a Bat, 9mm, Shotgun, Micro SMG,
AK-47, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotovs, and a Spray Can.
PROFESSIONALSKIT C.J. has a Knife, Desert Eagle, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec9, M4,
Sniper Rifle, Flame Thrower, Grenades, and a Fire
UZUMYMW C.J. has a Chainsaw, Silenced 9mm, Combat Shotgun, SMG, M4,
Sniper Rifle, Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher, and Remote
I.15 Video walk-through/people who help with missions/entire games "Done
You might find it helpful to see videos of the missions.
Strategies for all of the missions are offered on video by Kevin Walter, aka
savior, at the Stuckgamer web site:
(Kevin told me the nickname "savior" was originally a name he came up with for
the web site of the DexDrive, a PS2 product that let people upload and download
game saves with their PCs. He ended up working for the company that made it,
Interact, and writing for their site and GameShark Magazine, and
somewhere along the line the nickname stuck.)
Thanks to Spaceeinstein for telling me that the "" site "con-
tains youtube video walkthroughs of almost all GTAs":
You might try the "Save N Play" message board at GTA Forums to look for some-
one who can take your save game file and pass a mission you're stuck on:
For some of the videos that show an entire game ("San Andreas" and dozens of
others like "Half Life 2," etc.) done quick, see the Speed Demos Archive at:
They can be admirable and sometimes funny. (I never get tired of the joke of
the gamer having Gordon Freeman, etc., respond to questions by nodding the "cam-
era" up and down, I guess because I do that sometimes in games. No matter how
serious a science fiction drama or shoot-'em-up it is, my lead player tends to
be a big goofy kid, for some reason. I think that's part of the reason I gravi-
tate to GTA's.)
If you like them done quick, you might also like the Speed Run videos (among
all the other helpful ones mentioned above) and enjoy the frenetic finesse of
Kevin Walter at:
I.16 How to get as much done as possible before starting the main missions
Four star survival guides (and cycle jumps)
by Orion_SR and rubregg
Orion_SR's "GTA San Andreas--4 Star Survival Guide" has advice and instructive
videos that can help you get everything done that's available at the start of
the game aside from the main missions.
Rubregg's "Early Side-Missions In Locked-Off Areas" guide can help you like-
wise. You can learn how to have C.J. survive a four star wanted rating and
create a save game with the earliest available side missions done.
As a cycle stunt fan, I'll make a special note of rubregg's easy way to make a
cycle jump to Las Venturas: go NNE from due N of the "O" of "MONTGOMERY."
Thanks to rubrick for telling me to check out his GTA Forums message board for
more findings on the subject.
Orion_SR's cycle can get past the roadblocks and out of Los Santos by using
the lip at the N edge of the bridge to the S side of the Flint Intersection.
The coast on the far side is steep and it's easy to lose your cycle there, so it
would't hurt to use an NRG-500 and tap Up repeatedly to give it a lot of speed.
It can make it back the other way, too.
"In Like Flint" by Orion_SR.
Another cycle jump he may use is N to S from the Panopticon (S of the "CO") to
Fallen Tree, another one with a steep landing area. The runway is hilly, so
"wait until you've got good traction before gunning it." The video below shows
the jump and GTA Phreak's way to cross the Panopticon Bridge on the outside
ledge. (Going N from Easter Bay chemicals, he crosses onto the bridge from the
E side and goes N, and, before he get to the barriers, he gets onto the ledge on
the outer W side and continues N.)
"Panopticon Playground" by Orion_SR
Orion_SR also jumps a cycle from the road that goes S from Blueberry to a
grassy hill near the train tracks. And if you take Katie on a date on a cycle
then go stunting with it, she "will remain on the back of the bike for 6 minutes
before she bails and runs off." "Katie's passenger comments can be fun in slow
motion" (during Unique Jumps).
Airborne bribes
The airborne bribes referred to earlier in the section on wanted ratings or in
later sections on Bribe locations:
- over the steep incline of the northmost east to west road in northeast Las
- over the bridge that's N of the "OC" of "OCEAN DOCKS,"
- over the bend in the dirt path that's N of the E to W road that's W of Blue-
- over the rock ledge at the N side of the bend in the river W of Hilltop
Farm--just SW of the "C" in "COUNTY" on the paper map,
- in the NW corner of the block E of where the Strip divides in the N,
- a bit W of the jump ramp of the pirate ship in front of Pirates in Men's
- over the concrete highway divider where the "A" is of "JULIUS THRU WAY
SOUTH," and
- over the S end of the building that's N across the street from the NE corner
of the block of The Camel's Toe pyramid.
GTA Phreak's video "Bribe Skimming" shows a useful way to collect four of
those bribes with the Skimmer:
GTA Phreak adds that Hydra missiles " work underwater! They just move
ridiculously slow, like walking pace."
How to open the fast food places before doing the main missions
zmoonchild showed us that the fast food places can be opened (though the icons
for them don't appear) before "Big Smoke" by having C.J. initiate a date (let
it fail due to the wanted rating) with one of the three girlfriends available
from the start of the game: Katie, Michelle, or Barbara.
(I'll add that, unless you have C.J. collect all the Oysters first, those
three are fussier than Denise about C.J.'s muscle and/or fat. Katie likes mus-
cle, Michelle likes fat, and Barbara likes C.J. fat but in good shape. You can
have C.J. use the gym at Verona Beach to build muscle, have him go to the out-
door fast food stands to get fat, and have him stand by a car with greater sex
appeal--see section XI.b--when he meets one of them.)
The tattoo parlors in Las Ventures and San Fierro (not Los Santos) are open
from the start of the game.
Flying vehicles available early and how to keep them from blowing up
Flying vehicles available from the start of the game (thanks again to
- the Dodo and Shamal (at all three airports but only open at Los Santos In-
ternational and Las Venturas Airports),
- the AT-400 (in the big hanger in the SW section of Las Venturas Airport),
- the Skimmer (by the coast across the Sherman Reservoir N of the dam),
- the Maverick (in the SE section of Easter Bay Airport),
- the Seasparrow (at a dock SE of the dam and at the coast by the valley N of
Verdant Meadows), and
- the CargoBob (Area 69).
GTA Phreak adds that both Cropdusters are available from the start of the
game. (One is on the hilltop at the end of the dirt road W of The Farm, and one
is NW of the bend in the road that's NW of Greenglass College.)
Orion_SR says that a good tactic to use to have C.J.'s flying vehicle evade
the missiles from Hydras that attack during a high wanted rating, besides his
advice given in the section about wanted ratings, I.9--to have C.J. fly low, is
to fly close to cliffs and buildings when possible, and to constantly alternate
your view with the "look-behind" view then "cut hard to one side to avoid almost
all the missiles." He found that it's usually a new Hydra that spawns behind
C.J. when you look there--the old one usually disappears unless C.J. doesn't
(I'll add that for those who want to try one of these things, notably have
C.J. date the girlfriends, without the wanted rating, you could use the GTA SA
Control Center--X.13.c. Click the tab for "Player Data" then click the buttons
for "Auto-Clear Status after inserting cheats" and "Never Wanted.")
II The beginning
II.1 "The Introduction"
A prelude to the sequel (to "Vice City") prequel (to "III"):
A synopsis of the bonus DVD that you get with either the two CD's of music
from "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" or the Special Edition of the game.
In Los Santos, Officers Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski discuss how they've
threatened someone to do things their way, and will need to do the same to the
officer assigned to work with them, Hernandez, if he doesn't play along. Ten-
penny is more concerned about Pendlebury (probably the one Tenpenny talks to on
the phone a bit later).
The Ballas gang is dealing drugs and wants to hold power over Grove Street.
Big Smoke, in Ryder's house, seems to want Ryder to help him take Grove Street
back from the Ballas by competing in the drug trade.
In a lot in San Fierro, Mike Toreno, aided by violent thug T-Bone Mendez,
gives the orders and makes the deals of a vicious big time drug dealer.
At a game of craps in Los Santos, Jeffrey says he wants to be considered a
gangster named OG Loc; the others tell him to forget it, and Sweet tells him
to go to college. Big Smoke seems to want Sweet Johnson to think of the big
money they could make by competing in the drug trade. Sweet doesn't go for the
idea. He says his brother Brian has been dead five years and his brother Carl,
who can rot in hell, is running around on the east coast.
C.J. steals a car for someone in Liberty City.
Johnny Sindacco meets with Godfather Salvatore Leone at Salvatore's mansion.
Though the Sindacco's and Leone's have been rival gangs, Johnny wants Salvatore
to invest five million dollars into a Sindacco gambling casino. Salvatore will
go along with it if Johnny can get rid of the guy currently controlling the
books and replace him with someone Salvatore and Johnny can control.
Lawyer Ken Rosenberg, by the Fort Carson Medical Center in Las Venturas, has
been disbarred and is struggling stay off of cocaine.
Tenpenny, on a phone in Los Santos, threatens to kill someone (Pendlebury?)
he's paid to commit a murder if they don't carry out the hit.
Ken can't get Tommy Vercetti on the phone.
Kent Paul, in a recording studio in Salford, England, becomes the manager of
the Gurning Chimps, led by drug addict Maccer.
C.J. gets a man to hand him his wallet by aiming a pistol at him, then C.J.
hits him on the head with it.
A couple of men in the desert in San Andreas bury the body of the man who used
to control the books for the Sindacco casino.
Johnny agrees with Salvatore's proposal that they get Ken to take their orders
about controlling the books for the casino.
Tenpenny and Pulaski begin coercing young officer Hernandez, who's just joined
them and is new to C.R.A.S.H. (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums, run
by Officer Tenpenny), to do things their way--a lot tougher a way than he ex-
In the Caligula's Palace casino office in Las Venturas, Salvatore pulls a gun
on Ken Rosenberg and orders him to get his investment back.
Pulaski beats another officer nearly to death, and Tenpenny orders Hernandez
to kill the downed officer. Hernandez objects at 1st, but Tenpenny threatens to
kill Hernandez if he doesn't kill the officer with the gun Tenpenny hands him.
Hernandez shoots the officer. (Early in the game, Tenpenny and Pulaski will
threaten C.J. that they'll blame him for the murder if he doesn't do as they or-
der him.)
A couple of Ballas do a drive-by past Sweet's house and kill his mother.
Sweet runs into the house, sees what happened to his mother, then prevents his
sister Kendl from going inside. Later, as she sits on the porch, Sweet calls
C.J.. He tells him the bad news and that he better come home.
C.J. bows his head in grief.
II.2 "San Andreas Theme Song"
Lyrics by Young (and famous) MayLay
from "San Andreas: 'The Original Mixtape.'
This is kind of a big deal, for me, anyway; I never got a letter from a big
celebrity before. I sent a letter to Young MayLay, through the Contact part of
his web site, explaining that I couldn't get some of the lyrics he wrote for the
"San Andreas Theme Song." I got an e-mail from him today (Mon., July 25, 2005)
with the lyrics attached (I hope he doesn't mind--I broke it down into qua-
Here are a copy of the lyrics for the San Andreas Theme Song..Be careful with
them..Hope this solved the problem..
Verse 1)
Welcome to San Andreas I’m CJ from Grove St.
Land of the heinous gang bangers and cold heat.
In Los Santos neighbors get no sleep
beefing with anybody competing even police.
Four deep in a green rag wit gold feet
blast with the flag on the strap that’s OG.
Stay in shape hit the gym lift the weights
get super cut or big and buff nice and straight.
You got stats respect, weapon skill
stamina muscle fat and sex appeal.
You get clothes from Bincos and Prolaps
Suburban Zip Victom and D Sach.
Watch your back when you in rival hoods
they’ll test just to guess if your survivals good.
Ducking shells at the Cluck’n Bell
jump out busting gunning till they tuck they tail.
It seem like I’m on impossible missions
twisted predicaments hostile positions.
Tennpenny and Polaski harass me
cop cars been on our ass the last past week.
Because the Dreas for the gangsters homeboy
hands is the language for the bangers homeboy.
And its dangerous homeboy
get your brains blew for how you do your fingers homeboy.
Heat cocked we popping them
hot one’s dump them out bend the block shaken before the cops come
listen for sirens but they don’t got none
back another lap catch a straggler with a shotgun.
Hittin them up what that Grove St. like
in a dirty sling shot and old Levi’s.
Boy oh boy, huh? That's something. Now that's straight from C.J. himself. I
think that was very nice of him to do that. I'll have to save that.
1. Original gangster, which you become when you "advertise" a gang. People
should talk about you and link your name with the things you done in the past.
This includes killings, drive-by shootings, spending time in jail, and living up
to your name. O.G. Original Gangster--Ice-T (Original Gangster [1991]).
2. True; original.
3. Someone who is true to the game, who never sold out.
"Gangster," as in "gangsta" or "G" of gangster rap, can refer to gang related
things, in an extreme case being ruthless or cut-throat in doing whatever it
takes to get something done. (Now that sounds more like a lead player in a GTA
than the idea those "he's so sensitive" people give.)
More generally today in America, it's a word of ebonics (I think you need to
at least have a semester of Calculus to take that; don't you kids try it at
home--you call a professional) to refer to a friend with street smarts.
II.3 Los Santos 1st main missions
Written by Dan Houser, James Worrall, and DJ Pooh.
DJ Pooh is a film and Hip Hop producer. Dan Houser (Official U.S. PlaySta-
tion Magazine, November, 2004) said, "He’s amazing for what we wanted. We
thought we were looking for someone to help us with writing. But you look at the
films he’s made ("Friday," "Next Friday"), and you see he’s so multi-skilled,
plus he has ridiculous hip-hop credibility."
II.4 "In The Beginning" Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson, aka C.J.: Young MayLay
Young MayLay, aka Chris Bellard, is a 26 yr. old (in 2004) West Coast rapper
who was suggested for the part of C.J. by film and hip hop producer DJ Pooh, but
Dan Houser seems to have gone for Young MayLay as soon as he overheard a phone
call between him and DJ. Young MayLay was featured on compilations and under-
ground mix tapes like Killa Tay's "Thug Thizzle," 2000, and Rodney O & Joe
Cooley's "Summer Heat," 2002. He wrote most of the tracks on King T's album
"Ruthless Chronicles," 2004, DJ Warrior's "Coast Control," 2004, and released
his own album in July, 2005 (see below).
You can visit his web site, hear some of his music videos, and contact him at:
He also kindly helped me out by sending me a copy of his lyrics to "San An-
dreas Theme Song" (see II.2) and has the job I particularly envy as the star of
the latest GTA.
Sean "Sweet" Johnson: Faizon Love, who played Big Worm in "Friday," 1992,
(which was co-written by DJ Pooh, who played Red), one of the Jam Boys in "Fear
of a Black Hat" (1994) (sort of a rap "Spinal Tap") and the voice of the late
comedian Robin Harris in "Bebe's Kids" (1992).
Frank Tenpenny: that famous Samuel L. Jackson, of too many movies to list in
their entirety, who starred as Stacks Edwards in "Goodfellas," 1990, Gator Puri-
fy in "Jungle Fever," 1992, Tat Lawson (with MC Eiht as A-Wax) in "Menace II So-
ciety," 1993, Big Don in "True Romance," 1993, Jules Winnfield in "Pulp Fic-
tion," 1993, Zeus Carver in "Die Hard With a Vengeance," 1995, Doyle Gipson in
"Changing Lanes," 2002, etc., and probably has a handful being prepared for re-
lease as we speak. Now this guy has a resume. And he's starring in a Grand
Theft Auto, even if it is as a bad guy.
Eddie Pulaski: Chris Penn (son of Leo the TV Director), who starred as B.J.
Jackson in "Rumble Fish," 1983, Willard Hewitt in "Footloose," 1984, Nice Guy
Eddie Cabot in "Reservoir Dogs," 1992, and Nicky Dimes in "True Romance," 1993.
(Update: Chris Penn was found dead by his housekeeper on Jan.25, 2006. He was
only 40 years old, which is way too young for that. The coroner's report said
that he was 300 lbs. and had a history of drug abuse. May his friends and fam-
ily find sympathy and heal in time.)
Officer Hernandez: Armando Riesco, who voice acted as the Supplier in "Vice
City," 2002 (who was the Supplier? I'd recognize it if I heard it; was that
the one who Tommy went to for an ingredient for Lovefist and who took the money
and tried to speed away?), Hector in "Midnight Club II," 2003, and played Phelan
in Spike Lee's "25th Hour," 2002, and Jesse in "Garden State," 2004.
"San Andreas" takes place in 1992, some time between "Vice City" (1986) and
"III" (2001?). In "Wear Flowers in your Hair," The Truth refers to the mob
(Tommy Vercetti) having bought the Boatyard from Duane and Jethro. Claude Speed
and Catalina have gotten together in "Farewell, My Love," and Maria begins being
Salvatore Leone's mistress in "Freefall," so it would be about another nine
years before Claude is shot by Catalina, Maria leaves Salvatore for Claude, and
Catalina and Salvatore are killed by Claude, in "III." Claude's silence shrouds
unfathomable, if not infinite, patience.
C.J., at Francis International Airport, Liberty City, remembers his brother
Sweet telling him that their Mom died.
When C.J.'s Taxi gets about a block S of the Johnson house, C.J. is ordered
out of it by Officer Tenpenny, who's accompanied by Pulaski and Hernandez. They
hit and harass C.J., then take him for a ride in their police car to make sure
C.J. knows they think the worst of him and need him to do things their way.
Tenpenny frames C..J. for the murder of a dead policeman. Why he bothers
holding this over C.J.'s head when he could just follow C.J. around for ten min-
utes with a camcorder is never explained.
They throw C.J. in an alley (of the block overlapped by the E side of the save
place icon that's N of "JEFFERSON"). C.J. knows it's hostile Balla gang terri-
tory; Ballas are the guys in purple who'll attack C.J. if you don't keep him
away from them. Reminiscent of the booklet that came with "III" calling Liberty
City "the worst place in America," C.J. says he's in the "worst place in the
world. Rollin Heights Balla country."
(Later, while having C.J. spray Tags, you'll see Tags that represent the Ball-
as' neighborhoods: Rollin Heights Ballas, Kilo Tray Ballas, Front Yard Ballas,
and Temple Drive Ballas.)
Have C.J. get on the BMX bike in front of him. Be careful just up ahead--
there's always moving traffic just beyond the alley at 1st. Have C.J. ride to
the Johnson house, "C.J." on the radar, a few blocks SE. Now and then, press W
quickly and repeatedly to make C.J. stand up and pump the pedals hard, and have
him stay off to the side of the train tracks if you have him use the railroad
C.J. starts out with $350. He can't recruit gang members yet. He can get a
four star wanted level.
The Grove Street gang voices are: Solo, A da Business, Vincent Lomax, Gregory
Johnson, and Ricky Harris.
The Ballas gang voices are: Donnie Anderson, Michael Ralph, Ricky Harris, Dar-
rock Burns, and Derrick Edmond.
The Johnson garage, at the house icon in Ganton on the paper map that comes
with the game, is free and immediately available.
C.J. can explore but can't get into the Johnson house for you to save the game
till he walks into the red shaft of light in front of the front porch and does
the next couple of missions:
II.5 "Big Smoke" Carl Johnson
C.J.'s Mom Beverly: ?
Kendl Johnson: Yo Yo (Yolanda) Whittaker has helped spread the word about fe-
male empowerment with hip hop in "Make Way for the Motherlode," 1991, and, more
recently, "Ebony," 1998. She had a top 40 hit in 1991 with "You Can't Play with
My Yo-Yo." She played Yo-Yo in "Boyz n the Hood," 1991, and a Girl at Party
(with Samuel L. Jackson, Clifton Powell, MC Eiht, and Clifton Collins, Jr.) in
"Menace II Society," 1993.
Kendl has to try to be level-headed and bring her brothers and boyfriend to
work with one another.
Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris: Clifton Powell, star of movies and TV, who played
Chauncy in "Menace II Society," 1993, Martin Luther King, Jr., in the TV movie
"Selma, Lord, Selma," 1999, Pinky in "Friday After Next," 2002 (co-written by DJ
Pooh), an FBI Agent (with Ray Liotta) in the short film "The Hire: Ticker,"
2002, and Jeff Brown in "Ray," 2004.
While C.J. looks around the Johnson house in mourning, he remembers his Mom
and sister talking with him years ago, and takes a picture of his Mom to hold
and look at as he sits at the living room table. Big Smoke, the chubby fellow
with glasses, a goatee, and a derby-like fedora, comes from the kitchen with a
baseball bat, thinking C.J. is a burglar. He recognizes him and they hug.
(Like C.J., I don't know what book Big Smoke is talking about, either--Eccle-
siastes, the OT book Pete Seeger used for lyrics in "Turn, Turn, Turn": "A time
of love, a time of hate..."? I don't know--that one doesn't mean to have each
pair at the same time.)
Big Smoke has C.J. drive them in Big Smoke's Perennial station wagon to the
II.6 "Sweet and Kendl" Carl Johnson
Sean "Sweet" Johnson
Lance "Ryder" Wilson: MC Eiht was a lead rapper of Compton's Most Wanted, then
a solo rapper with a loyal following, and played A-Wax in the movie "Menace II
Society," 1993, which featured his recording "Streiht up Menace." He starred as
T Bone (with Clifton Powell) in "Who Made the Potatoe Salad?," 2005. "Hood Took
Me Under" by Compton's Most Wanted, with MC Eiht, is on Radio Los Santos.
At the cemetery, C.J. meets his sister Kendl, their brother Sweet (he has a
cap and a beard), and his friend Ryder (he has a cap, mustache, and a blunt--a
cigar filled with marijuana). Sweet, Ryder, and Big Smoke all wear green, the
Grove Street Families gang color. Sweet is PO'ed: he doesn't like that C.J. ran
off for five years so he gives him a hard time. Kendl walks off to see Cesar,
and Sweet gives her a hard time about that and berates Cesar as unprincipled.
He points to several nearby graves of people they knew, like their brother
Brian, and tells C.J. the local fighting put them there.
As the four guys go to Big Smoke's station wagon, some Ballas do a drive-by on
it and blow it up.
Have C.J. get on a bicycle and follow Sweet then Ryder. The one to follow has
a blue cone pointed down at his head and is represented by a blue dot on the ra-
C.J. will probably run into less trouble from the pursuing red Voodoo, from
which a Balla tries to shoot him, if he rides at a regular pace, ready to brake,
on the left side of the road, leading the Voodoo into telephone poles, etc., on
the left. Once Sweet splits off from them, the Voodoo won't be following C.J.
till after he goes through the bicycle park and makes the jump down to the high-
way. (If C.J. makes the jump before Ryder and Big Smoke, you can have him pause
and look backward, Q and E, to see they have a remarkable acrobatic ability to
do flips and rolls when they land and keep going.)
Ryder wants C.J. to dress in green (which C.J. can do a few main missions lat-
C.J. can enter the Johnson house to save the game at a floppy disk from now
on, and there's a Camera in the bedroom.
Sweet Johnson calls to warn C.J. that their old gang has split up into warring
II.7 "Ryder" Carl Johnson
A rider is someone who'll buddy with you and might join your gang or clique:
"I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah" (2Pac "Ambitionz Az A Ridah").
(The next link didn't work the last time I tried it.)
Basically, a rider is a person who's committed to being your friend, no matter
what (which is ironic given how Ryder turns out).
Ryder has C.J. agree to help him get even with the owner of a pizza place that
keeps covering up their "hit up" (a tag--graffiti that symbolizes a gang). He
has C.J. drive to get a haircut at a barber shop, then chides him he looks
"jacked up" (not quite right).
Reader Timo Hakala wrote to me that Ryder takes back his words about the bar-
ber being bad at his job if C.J. gets a "cool" haircut like a Cornrow (or Afro,
Afro & 'stash, Afro & Goatee, Afro & Beard, or Jheri Curl).
Then Ryder has C.J. get food at the pizza place. Ryder holds a handgun on the
owner/clerk of the pizza place, who recognizes Ryder, telling him no one else is
so small and he feels sorry for his Dad. When they get outside, the owner comes
out to fire a Shotgun at them. Ryder runs for the car; have C.J. drive him home
if you're not prepared to have C.J. shoot down the owner.
Ryder tells C.J. to see Sweet about Tags.
The restaurants, barber shops, and tattoo parlors are open and shown on the
radar and in-game map.
The barber shop used in this mission, Reece's, has an icon that's obscured on
the radar and in-game map by the icon for the tattoo shop it's beside. Reece's
is on the E side of the block that's the 2nd block S of the one with "OD" of
Some PS2 gamers have reported that getting C.J. a haircut makes his tattoo Sex
Appeal points go away. You might play it safe and get him a haircut before get-
ting him a tattoo. If you already had him get a tattoo before getting him a
haircut, the tattoo parlor can have it removed for $400.
Having C.J. get a haircut can get rid of any wanted rating, so I wouldn't wor-
ry about the Sex Appeal points of tattoos.
Send C.J. to Gay Gordo's for a Groove Cut: $500 (or a blonde cornrow, if you
like: $550), or to Old Reece's for a Cornrow: $500. All are 30 points each for
both Sex Appeal and Respect Stats. I got him a Groove Cut.
Send C.J. to a tattoo parlor for one of the tattoos that are 3 points each for
both Sex Appeal and Respect, which are any of them for the back and lower back.
I got him an Angel for $450.
III Preliminaries for Los Santos
I waited till this point to do these preliminaries when I started writing
this walk-through, but you can do these things as soon as you get control of
You need to have C.J. eat or drink, or save the game, for his Health bar. And
if he doesn't eat to keep something in his Fat bar, which starts at about 1/6th
and diminishes slowly, the Muscle then Health bars will diminish quickly.
Though the fast food places open up and appear on the radar and in-game map
after "Ryder," snack and soda pop machines only charge $1 and are available from
the start of the game, including the ones inside convenience stores and the
Alambra club, which are open from the start of the game. Have C.J. stuff his
face with about 80 to 100 snacks from a snack vending machine to raise his Fat
to about 20%.
It won't make C.J. throw up as it does it feed him eleven fast food restaurant
meals in a row. You can have him repeatedly use the vending machines faster
than repeatedly use the fast food booths with a live vendor (also $1 per
snack)--it takes 30 sec. for the red marker for those to reappear. The Los San-
tos/Red County Hotdog vans don't appear on PC.
One easy to remember 24/7 convenience store location is on the big E to W road
that extends W from the Mulholland Intersection. It's on that road just W of
the intersection.
Thanks to Rusk's walk-through and the Stats Faq by bamspeedy1298 at Gamefaqs
for the following Los Santos snack machine locations:
Willowfield--at the 6th Street Plaza, an outdoor shopping center, which is
along the N side of the block that's S of the block with "OW" of "WILLOW FIELD."
Idlewood-- inside the Alahamabra Club, which is on the W side of the block of
Idlewood--inside the 24/7, which is on the same side of the street one block S
of the Alambra club.
Jefferson--at the outdoor shopping center that's on the E side of the block
that's E of the block of "EN" of "GLEN PARK" and W of the block with the Jeffer-
son Motel.
Las Colinas--on the SW side of the T intersection at the top of a sloped
road--the bottom of that road is across the street to the N of the Jefferson
Commerce--inside the 24/7 that's on the N side of the block that's W of the
block of "CITY" of "CITY HALL."
Dillimore--at the Gasso station that's on the N side of the SW block of Dilli-
Palomino Creek--at the library that's on the S side of the SW block of Palomi-
no Creek.
There are three outdoor fast food booths in Los Santos. You can't build up
C.J.'s Fat as fast using them, but they do provide more Fat per visit. They're
Downtown Los Santos--by the 1st "N" of "DOWNTOWN LOS SANTOS" and nearly under
the S branch of the Mulholland Intersection.
Verona Beach--at the E end of the beach.
Santa Maria Beach--on the S end of the pier the Ferris wheel is on.
I usually keep C.J.'s Fat between 1/5th and 1/3rd. It puts a good margin of
safety on the work it takes to get his Muscle maximized at the outdoor gym at
Verona Beach.
Whether you do those things or wait till the restaurants open to start on the
preliminaries, feed C.J. every day or two. Take-Two Games has said that feeding
him every day can prevent the glitch of C.J. being unable to use the gyms, a
glitch that may appear near the end of the game.
Having C.J. use the weights at Verona Beach is the fastest way to have him
build Muscle. Thanks to reader Timo Hakala for telling me C.J. can use the Ver-
ona Beach gym from the start of the game. (I think the second fastest way may
be to have C.J. swim.)
If you manage to make C.J. too Fat, having him use a gym treadmill or station-
ary bike is the fastest way to have him lose only the extra Fat. Feeding him 11
times at once at a fast food restaurant to make him vomit makes him lose about
all of his Fat, but it's better if he has some. The outdoor gym at Verona Beach
has a stationary bike.
Keeping C.J. busy doing the things given below seems to be enough otherwise to
raise the Stats he needs to improve his strength, weapon, and vehicle abilities.
Then I'd make a copy of my save game of my GTA San Andreas User Files in My Doc-
uments. Doing them all at once takes a looooooong time, but look at it this
way: once you copy the save file, you'll never have to do them again--at least
not all at once.
See "Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting" (III.5) for a much faster way
to build Stats in the PC version of the game.
As Rusk says, if you have C.J. swim, or fly and parachute, to the blocked-off
areas, he'll get a four star wanted rating that the law enforcers won't let go
of, even if you use a code, till C.J. can get back to the allowable areas to get
rid of it. Later in the game, when C.J. can get five wanted stars, sending him
over the Easter Bay aircraft carrier or onto the grounds of Area 69 gives him a
five star wanted level while he's there, but right now it just gives him four
You can get more done early on that way, but it takes a lot of time and effort
that doesn't always pay off if you're like me and don't save the game if C.J.
gets busted or wasted.
(I don't save the game if C.J. gets wasted, but I think reader Carl Johnson is
right about girlfriend Katie showing up at Avispa golf course in San Fierro at
the start of the game as a help for people who want to have C.J. risk the high
wanted level attack of going to the areas that are off-limits. A benefit of
having C.J. date her is that he keeps his money and weapons if he gets wasted.
I'll add that having C.J. initiate dating with Barbara, also available at the
start of the game, lets C.J. keep his money and weapons if he's busted.)
If you want to save time on certain vehicle missions you're not crazy about
that are available in the unwelcome areas, it takes less time to do them when
those areas 1st open then make a copy of your save game. So hazarding the un-
welcome areas isn't convenient or easier, but you might enjoy the different ex-
perience and the challenge.
(You might like the two bribes and Pay 'n' Spray in Blueberry, the Santa Maria
Beach Pay 'n' Spray, or the wardrobe closet of a nearby save house, for C.J.
when he gets back.)
Rusk also explains that you can send C.J. to them to complete the Oyster col-
lection and get some weapons, like a Minigun or Combat Shotgun (which then has
whatever Shotgun or Sawnoff Shotgun ammo added to it), with no harassment a lit-
tle into the 1st missions--see "Reuniting the Families" (and other missions that
feature the ability for C.J. to enter otherwise off-limit areas without a wanted
The easiest way to get to those things in the PC version is to start the game
then click "Never Wanted" in the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c).
In the meantime, I'll just explain how to have C.J. primed to make the most of
it when he goes to them.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas List SE Index
FAQ/Walkthrough (Part 1, 2, 3, 4)
Armor/Vending Machine/Vendor map
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