III.1 Maps, map markers, teleportation, all items (Tags, etc.) shown on your
radar, and a trainer:
how to control space and time
The in-game map
Move the cursor over the in-game map to see the names of the neighborhoods in
the lower right corner. Use the Mouse Scroller to make the in-game map zoom in
and out. When zooming in on a part of the in-game map, you can orient your view
of it with the side scroller and by pressing the LMB to have the "camera" move
to where you click the cursor.
Map markers
If you right click a spot on the in-game map, it creates a marker (a black
circle with a red cross in it that has a black circle in the middle of it). Un-
like icons for fast food places, etc., it will appear at the border of your ra-
dar to indicate relative direction even if C.J. is far from it. Right click it
again to make it disappear. Since it can help you stay on course during travel,
it's used with some methods to get to the hidden interiors, etc.
My directions mainly refer to your paper map; once you see the spot I des-
cribe, I recommend clicking the spot on your in-game map with the RMB to make a
marker so the marker on the radar can guide you right there.
Thanks to gui for reminding me that not everyone has a copy of the paper map.
A map just like it, except some of the words are in Italian, is at the next
Other maps
The BradyGames Official Strategy Guide for Xbox and PC has helpful maps, pic-
tures, information, and strategies which can be used while playing the game.
But for Tags, etc., use the combination of descriptions, maps, and screenshots
because the descriptions may be vague, the dots on the map may be off-target in
various directions (or even just wrong: the description correctly gives Oyster
10 as S of the Los Santos lighthouse, but the map puts the dot for it S of the
Ferris wheel; I made corrections on the maps with ink) and numbered in a haphaz-
ard manner, and the screenshots are tiny--and the radar on them is even tinier.
Some amazingly good maps are by Ian Albert at:
They range from less than a MB to over seven MBs, so you might want to save
them in My Pictures if you have a dial-up connection.
There are some accurate maps at:
Some other good maps can be found at the Gamefaqs and GTA Forums web sites.
At Gamefaqs, go to PC, G, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, FAQs, and find some by
GamerLady and dark52. At GTA Forums, go to GTA Series--GTA San Andreas--Game
play, Maps of San Andrea, page 7, and find some by Smithers and others.
Another link on p.7 takes you to some other good maps. Beside maps for weap-
ons, etc., some also give the locations of 2 player free roam missions/rampages,
Unique Jumps, and school/asset locations, with screenshots and pictures of the
radar for each location.
I'd save them in "My Pictures" and print them if you can spare the ink.
An interactive map called SAM (San Andreas Map) is at:
To find all the locations for a vehicle, for example:
Click the "Vehicle" box, and all the vehicle locations appear.
Click the "Set Filter" button, then type the name of the vehicle in the "Enter
filter string" box, and click the "Done" button. Just the vehicle locations
you're looking for are left on the map.
Left click the icon used to show the location to have some information about
the vehicle appear.
You can use the LMB cursor arrow to draw a yellow box around a location to
make that area fill the screen, then make it larger or smaller with the + and -
buttons, and move around the map with the side and bottom scrollers.
Pdescobar has a number of corrections for it for the PC version. I found one,
too--if you click the box for Vehicles, click the Set Filter button, put "Sea
Sparrow" in the "Enter filter string" box, and click the "Done" button, it mis-
takenly locates one on top of the Zombotch building--it's actually a Sparrow.
All items (Tags, etc.) shown on your radar
The fastest way to find the Tags, Oysters, Snapshots, and Horseshoes, and look
at Liberty City and the hidden interiors, etc., is by using The San Andreas
Place Manager (X.13.a), which you Alt Tab out of the game with, The Map Tele-
porter/Vehicle Spawn (X.13.b), which lets you use hot keys, or The GTA SA Con-
trol Center (X.13.c), which works for either the patched or unpatched version of
the original game and lets you use hot keys.
You might combine that with Demarest's Pillager (X.13.gg), which puts markers
of all the Tags, Oysters, Snapshots, and Horseshoes left to find in the category
you've chosen on your radar. While you look for Snapshots, it puts a green
marker by the ones you haven't taken pictures of yet to make them easier to
find. It works with v.1 or 2 and previous saves.
To freeze the mission timer that counts up, with either the patched or un-
patched version of the original game, get The GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c).
(If it's ever updated, it may stop mission timers that count down.) A trainer
that stops mission timers that count down, that works with the unpatched version
of the original game, is Pizzadox's Plus 27 Trainer (X.13.l).
Falkman has a trainer for v3, the version of SA you can download from Steam.
He's adding features as I write this (March, 2008), but it's already available
to use.
I'd like to recommend a philosophy about using trainers or such and codes.
They let people get over mission difficulties, sometimes found with a mission of
one port of a game and not another. Due to the fact that some people aren't as
able as others in certain ways, ways that are matters of strengths but not char-
acter determinants, these aids can broaden the range of people that can enjoy
the game. (And some things, like the CJPHONEHOME code, you might just like to
screw around with.) If we all agree on that, consider this choice:
One, we get the regular game and people can use those aids if certain things
are difficult for them.
Two, the programmers look at the message boards and make planes you push a
button to have fly for you, and great big maps bad for stunts but good for zom-
The last time I looked, you could push a button for a ride at the airport,
there was a huge map where driving felt like guiding pieces of tissue paper and
the stretched-out graphics could make something look like it's in the shade when
it's in the sunshine, and there was a Zombotech building. Keep in mind that
GTA's often give you a glimpse of things to come.
The Little Dodo, bright red and white and cheerful in the face of adversity,
could look gray and sad on an otherwise bright, sunny day. And that's a barome-
ter of the whole thing.
So the next time someone asks for a trainer or such, please remember that
choice and tell them how to get one in the spirit of helpfulness--don't give
them a hard time. Then we can have the regular game, and helpful people provid-
ing aids for those having trouble with missions, the way the good Lord intended.
III.2 Spraying Tags
The easiest way to find them all (and easier for me than describing all the
locations) is to use a teleportation device (see X.13.a and the two sections af-
ter it).
You could also use Demarest's Pillager (X.13.gg), which marks all the Tags
left to find on your radar.
A good map of all the Tag locations is at:
After poppin' all 100 Tags, C.J. will earn some Respect and the Tec9. AK-47,
Sawnoff Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails will be available in the kitchen of the
Johnson house. This is one of the ways to increase Respect for C.J., and that
allows his gang members to get better weapons--an SMG appears for every several
9mms. The six Tags C.J. needs to spray for "Tagging Up Turf" will appear un-
sprayed during that mission so C.J. can spray them again.
Have C.J. go behind the Johnson house and jump on the E end of the wall (so he
doesn't keep trying to go to the other side of it), then on the roof, then onto
the roof of the Pawn Shop to get a can of spray about eight or ten times to
build up a good supply of paint, remembering to feed him every day or two. (You
could make it a habit for C.J. to get more paint each time you start the game.)
A very grateful thanks to Garrett Daniels for offering the following advice
(I've condensed) on the Gamefaqs message boards when I was worried about which
Tag was the one I'd missed:
A second after the message saying you sprayed the Tag appears, the new graph-
ics appear and the "blink" sound is made indicating the game counted it in your
Stats. It's possible to run out of paint during that second with the graphics
partly completed. Before you get confused about which Tags you did and worry
that you won't get 100% for the game because of a non-existent Tag glitch, get
more paint and spray it again. You won't get the message, just the completed
graphics, "blink," and credit in your Stats.
III.3 Weapons
8 Ball's Bomb Shop
A good map of the weapon and item locations is at:
Note: if I give the name of a place in capital letters and quotes, I'm refer-
ring to the name as printed on the paper map that comes with the game.
The attackers in SA seem a little more responsive to what part of their bodies
the lead character shoots, but he can still kill them by shooting any part of
them. As before, a head shot does the job the fastest.
If you use the Mouse and Keys Configuration and you've gotten C.J. within fir-
ing distance of a target, especially if there's just one or a few targets and
C.J. doesn't have to move around so much, you can pause the game (Esc), switch
to Joypad Configuration, and return to the game to use the auto-aim feature for
the duration of the fight. I've played through this game a number of times
without doing this, but it might help someone or at least provide a little vari-
ety. It's easier to use the mouse to aim weapons that bring up a scope, and
auto-aim doesn't always pick the target you want, though.
Fist You forgot to get Brass Knuckles.
Brass Knuckles
Better than a bare fist. They're found:
- under the S side of the bridge over the lot W of C.J.'s house,
- and in alley by the Commerce 24/7 (on the N side of the block at the S end
of Commerce).
Melee weapons:
Baseball Bat
- some pedestrians get out of a vehicle to fight with one.
- in the security booth at the entrance to the movie studio at the E side of
the block with "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD," and a policeman may have one.
C.J. can't jump with the Chainsaw as Tommy could for the "Vice City" fast
Chainsaw attack. But you can have C.J. run with Fist/Brass Knuckles to a tar-
get, have him trot and add Fire to get the Chainsaw revved up and pointing for-
ward, then aim it in whatever direction with the mouse. You can find a Chain-
- beside the W log shelter (in the brown rectangle W of the big brown square
on the paper map) in the Panopticon,
- in Ocean Docks on a pier at the W side of the island,
- between a bin of junk and some piles of tires in a Willow Field scrap yard
that's at the W side of the place where the road that loops through the Ocean
Docks island curves N on the mainland,
- and by a little house at the W side of the S end of the brown dirt road that
goes S from the paved road, where the paper map says "HAMPTON BARNS," to a T in-
Golf Club
- beside the big broadcasting tower by the VINEWOOD sign in Mulholland, and
some pedestrians get out of a vehicle to fight with one.
- behind the corner of the wooden fence E of the 24/7 that's on the block
where the "O" of "LITTLE MEXICO" is printed on the paper map.
- in front of the E "LOADING BAY" garage door behind the corner of little
stores on the SW corner of the block that has "MARKET" printed on it on the pa-
per map, a GSF gang member occasionally has one, and some pedestrians get out of
a vehicle to fight with one.
You can also have C.J. teleport there with the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c):
X 1124.0, Y -1331.0, Z 13.2, Angle 184.0
Pool Cue
- in front of the restaurant at the S end of the W side of the SE block of
- and from a game of pool at some of the bars in San Andreas, such as the Ten
Green Bottles bar W of the Johnson house.
- available behind Ryder's house--the one with holes in the yard to the W of
the Johnson house (I don't know how you get shovelfuls of dirt to come out so
neatly, and bigger than the holes they're from, like that; I think Ryder is
bringing home buckets of sand from the beach for the chipmunks to play with),
- under the S porch of an old shack a bit W of middle of the brown square of
the Panopticon,
- over three unmarked fresh graves by an old house at the light gray dot
(a bright white dot on the radar) just NE of the "O" in "RED COUNTY," and some
pedestrians get out of a vehicle to fight with one.
9mm ("Pistol" in data\weapon.dat)
Some gang members and policemen carry them.. As Rusk notes, it and Machine
Pistols can be used with the Jetpack. C.J. has to remove the Jetpack to switch
from a 9mm to a Machine Pistol and vica versa. You can find one:
- in a back yard NE of the Johnson house,
- at the S end of the empty lot on the N side of the narrow block S of the 1st
- at the S side of a life guard hut W of Santa Maria pier,
- at any Ammu-Nation after "Doberman," and some policemen, gangsters, drug
dealers, and hookers carry one; Ammu-Nation clerks dual wield them.
Silenced 9mm ("Pistol Silenced" in data\weapon.dat)
- on the S porch of the E block of the Conference Center in Conference,
- and at any Ammu-nation after "Doberman."
Desert Eagle
Desert Eagle: a semi-automatic, gas-operated pistol made by IMI (Israeli Mili-
tary Industries) for Magnum Research, Inc. Their guns include the Desert Eagle,
Baby Eagle, and others. The Desert Eagle is also called a "Deagle" or "50."
"Deagle" is a term to hide/shorten the name of the gun, and "50" is a reference
to a 50 cal. Desert Eagle. It's available as a .357, .50, or .44 caliber gun,
but converting it from one caliber to another is easy.
The strongest handgun in the game. You can find one:
- by a billboard S of the SE bend in the main road through Playa Del Seville.
If you want to have C.J. collect ammo by teleporting into the areas that nor-
mally give him a wanted rating, you could do it during one of the missions, like
"Drive-By," with a glitch that lets C.J. explore without a wanted rating. An-
other option is to use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c), go to the "Player
Data" page, and click the "Auto-Clear Status after inserting cheats" and "Never
Wanted" buttons. You could also finish the weapon gathering by teleporting
C.J. to the Johnson house, where he can change clothes to get rid of any wanted
X 2495.142, Y -1687.714, Z 13.5155, Angle 183.28
Ocean Docks (on beach at N end of N-S border at S end of SE strip of beach)
X 2770.0, Y -2184.0, Z 11.1, Angle 50.0
Angel Pines scrapyard (in the dimly-lit corner of a big shed)
X -1868.0, Y -1622.9, Z 22.0, Angle 138.0
Hashbury (below the "A" of "GARCIA")
X -2214.0, Y 109.0, Z 35.0, Angle 271.0
Bayside (inside corner of low light brown brick wall W of N end of wooden
fence on the E shore)
X -2354.0, Y 2456.0, Z 6.0, Angle 271.0
Lil' Probe Inn trailer park (under the middle solar panel of three)
X 33.0, Y 1372.0, Z 9.0, Angle 271.0
All three types use the same ammo, so the ammo for one is added when C.J. gets
another. (Thanks to Rusk for the info.)
If C.J. doesn't have any type of Shotgun and enters any Police car or a Rang-
er, he gets a Shotgun with five shells. If he has any type of Shotgun, doing
that adds five shells to the ammo for it.
Gangster at 20%. You can find one:
- on the top floor of the Los Santos and Dillimore Police Departments,
- at an Ammu-Nation after "Doberman," it's occasionally used by the police
(who usually use 9mms) at four wanted stars or higher, and it's used by the Army
(with M4s) after C.J. buys Verdant Meadows (a Desert mission).
Sawnoff Shotgun
Can be dual wielded for one hit kills (use the Sniper Rifle for longer dis-
tance one hit kills). Gangster at 20%. You can find one:
- in Ocean Docks in a train car in the blue building shown on the paper map as
a dark rectangle on the E side of the block that's at the NE corner of Los San-
tos International Airport (have C.J. run across a platform at the door to get
inside the box car; if you have him jump, he'll keep trying to grab the upper
ledge of the car and hang from it; there's Armor in the car with a wooden plank
used for a ramp to the door of it),
- S of the A Stage building in the movie lot in Vinewood (on the block that
says "WOOD" on the paper map),
- on the back porch of the 2nd house from the S end of the E block of the two
big rectangular blocks in Palomino Creek,
- in East Los Santos on the roof of the Pig Pen, which is on the SE corner of
the nearly square block N of the martini glass symbol, shown on the paper map,
in N East Los Santos (look at the N side of the building for a section C.J. can
jump up to, then onto a higher roof),
- and at Ammu-Nations after "Doberman."
Combat Shotgun ("SPAS12" in data\weapon.dat)
A S.P.A.S. 12 semi-automatic shotgun. Gangster at 20%. You can find one at
an Ammu-Nation after "Don Peyote" (a Las Venturas mission).
C.J. can get one sooner in Las Venturas. You can have him use it to upgrade
his skill for it to Hitman pretty quickly by changing the stat file for it (see
You can use one of the glitches that lets C.J. explore San Andreas without a
wanted rating, such as the one near the start of "Drive-By" (IV.7). You can
also click "Auto-Clear Status after inserting cheats" and "Never Wanted" buttons
on the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c). If you use it to teleport C.J. when it
give him a wanted rating, you can then teleport him to a place where he can get
rid of his wanted rating.
As Rusk notes, all three Shotguns use the same ammo, so you can stock up on
ammo with any of them and that ammo is added to the round that comes with which-
ever Shotgun you get next.
For the Combat Shotgun, go to the SW corner of Las Venturas--to the block W of
where "LVA FREIGHT DEPOT" is printed on the paper map. Go S into the N entrance
of the compound, past the garage with a lot of doors on your left, to the rect-
angular divider with plants and trees growing in it. The Combat Shotgun is in
the shrub in the middle of it.
You can also teleport C.J. to it:
X 1409.989, Y 1096.943, Z 10.82031, Angle 70.913
If he has a wanted rating, you can teleport him to the Johnson house to change
clothes to get rid of any wanted rating:
X 2495.142, Y -1687.714, Z 13.5155, Angle 183.28
Submachine guns:
Submachine guns are needed to do drive-bys.
The 1st two are in the Machine Pistol category. Those two and the 9mm Pistol
can be used with the Jetpack. C.J has to remove the Jetpack to switch from a
Machine Pistol to a 9mm and vica versa.
All three use the same ammo, so the ammo for one is added when C.J. gets
another. (Thanks to Rusk for the info.)
The weakest SMG. Gangster at 10%. It can be dual wielded, used for drive-
bys, used with the Jetpack, is used by Big Smoke in "Wrong Side of the Tracks,"
and law enforcers, Ballas, and Vagos don't use it, making it a good choice for a
weapon to strengthen as described at "Weapons and Attackers" (X.11). You can
find one:
- at the Johnson house after spraying 100 Tags,
- under the E end of the S highway ramp of the two that end in loops W of the
terminal building that looks like the LA Airport Theme Building (also seen in
- at the N side of a little warehouse at the SE corner of the intersection of
N Blueberry,
- behind the big white house with lots of brown trim on the hill surrounded
by a loop of road in Mulholland,
- by a chain link fence in a lot S of "NAS" in "LAS COLINAS,"
- and at an Ammu-Nation after "Doberman."
Micro SMG ("Micro Uzi" in data\weapon.dat)
Gangster at 10%. It can be dual-wielded and used with the Jetpack. You can
find one:
- on a lower ledge in the big drainage ditch E of the Johnson house,
- on the top floor of the spiral multi-floor parking garage that's on the S
side of the "L"-shaped block two blocks N of the E side of Los Santos Forum,
- at an Ammu-Nation after "Doberman," and it's used by Ballas (with 9mms),
Varrio Los Aztecas (with 9mms), and S.W.A.T. agents.
SMG ("MP5" in data\weapon.dat)
An MP--the strongest SMG available. Gangster at 30%. You can find one:
- at Unity Train Station, which is N of the two prongs of track that extend
from the main RR track before the RR tunnel in El Corona,
- in the walled-in area at the W side of the building (with a fire-blackened
SE corner) on the NE side of the N block of downtown Montgomery,
- on the roof of the Jefferson Motel, which is on the block W of the N end of
the thick area shown on the radar and in-game map for where the train track has
a street on either side of it in Jefferson (the motel stairs are on the S side),
- on an upstairs outdoor patio at the E side of an off-white stucco house with
a red-orange roof--it's along the N-most road in Las Colinas and W of the gray
N-S line indicating a RR tunnel on the paper map,
- at Ammu-Nations after "Doberman," it's used by GSF gang members (less often
than a 9mm but more often than a Knife) after C.J. can recruit three or four,
and it's used by FBI agents after "Farewell, My Love" (a Badlands mission).
You can also use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) to have C.J. teleport to
these coordinates:
El Corona (SW corner of walled small lot at SE side of Unity station)
X 1766.0, Y -1930.0, Z 14.0, Angle 90.0)
Jefferson (roof of Jefferson Motel)
X 2199.0, Y -1170.0, Z 33.5, Angle 90.0)
Las Colinas (patio at top of stairs where gray line of underground RR goes N
from the road W of "LAS COLINAS")
X 2268.0, Y -1028.0, Z 59.0, Angle 90.0)
Montgomery (S end of walled lot at W side of burned bldg. at N side of N E-W
street of downtown Montgomery)
X 1297.0, Y 395.0, Z 19.5, Angle 160.0)
The SMG pickup on the roof of the Jefferson Motel has the most ammo of any SMG
pickup in the game (the Four Dragons Casino pickup for it is second). Thanks to
the Stats FAQ by bamspeedy1298 at Gamefaqs.
Assault Rifles:
Both use the same ammo, so the ammo for one is added when C.J. gets another.
(Thanks to Rusk for the info.)
Note: data\american.gxt refers to this as both "AK47" and "AK-47," so take
your pick.
Gangster at 30%. A good general purpose weapon. You can find one:
- at the Johnson house after spraying 100 Tags,
- in the SW area of a big warehouse with a band of red around the top of the
outside walls in the W section of the block in Ocean Docks that's at the NE cor-
ner of Los Santos International Airport,
- in the NW corner of the movie studio on the block with "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD";
enter on the E side of the block,
- and behind Roboi's Food Mart--24/7--about a block W of the W tip of the Mul-
holland Intersection.
Gangster at 20%. A better general purpose weapon. There's one:
- between two of a trio of ramps at the SW end of the airport tarmac (have
C.J. jump on a vehicle then jump up and climb over the fence by the front gate
if he hasn't gotten his pilot's license to have it opened for him),
- they're at Ammu-Nations after "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom" (a San Fierro mission), and
it's used by the Army (with Shotguns) after C.J. buys Verdant Meadows (a Desert
If you're having C.J. teleport, you could do it during one of the missions,
like "Drive-By," with a glitch that lets C.J. explore without a wanted rating.
Another option is to use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c), go to the "Player
Data" page, and click the "Auto-Clear Status after inserting cheats" and "Never
Wanted" buttons. You could also teleport him to the Johnson house, where he can
change clothes to get rid of any wanted rating:
X 2495.142, Y -1687.714, Z 13.5155, Angle 183.28
Los Santos Airport (between two concrete ramps at the W end of the tarmac)
X 1382.0, Y -2547.75, Z 14.0, Angle 83.0.
Palisades (W of 3rd white line from the S in N-S series of lines in NW SF)
-2905, Y 784.0, Z 35.0, Angle 261.0
Area 69 (under the steps of the SW guard tower)
X 109.9, Y 1808.0, Z 17.65.0, Angle 261.0
Pilgrim (E of bldg. at "M" of "PILGRIM')
2577.0, Y 1562.0, Z 16.0, Angle 96.0
Hold the RMB to bring up the scope, zoom with X and Z or the mouse wheel, and
fire with the LMB.
Rifle ("Country Rifle" in data\weapon.dat)
Good for long distance two hit kills. There's one:
- by the pool in the back yard of a house in the NE area of the block that's
N of the block that says, "MULH" of "MULHOLLAND" on the paper map.
Sniper Rifle
Good for longer distance one hit kills.
You can find a Sniper Rifle:
- in Vinewood at the top of the ramps on the outside of Stage 25 at Interglob-
al Television (on the block N of the "M" in "Marina" on the paper map),
- in Mulholland on a high balcony of the S branch of a big light beige house
with a dirty pink surrounding wall at the SW end of the block that's N of the
Pay 'n' Spray
To get it, have full Health for C.J.; have him go NW from the house with the
Sniper Rifle to the house on stilts on a cliff; have him climb onto a four wheel
vehicle at the N side of that house, then climb onto the roof of the house.
Have him make a fast run and jump from the SE corner of that roof to the NW
corner of the 2nd balcony below the roof of the house with the Sniper Rifle;
jump down to the balcony lower than that on the S side of the house, get the
Sniper Rifle, jump to the next lower balcony, then jump to the ground.
He should still have most of his Health, but I'd get him something to eat.
- and the roof of the Jefferson hospital (on a 25' by 25' or so area of the
tallest section of the beige hospital, just SW of the hospital tower of satel-
lite dishes, which is a couple bocks S of the E end of the pond in Glen Park;
you need to have C.J. bail, preferably with a parachute, or Jetpack to get
You can also use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) to have C.J. teleport to
these coordinates:
Jefferson (on top of tallest part of County General Hospital)
X 2044.0, Y -1402.5, Z 68.4, Angle 215.0
Vinewood (on outside walkway of Studio 25 at Interglobal Television)
X 736.0, -1356.0, Z 23.0, Angle 100.0)
Mulholland (S balcony of beige house W of 24/7 W of "MULHOLLAND")
X 936.0, Y -930.0, Z 58.0, Angle 3.0)
Heavy weapons:
Rocket Launcher
While restrained to Los Santos, you can get one at the start of the game.
Have C.J. get a Parachute (see below). Then have C.J. jump on a vehicle and
climb over the fence by the front gates of the airport, and fly the Dodo to the
roof of the building that's on the E side of the 2nd block W of the S tip of
Mulholland Intersection. Release acceleration during your approach and use re-
verse as you land (crash it into the antenna there if you need to). Then C.J.
can fly or Parachute from the roof.
(If you don't have C.J. get the Parachute and wreck the plane, or have C.J.
use the Parachute to fly to the Rocket Launcher, he'll have to jump to the
ground afterward, and, if he had full Health, will have his Health reduced to a
tiny amount.)
It's good for taking down helicopters. Hold the RMB to bring up the scope and
fire with the LMB.
If you use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) to have C.J. teleport to gather
his weapons, you might as well have him go for the Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher:
Easter Bay Airport
X -1129.0, Y -150.0, Z 14.0, Angle 230.0.
Afterward, you could teleport C.J. to the Johnson house if he needs to go in-
side and change clothes to get rid of any wanted rating:
X 2495.142, Y -1687.714, Z 13.5155, Angle 183.28
As Demarest (X.13.m) (X.13.n) said, it's the "Vice City" version of the "GTA
III" M-16. (It still is in "San Andreas.")
It's good for quickly taking out anything except Rhinos, and you don't have to
upgrade the skill for it. C.J. can get a wanted rating easier with it than with
most weapons if he's shooting rival gang members, but it makes it easy to do
certain missions that clear the wanted level when you complete them. You can
generally use this slot for a Rocket Launcher otherwise, since a Rocket Launcher
is more commonly available early on.
To make up for that, you can modify a file to make a Tec9 as powerful as a
Minigun (see X.11).
Besides the Minigun not being as accessible as in "Vice City," my main com-
plaint about it is that the sound effect for it has been changed to a whir. It
may be more realistic, I don't know, but now it sounds like a blender. Thanks
to Andrew Snowie for the tip that Miniguns sound muffled as in "San Andreas"
when they're used from within an aircraft they're installed on. But C.J.'s
Minigun sounds muffled that way though he's using it on foot.
How to send C.J. to all three available Minigun locations while meant to be
restricted to Los Santos and Red County
You can use one of the glitches that lets C.J. explore San Andreas without a
wanted rating, such as the one near the start of "Drive-By" (IV.7). You could
also use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) and click the "Auto-Clear Status af-
ter inserting cheats" and "Never Wanted" buttons. The "Auto-Clear...." button
also helps if you use the "ROCKETMAN" code to use Ghost World/Blue Hell to get
him into and out of Area 69.
If you teleport C.J. to get weapons when it gives him a wanted rating, you
could then teleport him to the Johnson house, where he can change clothes to get
rid of any wanted rating:
X 2495.142, Y -1687.714, Z 13.5155, Angle 183.28
If you have C.J. use the Jetpack and Ghost World/Blue Hell to get into and out
of Area 69 when it gives him a wanted rating, you could have him go beneath the
front of the Johnson house (or any other place where he can change clothes or
get a haircut), descend into Ghost World till he appears above ground, then go
inside to get rid of his wanted rating.
Roca Escalante parking garage Minigun
To have C.J. get the Minigun in NE Las Venturas, you can have him enter the
alley on the E side of "CA" and "LANTE" of "ROCA ESCALANTE," turn right into the
garage, go to the N side, down the ramp, and go N to the Minigun by the elevator
doors. You can also have him teleport there:
X 2493.516, Y 2398.752, Z 4.210938, Angle 100.0
Rockshore East scaffolding Minigun
Another Los Venturas Minigun is on the next-to-the-top level of the scaffold-
ing at the "OC" of "ROCKSHORE EAST." Thanks to pez2k_ for the tip that C.J. can
climb it to the Minigun--have him do a jump across a bit of an inner 90 degree
corner to grab the next level up and repeat as needed. You can also have C.J.
reach it with the Jetpack, a Parachute, landing the San Fierro Airport Maverick
across the rails by it and dropping down near it (C.J. can jump higher than
you'd think to get back up into the Maverick), or by teleporting there:
X 2682.145, Y 835.74, Z 21.766, Angle 85.88
How to get the Area 69 Minigun while meant to be restricted to Los Santos and
Red County
Other than in the ways to avoid it described above, C.J. gets a four star
wanted level for entering the part of Area 69 shown on this map:
If C.J. does that once the Badlands and San Fierro are freely available, he
gets five stars that go down to four once C.J. leaves that part of Area 69.
As explained at "Ghost 69" in the section on Ghost World (I.10), you could
have C.J. use The Duff Man's gimmick of using a Jetpack to up through the porch
ceiling of Alexander's Toys and Vulgari, next door to the S of the Los Santos
Pro-Laps, then use Mxyzptlk's gimmick to get into the interior of Area 69
through the non-solid ceiling over the W shallow trench...
...to get the Area 69 Minigun. This map of the interior of Area 69 shows the
W shallow trench and Minigun locations:
Then have him leave through the same ceiling.
Have C.J. go beneath the front of one of his save places with a clothes clos-
et, or beneath the front of a barber shop, and descend into Ghost World until he
appears above the ground. He can go inside to change clothes or get a haircut
to get rid of his four star wanted rating.
You could also teleport him to the Area 69 Minigun:
X 241.3609, Y 1859.69, Z 14.08401, Angle 274.0
If he has a wanted rating, you could teleport him to the Johnson house to
change his clothes (see above).
"Mini mini mini mini, mini
Some people got to have it
Some people really need it
Listen to me y'all, do things, do things, do bad things with it
You wanna do things, do things, do things, good things with it...."
(variation on lyrics of "Apprentice Theme Song -- For the Love of Money" by
The O'Jays)
- behind a pizza stand on the Santa Maria pier,
- in East Beach in the NE corner of the 3rd floor of the parking garage on the
S side of the big "L"-shaped block two blocks N of Los Santos Forum,
- in Las Colinas behind the brown wooden fence and shed at the E side of a
house over the head of the cartoon duck swimming E-shaped block N of the thick
N-S line, indicating a section of the RR track with a street on either side of
it, on the paper map,
- and at Ammu-Nations after "Doberman."
Tear Gas
Good for detaining police officers when C.J. gets a one or two star wanted
level while fighting rival gangsters. It's good for getting out of various such
tight spots. Jheath recommends that you temper that understanding with the fact
that it can raise C.J.'s wanted level like a Molotov, so you might reserve Tear
Gas for a more difficult situation created by a four star or higher wanted lev-
- in Ocean Docks in a train car in the blue building shown on the paper map as
a dark rectangle on the E side of the block that's at the NE corner of Los San-
tos International Airport (the same big blue warehouse that has a Sawnoff Shot-
gun in a railroad car),
- and at the top of the steps of the Opera house (a big granite block building
with red-orange and yellow-orange vertical banners hanging in front of it) S of
the W branches of the Mulholland Intersection.
Molotov Cocktails
Good for taking out the attackers that emerge when you hit a vehicle--like a
Rhino, FBI Rancher, or rival gang car--with one. The spread that helped them
attack around corners in "Vice City" is even greater now. They can also get
through some walls and floors, as in "End of the Line." You get a Stat for
fires started. You can find Molotovs:
- in the Johnson house after spraying 100 Tags,
- in an alley on the N side of Rodriguez Iron Works, which is at the SE corner
of the block N of the T intersection N of the East Los Santos Cluckin' Bell N of
the Johnson house,
- on the Library roof at the S end of the SW block of Palomino Creek,
- and in Mulholland N of the main E-W road next to Hobo's old fashioned light
brown wood and gray diner with a RR crossing-type sign out front.
Remote Explosives ("Satchel Charge" and "Detonator" in data\weapon.dat)
Have C.J. throw one or a number of them, which stick to the surface they hit
(a vehicle, a Balla's butt, etc.), then switch to the detonator to explode them.
A batch of them are good for taking out Rhinos when no attackers are on foot
nearby. C.J. can get a wanted rating just for throwing one.
Anurag Sinha wrote to me that C.J. can only throw 32 Satchel Charges at a
time. After that, he just goes through the throwing animation empty-handed and
the count for them doesn't go down. Although he says it's been disputed by
some, it holds as true on my original PC version. He also told me Satchel
Charges pass through mirrors. Thank you, Anurag, for helping me again.
You can find one:
- in an alley on the N side of the Inside Track which is on the E side of the
biggest block in Montgomery.
Handheld Items:
Spray Can
Used to spray the 100 Tags in Los Santos. He can also immobilize or even kill
people with the spray.
- on a Pawn Shop roof: have C.J. go to the back of the Johnson house, jump on
the E end of the wall (so he won't keep trying to get to the other side of it),
jump on the roof, then run onto the Pawn Shop roof for a Spray Can,
- and in Las Colinas behind a little one story light gray house with a stone
enclosed porch about where the "C" in "COLINAS" is on your paper map that comes
with the game.
See I.7.aaa Taking Photographs.
- in C.J.'s bedroom at the Johnson house.
Fire Extinguisher
It can put out fires, and immobilize or even kill people by not letting them
- in most fast food places, which open up after "Ryder."
Gifts for girlfriends:
Gifts can also be used as melee weapons, so C.J. can knock someone to the
ground with some posies, which is different.
We're not sure which one uses this--probably C.J. on Millie (the one that
likes the Gimp outfit). But I haven't heard of anyone being able to give it to
a girlfriend in the game, so it's figured to be a melee weapon in the wrong
weapon slot. There's a cane:
- at the W side of a lot in the middle of the houses on the block E of the
block with the bottom of "PLE" of "TEMPLE,"
- in front of Didier Sachs clothes store catacorner SE from the "O" of "RO-
- and behind the "N" of the VINEWOOD sign.
The gift that's also the unlikeliest melee weapon C.J. has. Thanks to reader
Hameyadea (which means "the information bringer") for correcting me: flowers do
reappear at a site after they're taken from it and the game is saved. Maybe
it's just a glitch that sometimes causes them not to--I don't know. There are
at the S side of the flower bed that's at the E side of the pond in Glen Park,
at the E end of Verona Beach,
in the garden S of the front door of Verdant Bluffs Observatory,
in the cemetery in the block N of the block that has "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD"
printed on it on your paper map,
in Mulholland at the NE side of the loop of road,
in El Corona in the front yard of the 2nd house from the W on the S side of
the block N of the RR track E of where two short tracks veer from it,
in Idlewood by the Sprunk machine at the gas station on the NE corner of the
same block,
and in Las Colinas in front of the off-white stucco house on the N side of the
N-most E-W road W of where a gray line extends N from it to indicate a RR tun-
nel--it's the 2nd house W of the gray line.
Double-Ended D**do
C.J. can give it to a girlfriend as a gift or beat somebody over the head with
it. (It must not be made of those new flexible polymers). You can find one:
- in the shower of the Los Santos and Dillimore police stations. Go in the
front door, don't have C.J. draw a weapon, and he should be okay getting this.
Apparel Items:
- on top of the oval building S of "LOS" of "DOWNTOWN LOS SANTOS." Enter the
building on the NE side.
This is available at the bottom of the launch bay during and after "Black
Project" and by the Verdant Meadows abandoned AC tower after "Green Goo,"
a couple of Desert missions. For the way to enter the interior of Area 69
through Ghost World, see I.10.
It's useful for getting around the regular scenery and Ghost Hell, Ghost
World, Ghost Heaven, and get to Liberty City (I.10), too. The code for it is
"ROCKETMAN"--I wouldn't save the game after using it, but it could help you
scope out the confusing bunch of locations for weapons, items, etc., of the
game. Better, you can also use the GTA SA Control enter (X.13.c) to get rid of
your cheat count status automatically or after using the code and save the game
without worries.
C.J. can use 9mms and either of the two Machine Pistols while flying with it.
He has to remove it to change from one of those weapons to another of them.
8 Ball's Bomb Shop
On the S side of the 24/7 that's on the W side the block of "O" of "LITTLE
MEXICO," Los Santos, is 8 Ball's Bomb Shop. It operates like the ones in Staun-
ton in "GTA III." You can have C.J. drive a four-wheel (even an emergency) ve-
hicle into it for the vehicle to have a bomb with a timer installed in it.
Press F or Enter while C.J. is in the vehicle to activate the eight second or so
timer, and have C.J. leg it.
III.4 Armor and Bribes
Health pckups only appear during certain missions and territory battles except
for the one in Madd Dogg's kitchen after "A Home in the Hills."
Land vehicles are a kind of armor, too, in that they take the punishment for
a crash, even a jump from the top of Mount Chiliad, without C.J.'s Armor or
Health going down at all--if you land right.
The real body armor looks like this:
A very good map for Body Armor and Police Bribes is at:
Ammu-Nations after "Doberman."
Ganton: in the big flood control ditch E of C.J's house, on the W side of the
ditch under a bridge a bit N of the Johnson house.
NE Red County: N, across San Andreas Sound, from the W loop of the two of the
intersection E of Montgomery Intersection. On the radar and in-game map,
there's a pier on the N bank with two gray segments that extend S. The Armor is
between the stairs on the W segment. C.J. won't get a wanted rating for climb-
ing onto the piers.
Red County: in the N area of the brown area, on the paper map, at the NE side
of Hampton Barns, under the porch of the little blue one story house.
Montgomery: at the NE corner of the fenced-in dirt lot of trailers E of the S
block of Montgomery.
Red County: on top of the ramp by the doors at the N side of the big Fleisch-
Berg building, which is on the S side of the road that goes W from lower down-
town Blueberry.
Palomino Creek: between the light pink one story house and the blue two door
garage of the 2nd house from the W of the houses N of the NE block of Palomino
East Beach: from the point the "S" of "LOS FLORES" is printed on the paper
map, go N past the 1st right and, just before the bridge, turn right into an al-
ley, make the 90 degree turn of it, and the Armor is in front of you.
Las Colinas: on the block S of "NAS" of "LAS COLINAS" on the paper map, at the
W end of the part shown as gray on the radar and in-game map.
Mulholland: on the same high balcony as the Sniper Rifle you probably need to
fly to.
Pershing Square: a Los Santos police cell.
Verdant Bluffs: among picnic tables on the patio at the N side of the block
that's S of the one that says "HALL" of "CITY HALL" on the paper map.
Conference Center: on the porch of the W side of the W block of the Conference
Center building.
Commerce: on the N end of the block that's N of the "L" in "LITTLE MEXICO" is
the Atrium. Have C.J. enter on the N or W side; the screen says "Attrium" if
he enters on the W side. The Armor is inside on the S side. (In the middle of
the 1st floor is a statue of part of a guy miming masturbation; around the out-
side of the room are statues of guys covering their eyes.)
Los Santos International: on the right end of the little horizontal rectangle
of roads is a square of roads: the Armor is by the N side of the lower of the
two N roads (one is over the other).
Willow Field: behind the gray steps of the 2nd building N of the SE corner of
the block that says "WIL" of "WILLOW" on the paper map.
Willow Field: on the block E of where it says "EL CORONA" on the paper map.
Going E on the S side of the RR tracks that veer S, it's on the E side of the
2nd big dirty orange container of scrap, and W of the big pile of black scrap.
Ocean Docks: in the office on the 2nd floor in the W end of the warehouse
with a red band around the top of the out side walls in the W section of the
block in Ocean Docks that's at the NE corner of Los Santos International Air-
Ocean Docks: in the train car with a plank as a ramp for the door (by the
train car with a Sawnoff Shotgun) in the blue building in the SE section of the
block in Ocean Docks that's at the NE corner of Los Santos International Air-
(**** could be a useful airborne bribe for a helicopter)
Ganton: from the Johnson house, go W, turn S, then go W into the alley and
past the foliage in it.
East Los Santos: at the W edge of the big flood control ditch E of the Johnson
house, N of the bridge overpass to the N, and between a building and the edge of
a fence.
Ocean Docks: over the N arch of the little bridge that's W of the S end of the
E block of the island.****
Ocean Docks: next to crates SW across a lot from the end of the dead end road
of the island.
Glen Park: N of the pond, in the tunnel that goes through the stone bridge
that goes over the pond.
Market: in a clearing between the beige, green/blue, and purple apartments at
the SE corner of the block N of the block that says "ARKET" of "MARKET" on the
paper map.
Las Colinas: over a downhill slope in the road E of "LAS COLINAS" on the paper
Las Colinas: on the block that looks like a cartoon duck swimming E, the bribe
is in a narrow alley, over the RR tunnel, between two houses.
Mulholland: at the SE corner of the block E of the little loop of road, by the
N side of a garage of a house.
Rodeo: between two low rectangular planters of Yucca plants about 2/3rds N up
the W side of the street of the W street of the block that says "MARI" of "MARI-
Verona Beach: in the NW corner of the gray alley shown on the radar and in-
game map, on the block N of the block that says "RENCE" of "CONFERENCE" on the
paper map.
Montgomery Intersection: on a dirt road under the E end of the S loop.
Blueberry: in an alley between a fence and a building; it's in the middle of
the rectangular block E of the upside-down "L"-shaped block.
Blueberry Acres: on a dirt road in SW Blueberry Acres, which is the block W of
downtown Blueberry.
Red County: on some rocks by the N bank of an E-W river, at a crook in the
river just SW of the "C" in "COUNTY" on the paper map.****
III.4.a When Armor, Health, Bribe, and weapon pickups, and fast food vending
booth markers, reappear
An Armor pickup will reappear in six hours of game time (a little over six
minutes). It will also reappear if you save the game.
The Health pickup in Madd Dogg's Crib after "A Home in the Hills" (IX.1)
doesn't reappear after it's been used, so I don't save the game after using it
(or after using Thermal Goggles, which also don't reappear after they're used).
A Bribe will reappear in five hours of game time or if you save the game.
A weapon pickup will reappear in six hours of game time or if you save the
A pickup won't reappear if C.J. is too close to the spot--within about 20 (?)
feet from it--at the time it would otherwise reappear.
A fast food vending booth marker will reappear in 30 game minutes (a little
over 30 seconds in real time). If you don't see the red marker, have the "cam-
era" turn away and aim at a spot in front of the vendor's booth again.
III.5 Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting
Maybe you really liked "No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way,"
2002, but waiting for Cate Archer to develop Weapon Proficiency and Stamina
wasn't your favorite thing about it.
This is the fastest way to get the maximum for all vehicle, weapon, and what-
ever you call the rest of them--Stamina, etc.--Stats (TGIPC) for either the
original or second edition of the game.
Uncheck the green "read only" dot for the "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas" fold-
er (X.5) and make a backup copy (X.6) of the file data\ar_stats.dat.
Go to data\ar_stats.dat with Notepad.
An example from lines 0 to 11 and 33 to 45: lines 5 and 38--flying skill.
At line 5, the STAT_INC_FLYING_SKILL is 50.
At line 38, the STAT_TIMELIMIT_FLYING_SKILL is 300.
That means you increase the skill for using the vehicle by 50 points when you
fly it for 300 seconds. Old School Hustla says he changed them to 500 incre-
ments of skill for every two seconds of flying and maxed out his flight skill in
one very short flight. So you make the number for the line from 0 to 11 bigger
and the one from lines 33 to 45 smaller.
I didn't increase the amount added to driving skill, 20 points, just lowered
the time taken to get a skill increase message to 1 second, and maximized driv-
ing skill in a drive around Los Santos with a new message appearing about as
fast as it took for the last one to fade from view.
An example regarding weapon skill:
At line 12, the STAT_INC_PISTOL_SKILL is 0.8.
At line 46, the STAT_TIMELIMIT_PISTOL_SKILL is 50.
That means you get a 0.8 increase in skill for using the weapon for every 50
accurate shots made with it. As in the 1st example, make the 1st number bigger
and the 2nd one smaller. I changed it to 500 points added per 1 accurate shot
and made Hitman for Pistol in a few shots.
For a weapon you can upgrade the Skill for, you could also pick small numbers,
like 0, 1, and 2, for column Q for the weapon in data\weapon.dat. Those numbers
represent the Stat number required for each Skill level: poor, standard (Gang-
ster), and pro (Hitman) (see X.11).
The last time I did this, I changed lines 0 to 22 to have numbers in the hun-
dreds, and changed lines 33 to 41 and 46 to 56 to have numbers from 1 to 3.
Do the same and save yourself one he** of a whole bunch of time. Thanks to a
post by Old School Hustla at GTA Forums for this considerably time-saving tip.
A Stat is maximized at 1,000 points; it continues to grow afterward, but your
Skill doesn't increase. So if you're really in a hurry, you might try changing
the figures to create 1,000 points in one second (thanks to Ben "Cerbera"
The one exception to getting them all done while restricted to Los Santos
would be the Combat (S.P.A.S. 12) Shotgun skill, unless you want to either have
C.J. brave the high wanted level he'll get for entering the off-limits areas, or
load up on Shotgun shells and use a glitch that lets C.J. go into the off-limits
areas without a wanted level--the earliest is "Drive-By" (IV.7), and go to SW
Las Venturas for the Combat Shotgun, then maximize the skill for it, too. If
you do, see III.3 for the location of the Combat Shotgun.
All shotguns, submachine guns, and assault rifles use the same ammo as any
other in the same category, so the new round for one is added to any previous
such ammo--thanks to Rusk for the tip.
The Sniper Rifle and Boat skills given in data\ar_stats.dat have been dis-
The fastest way to raise weapon Stats on PS2
The PS2 gimmick of having C.J. shoot a tire to raise his weapon skill Stat
doesn't work for PC. For PC, I'd change the data file as explained above, but
I'm grateful that the 2nd fastest way to do it on PC, and the fastest for PS2,
was sent to me by reader Anurag Sinha.
Anurag tells me that if C.J. gets off his bike before the chase of "OG Loc,"
IV.15, is allowed to end, Freddie gets off his bike and taunts C.J.. Freddie
can't be killed yet but the shots count extra, like headshots, for raising
C.J.'s weapon Stat. He tells me it increases the Stat faster than shooting a
tire over and over does on PS2.
III.6 Cycling Stat (bicycle)
The skill for this Stat grows quickly. Have C.J. ride a bike, pumping W to
make him go fast, using the Bunny Hop, NP0, now and then, to build up his Bike
Stat, Muscle, and Stamina. When it gets strong, C.J. can reverse faster, be
less likely to fall off the bike, and use the Bunny Hop like the Jump Boost for
Cabbies and Taxis in "Vice City" to jump over vehicles and fences and play with
stunt jumps.
The fastest way to increase the Stat is at "Maximum Stats of all kinds in one
sitting (III.5).
The gimmick of having C.J. use a Freight train to raise his Cycling Stat works
for PC. To do it, have C.J. Bunny Hop a bicycle onto one of those low flat cars
pulled by a Freight train, and have it face in the direction the train goes in.
When the train starts moving, press W just enough to get the wheels going, and
the bicycle will stay in place on the car while the wheels turn at the speed of
the train.
The bike can slide back if the train goes uphill, such as in some places in
Red County; if it does, press W as you need to so the bicycle stays in about the
same place on the car till the train gets up the hill. It's easy to handle, but
you might have him do this on the front car as a safeguard for that.
When I tried this, I also had C.J. and his bicycle disappear for a bit after
going through a dark tunnel and reappear when I turned the "camera" for a side
view, which I've read has happened when others tried it.
A downside to this is that C.J. will get a high wanted rating if he tries this
in the blocked-off areas early in the game. Still, it's one of those interest-
ing side things I like about GTA's. Sure, "Half Life 2" has some good graphics,
but can Gordon Freeman ride a bike on a freight car without pedaling? Can he
fly through the ceiling of a gym and go to a lovely restaurant? No.
There's always a BMX bike (that doesn't trigger a mission) at the S end of the
long pier at Verona Beach, and another at the NE section of the block that's the
2nd block S of the W block of the two that the Glen Park pond is on. A conveni-
ent place to let C.J. practice his biking and swimming is the big concrete
drainage ditch east of his house--the S end slopes into the water. After C.J.
can ride a bike fast and jump high with it, have him do:
III.7 The Commerce 24/7 Courier Asset Mission,
aka the Roboi's Food Mart Asset Mission
This is a bit like the "Vice City" pizza delivery mission. It's a set of four
consecutive drive-by delivery missions using a BMX bike.
Three loops, six packages, three minutes
Four loops, six packages, five minutes
Five loops, seven packages, five minutes
Six loops, eight packages, eight minutes
Have C.J. pause beside each several foot-wide glowing red loop, press Q or E
then W or S to make sure it's beside C.J., then have him throw the package
(which looks like a "GTA III" hidden package) into the loop, which then disap-
pears, by pressing the LMB. There are more packages than loops, but each wasted
package takes $100 off C.J.'s pay, so if he misses you can have him drive into
the package to get it back and try again.
In "San Andreas," the vehicles you can use Mouse Steering for include bicy-
cles. It can make drive-bies difficult, though, so I'd just use the Mouse to
throw the package with the LMB. I reach from A and D to Left and Right to steer
when I need the bike to jump or level out afterward, which I need to use Up and
Down for. And press W quickly and repeatedly to have C.J. stand and pump the
pedals to go very fast. Check the in-game map a lot for the locations of deliv-
The Stats record how many deliveries were made whether or not they were made
while doing the four sets of deliveries in a row, but you have to do all four
in a row for 100% completion of the game. If you have to try it several times,
at least, if you keep him fed, you can soon level up Carl's biking ability and
let him progress to the buff stage.
C.J. gets $10,000 and the pickup in front of the store generates $2,000 a day,
the maximum value it can have at any one time.
III.8 BMX Challenge
You need 20% of the Bike Stat to do this, but use a bike till C.J. has a 100%
Cycling Stat 1st to make this easier. The BMX bike used for it is by one of the
half-pipes at the skate board park in Glen Park. It's on the NE side of the
block which is the 2nd block S of the W block of the two that show the pond on
the radar and in-game map.
There are 19 glowing red loops, and C.J. gets ten seconds added to his allow-
able time for each loop he touches and causes to disappear.
Several of the glowing red loops you have C.J. cycle through were a little
tricky for me to get: a couple, each positioned high over the middle of the
sloped concrete chasm, and one positioned on a platform at the side of a half
To get one of the two that are over the chasm, you have to get a good run at
the chasm and have C.J. Bunny Hop (NP0) at the brink of it to fly through the
For the other loop over the chasm, concrete walls on either side of it prevent
handling it the same way. I had C.J. park the bike on the shadow under the
loop, do a Bunny Hop, then fire a submachine gun, which sometimes makes him jump
extra high. (Thanks to the walk-through by Tirdun at Gamefaqs for that tip--I
might never have guessed it!)
For another way to get the same loop, thanks to the stuckgamer web site, where
I saw how to have C.J. pedal up onto the slope of the ditch and Bunny Hop back
at the loop.
Dr. Tornado gets my thanks for help by recommending that you put a car under
that loop beforehand. You can have C.J. do a little Bunny Hop onto the car,
then do a full size one up to the loop.
And while C.J. can use one of the half pipes the regular way to get the two
disks at either top side of the pipe (I used Left and Right for sharper turns at
the apex of C.J.'s efforts to let him make sharp turns back downward), that
won't work for the loop on the ledge beside the top of one side of the other
half pipe. I had C.J. get that one by getting a fast run (tapping W quickly and
repeatedly) at the on-ramp and doing a Bunny Hop at the on-ramp toward the loop
on the ledge.
Another way to get that one is to park a Packer nearby beforehand so the ramp
leads up to it. (Thanks to a post by Reborn Darxtorm at Gamefaqs.) You might
find a Packer N of the SW curve of the base of the "Y" of the "Y"-shaped block E
III.9 The Taxi Driver mission (a Sub-mission)
Do the Taxi mission by delivering 50 fares. You might not wait till his Driv-
ing Stat is high because the 50 don't have to be done in a row. You'll make
money, increase your driving Stat a bit so improve the handling ability of four-
wheel vehicles (which is awful initially), and get to know the area better. The
Taxi is the best vehicle to do this with.
When C.J. is in a Taxi or Cab and you press NP+ or 2 to start a Taxi mission,
it makes the little Taxi light on top light up. Have C.J. drive to someone
that's hailing a taxi and let them in. The game tells you their destination,
shows it on the radar and in-game map, and a timer counts down the time left to
deliver them.
C.J. gets a lot of money, a minor version of the "Vice City" Boost Jump acti-
vated by the Horn key (I remap it from Caps Lock to Left Shift), and the NOS
Boost, NP0, for Taxis and Cabbies as his rewards. When the NOS Boost runs out,
you can have C.J. exit and enter the vehicle to replenish it.
Rusk told me some told him about a glitch for this in the original version on
Xbox that some said they had in the original PC version, too: if C.J. got his
Pilot's License, 20%, for his flying skill Stat before completing the Taxi mis-
sion or "Mike Toreno," fares might not appear for the Taxi and C.J. might not
find the location of Toreno in "Mike Toreno."
See I.12 for Pdescobar's cure for the Taxi mission glitch. Pdescobar found
that the glitch is brought on by corruption of zone information. One way to
cause that is to send C.J. to the edge of the map, so try to avoid that.
If you go along with the order I offer in this walk-through, you'll avoid the
Taxi glitch by having C.J. get the Taxi mission done before going to the edge of
the map for "Freefall" or "St. Mark's Bistro."
III.10 "Burglary" (a Sub-mission)
"I never stole anything in my life. I've purloined a few things."--Jackie
Gleason (possibly paraphrased a bit), after being asked if he'd ever stolen
anything when he was poor, on "The Tomorrow Show" with Tom Snyder sometime in
the 1st few years of the 1980's.
Burglary isn't needed for 100% completion of the game, but I'd consider it
more important than some such options since it offers the infinite sprint as a
This can be activated with 2 or NP+ from eight p.m. to six a.m. when C.J. is
in a black Boxville truck. C.J. has to steal the TV, VCR, game controller,
cash, etc., from houses and/or apartments, put the loot in the truck, and get
the truck to the lockup garage.
There's a so-called "black" Boxville, with a corresponding lockup garage, in
each of the three main territories of the game. (Actually, the upper part is
dark gray, and the shading of the bottom part is a bit different and moves up
and down as C.J. drives.)
To find the Los Santos truck, go W from C.J's late Mom's house, go left at the
1st intersection (the one by the bar--don't be fooled by the bridge overpass on
the map) to a T intersection, then go right to find the truck by the last blue
two-story apartment building on the left side of the road. The lockup garage
for it is W of the "S" of "PLAYA DEL SEVILLE."
The San Fierro black Boxville is in a lot S of the "H" of "DOHERTY," and the
lockup garage for it is on the E side of the same block.
I found some SF places C.J. could burglarize on the E side of the block E of
the block with "OC" of "OCEAN FLATS."
The Las Venturas black Boxville is in a lot on the N side of the block that's
S of the block with "GRIM" of "PILGRIM," S of the "M," and the lockup garage for
it is a bit E in the same lot.
I found some LV places C.J. could burglarize on the S side of the block that's
E of the Last Dime Motel, around "WEST" of "ROCKSHORE WEST," on several of the S
blocks of White Wood Estates, and S of the "T" of "REDSANDS WEST."
(I found a place C.J. could burglarize in Bayside Marina, but that's a long
drive from the SF lockup.)
Start at eight p.m.--20:00--to give yourself the most time. Once you find an
area you like, have C.J. drive the truck there ahead of time to activate the
Residences that can be burglarized each have a yellow inverted cone of light
at the entrance door. The Gamefaqs message boards have recommended that you
find two such houses beside each other in Playa Del Seville among the apartment
buildings by the lockup. That way, C.J. can park the black Boxville between
them and put all the loot from one in the truck, then from the other into the
truck, then the 1st one again, etc.
When you send C.J. into a 2nd house, the items to loot reappear in the 1st
one. So even if the 2nd house has a tenant awake in the living room, you can
have C.J. go into and right back out of it every time he's finished stealing the
loot from the 1st house to load up the 1st house again.
The fastest way to do this mission early in the game is to use a pair of
houses in the section of little houses of the block of Playa Del Seville that
has a dead end road at both the E and W sides. Orion_SR found some small houses
in El Corona, too. I backed the truck toward two houses at a dead end and had
C.J. steal two things from one house, two from the other house, etc.
(Beyond that, you might want have C.J. try this in different neighborhoods,
like the street the Johnson house is on, or N Mulholland, for the variety.)
(A few of the less expensive Los Santos places had a dark alcove. I don't
think they're the kind pedestrians spawn from like the ones in the Washington
Beach Police Station, the two in the biker gang compound in "Hogtied," or on the
1st deck of the ship used in "Spilling the Beans," in "Vice City." They're
probably just there so C.J. can become unseen by others when he's in shadow,
which is a new feature for a GTA lead character, not that I found any need for
a dark alcove when testing this.)
There's someone sitting on the front porch in front of some of the doors.
C.J. can walk right past them.
The easiest residences to burglarize don't have any occupants standing or sit-
ting in them. They have one or two occupants in bed.
There's a bar on the screen that measures C.J.'s noise level indoors.
- You can have him crouch, C, while he moves, which he can do slower and qui-
eter if you tap W at a certain rhythm.
- You can also add Alt to W to make C.J. walk--in this mission, he does it a
little hunched over compared to the way he usually walks. He can walk faster
when equipped with a rifle or automatic rifle.
- Even faster, Orion_SR noticed that you can even have C.J. sprint at the
loot and hit F just as he gets to it without waking the tenant in small apart-
ments or houses. It also makes C.J. less liable to dawdle before he picks up
the loot.
If C.J. fills the noise bar, or the tenant sees him, you may hear the tenant
exclaim something to C.J. and see the message that he's been detected. When
that happens, C.J. has to get out of the house in ten seconds to prevent a three
star wanted rating. If he gets the wanted rating, the police will be waiting
outside to attack C.J., and they'll appear inside if C.J. doesn't go out.
If C.J. doesn't see anyone who's out of bed, send C.J. right to the hi fi, TV,
etc. Fancier houses might have something in the kitchen. Hit F to get him to
pick up a valuable (twice if he's crouching to get him to stand up 1st), and
send him right back to the door.
If C.J. fills the noise bar but you get him outside in less than ten seconds,
the burglary can continue like the noise detection never happened, even if you
have C.J. return to the same house. So you can rush him to the door when you
know he can do it quick enough, which is a good reason to pick small apartments
or houses.
Have C.J. go back outside immediately if he sees anyone there that isn't in
bed. If there are gangsters inside, they might shoot at C.J.. If he turns and
goes right back out, there won't be a wanted rating.
Violent burglary
Some recommend that you have C.J. use a Silenced 9mm on the homeowner's head
if they're turned away or in bed, then not worry about noise.
The easiest way to do that without getting a wanted rating is to have C.J. use
a Silenced 9mm and move in a Crouch up to the occupant's bed with the occupant
alone in bed and facing away from him. For some reason, even just targeting the
Silenced 9mm at their face, or targeting the occupant--even from behind--with
any other weapon, will cause them to detect C.J.. C.J. can't use a Knife for a
stealth kill because you can't get the RMB to target the occupant when they're
lying in bed.
Have him shoot them once in the head, or several times in the body, with the
Silenced 9mm. If there's nobody else there, the noise bar will disappear. If
the noise bar remains and the only other occupant is in bed in another room,
C.J. can do the same thing there. If there are two in the bed, have C.J. crouch
without facing either of them, or stand at the foot of the bed, and have him
shoot one in the head and immediately shoot the other one several times in the
head or body. (Welcome to the Boris Karloff school of Burglary.)
If he needs to use two or three bullets, the police may be alerted. If two
are in bed, shooting one could wake up the other and cause a wanted rating, too.
In some cases, there's a weapon inside. I saw a Knife and a 9mm in a couple
of living rooms, and a Shotgun revolve into a living room from a bedroom. Since
only the Silenced 9mm can be used without getting a wanted rating during some
burglaries, I didn't have C.J. use them. If you try a weapon other than a Si-
lenced 9mm, have C.J. get outside fast to keep the wanted rating down to one
star. If C.J. re-enters the place, the occupant is back in bed or whatever like
nothing happened. I have gotten lucky and had C.J. crouch and use the Silenced
9mm to do a head shot at the front of an occupant sitting in the living room
without causing a wanted rating, but I wouldn't count on it.
Other than when testing ideas for this walk-through, I didn't have C.J. use a
weapon on the home owner. This mission is more of a stealth test, it's easy
enough without having C.J. kill anyone, and I didn't want to risk having C.J.
create a three star wanted rating. The fastest way is non-violent, anyway--
have C.J. pick a small house or apartment, sprint to the loot, hit F as he gets
to it, and have him rush to the door.
Send C.J. to the back of the truck with each stolen item and press F to have
him make the stuff disappear there.
It isn't hard to get the hang of Burglary (glitches like C.J. walking too long
into a piece of furniture without picking the loot up from it, or the stolen
item leaving C.J.'s hands to hover if C.J. hops down from something, notwith-
standing). I just reload the game if C.J. creates a three star wanted rating,
but it's easy to do the mission without creating one.
The value of the TV, clock radio, etc., isn't based on what type of item it
is, but increases as the number of things stolen increases. The formula for
this is M=20 times N squared, with "M" being "Money" and "N" being the "Number"
of things stolen. Thanks to Quincunx' Burglary Guide:
Therefore, the 1st item stolen with each attempt at the mission is worth $20,
the 2nd $80, the 3rd $180, the 4th $320, the 5th $500, the 6th $720, the 7th
$980, the 8th $1,280, the 9th $1,620, the 10th $2,000, etc.
If C.J.'s at work when 6 a.m. comes, the burglary has to end, but the game
lets him have five minutes to take the loot to the lockup. You can also end the
mission, when C.J. is in the truck, by pressing 2 or NP+ again, but any loot he
hasn't delivered to the lockup won't be counted.
C.J. has to steal at least $10,000 worth of loot, which can be accumulated
over a number of efforts on a number of nights, to complete the mission.
If you want to get it all done in one night, you could use the code that makes
the clock stop at 21:00: "OFVIAC." To disable it, type it again. When you dis-
able it, the clock rushes to the time it would have if you hadn't used the code,
so disable it after C.J.'s last trip to the garage with the loot. You can use
the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) to erase your cheat count before you save.
C.J.'s reward is the value of the stolen stuff--$10,000 or more, $3,000, and
the infinite sprint. C.J.'s sprint can last several blocks near the end of this
mission, but it doesn't become infinite till he completes it.
Thanks to Mxyzptlk and Craig Kostelecky for the confirmation that the infi-
nite sprint reward is given the same way on PS2 as well.
Thanks to Orion_SR for finding that if you have C.J. use a small house, you
can have him sprint to the loot and press F as he gets to it without waking the
(Thanks to reader Timo Hakala for his friendly letters which caused me to test
this mission more and describe it more clearly.)
III.11 Kill Criminals
Have C.J. run down or shoot criminals and take their loot. They're the San
Andreas version of the "Vice City" Downtown parking meters, and they may have a
lot of ill-gotten money on them. There are sixteen of them listed at "Crimes"
(I.5.k). Criminals are among those who drive Perennials,Blades, and Clovers
One ped says they have to find some "chronic." Chronic is a potent form of
There are four drug dealers among the criminals, too. They're among those who
drive Ranchers. Two commonly seen in Los Santos each have their hands hanging
down and overlapped before them. One is a young black guy in dark gray pants, a
sleeveless black jersey, black sneakers and brimless cap, a silver chain on his
wrist and neck, and a goatee...
...and one is a young white guy in blue jeans, a light gray hooded jersey that
says "Rockstar," has his hood pulled up over a black cap, and has light gray
If C.J. gets a verbal reaction (sometimes only written in the subtitles) from
a drug dealer, the only difference I've noticed between pressing Y or N is that
N has them fire a gun into the air when they run away if C.J. approaches them.
They make one of the worst deliberate and on-going contributions to organized
crime. Even after you complete the game, and if you have C.J. take over 100% of
the gang territories so Ballas and Vagos don't appear, the drug dealers still
show up, and the pedestrians--even C.J.'s own gang members, will still go to the
drug dealers to make transactions and help finance organized crime. They're
part of the main problem C.J. wants to fix with his neighborhood in the game.
(I don't know why he doesn't at least fire the gang members--Frank Zappa would.
Even Paulie Cicero in "Goodfellas," 1990, would.) Clean up the neighborhood and
have C.J. kill the drug dealers and relinquish their funds. It goes into your
Crimes Stats as Criminals Wasted.
Take the Commerce 24/7 money, generated regularly, and Taxi, Burglary, and bi-
cycle missions money, etc., and go to:
III.12 Inside Track Betting
Inside Track Betting is available on the E-W road that goes across the S tip
of the Mulholland Intersection, Los Santos, and at the S end of the E side of
the biggest block of Montgomery, Red County.
Use the directional keys and Left Shift to get the most out of the amount you
can bet (for $34,500, click $10,000 three times, $1,000 four times, and $100
five times, etc.), then place the bet. As Rusk notes, the message boards say
that the odds are about one in five for any of the horses, so bet it all on the
long shot at the bottom of the list to get the biggest multiple for your payoff.
Save the game if you win, and press Esc to reload the game instead the second
you hear a trumpet with a wah wah mute go "Mwa mwa mwa mwaaaa," then try again.
To be on the safe side, do it till you have a few million dollars--that should
be more than enough.
The Horse Races gimmick
Bet a small amount and remember the name and color of the winning horse. Have
C.J. stay there and keep initiating races and exiting them when the horse does-
n't appear (press F then W then F a lot) till it appears again--preferably on
the bottom of the list, which is the horse that pays off the most if you win.
Bet the farm on it because it will win. (Thanks to gtahoodlum, aka Wajid.)
Update: I tried this again with a new game and it didn't work. But when I
tried it with a file for the last mission, "End of the Line," it worked.
I'm not sure what related factor or glitch you need for this gimmick to work--
if you have to play so many missions first or have used the Control Center
(X.13.c) during previous gameplay or....? When it worked recently, it was for
the last mission, I'd used the Control Center previously, and I went through a
lot more lists of horses till the horse I was looking for showed up than when it
didn't work.
Take the money and buy the available:
III.13 Save houses
Buy all the save houses shown by green house icons on your in-game map and ra-
dar. The coordinates given below are for the paper map that comes with the
All save houses have closets. Have C.J. enter the shaft of light at the clos-
et door and follow the directions onscreen to change his clothes.
Until you've completed "Nines and AKs," you can just have him take off and put
on the Bincos white tank, blue jeans, and black low-tops he started out with,
but even doing that can get rid of any wanted rating. (Take them off if you
want the novelty of hearing the pedestrians say different things in reaction to
him going around in his shorts.)
Willow Field E6 $10,000
S of C.J.'s house
Jefferson E6 $10,000
NE of the County Hospital in Jefferson
El Corona E5 garage $10,000
N of Los Santos International Airport
Verona Beach E4 $10,000
N of Verona Beach
Santa Maria Beach E4 garage $30,000
W of the Santa Maria Beach Pier
Mulholland D5 garage $120,000
N Mulholland
III.13.a Storing a Sea Sparrow on top of the N. Mulholland garage
zmoonchild found that you can store four vehicles at the garage of the N Mul-
holland save place (not Madd Dogg's--the place NE of that)--two inside and two
on top. A Packer makes it easy to put land vehicles on top, which is an advan-
tage for those who collect special vehicles, and you can also store a Sea Spar-
row or Sparrow on it. It doesn't work with the other flying vehicles, which are
larger. The vehicles on top disappear while the garage door is closed (as do
the ones inside the garage).
III.14 Weapon Stats and Gang Respect
The fastest way to collect the best weapons is by teleporting (and possibly
using Ghost World) (see III.3).
The fastest way to raise the Stats for these things is given in "Maximum Stats
of all kinds in one sitting" (III.5).
If you're going to take the loooong way there, this is one plan you could use
to have C.J. collect the ammo for the weapons that are close to each of several
save places.
III.14.a Initial weapon gathering
At the Johnson house
I'd save the game at the Johnson house between each of about ten or twelve
sweeps through the weapons close by (9mm Pistol and Micro SMG), feeding C.J. ev-
ery one or two days, then have him use the weapons on the rival gang members E
of the flood control ditch.
Have C.J. go to the big concrete drainage ditch E of C.J.'s place and get the
Armor under a bridge to the N. There are Brass Knuckles in the front yard a
couple houses W of his.
There's a Pistol (9mm) in the back yard of the house four houses counterclock-
wise from his.
There's a Micro SMG in the ditch on the lower ramp just E of C.J.'s house.
Again, if you have C.J. spray all 100 Tags, the Tec9, AK-47, Sawnoff Shotgun,
and Molotov Cocktails will be available in the kitchen of the Johnson house.
(And C.J.'s gang members will have SMGs added to their 9mms if they haven't al-
See X.11 for how to change data\weapon.dat to make the Tec9 more like a Mini-
There's a police bribe in the alley a block W of his, and another at the upper
W edge of the same drainage ditch about a block to the N of the Armor. Having
him go to a wardrobe closet and take off and put on his white tank top or blue
jeans can get rid of any wanted rating.
At the El Corona save house
I'd save the game between each of about ten or twelve sweeps through the weap-
ons in the S (Desert Eagle or Silenced 9mm, Sawnoff Shotgun, AK-47 or M4, and
SMG), feeding C.J. every one or two days, then send him N to save at the Johnson
house to use the weapons on the gangsters E of the flood control ditch.
At the S end of a block in Conference, on the porch at the S side of the Con-
ference Center, is a Silenced Pistol.
There's a Desert Eagle under a billboard S of the SE bend in the main road
through Playa Del Seville.
There's a Tec9 under the E end of the S highway ramp of the two that end in
loops W of the terminal building that looks like the LA Airport Theme Building
(also seen in "GTA III.").
The SMG (an MP) is S of Unity (train) station N of the three prongs of track
at the end of the railroad track in El Corona. There's another on top of the
Jefferson Hotel (have C.J. use the stairs on the S side of the hotel), which is
on the block W of the N end of the thick area shown on the radar and in-game map
for the section of train track with a street on either side of it in Jefferson.
There's a Sawnoff Shotgun in a freight train car in a big building on the cor-
ner across the street to the N of the dead end road that goes over a bridge in
the Ocean Docks area. Have C.J. run across a platform at the door to get inside
the box car; if you have him jump, he'll keep trying to grab the upper ledge of
the car and hang from it. (There's Armor in the car with a wooden plank used
for a ramp to the door of it.)
The AK-47 is in the SW area of a big warehouse with a band of red around the
top of the walls in the W section of the same block as the 1st Sawnoff Shotgun
given above.
There's an M4 between two of the concrete ramps (the kind found in sets of
three) at the SW end of Los Santos Airport (have C.J. jump on a vehicle then
jump up and climb over the fence by the front gate).
You might also have C.J. use the Dodo or Shamal of the airport (or the para-
chute of the top of the tallest building of Downtown Los Santos--the round one
shown as an oval on your radar and in-game map NW of the big intersection that's
S of the Mulholland Intersection; enter on the NE side) to get to the roof of a
tall Downtown building (it's on the W side of the block that's the 2nd block E
of the S tip of Mulholland Intersection) with an antenna on top to get a Rocket
At the Mulholland save house
The Remote Explosives in Montgomery are a change of pace.
There are also Molotovs along the N side of the road that goes W from the Mul-
holland Intersection after the 4th left. Until C.J. gets the Fireproof feature
by completing the Fire truck mission, it might be more convenient to fill that
weapon slot with Tear Gas, since C.J. isn't damaged by it and it can deter any
policeman that chases him when he hunts Ballas and Vagos. There's Tear Gas on
the front porch of a building on the N side of the T intersection that's SW of
the middle of the SW side of the Mulholland Intersection.
At the Verona Beach save house
There's a Sniper Rifle at the top of the outdoor ramps used for stairs of In-
terglobal TV in Vinewood. I'd have C.J. collect a lot of ammo for that.
C.J. can use the handguns, shotguns, submachine guns, and M4 and AK-47 assault
rifles to upgrade his skills for them to the Gangster, then Hitman, level.
Shots that connect upgrade the skill. The Tec9 and Micro SMG are both Machine
Pistols, so using either one upgrades the Machine Pistol skill for both.
While in Los Santos, C.J. can upgrade the skills for any of the weapons he can
upgrade the skills for except for the Combat (S.P.A.S. 12) Shotgun, which is
available later in the game. You can get around that exception if, like Rusk,
you load up on the ammo of either Shotgun available then send C.J. to get the
Combat Shotgun during a glitch that lets C.J. explore the off-limits areas with-
out a wanted level--the earliest opportunity is during "Drive-By" (IV.7), or
just have C.J. brave the high wanted level.
The Pistol, Silenced Pistol, Shotgun, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec9, Micro SMG, and
SMG are at any Ammu-Nation after "Doberman," so it's easier to stock up on ammo
for those after that, although that's nearly at the end of the missions for Los
III.14.b What weapon upgrading does
Gangster (percentage of Skill Level required depends on the weapon; see be-
Lock-on range, accuracy, and rate of fire increase for the 9mm Pistol. For
all the others, those things increase plus C.J. can move in the aiming stance
and strafe speed increases.
Gangster level reached:
9mm: 10%; Silenced 9mm and Desert Eagle: 20%.
Shotgun, Sawnoff Shotgun, and Combat Shotgun: 20%.
Tec9 and Micro-SMG (Machine Pistols): 10%; SMG: 30%.
AK-47: 30%; M4: 20%.
Hitman (100%):
C.J. can move while firing, and the lock-on range, accuracy, rate of fire, and
strafe speed improve for the Silenced Pistol, Desert Eagle, Shotgun, Combat
Shotgun, MP5, AK-47, and M4.
The lock-on range increases and C.J. can dual wield the Pistol, Sawnoff Shot-
gun, Tec9, and Micro SMG.
III.14.c Upgrading weapon skills while earning Respect
It upgrades C.J.'s weapon skills, and is one of the ways to increase Respect
for him from the Grove Street Families gang, to have him to shoot rival gang
members. I usually start out by sending him to attack the gangster that show up
E of the big concrete drainage ditch just E of his house. It's a short run from
the Johnson house to a ramp that goes down to the bottom of the ditch, and
there's another ramp across the ditch to the NE that goes up to the street.
If you do this, send C.J. up to the street to run around shooting gangsters
that aren't in green (Grove Street Family gang members of Ganton and a bit of
East Los Santos). Have him shoot the ones with yellow bandanas, Vagos, or, to
the W of that part of the ditch, wearing purple, Ballas (except for a young
black lady in black and purple jersey--don't have him shoot her), and try to
avoid having him shoot other pedestrians or do it near the police.
"Ballas" probably comes from:
1. (n) Ballplayer, someone who is good at playing basketball, and has moved up
to earning a lot of money and getting a lot of girls from that. "I wish I was a
little bit taller, I wish I was a baller" -- Skee Low (I wish [??]).
2. (n) Someone who has established himself in the hood, who is making much
money (be it illegitimate or not), and who is good with the ladies; it is a
Blood term. The Crip version of this word is "highroller".
-n.- a high-roller, a money-maker. Hence also the verb ballin'
('balling'), which refers to someone who is doing very well for himself, livin'
it up, in terms of money, etc.
1. A pimp.
2. Someone skilled at sports (not necessarily basketball).
C.J. says, "I'll take those duckets."
Cash, money or bills, from "ducats": various gold coins formerly used in cer-
tain European countries. Often Mispronounced as "Dunkets" with an "N" instead
of a "C". "He's gettin' juiced for his duckets" -- N.W.A. (I ain't the one
The Vagos bring the word "puta" back from VC and call C.J. one:
1. (n) Prostitute.
2. (n) A**hole. "How you like me now, puto"--Cypress Hill (Locotes [??]).
"Puta" is Spanish for female prostitute and "puto" is Spanish for male prosti-
I think head shots make a weapon skill increase faster. It can be easier to
do if you have C.J. move while crouching to sneak up on them 1st. An easy way
to get head shots is to send C.J. in front of vehicles to stop them, run back
along the traffic looking for gangsters, and get a head shot of any gangster
that's a driver or passenger--they usually sit still while C.J. aims. The Vagos
of N and East Los Santos are in some of the Hermes, Oceanics, and Tornados, and
the Ballas of Glen Park and Idlewood are in some of the Tahomas and Majestics.
If C.J. gets a one star wanted level, he can run back into the ditch till it
disappears (I think crouching may speed that up), sometimes getting Armor or a
Micro SMG while he waits. If he gets two stars, you can send him to the bribe
that's about a block N at the upper edge of the W side of the ditch between the
end of a fence and a building, or send him to the car that usually appears in
front of a house by his and have him get the bribe in the alley to the W of the
block his house is on.
C.J. will probably be shot at if he's on foot when he's wanted. Sometimes
he's busted instead if he's in a vehicle when the corrupt law enforcers attack
Having him get a haircut, use a Pay 'n' Spray, or go to a wardrobe closet and
take off and put on his white tank top or blue jeans, can get rid of any wanted
Get him some food every day or two at one of a couple of nearby Cluckin'
Bells, then have him drive back and run through the ditch to the street again
and shoot more gangsters, etc.
The unofficial rampage at a Pay 'n' Spray method to increase weapon skills
Another fast way to upgrade the skill level for a weapon, other than having
C.J. kill rival gangsters, is to have him kill some of the corrupt law enforce-
ment officers with it. You might have him load up on the ammo of the weapon you
want him to upgrade, get full Armor and Health, then park a vehicle (not a bicy-
cle or emergency vehicle) in a Pay 'n' Spray. It's activated when C.J. gets
into or onto the vehicle, so you can have C.J. go on an unofficial rampage
(I've read that the PS2 C.J. can exit the vehicle before the garage door
closes and rampage from within it undetected by the police, but you can't see
from behind the PC C.J. to aim till he gets out of the garage, and then the po-
lice can detect him.)
There's a Pay 'n' Spray in S Idlewood by a pizza store. In the SE to SW range
S of it is a Desert Eagle, a Sawnoff Shotgun, an AK-47, an M4, and an SMG, in
the locations given above.
(Another PS2/PC difference?: I don't think the PS2 method Rusk describes to
maximize the Stat for each weapon--having C.J. use one to fire at the tire of a
vehicle in some remote place like the big drainage ditch E of his house--works
for the PC version. One source said to use the backs of the tires--it still
didn't work for me. The method at III.5 does, though.)
Having C.J. kill rival gangsters is one way to build up his Respect, which
enables him to recruit Grove Street Family gang members.
III.15 Recruiting gang members
Since shooting opposing gang members or corrupt law enforcers, and spraying
Tags, is a fast way to earn Respect points, C.J. will soon have enough Respect
to recruit a couple of gang members. Have him approach someone in green--a
Grove Street Family gang member--and press the RMB. When an arrow points down
to their head (green if they're in good health), you can press G to have C.J.
try to recruit them.
The recruits follow C.J. around, even into or onto a four- or two-wheel vehi-
cle, to help him shoot at opposing gang members, sometimes going off in their
own direction or yanking gang members from vehicles to do it. They may also
fire at attacking policemen and keep them distracted from C.J.. They also have
a tendency to shoot at opposing gang members who are in cars, which gets the
traffic driving wildly, sometimes running over the recruits. Press G to draw
them to C.J. or H to have them stop (if they live that long).
To have C.J.'s gang members attack someone, target the victim with the RMB
then press the LMB.
Holding down H, or going far away, will disband the group. You might try to
save a gang member whose health has gone bad by targeting them and holding H.
As things go on, C.J. can recruit bigger numbers of them into his gang. At
80% Respect, C.J. can recruit the most gang members--seven. You may want to use
a Coach or Bus to transport that many of them.
A Coach may appear by the N end of the W side of the "Tosser--The Welcome
Pump" gas station--the little rectangle on the map--that's W of the Dillimore
Pay 'n' Spray. You may have to send C.J. by the spot several times to have that
be the vehicle that appears there.
As mentioned before (I.7.c), C.J.'s gang can swim. They can also climb onto
and over things.
III.16 Lung Capacity
Build this up when you have C.J. swim by having him dive until the bar indi-
cating his air is mostly gone and then surface. The easiest way to build this
Stat is at "Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting" (III.5).
A convenient place to let C.J. practice his swimming is the big concrete
drainage ditch east of his house. It goes S to a section that slopes into the
There's also a Reefer boat there, and he can jump up (Spacebar) and jack boats
going by.
III.17 Oysters
Have C.J. swim to find 39 of the 50 Oysters. Collecting all 50 will increase
his Sex Appeal, make it easier for C.J. to be accepted for dates, and also in-
crease his Lung Capacity, Muscle, and Stamina, therefore Sex Appeal, if any of
them still need it.
You might hold off on collecting any Oysters if you want to see what happens
when a jealous girlfriend shows up when C.J. is dating another woman. I'm not
sure, but not having any Oysters collected might be among the things that makes
that more likely to happen. For more about that, see "Girlfriends" (XI.b).
A good map of all the Oyster locations is at:
One easy way to find them is to use a teleportation device (see X.13.a and the
next two sections). If you use the Control Center (X.13.c), which already has
the coordinates of the Oysters, you might want to add the coordinates of the ar-
ea just outside a Los Santos save place with a wardrobe. That would make it
easy for C.J. to get rid of his wanted rating after getting the ones in areas
that are off-limits--six in San Fierro and five in Las Venturas.
You might combine that with Demarest's Pillager (X.13.gg), which puts markers
of all the Tags, Oysters, Snapshots, and Horseshoes left to find in the category
you've chosen on your radar. While you look for Snapshots, it also puts a green
marker above each one you haven't taken a picture of yet to make them easier to
find. It works for v.1 or 2 of the game.
If you use the directions of the BradyGames Guide for Xbox and PC like I did
for the 1st 39, remember that the description correctly gives Oyster 10 as S of
the Los Santos lighthouse, but the map puts the dot for it S of the Ferris
wheel. The BradyGames maps and directions are on pp.127, 132, 133, 136, 137,
and 139.
The BradyGames guide gives 15 to find in and around Los Santos. Rusk's PS2
idea to get 39 of the 50 works for PC, too--it includes all but the ones that
are inland in the blocked off and unwelcome areas, the one at the Easter Basin
aircraft carrier, BradyGames number 17, and the one SW of that, 24. C.J.
doesn't get a four star wanted rating as long as he doesn't touch ground in a
blocked off and unwelcome area. (C.J. gets a wanted rating if he goes near a
blocked off and unwelcome area in a boat, too, which the game considers as C.J.
being on land.)
If you do it Rusk's way, have C.J. steer clear of the aircraft carrier going
for 23, and go near the wall of the landing strip going to and from 18. And
stay on the west side of the Los Santos Inlet around the two bridges at the S
end of it to avoid the shallow section. Going N from there in that stream, move
the view with the mouse often to check the area below C.J. to make sure he
doesn't touch anything in a shallow section.
I went for the 39 Oysters obtainable without creating a wanted rating, which
just leaves 11 Oysters to get during a mission with a glitch that lets C.J. en-
ter the off-limits areas without a wanted rating, the earliest such mission be-
ing "Drive-By" (IV.7).
For some variety, you might use the glitch that lets C.J. explore underwater
without a breath meter (I.7.c) and have C.J. use a Jetpack to collect some of
the Oysters. You can find this suggestion, and a formidable list of glitches
and ghost world entrances, etc., in the "Secrets FAQ" by The Duff Man at the
Gamefaqs and IGN web sites.
To do that in the original PC version, patched or unpatched, I'd use the GTA
SA Control Center (X.13.c) to have C.J. get a Jetpack earlier than "Black Pro-
ject." Click the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab, the "+" beside "Misc," then "ALT+J
Have Jetpack." You can then use Alt and J simultaneously as hotkeys during the
game to make a Jetpack appear. I haven't tried it, but I'd imagine you might
have C.J. swim through the river of the Badlands instead since some parts of it
are shallow and C.J. will get a wanted rating if he touches the river bed.
(I use a save game with no Oysters collected to see the jealous girlfriend ap-
pearances. Having no Oysters collected might contribute to the likelihood of
them happening--sorry I'm not more certain.)
III.18 Sex Appeal
The best thing C.J. can do for Sex Appeal for now, besides building his body,
and before the clothes stores open and he gets all the Oysters, is choose what
he drives. Some say it counts for more than clothes (which the BradyGames guide
gives as counting for 50% of Sex Appeal--I think it meant 5%), at least while
C.J. is in or near the vehicle. You can press Tab to see a big drop in C.J.'s
Sex Appeal when he gets a certain distance away from one of his cars that have a
lot of Sex Appeal.
According to the Auto Trader section of the BradyGames guide, the ones with
the most Sex Appeal are certain cars and boats:
Cars (you might save some of these in your garages):
Alpha, BF Injection, Banshee, Blade, Buffalo, Bullet, Caddy (awwr!), Cheetah,
Comet, Elegy, Euros, Flash, Feltzer, Flash, Hermes, Hotknife, Huntley, Infernus,
Jester, Merit, Premier, Remington, Sentinel, Slamvan, Stratum, Stretch, Sultan,
Super-GT, Tahoma, Uranus, Washington, Windsor, and ZR-350.
For a fast car with good handling, durability, and Sex Appeal, I'm partial to
the Cheetah. You can make one appear with the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c).
You can hold down Tab and see C.J.'s Sex Appeal Stat get abruptly bigger or
smaller depending on whether or not he's within a certain distance from his car
if it's sexy car.
Launch, Reefer, Speeder, and Squalo III.
(Note: if vehicles mainly help C.J.'s Sex Appeal when he's in or near them,
and he can't take girlfriends for rides in boats, who's this supposed to im-
press--the fish? They swim livelier or what?)
The wardrobe glitch by bamspeedy1298
Thanks to bamspeedy1298's "GTA: San Andreas STATS" FAQ (and thanks to Orion_SR
for the tip about it) for the wardrobe glitch. If C.J. takes off and puts on
clothes, the wardrobe doesn't subtract Sex Appeal points but keeps adding them.
C.J. can take off and put on the same shirt, etc., to increase his Sex Appeal.
As Orion_SR pointed out, C.J. can maximize his Sex Appeal by doing this with his
t-shirt about 35 times at the start of the game. It works with tattoos, too,
by adding them without removing them, but they're expensive and it takes a lot
III.19 Flying Stat
This one, like the Bike and Driving Stats, takes a long time to maximize nor-
mally. The fastest way is at "Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting"
(III.5). Otherwise:
Send C.J. in a four-wheel vehicle to the airport gates at the S end of the
map. At the NE corner of the airport area is a square block, an almost square
block, and a thin bent rectangle of a block between them. The airport tarmac
entrance is at the S end of the W side of the thin block. Have him park along
the fence, climb on top of the vehicle, then climb over the fence (Spacebar).
Send him to the W end of the tarmac to fly the Shamal, a small private jet,
around the skies over the available areas (so the authorities don't try to blast
him out of the sky with missiles). (Rusk might also go S off the map then
around all of San Andreas. I'd stay over Los Santos and Red County to avoid the
possibility of flying so far out to the edge of the map that I'd get the extra
gang territory glitch and ending up with some confusing Stats about what per-
centage of gang territory is taken over.)
Raise the landing gear with 2 after takeoff so it flies, and maximizes the
Stat, faster. Lower the landing gear, and press S, Reverse, to slow down the
vehicle for landing, too.
The dual regard for increasing Flying Skill to 20% for a Pilot's License:
The game has a dual regard for Flying Skill and getting a Pilot's license--
the regard of efforts for both prior to "Learning to Fly" (Pilot School)
(VIII.6) and the regard of efforts for both during "Learning to Fly."
Flying Skill, which can be increased by flying a flying vehicle except the Jet
Pack from the start of the game, increased to 20% gives C.J. a Pilot's License.
This causes any airport gates to open for C.J. (and makes flying vehicles easier
to handle?). Increasing Flying Skill to 100% makes flying vehicles easier to
handle and causes C.J. to get a Parachute when he bails from a flying vehicle.
For some reason, if you've already had C.J. get a Pilot's License, even maxi-
mize his Flying Skill, before Pilot School, having C.J. succeed at the 1st test
of Pilot School causes the game to recognize C.J. as getting a Pilot's License
You have to get the Pilot's license from doing the "Learning to Fly" mission
to cause all the locked flying vehicles at San Fierro Airport to become unlocked
(except the Maverick, which remains unlocked from the start of the game), and
cause a lot of flying vehicles to appear around the rest of San Andreas (see
The Taxi and "Mike Toreno" mission glitches:
Robert Rusk told me some people with the original Xbox or PC versions of the
game may get a Taxi mission glitch that causes fares not to show up, and they
may also get a glitch that causes the player to be unable to find the van with
Mike Toreno in "Mike Toreno."
Pdescobar found, and Orion_SR reaffirmed, that the glitch is a matter of map
zone corruption, and one of the things that can bring that on is going to the
edge of the map, so try to avoid that. Get the Taxi mission done before going
to the edge of the map with "Freefall" and "St. Mark's Bistro," and avoid the
edge of the map while having C.J. fly to build his flying skill.
Fortunately, Pdescobar has a cure for the Taxi mission glitch (see I.12).
III.20 Bike Stat (motorcycle)
Note that you have C.J. ride a bike/bicycle to improve his Cycling Stat and
drive a bike/motorcycle to improve his Bike Stat. Why this wasn't made more
clear and simple, I have no idea. I think one of our friends at Rockstar North
has been hittin' the hidden packages.
C.J. can reverse faster and do higher Bunny Hops as his Cycling Stat in-
To help upgrade C.J.'s motorcycle ability, including the ability to stay on
the motorcycle, you could have him use the NRG-500--there are two in the parking
garage with spiral ramps (like the one for Washington Mall in "Vice City") in
the middle of the S end of the "L"-shaped block that's the 2nd block N of the E
side of Los Santos Forum.
The fastest way to build up the Cycling and Bike Stats is at "Maximum Stats of
all kinds in one sitting" (III.5). Otherwise:
The Bike Stat takes longer to raise than the Cycling Stat. One way to raise
it faster with a lot of open spaces and some jumps is to speed it around at Los
Santos International Airport after C.J. gets a pilot's license and the front
gates are opened for him. One of the yellow triangle-shaped markers is a Unique
Jump, so you get a cinematic shot for doing it. It normally takes about half a
day to get to the maximum for the Stat.
C.J. gets real good at staying on a motorcycle as the Stat increases.
III.21 Driving Stat
Have C.J. drive a four-wheel vehicle to raise this. The fastest way to build
this Stat is at "Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting" (III.5). Otherwise:
Like the Bike Stat, this one takes longer to raise. You might drive around
and look at the stuff in the Odds and Ends section, etc. You can speed up the
process by taking a sports car around the tarmac at the airport. It normally
takes about half a day to maximize the Stat.
Once it's raised enough for you to handle a four-wheel vehicle as good as you
like, it will be easier do the missions given below.
III.22 Pimping mission (a Sub-mission)
Do this to level 10 so prostitutes pay C.J. $28 for his services instead of
him paying them for their services. Use a car called the Broadway to activate
the mission. There's one parked by a gas station in the NE area of the block of
the Idlewood 24/7, but any Broadway can activate the mission. It's one of the
gang cars of the Varrio Los Aztecas gang of Little Mexico, who wear blue (tur-
quoise?) headbands.
It's partly like a Taxi mission for a couple of cheap f**ks (that's "folks,"
if any kids are reading this; "fornicators" is synonymous if any religious
people are). C.J. has to transport one rentable lady to one of her customers,
then another, then the 1st one again, etc.
When the screen message alerts you about an abusive customer, he's always the
man represented by a red blip on your radar--not the customer nearby. Have C.J.
literally beat the f**k out of the abusive customer (that's "flak" if any kids
are reading this, "fornication" is synonymous if you're religious). If the
abuser tries to run off without paying and you have C.J. chase him and beat him
up to get the money, get C.J. back to the Broadway in time to continue whether
he gets the money or not.
C.J is paid for each customer served, which starts at $300 and increases as he
serves more customers.
GTA Phreak's Pimping and Vigilante vehicle health boost gimmick
Thanks to GTA_Phreak for the tip that starting and cancelling the Pimping mis-
sion gives the Broadway 200% Health. The extra endurance is gone after the car
is saved in a garage, but it's easy to start and stop the mission anytime. A
variation of this gimmick works for a Vigilante vehicle, too.
Thanks to Orion_SR for adding that initiating the Pimping mission (or Vigil-
ante or some other side missions) won't add to your Mission Attempt count if
you've already completed it.
One possible way to mod the Broadway in data\handling.cfg (see X.10.b) is
H -0.1, J 1.00, K 0.90, n 260.0, O 30.0, and ab 0.00.
III.23 Fire truck mission (a Sub-mission)
Do this to level 12 so C.J. gets the fireproof feature, good for letting him
use Molotovs safely.
Red County is an easier place to do it according to strategywiki.org.
Some like the E coast road there for keeping the targets in one area. I tried
it there once and got to level eight or so, despite the fast, rough traffic, and
only stopped because a couple of people on fire, in their panic, ran to an un-
reachable spot halfway down a coastal cliff. So I had C.J. do this in the mid-
dle of W Los Santos.
C.J. has to shoot water from the turret. I position the truck near the target
and hold down the RMB while I use the mouse to aim the turret, which is easier
to aim, and has a greater range of motion, than the one on the Firetruck in
"Vice City."
As in "Vice City," C.J. has to put out the fire of a burning vehicle on the
first level, then one vehicle and the passenger on fire who comes out of it on
the second level, then one vehicle with two burning people on the third level,
etc. The maximum is reached on the last level with three vehicles which each
have three passengers for a total of nine people to save. When you see white
smoke/steam rise from the target, you know you're spraying the right spot of the
front of the vehicle. It's easier if you spray the people as they get out of
their vehicles--the water knocks them down so they don't run around like nuts.
S of Mulholland Intersection is a pretzel-looking intersection. There's a
Firetruck on the NE section of the block that the E side of the pretzel over-
Water Turret
LMB Shoot water
RMB Hold it down and the turret points wherever you aim the "camera" view.
Num 4 Left
Num 6 Right
Up Up
Down Down
Thanks to GTA_Phreak for the tip that you can increase the Health of the Fire
truck above the normal amount by completing a couple of levels of the mission
and quitting a few times before doing the mission to level twelve. It works
better if C.J. completes each level inside the vehicle. The endurance increase
isn't as much as this gimmick creates with a Vigilante vehicle, though. The ex-
tra endurance is lost once C.J. saves the vehicle in a garage.
One possible way to mod the Firetruck in data\handling.cfg (see X.10.b) is
H -0.5, J 1.00, K 0.9, N 240, O 30.0, and ab 0.00.
III.24 Vigilante mission (a Sub-mission)
Do this to level 12 so C.J.'s maximum Armor rises from 100 to 150, which is
especially handy for all the territory acquisitions he needs to fight for and
bike stunts I like to do. The number for Armor is shown in the Stats in the
Player section.
Spaceeinstein told me "About 246 peds can spawn as criminals and it includes
special peds like fast food restaurant workers, girlfriends, and gang members."
The easiest setting for this is a country setting like Red County.
There's a police station on the block of "NG" of "PERSHING SQUARE," and anoth-
er in SW Dillimore, where C.J. can take an unoccupied police vehicle, and he
might find one on most any street due to the frequent traffic jams and fights
that break out.
If you have C.J. jack one, have him drive it away from the officer a bit then
get out to get rid of the wanted rating or it will last interminably. It's eas-
ier for me to do a forward drive-by with a motorcycle than do a sideways one
from a car.
Save your choice in a garage, and have a lot of submachine gun ammo and full
Armor. You can go back and forth between the El Corona save house and, a bit to
the N, the SMG by the railroad station to build up a lot of ammo.
One of the easiest ways, if you don't mind changing a few numbers, is to make
the Tec9 like a Minigun as described in X.11. You could also use the GTA SA
Control Center (X.13.c) and use the One Hit Kill button. I'd combine the modi-
fied Tec9 with an HPV1000.
One possible way to mod the HPV1000 police motorcycle in data\handling.cfg
(see X.10.b) is B 800.0, H -0.10, I -1, J 2.5, N 240.0, O 70.0, and ab 0.00.
But the mission is easy enough if you just mod the Tec9, and a modded Tec9 helps
with other missions, too.
You might change a Police car in data\handling.cfg to have a lot of mass,
acceleration, high speed, and 0.00 durability, and just bat the criminal's cars
to he** and gone like the silver ball in a Pro Pinball game. See the modding
section for the procedure if you want to do that, and change the vehicle back
when you're through so you don't have super police vehicles chasing C.J. down
now and then.
Another gimmick that may help--not a huge help, but a help--is to have C.J.
take a gang member with him to do some of the shooting.
The N San Fierro Cluckin' Bell Vigilante gimmick
The gimmick of sending C.J.'s Police car or motorcycle to a building he can
enter, such as a Cluckin' Bell, sending him into the building for about ten or
twenty seconds to cause the criminal to be considered dead, then sending him
back to the police vehicle, etc., works. In the last few levels, you may need
to send him inside two or three times for it to work. But in Los Santos, too
many criminals appear in places like Red County that let them elude the police,
so it's best to use that gimmick in N San Fierro, such as by the Gant Bridge, if
you don't mind waiting that long for C.J. to get increased armor. (Thanks to
Rusk reports that it failed him in later levels of the mission, though. I
won't hazard an estimate of what percentage of times it works to level twelve.
If you're really stuck, the Plus 27 Trainer by Pizzadox (X.13.l) works for the
unpatched original version of the game to stop mission timers that count down
and prevent any wanted rating.
A pizza store gimmick might fail, but Pizzadox won't.
Without using "OHDUDE" and getting a "times cheated" Stat, you normally have
to wait a lot longer in "San Andreas" than in "Vice City" to get ahold of a
Hunter. But you can use the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) and spawn one any-
time. The GTA SA Control Center works with the patched and unpatched versions
of the original game.
The Hunter flies like c**p through molasses, but it still provides an easy way
to do this mission due to the auto-aim the machine gun has for this mission.
Try to make turns with A and D more than with Q and E to keep the "camera" aimed
forward--if it still isn't aimed forward, have it glance back for a moment to
make it aim forward again. You might try the Hunter with a gamepad in Joypad
Configuration, too, but the main problem is with the "camera" aim and it's the
same problem either way.
Thanks to GTA_Phreak for the tip that you can increase the Health of the Vig-
ilante vehicle above the normal amount by completing a couple of levels of the
mission and quitting a few times before doing the mission to level twelve. It
works better if C.J. completes each level inside the vehicle. Once the mission
is started in the vehicle, the tires can't be popped, too. The extra endurance
is lost once C.J. saves the vehicle in a garage.
III.25 Paramedic mission (a Sub-mission)
Do this to level 12 to give C.J. 150 for Health. The Ambulance can hold three
patients. The number of patients to deliver to the hospital is the same as the
number of the level, and the last level is twelve. Stop the Ambulance with the
patient on the right so they don't cross in front of the Ambulance on their way
to get into it.
In Los Santos, there are two hospitals which each have an Ambulance: one above
the "T" of "MARKET" and one on the S side of the block of the bottom of the "J"
of "JEFFERSON." If you have C.J. do this mission in Los Santos, it might be
easiest to start the mission in the middle of W Los Santos, away from the big
intersections in the middle of it, the hilly roads in the N, and the piers to
the S. A country setting like Red County might make it easier, too-- there's an
Ambulance at the hospital in Montgomery.
The general agreement is that this is the easiest in Angel Pine, which also
has a hospital and an Ambulance, because the patients all appear right around
town. (The downside to that is you'll have to wait till the Badlands are open
to get C.J. the maximum for Health.) (Thanks to strategywiki.org)
One possible way to mod the Ambulance (TGIPC) in data\handling.cfg (X.10.b) is
H -0.03, J 1.00, K 0.90, N 255.0, O 30.0, and ab 0.00.
III.25.a Firetruck, Vigilante, and Paramedic mission pay
Thanks to Colin Attle for writing to me that the pay for the 12 levels of the
Paramedic mission and first twelve levels of the Vigilante mission is the same
as in "Vice City": $50 x (the number of the level) x (the number of the level),
which is $50 times the number of the level squared: $50, $200, $450. $800,
$1,250, etc. Completing level twelve pays $7,200.
But the pay for the Firetruck mission is different in "San Andreas" than in
"Vice City" in that the pay for the first level is $200--what the pay for the
second level was in "Vice City." Otherwise, the pay for the "San Andreas" Fire-
truck mission increases similarly: $200, $450, $800, $1,250, etc.
Colin adds that beyond level 12 of the Vigilante mission, the pay formula is
the amount for the previous level plus (the previous level number times 100)
plus 50. So for level 13 of the Vigilante mission, the formula is: $7,200 +
(12 x 100) + 50 = $8,450.
III.26 8-Track
Send C.J. to Los Santos Forum for a 12 lap race, like Hotring in "Vice City,"
on a figure eight course. You need 20% of the Driving Stat to enter, but I'd
let it maximize 1st.
The course is slippery and the car isn't very durable. Don't go so fast you
hit the walls, which slows you down (and I think they're electromagnetic from
the way they spark and grip the car). But you can try to nudge the backs of the
competing cars to spin them out. Once you get the lead, just go quickly but
safely, avoiding wrecks as best you can, like in a careful Taxi mission.
As Rusk recommends, stay on the right as you approach the bridge that goes
overhead, and be careful not to hit a spot where the left wall juts out when you
turn left going onto the bridge. These are a couple of good spots to use for
passing some of the other cars.
Kevin Walter, aka saviour, at the stuckgamer web site recommended before,
agrees and advises that you shouldn't use what I call the Brake--Spacebar--and
instead use what I call Reverse--S--to slow down or you'll make the car spin out
too much.
One possible way to change the Hotring Racer in data\handling.cfg: uncheck the
green dot, etc. (see X.10.b) and make H -0.6, J 1.20, K 0.90, and ab 0.50. This
lets you have it bang into the other cars a bit more, too. It's not hard to win
the race without modding the Hotring if you use the advice given above, though.
After winning in 1st place, C.J. gets $10,000, and the Hotring Racer and the
Monster truck will be available by the NW side of Los Santos Forum.
III.27 Some non-mission vehicle locations
and Orion_SR's explanation of how impound garages work
You may need to try an area several times to see some of these vehicles.
Thanks to pdescobar for his list of PS2-only spawn spots:
Trains Train stops (not the only spawn points): Market Station is at the NW
corner of the block S of "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD," and Unity Station
is N of the "EL" of "EL CORONA" (see the paper map).
Dodo SW of the entrance to the tarmac of LS airport.
Baggage trailer/
mobile stairs either one can be hitched to a Baggage vehicle, and an exam-
ple of each is found on your way from the Dodo to the Sha-
mal. A Baggage cart looks like a child's open-topped wag-
on and has one of several amounts, including none, of lug-
gage on it. (I'm not sure if the closed box-type Baggage
trailer appears in Los Santos.) A Baggage trailer may be
hitched to another Baggage trailer or to a tall set of mo-
bile steps. You can have C.J. use the stairs to get back
aboard the AT-400. I couldn't get C.J.'s gang to follow
him up the stairs, though.
NRG-500 two are in the garage with spiral ramps at the S end of the "L"-
shaped block that's N of the E side of Los Santos Forum: there's
one NRG-500 on the second floor and one on the top floor.
Sanchez where the SW corner of Palomino Creek meets the beach.
Freeway in the SW corner of the big brown square S of "TICON" of "THE PANOP-
BMX Bike at the end of the Verona Beach pier, on the N side of the block
that's two blocks E of "EN" of "GLEN PARK"; and at the SE side of
the martini glass symbol W of "LOS FLORES." I've seen one in a
yard across from the Johnson house infrequently, too. (PS2 only:
in an open garage on the N side of the N road of the block that's
W of the two E- most blocks of Palomino Creek.)
Mountain Bike N of the W side of the N road of the block W of the Blueberry
pizza place. (PS2 only: in an open garage at the SE corner
of the block that's W of the two E-most blocks of Palomino
Quadbike by the "R" of "HILLTOP FARMS." (PS2 only: E of the "S" of "BLUEBER-
Flash about in the middle of the SE quadrant of the Mulholland Intersec-
Sentinel in the film studio on the block of "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD."
Admiral at the SE corner of the block N of "CONF" of "CONFERENCE"--it han-
dles okay, and Denise won't care about the lack of Sex Appeal.
Rancher at the S end of the oval by "BLUEBERRY ACRES."
Towtruck you have to have C.J. jack one.
Hotdog (PS2 only: at the N coast of the Panopticon, at a T intersection
in Hampton Barns, and at an intersection NW of "DILLIMORE.")
Sweeper under the highway where it goes S of the block of "ALL" of "CITY
HALL"; N of the Willow Field Save house on the N side of the same
block; and on the beach SE of the block of Los Santos Forum.
Mower E of the curve in the road E of the 2nd save place N of "MULHOL-
LAND," near the N curve of the block W of the same save house; and
S of the two E blocks of Palomino Creek. (PS2 only: in an open
garage about where the 1st or 2nd little rectangular dot is N of
the Palomino Creek Ammu-Nation symbol; and N of the E block of
Dillimore--I think this is the one I've read about that appears
imbedded in a tree.)
Trailer there are several closed box-shaped trailers in the game to hitch to
a truck cab:
- two are on the S side of the lower E-W road of the two at the
top of the "Y"-shaped block E of "EL CORONA,"
- another two are E of the middle of the dead end S segment of the
road that, several blocks N, goes through the 2nd "L" of "WILLOW
- another is E of where the main highway goes S of the block with
"LL" of "CITY HALL," and
- several are along the N side of the block N of the entrance to
the LS airport tarmac.
(The oil tank trailer shown at the 4th link below doesn't spawn in
Los Santos, but I used it to show that any of the several big
truck cabs can pull any of these kinds of trailer.)
Plow It's a tiller to hitch to the back of a Tractor. The plow revolves
as it's pulled and it has a headlight and brake light.
(PS2 only: one is SE of the Montgomery Intersection on the E side
of the section of the path that's divided into two paths, and
another is a bit SE of the brown oval by "BLUEBERRY ACRES.")
On PC, if you don't see a farmer using a tractor to pull one, you
can make one appear anywhere with the GTA SA Control Center
Rundown Sadler (PS2 only: N of the "O" of "HAMPTON BARNS," and another ap-
pears, though I've only seen it once on PC, at the E side
of the TOSSER gas station that's N of the T intersection
that's NE of Montgomery.)
Rundown Glendale (PS2 only: in a big open-ended shed on the E end of the S
side of the big brown square of the Panopticon.)
Impounded vehicles Have C.J. use a police vehicle to be allowed into a police
impound garage without creating a three star wanted level. There's an impound
garage in each of the three main areas of the game--in Los Santos, there's one
on the block of "NG" of "PERSHING SQ."
Orion_SR researched the way vehicle impounding happens--see his article at the
next link. Basically, C.J.'s last two vehicles, if in certain locations during
certain missions, will be saved in an area of the nearest impound lot.
The Las Venturas (some add San Fierro) impound lot is the one in which a fly-
ing vehicle has more often been found. Rusk's "Hidden Text FAQ" for SA indi-
cates an impound lot was used for an idea for a mission that didn't make it into
the final game. DeeZire has a mod that puts the mission back in (X.9.b).
Hustler have C.J. date Denise to 50% success.
Ranger have C.J. date Helena to 50% success.
Hotring Racer/
Monster NW side of Los Santos Forum after success with "8 Track."
Combine Harvester after "Body Harvest" (San Fierro missions): several are E
of the brown oval by "BLUEBERRY ACRES."
Raindance with Pilot School success (meaning success at VIII.6 of the
Desert missions, not flying till you get 20% of your Flight
skill): on the beach by the 1st "A" of "SANTA MARIA BEACH."
Maverick with Pilot School (Desert missions) success: on top of the
oval building (with a Parachute on the roof) S of "LOS" of
"DOWNTOWN LOS SANTOS." Enter the building on the NE side.
Police Maverick with Pilot School (Desert missions) success: on S end of roof
of Pershing Sq. police station.
Sea Sparrow after "A Home in the Hills" (final Los Santos missions): at the E
side of the gray patch the Mulholland save house is on.
Kart after "Cut Throat Business" (final Los Santos missions): at the E
side of the gray patch the Mulholland save house is on, and where
the road W of Los Santos Forum meets the drainage ditch.
Vortex after "Cut Throat Business" (final Los Santos missions): at the
"MA" of "MARINA."
S.W.A.T. See IX.9 "End of the Line" for a way to get one during the last
main story mission of the game.
Rhino under the overpass W of the Johnson house with 100% completion.
Hydra on Sweet's roof with 100% completion.
Thanks to the SAM, San Andreas Map, for some of the locations and times of ap-
pearances of the vehicles given above:
III.28 Make a copy of your save game
This would be a good time to make a copy of your save game found in My
Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files: GTASAsf*.b, with * being the number of
the save slot, a number you can change to use it for a different save slot.
Keep a copy you use just to make copies from. You can always start a new game
to see the 1st few missions, and you can replay the Sub-missions or vehicle
challenges any time.
IV The main story missions of Los Santos continued
The Sweet missions
IV.1 "Tagging Up Turf" Sweet Johnson
Poppin' tags: here it means to take someone else's tag--graffiti, meant in
this case to stake out a territory--away from them by covering it with a new
tag. (C.J. can get a lot of new clothes later, though.)
Sweet leaves a basketball game with Big Smoke to encourage C.J. to help him
spray over some Balla's tags. (Spray with the LMB. Sprayed ones become un-
sprayed again for the mission.) C.J. sprays a couple of Ballas, too, while he's
at it.
We also learn that C.J. can jump up and grab onto a ledge, then climb up onto
the roof, or climb over a fence, by pressing the climb/Jump key. (Note: the de-
fault Jump button is Left Shift, but I remap my controls to use Spacebar for
Jump and Left Shift for Run, which is more like the controls I use for "Vice
Sweet gives C.J. $200 and Respect. Officer Hernandez calls and tells C.J. not
to leave town. C.J. curses him for just doing what Tenpenny and Pulaski tell
him to do. There's a Spray Can in C.J.'s bedroom, and the basketball game is
available (XI.c).
If you haven't had C.J. do the preliminaries I went on about, he can now re-
cruit two gang members.
IV.2 "Cleaning the Hood" Sweet Johnson
Big Smoke, Sweet, and Ryder, C.J.
Mark "B-Dup" Wayne: The Game, aka Jayson Taylor of the mixtape "JT The Bigga
Figga Presents: Nas and The Game: QB 2 Compton," 2002, "The Documentary," 2005,
and "West Coast Resurrection," 2005.
Barry "Big Bear" Thorne: Kurt "Big Boy" Alexander, who played Jabba Lady/
Fluisa/Naomi in "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo," 1999, and he's been on a number of
TV shows, but he's probably the most famous for being the popular host of the
Hip-Hop and R&B radio show Los Angeles' Power 105.9 FM. Happily, he's not so
big anymore: in response to a bet by Will Smith, he's lost 270 pounds in the
last few years. (For the 1st web address, you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd
line to the 1st line in the address bar.)
Big Smoke sounds like he's trying to talk Ryder into crack dealing. C.J.
wants his gang the way they were before and to get old gang members B-Dup and
Big Bear back in the fold. After C.J. uses the nearby Greenwood to drive Ryder
to B-Dup's place, they see Big Bear has become a subservient crack addict to
B-Dup, who tells C.J. to get lost.
C.J. gets a Baseball Bat and learns a fight move: while pressing the RMB,
press F or Enter to have him attack or Spacebar to have him block. Blocking
diminishes the number of attacks on C.J. that can lower his Armor or Health.
C.J. and Ryder find the crack dealer. Have C.J. clobber him with a baseball
bat. C.J. sees he was a member of the Ballas and lived nearby, so he takes
Ryder to the house to kill another drug dealer and other Ballas who put up a
fight about it there (at the start of this segment, a prostitute seems to be
giving a Balla a BJ in a room at the far right). Then have C.J. drive Ryder
C.J. earns some more Respect.
To help C.J. clean the crack dealers out of the neighborhood otherwise, see
I.5.k for their descriptions. Drug dealers are also among those who drive
IV.3 "Drive-Thru" Sweet Johnson
Make sure C.J. has a lot of SMG ammo.
Big Smoke talks C.J. into taking him, Sweet, and Ryder to get some chicken.
On the way, Ryder says the ones that killed C.J. and Sweet's Mom were trying to
shoot Sweet, and that some people say they saw a green Sabre drive away from the
drive-by; Big Smoke sounds like he's trying to talk Ryder out of saying so.
While at the Cluckin' Bell, Ryder sees a Voodoo of Ballas, C.J notices they're
driving toward Grove Street, and Sweet calls for a drive-by.
Have C.J. do a drive-by on the Voodoo (drive beside the target, look to the
side with Q or E, and press the LMB), which the others, except Big Smoke, will
help with, till it starts to burn, then drive away from the explosion. Once
he's taken care of any Ballas who manage to survive that, have C.J. drive the
others to Sweet's and Big Smoke's places.
(Thanks to reader Timo Hakala for writing to me that Rockstar designed it so
you can blow up a Voodoo by shooting the license plate in the back because the
gas cap is behind the license plate in the car the Voodoo is based on. I just
want to correct an easy mistake to make that many people have made: he thought
the Voodoo was based on a 1960 Chevrolet Impala. It's really a Bel Air, which
has two pairs of brake lights--an Impala would have two sets of three.)
(I guess we should figure Big Smoke is trying to sound like he's using the Bi-
ble as an authoritative source, but he hasn't read it in a long time and is im-
provising, to put it nicely, about what it says. Big Smoke, as C.J. kids him,
talk a lot of B.S..)
Improving the strength of the Tec9 as explained at X.11 makes this go a lot
C.J. gets more Respect and $200.
IV.4 Los Santos gym
Sweet calls and doesn't want C.J. to let his remorse about their Mom cause him
to fall out of shape. Have C.J. use the equipment at the Ganton Gym. The
treadmill and stationary bike are quick ways to lose Fat, and the weights are a
good way to build Muscle (alternate between Left Shift and the LMB to have him
use the weights). If he's past the Buff stage, have C.J. fight and defeat the
boxing trainer.
I typically use the Mouse and Keyboard configuration. With that, it's easier
for me to do this if I don't bother with targeting but just have C.J. advance
with W, punch with the LMB, and steer him with the mouse. If you use a gamepad
in Joypad configuration, you'll see that this GTA allows you to use targeting
for punches, so I'd use targeting if you use a gamepad.
When C.J. beats the trainer, he's taught some boxing moves:
- Running attack: while running, lock onto the target with the RMB and press
Enter or F.
- Ground attack: lock onto a downed opponent with the RMB and press Enter or
- Combo attack: lock onto the target with the RMB and press Enter or F repeat-
(To have a longer look at onscreen instructions or dialogue, press Esc and go
to Brief. You can go back through earlier instructions and dialogue by pressing
Up and go forward through them with Down.)
All three indoor gyms are open (but the other two are in areas that are off-
limits). (A 4th indoor gym, the private one in Madd Dogg's mansion, is avail-
able after "A Home in the Hills," IX.1.)
C.J. uses the last fight moves he was shown after beating a trainer, so you
can send him to an earlier one if you want to change his fighting style.
IV.5 "Nines and AKs" Sweet Johnson
Emmet: Eugene Jeter Jr. This is the only role I found for him on the Inter-
net, and he only appears once, but if it is his 1st role, a GTA is a pretty good
place to start.
Ryder doesn't like losing to Big Smoke and ends the game of dominoes they were
having. C.J. takes Big Smoke in Big Smoke's Glendale to see Emmet, of the Se-
ville Blvd. gang that's become estranged from theirs, to get some weapons, even
if they are old weapons. Emmet is a little confused at 1st and thinks C.J. is
C.J.'s late brother Brian. We also learn from Emmet that C.J,'s Mom was called
Beverly. C.J. and Big Smoke take a couple of 9mm Pistols.
Following Big Smoke's examples, C.J. learns (and we learn) some shooting
- Press the RMB to target, then add the LMB to fire.
- While locked on, you can cycle through targets by rolling the Mouse Scroller
up or down (note: I couldn't get that to do anything for my Keyboard and Mouse
- Crouch (C) to increase accuracy.
- Manually aim for, and shoot at, the cap of the gas tank of a car to blow the
car up.
We also learn that while C.J. is crouching you can hold down the RMB and press
A or D to have him roll to the left or right.
The OG Loc and Big Smoke missions are available.
Emmet's gun store is open and a Pistol is available there; it's in the lot
along the N-S alley of the block S of the "OW" of "WILLOW FIELD."
The Binco, Pro-Laps, and Sub Urban clothes stores are open. The clothes C.J.
buys will be added to the Bincos clothes he started out with and be available in
the wardrobe closet of any of his save houses. If he puts on a hat, shades, or
something for torso or legs, it removes any wanted rating. He can take off and
put on the same ones to do that if you want him to keep the same look.
Sweet wants C.J. to get some green clothes to show his solidarity with the
Grove Street Families.
IV.6 Clothes
Clothes are 4% of C.J.'s Respect level and 50% of his Sex Appeal level, so if
it comes to a choice between the two, favor the article with better Sex Appeal.
Although the Bradygames guide gave the 50% figure, I didn't see clothes make
nearly as big a difference to Sex Appeal as cars. Maybe it's a typo and they
meant 5%.
I'd probably have C.J. get the Oysters then have him dress any way I wanted.
The 1st girlfriend, Denise, isn't very fussy about those things, anyway.
Having C.J. put on a hat, shades, or something for the torso or legs, even
having him take off and put on the same ones, can get rid of any wanted rating.
Send C.J. to Binco's to get him green jeans (R:15; SA:5) for $60; track pants
(R:5; SA:5) for $70 (the same R and SA as the various track pants at Pro-Laps
but cheaper); and a green rag back hat (R:3; SA:2) for $25;
Sub Urban for a Base 5 hood (R:20; SA: 14) for $105 or Rockstar hood (R: 17;
SA: 15) for $120 and a Bobo ape T (R: 17; SA:13) for $115; a silver Cuban chain
(R:2; SA:2) for $200; and a face black watch (R:2; SA:2) for $120;
and Pro-Laps for sunglasses (R: 2; SA: 1) for $150; mid-top sneakers (R:5;
SA:3) for $115; and red sneakers (R:2 SA:3) for $80 if you want to get him the
things with the highest points for Respect and, especially, Sex Appeal available
for now.
Fortunately, the green jeans and green rag back let C.J. show the Grove Street
Families' color, too.
IV.7 "Drive-By" Sweet Johnson
Have a lot of SMG ammo.
Ryder complains to Sweet, then to C.J., that C.J. can't drive good enough for
a drive-by they want to do on the Ballas.
Thanks to Rusk's walk-through for the tip from pdescobar, srg, and Mxyzptlk,
who found a batch of missions in which you can have C.J. go to the off-limit ar-
eas without a wanted rating. This is the earliest mission in which you can have
C.J. do that. Instead of having C.J. get into Sweet's car, you can have him
collect Oysters, etc., in the off-limits areas.
For a complete list of the missions you can do this with, see Fun Glitches
During this mission, you can have C.J. explore San Andreas with no police rat-
ing no matter what you have him do or where you have him go. He can get the re-
maining Oysters, the Combat Shotgun, and the Minigun or Heat-Seeking Rocket
As Rusk recommends, have C.J. prepare by getting a Camera from the Johnson
bedroom so he can get a Snapshot that's easier to get without the threat of a
wanted rating. The remaining Oyster locations are shown below. Since the
shells of any shotgun C.J. gets are added to any shotgun he already has, you
might have C.J. collect Shotgun and Sawnoff Shotgun ammo in Los Santos (III.3)
before this mission, or from anywhere in San Andreas (V.4) (VII.3) during the
exploration glitch of this mission, before having C.J. get the Combat Shotgun.
If you want to maximize the Stat for the Combat Shotgun fast in a way that
works for either the original or second edition of the game, you can change the
data\ar_stats.dat file for it (see III.5). It's called the SPAS12 in the file.
One way to change the stat data for all the shotguns is to change it from 0.6
points per 100 shots to 100 points per 10 shots, which will let C.J. reach Hit-
man in a few shots. If you want to get the Hitman skill level for the Combat
Shotgun but don't change the file, it takes a lot longer, so make sure to get a
dozen or more rounds of ammo for either other shotgun 1st.
Of the two heavy weapons considered, you can get the most ammo for the Mini-
gun if you use the teleporter of the GTA SA Control Center (see X.13.c). It
comes with a list of teleport locations that includes the Oyster locations, but
you might rather go sightseeing so early in the game.
Rusk likes to start by having C.J. fly from LS airport to use the Camera to
shoot the bridge of the aircraft carrier to get a Snapshot. On PC, press the
RMB to see the Snapshot--violet and blue with a white camera in the middle--then
shoot the picture with the LMB.
If you got 39 Oysters during the Los Santos preliminaries, you might at least
get the two Oysters by the Easter Bay aircraft carrier while it can be done
without a wanted rating. But I'd get all 11 remaining ones because it boosts
C.J.'s Sex Appeal so that he doesn't have to wrangle with objections like who
doesn't like him buff and who doesn't like him fat when he starts dating women
that are fussier about that than Denise, which makes dating less complicated.
There are two Oysters by the Easter Bay aircraft carrier, one is near Avispa
Country Club, three are in the Sherman Reservoir, and five are in pools in Las
1. under the E end of the aircraft carrier that's N of the "N" of "EASTER
2. in the middle of the E end of the big gray rectangle "BASIN" is on, in the
middle dock of three.
While C.J. was in San Fierro, I took Rusk's advice to move the Patriot from
the E end of Easter Bay Naval Base (S of the E end of the ship) to the Xoomer
gas station garage for the Export/Import mission later. The garage is on the
lower E side of the brown block N of "DOHERTY."
If you want to fill C.J.'s heavy weapon slot with the Heat-Seeking Rocket
Launcher (instead of the Minigun), it's between two of three container tanks at
Easter Bay Airport NE of the "T" of "AIRPORT."
A few more Oysters:
3. in the little pond, S of the big arc of road and the country club building,
4. between "AN" of "SHERMAN RESERVOIR" and the dam, under the W structure of
the two (shown on the radar and in-game map) that project N from the dam.
5. under the bridge over the entrance to the gulf on the W side of the reser-
6. near the coast S of the "OC" of "VALLE OCULTADO," a bit past the end of
the wooden pier.
You might be sure you have the Hitman level for the Shotgun, then get the Com-
bat Shotgun next.
The SW Las Venturas Combat Shotgun location: in SW Las Venturas, send C.J. S
into the N side of the compound on the block W of where "LVA FREIGHT DEPOT" is
printed on the paper map. Send C.J. past the garage with a lot of doors on his
left to the rectangular divider with plants and trees growing in it. The Combat
Shotgun is in the shrub in the middle of it.
The remaining Oysters:
7. in the NW area of the block of "COME" of "COME-A-LOT," in the pond N of the
entrance walk.
8. in the NE area of the block of "ATES IN" of "PIRATES IN MEN'S PANTS," in
the pond, and by the big skull display.
9. in the middle of the semi-circle of the "E" of "VISAGE," in a pond, and by
a waterfall in the middle.
10. just S of the "R" of "PILGRIM," sticking halfway out of a swimming pool.
11. E across the street and just past the RR track from the middle of the rec-
tangle that's at the NE corner of the block of "CA" of "ROCA ESCALANTE," in the
upper patio pool of the VROCK Hotel.
You might get the Minigun next.
As an alternative, or addition, to the Minigun, you could make your favorite
available weapon as strong as you want (X.11). I recommend the Tec9 for that
since it can be dual-wielded, used for a drive-by or with a Jetpack, is more
commonly available than a Minigun in the early part of the game, and isn't used
by law enforcement.
The NE Las Venturas Minigun location: send C.J. into the alley on the E side
of "CA" and "LANTE" of "ROCA ESCALANTE," turn right into the garage, go to the N
side, down the ramp, and go N to the Minigun by the elevator doors.
You can teleport C.J. to it with the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c).
Las Venturas parking garage Minigun:
X 2493.516, Y 2398.752, Z 4.210938, Angle 100.0
The SE Las Venturas Minigun location: at the left side of the "O" of "ROCK-
SHORE EAST" on scaffolding. It's on the next to the highest level on the E end
of the N side. Here are a few ways to get it:
- pez2k_ supplies some helpful advice with the tip that C.J. can climb each
level of the scaffolding that he needs to by jumping across a bit of the inside
90 degree corners of it to grab the next higher ledge.
- You can use the Maverick from the SE area of SF airport. If the gate is
locked, C.J. can climb on the booth nearby then drop into the airport. He can
rest it across two beams of the scaffolding, drop down to get the Minigun, then
jump up higher than you might think if you press F or Enter to have him get back
into the Maverick.
- You can use the ROCKETMAN code to give C.J. a Jetpack, then use the GTA SA
Control Center (X.13.c) after getting the Minigun to get rid of the cheat count.
Las Venturas scaffolding Minigun:
X 2682.145, Y 835.74, Z 21.766, Angle 85.88
To have C.J. get the Area 69 Minigun, you could have him use the Jetpack and
one of the entrances to Ghost World/Blue Hell, including the non-solid spot
Mxyzptlk found in the ceiling over the W trench at Area 69 (I.10).
Area 69 Minigun:
X 241.3609, Y 1859.69, Z 14.08401, Angle 274.0
To have C.J. leave Area 69, you could have use the Ghost World route or use
the GTA SA Control Center to teleport him to one of the places listed on the Lo-
cations page under GTA SA Locations, or click the map on that page to leave a
blue dot on the destination you want, click Read from Map, then Teleport.
You might use this or a later such exploration glitch to have C.J. collect the
Horseshoes or the rest of the Snapshots, or try GTA_Phreak's Blackjack strategy
found near the end of this walk-through. You might be thoughtful enough to have
him enter a police station, too, and find Denise a lovely gift.
Then have C.J. return to Sweet's car for our regularly scheduled program al-
ready in progress.
Have C.J. drive Sweet, Ryder, and Big Smoke past some groups of Ballas to do
drive-bys on them. Ryder is cynical about C.J's ability to do this and keep
them from getting killed and Sweet's Greenwood from being ruined, so I'd have
C.J. keep the car at least across the street from each group of Ballas and help
with the shooting. If the car damage bar gets low after a few groups have been
shot, take the car to the Pay 'n' Spray in Idlewood, then get the rest of the
After they get the last group of Ballas in Glen Park, C.J. has at least a two
star wanted level. You can send the Greenwood through the bribe in the pedes-
trian tunnel on the N side of the park, the bribe N of the "ST" of "EAST LOS
SANTOS" (at the NW end of a drainage ditch), or the bribe in the E-W alley in
the block that's across the street S of the Ten Green Bottles bar.
If you send the Greenwood to the Pay 'n' Spray to get rid of the two star
wanted level, as the game suggests, and you've never done it before, remember to
wait till the wanted stars stop flashing. If another crime is committed during
the suspension period, the full wanted level is reinstated, and just scraping a
lingering police car could do that.
Then take C.J.'s group back to Sweet's place.
Ryder is still sarcastic, but Sweet tells C.J. he did a good job and to watch
out for the Ballas now that they know C.J. is back helping the Grove Families.
Sweet gives C.J. more Respect and $500.
The Ryder missions are available.
IV.8 "Sweet's Girl" Sweet Johnson
C.J. can't find Sweet or Big Smoke in Sweet's house. Sweet calls: he's
trapped at a girlfriends house by fire from the Seville Blvd. (Playa Del Se-
ville) families. (These gang members look the same as the Grove Street gang
members--I guess Sweet sowed his wild oats a little too close to the house.)
Send C.J. to help in a four-door car, like Sweet's Greenwood. The game suggests
that you get C.J. a Pistol at Emmet's place and have him crouch behind walls
across from the girlfriend's house for cover between shots, but you can do it
any way you want. I once had him use a Rocket Launcher from about five houses
away to get most of the gangsters, then get into a closer position to snipe the
one left.
When you have C.J. pick up Sweet and his girlfriend (the same woman who's be-
hind the counter in the lobby in "Architectural Espionage," VIII.31) to take
them to Sweet's house, Sweet says the Seville Blvd. families are trying to start
a war. Seville gang cars try to ram C.J.s car on the way (in one mission ef-
fort, when they spun it around backwards into the opening to the back yards by
Sweet's house, I had C.J. drive backwards through the yards to get there).
Sweet says this set trippin' (violence in the name of a gang)...
...is killing the families.
Sweet gives C.J. more Respect.
IV.9 "Cesar Vialpando" Sweet Johnson
Cesar Vialpando: Clifton Collins, Jr. played Vato #2 in "Menace II Society"
1993, Tack in "The Stoned Age," 1994, Cutty in "Dead Presidents," 1995, played
another Cesar--Cesar Sanchez--under the name Clifton González González, with
Samuel L. Jackson as Trevor Garfield, in "One Eight Seven," 1997, and was in the
comedy "Hip, Edgy, Sexy, Cool," 2002. He's building on a notable family tradi-
tion since his grandfather, Pedro Gonzalez-Gonzalez, co-starred with John Wayne
in nearly a dozen movies. (Note: the imdb also shows "Gonzalez-Gonzalez" as
C.J. finds Sweet giving their sister Kendl a hard time because she's dating
Cesar, whom Sweet refers to as a "cholo" (an Hispanic gangster, here meant in
the derogatory sense of U.S./Mexican half-breed).
After she leaves, he tells C.J. to go to the lowrider meeting Cesar and Kendl
are going to.
C.J. meets a mechanic, who tells him Sweet phoned ahead and he owes Sweet big,
so he gives C.J. a lowrider. The mechanic says it's the kind used to compete
with by "esses" (male gangstas of Hispanic ethnicity).
When you drive it into the garage to learn about car modding, you can get it
modded if you want to.
You can choose to gamble up to $1,000 at the competition, which is like the
dance game for lowriders. A hooker gets into the car. Press NP2 for down, NP8
for up, NP4 for left, NP6 for right, and whichever two of those are the closest
for diagonal arrows, in rhythm to the music to make the corresponding direction-
al arrows light up as they pass in front of the circle in the middle of the
screen. I had the best luck the last time I tried by lagging behind the rhythm
a bit sometimes to press the keys when the arrow was in the middle of the cir-
Cesar's gang is hostile toward C.J. but Cesar has them back off. He especial-
ly needs C.J. to know that Kendl is his woman for life, and he and C.J. seem to
accept each other.
The Transfender garage of Temple, Los Santos, is open for modding cars. The
garage is on the S side of the block that's W of the block of the top of the "T"
of "TEMPLE."
It can mod the Buffalo, Bullet, Banshee, Cheetah, Comet, Infernus, Phoenix,
Super GT, Turismo, Windsor, ZR-350, Admiral, Alpha, Blista Compact, Bobcat, Bra-
vura, Buccaneer, Cadrona, Cabbie, Clover, Club, Elegant, Emporer, Esperanto,
Euros, Feltzer, Fortune, Glendale, Greenwood, Hermes, Huntley, Hustler, Intrud-
er, Landstalker, Majestic, Manana, Merit, Mesa, Nebula, Oceanic, Perennial, Pic-
ador, Premier, Previon, Primo, Rancher, Regina, Romero, Sabre, Sentinel, Solair,
Stafford, Stallion, Stretch, Sunrise, Tampa, Taxi, Vincent, Virgo, Walton, Wash-
ington, and Willard.
You can use the Transfender for an additional batch of vehicles with the
Transfender Fix by OffRoader23 (see X.13.kk).
Loco Low Co, which specializes in customizing the Blade, Broadway, Remington,
Savanna, Slamvan, Tahoma, Tornado, and Voodoo, is open for car modding in Wil-
low Field, Los Santos. The garage is on the S side of the W end of the dead end
road that's the eastern of the two dead end roads of the block that's S of the
block of the "ELD" of "WILLOW FIELD."
Both places are indicated on the in-game map and radar by a red wrench. (In
case you're wondering why I described where each is in detail above, it's for
anyone who tries to find the garages with the paper map, which misplaces the
wrench icons.)
A good reference guide to which cars can be modded and how at each mod shop is
in the BradyGames guide. Even more detail is provided by the "In-Depth Car Mod-
ification Guide" by Mastermind73 at the Gamefaqs web site.
A paint job at a modding shop will take care of any wanted rating.
The "Lowrider Challenge" mission is available, and Cesar calls to invite C.J.
to a race, which opens the Cesar missions (the CV icon).
IV.10 "Lowrider Challenge" Not required for 100%
Have C.J. enter the red shaft of light by the guy standing just outside the E
wall by Unity Station. It's the same as the musical game with a bouncing low-
rider of "Cesar Vialpando." I like a happy lowrider--get that thing bouncing
along, singing a song.
(I haven't noticed if anyone else has reported this, but I occasionally got a
glitch where one or two arrows appeared just before the center circle instead of
sliding in from the right side of the screen. Also, it ought to be the same as
the dancing game, which I can do easily, but for some reason, it's not. I think
it's because the process of pressing the key or keys in a compromise of the beat
of the music and graphics instead of pressing them to a beat that's in sync with
the graphics is not something you want someone to speed up.)
I've read that a Voodoo is easier to do this with. (You use one for the next
mission, too.) The last time I did this, I had the lowrider raised so that it
lowered during key presses, which made it seem easier, too.
Depending on how much you bet, C.J. can win up to $2,000.
A lowrider has had the suspension lowered to ride as low as possible; some-
times the roof or body is lowered, too. 1961-1964 Chevrolet Impalas were often
used, and in cholo culture, originally. If the vehicle has hydraulic suspen-
sion, you can raise the body for bumpy roads. A "jumpcar" or "hopper" can be
used for bouncing and even jumping: "hitting switches."
For a good article on the basics of low riders, see:
There's also a documentary by Carol Strong, "Sunday Driver," about it in the
Special Edition of "San Andreas."
Cesar mission
IV.11 "High Stakes, Low-Rider" Cesar Vialpando
Get a Voodoo, which has the best handling of the lowriders, and take it to
Loco Low Co. for 10x Nitrous. (The lowriders that aren't Voodoos handle like
cra*. Try not to hit anything if you use one of those, because they spin around
easily. Without Nitrous, the Slamvan has the best acceleration of the lowrid-
ers, but it has poor cornering ability.)
I've often seen a Voodoo in the driveway of a house three houses E of the El
Corona save house.
Lowriders handle better when they're low to the ground. Use the pit maneu-
ver--nudge the back of the side of the car ahead of you to spin it out--whenever
you get the chance.
It can't be that hard. I did it with a Blade--some lowrider that's slippery
for racing--got spun out a couple of times, was sure I'd lost at the finish
line, and was surprised to see the mission success message.
C.J. gets $1,000.
PS: special cars
This is a mission that makes Cesar's bullet-proof, at least, Savannah avail-
able. One way to get it is to get him out of it at the finish line--I got him
to come out by having C.J. hit the driver's door with a knife--have C.J. finish
him off, then push it to a garage. Normally, to get a super car on PC, you can
pick your favorite car, soup it up with the data\handling.cfg changes explained
at X.10 Cars and Bikes, notably X.10.b, then get X.13.c The GTA SA Control
Center, and make it whatever-proof (C.J. too, if you want).
The Ryder missions
IV.12 "Home Invasion" Ryder
This mission is available at Ryder's house (next door to the W of the Johnson
house) between noon and 20:00. It's like the "Burglary" mission at III.10
(which the BradyGames guide says becomes available after this mission but which
is really available from the start of the game).
("Home Invasion" is also the name of the 1993 album by Ice T, who plays Madd
Ryder is looking for water in the holes in his back yard. Ryder, whose li-
cense plate says "SHERM," has holes in his backyard because that's where he
hides the PCP (he calls his "water") he sprays on his marijuana or dips his
joints of them in. Marijuana treated that way is called Sherm.
(I'd wondered if it was something to cook crack with, but Ryder at this time
agrees with C.J. in being against crack dealers.)
Ryder wants to upgrade their weapons by stealing crates of weapons from Col.
Fuhrberger's house.
C.J. takes Ryder in the "black" Boxville to the Col.'s house, where C.J. has
eight minutes to steal at least three crates and drop them at (load them into)
the back of the black Boxville. C.J. has to be quiet in the Col.'s house--if
the Col. wakes up, C.J. gets two stars, and if the Col. sees him, the Col. uses
a Shotgun. Every time C.J. enters the Col.'s house, have him Crouch, C, and
press W to have him sneak; you can press W repeatedly at a rhythm that has C.J.
sneak slowly, if you want. Use F or Enter to have him pick up a crate, then tap
W quickly and repeatedly so C.J. walks forward in wiggles without raising the
noise meter except when he opens a door. C.J. got all five crates when I tried
it that way.
One crate is in the far right corner, a 2nd is through the doors opposite the
stairs and on the far left, a 3rd is at the top of the stairs, a 4th is at the
end of the hall at the top of the stairs, and a 5th is in the Col.'s room at the
end of the same hall.
Thanks again to a GTA Forums message by pdescobar who figured out that normal
police appear if C.J. wakes up the Colonel unless C.J. has stolen three to five
crates, in which case police in a car with the license plate "TH3 P1G5" appear.
Then drive Ryder in the truck to the lockup in Playa Del Seville. I think
he's called "Ryder" partly because he's always testing C.J.'s patience by "rid-
ing" him--chiding and insulting him.
Drizz, at GTA Forums, reports a glitch that lets C.J. recruit Ryder as a
ghost. You type a "recruit anyone" code during the mission, and as Ryder starts
to fade after the last cut scene, you have C.J. quickly recruit him before he
fades from view. It's reported on page 2 of this message board:
Despite Ryder's attempts to belittle him, C.J. gets more Respect.
IV.13 "Catalyst" Ryder
C.J. can get this mission at Ryder's house between 20:00 and 6:00.
Ryder is cooking that water now (preparing the PCP to make it more potent?),
unconcerned that C.J. wants him to knock it off. Tenpenny, Pulaski, and Hernan-
dez come in without asking and accept what Ryder is doing--Tenpenny wants some
of the water for his wife (I'm guessing it's to keep her addle-minded enough to
stay with him). Tenpenny tells C.J. to check out something that's arriving by
(In "Vice City," one of the things Lawyer Ken was heard to say, if Tommy got
busted, was: "Get Sgt. Pulaski down here--that fat chump owes me a favor.")
Have C.J. drive Ryder in Ryder's Picador to the train, kill three Vegas (I
had C.J. use a Sniper Rifle), then kill four Ballas who emerge from a car (I
chose an M4).
C.J., with the 1st person view, has to throw ten crates of weapons from a flat
car of the train to Ryder, who stands in the bed of the Picador which follows
the train, in a minute and a half. The longer you hold down the LMB before re-
leasing it, the farther C.J. throws; aim with the Mouse.
Then have C.J. make a U-turn in the tunnel, drive S to the Pay 'n' Spray to
get rid of three wanted stars, and drive Ryder home.
Thanks to reader Anurag Sinha (who helped in the "Swimming mania...." section)
who wrote to me that C.J. can continue driving in the direction of the train
and, once the train is in the tunnel W of Unity Station, turn around and take
Ryder home without any police on the street.
C.J. gets more Respect.
IV.14 "Robbing Uncle Sam" Ryder
C.J. says Ryder has been a drug dealer since he was ten (and likely getting
high on his own supply like he is currently, too). Ryder thinks a local Nation-
al Guard Depot would make a good place to steal weapons (see what I mean?).
Have C.J. drive Ryder down there in a truck, which is quickly supplied by some-
one Ryder only identifies as "LB."
Once there, don't open the main gate as prompted. As Rusk instructs, have
C.J. go clockwise around the big building to the left, shoot (I chose a Sniper
Rifle) the couple of guards by the warehouse and one by the gate, shoot the lock
box of the warehouse door to open it, and shoot the two guards inside. As the
BradyGames guide instructs, you can use the Forklift (NP8 to raise the fork; NP2
to lower it) to put six boxes to the side of the inside of the warehouse door.
This will let C.J. load the boxes into the truck faster, and with fewer attack-
ing soldiers for him and Ryder to contend with, in the next section.
Have C.J. shoot the lock off the main gate. Ryder backs the truck to the
warehouse door, and C.J. can load the boxes onto the truck, stopping to shoot (I
chose an M4) any soldiers that shoot at Ryder (about one per crate). The sol-
diers spawn from the top of the steps of two little buildings nearby; you might
put something at the base of each of the two sets of steps to block their paths.
Reader Anurag Sinha gets my thanks again for telling me that the soldiers
eventually push the Mesa out of the way. He recommends using crates at the base
of each set of steps--Rusk recommends a row of three crates for each--because
the soldiers can't get past them. I've still had a soldier appear nearby and
shoot. (Does he manage to get over the crates? You might put a vehicle in
front of each row.)
Rob also noticed that C.J. can break open the crates and find weapons and
Health inside. I haven't seen the Health yet. but I've had C.J. find armor that
way, too.
Spaceeinstein told me "there are 17 boxes in all. Breaking the boxes randomly
creates a pistol, armor, grenade, health, micro uzi, chrome shotgun, and noth-
ing. You can break all but six boxes. Break too much and you fail the mis-
If Ryder's Health is shot away, you fail the mission.
Once six crates are loaded into the back of the truck, have C.J. drive it to
Emmet's lot, which is along the N-S alley S of the "OW" of "WILLOW FIELD." On
the way, Ryder will toss a crate from the back of the truck, to deter the pursu-
ing Patriots of Guardsmen, every time you honk the horn.
C.J. gets more Respect.
The Big Smoke missions
IV.15 "OG Loc" Big Smoke
Jeffrey "OG Loc" Cross: young Jonathan "Jas" Anderson, who played DJ Chris in
"Queen of Media," 2008.
According to an earlier article in Wikipedia, OG Loc is a remnant of a rib of
a fued between 50 Cent and Ja Rule: "As 50 Cent was originally intended to pro-
vide the voice for Carl Johnson, OG Loc is thought to be modeled after rival
rapper Ja Rule (aka Jeffery Atkins) as a sign of mockery. It should also be
added that both Ja Rule and OG Loc bear similar first names" (Jeffrey).
The article said 50 Cent turned the part of C.J. down because he would only
perform in a game in which he played himself, which he eventually did with "50
Cent: Bulletproof." (Personally, I'd have grabbed the chance to play C.J. in
a Grand Theft Auto in a minute.)
Thanks to a post by original gangster at GTA Forums for the tip that 50 Cent's
real name initials are "C.J." (Curtis James Jackson III).
"Loc" could refer to "love of CRIPs," a "local," or a "loco" person; look at
context to see what applies.
Freddie: ?
Big Smoke and Sweet want C.J. to pick up Jeffrey, just released from prison
and now calling himself OG Loc, from a police station. He wants Freddie killed
for raping him in prison. At Freddie's home, Big Smoke and Sweet leave C.J.
alone to help OG Loc.
Freddie makes a getaway on a motorcycle. C.J., with OG Loc on board, gives
chase on another; have C.J. do a forward drive-by while OG helps. The game is
forgiving if you make some wrong turns, but you fail the mission if Freddie gets
too far away for too long. Freddy doesn't go so fast if C.J. generally follows
from about half a block away. If the chase lasts till the end of the run, Fred-
die stops by three Vagos who open fire. Have C.J. help OG shoot all four of
them, then take him to Burger Shot.
Reader Anurag Sinha has more helpful advice, which I thank him for. This
helps with raising weapon Stats. If C.J. gets off of his bike, Freddie taunts
him from the corner. If C.J. shoots him before the game lets the chase end,
Freddie can't be hurt but the shots count extra, like headshots, toward raising
C.J.'s skill Stat for the weapon. He says it's faster than the PS2 gimmick of
shooting tires, too. (So if you use a PC, change the Stat data, and if you use
PS2, have C.J. unload a bunch of ammo on Freddie.) (Rusk warns that C.J. can
get a wanted level doing this.)
When I tried this, I had C.J. drive OG Loc to the S end of the 1st street
Freddie stopped on, then had C.J. get off the motorcycle. Don't have C.J. get
closer than about half a block from Freddie or he drives away.
This mission features the Trip Skip feature. If Freddie gets away so you fail
the mission, and you start it again without exiting or saving the game, you can
press "Y" when prompted to skip the drive to OG's house.
The OG Loc missions are available. C.J. gets Respect.
IV.16 "Running Dog" Big Smoke
Tenpenny and Pulaski, arrogant again, leave Big Smoke's home. Big Smoke
wants C.J. to take him to meet his cousin Mary--marijuana--from Mexico. The
deal goes sour--Big Smoke hits one Vago with a bat and C.J. chases the other.
Add the fast repeated tapping of Left Shift to W so C.J. can catch him and kill
C.J. gets Respect.
IV.17 "Wrong Side of the Tracks" Big Smoke
Tenpenny and Pulaski leave Big Smoke's place again. Big Smoke says Three Deep
gave him a good lead and has C.J. use Big Smoke's Glendale to drive him to Unity
Station. There, he tells C.J. he's looking for a meeting between some San Fier-
ro Rifa and some Vagos, who are making a deal. When Big Smoke sees the Vagos,
without the Rifa, standing on a ledge over a train tunnel, he tells C.J. the
Vagos "clocked us": beat them there...
...and the Vagos jump on a moving passenger train to make a getaway.
The game wants you to have C.J. take Big Smoke on a Sanchez to speed along the
locomotive so Big Smoke can shoot them with a Tec9. The BradyGames guide and
most others say to stay just to the right of the track to the right of the
train, avoiding the car the train hits, the oncoming train, and taking the high
road by the track when Big Smoke says to.
I've had good luck lately, like reader Sean Dugan, by keeping the bike along
the outside rail to the right of each Vago, back to front, till they fall. (I
wonder if something about having my computer upgraded recently helps this come
off more smoothly.)
If Big Smoke doesn't finish them off before the Red County blockade, he com-
plains about C.J.'s driving; I'm not partial to that.
Rusk has a particularly cool method of having C.J. speed ahead without Big
Smoke to the top of the 24 Hour Motel, jump on the train, and shoot the Vagos
himself with an M4. I like that.
Have C.J. armed with lots of ammo and speed off, without Big Smoke, on the
left side of the track, around the left turn, across the street, up the little
concrete ramp and siding on the left, over the bridge siding, and over the con-
crete siding and ramp to the roof of the 24 Hour Motel.
Have him jump onto the train car behind the Vagos. (I don't add W for this
jump because it might make C.J. tumble off the far side of the train. I have
him jump from about one to one and a half feet back from the edge of the roof.)
Have him move right up on them because these Vagos take a lot to take out and
time is limited by the overpass which will knock C.J. from the train; the game
won't let him crouch under it, nevermind the Vagos being able to stand and go
through it.
(I once succeeded by having C.J. get into the glitchy area between the engine
and the following car, so C.J. managed to pass through the overpass like a Vago.
Unfortunately, he might also react to the glitchy area by going into a strange
suspended jumping routine, during which he can't fire a weapon, till he jumps
off the side of the train.)
Have C.J. fortify the steel of these Vagos with ammo aplenty, moving right up
on the next one when the preceding one goes down.
If you really want to speed this up for the PC version, you can use the "Tog-
gle One Hit Kill" function of The GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) with the
patched or unpatched game. It lets C.J. kill with one bullet per target. Com-
bine that with an M4, SMG, or a Shotgun.
See X.11 to see how to change data\weapon.dat to make Big Smoke's weapon, the
Tec9, as powerful as a Minigun, if where Big Smoke handles it you'd like to see
Big fire.
Orion_SR gets my thanks for recommending a few strategies you might use any-
- the train goes faster when C.J. is near it (like a Vigilante target's vehi-
cle). If C.J. lags just a bit behind it, it may help to have him stop for a
second or two, let the train slow down, then speed to the targets.
- once Big Smoke picks a target, he keeps shooting at it till it's down unless
C.J. drives far enough away from the targets and back that Big Smoke picks an-
other one.
- don't waste shots on the Vago in the back of the four--he falls off the
train at the first turn. Don't waste time on Vagos hanging from the train, ei-
ther, since they don't take damage.
I also enjoyed and recommend Orion_SR's creative videos: "Very Wrong Side of
the Tracks" (featuring "Folsom Prison Blues" by the Carpet Munchers) with fan-
cier jumps, and "Wrong Foot," which has the jumps you're more likely to try. He
shows about half a dozen places where he had C.J. drive the Sanchez, with Big
Smoke on it, onto the train to do a forward drive-by on the Vagos. Besides
driving or using the Minigun from the motel roof mentioned before, he shows you
can have the Sanchez jump from steps onto the train, have C.J. jump from the
roof of the Glendale on the tracks the moment before impact to land on the
train, drop down from the near or far side of the first tunnel (he has to shoot
the Vagos before the overpass knocks him off) or overpass, drive from the dirt
path above either side of the tracks, or drop from either end of the second tun-
nel to land on the train.
Of those methods, one of the easiest ways you can pass this mission is to have
C.J. get on foot to jump from the far side of the overpass onto the train.
GTA_Phreak has another easy method--have C.J. take the road to the intersec-
tion where the Glendale appears over the track. (The Glendale doesn't appear
when C.J. 1st gets there by this method, though. Have C.J. go N from the lot,
take the 1st right E to the curve near a wall, and get on the intersection of
the track and the road that goes E beyond the end of the wall.) Don't have him
take the track to get there--once C.J. gets close to the train, the game won't
let him get very far from the train without failing the mission. Have him use
the Sniper Rifle, zoom fully to the S, and snipe the driver of the train to make
it stop, then have C.J. shoot the Vagos. (I'll just add that C.J. should shoot
without getting close to the train or it will start moving again.)
This was reported soon after the game came out: if you get too far ahead of
the train, you fail the mission but you can see the SMGs, carried by Vago
ghosts, go by on the train. I had C.J. jump from the far side of the overpass
to get them, anyway.
When the gangsters are Vago memories of the past (sorry), have C.J. get back
to the Sanchez to pick up Big Smoke and take him home where he can just complain
that he doesn't have enough food.
C.J. gets Respect.
IV.18 "Just Business" Big Smoke
Big Smoke has C.J. drive him to the Atrium to kill some Russians, one of whom
killed a cousin of his (but remember, he says everyone is his cousin). The Rus-
sians are dressed in black and fire at them. Have C.J. help Big Smoke fire at
them and get them before Big Smoke's Health is gone. I had C.J. move in a
crouch and do side rolls with an M4. The Russians leave behind SMGs C.J. can
use if you don't want him to use the Micro-SMG provided, and there's Armor near-
Then C.J. is driven on a BF-400 by Big Smoke. Have C.J., in the 1st person
view, shoot at the shooting pursuers, who use BF-400's and Sultans. (It's like
the 2nd half of "Supply and Demand" in "Vice City" but with a bigger production,
which is exciting). Each motorcycle has a driver and a shooter, so C.J. can
either take out the shooter or disable him by taking out the driver, which makes
the bike flip out. If C.J. can't take out the driver of a car, at least have
him set the shooter's Sultan on fire so it will blow up. There are a couple of
blockades, each made of three cars, that appear at a corner at one point; if
C.J. can blow up the middle car of a set of three, as by hitting the gas tank
cap, it takes out all three. C.J. can't take out the big Packer (hey, you
kids--settle down), so don't waste time having him shoot at it.
When Big Smoke instructs, have C.J. shoot ahead to remove the grate from the
drainage ditch tunnel. He can shoot the two shooters in front of it 1st since
the grate can be shot off in an instant. Time it so when C.J. fires back at the
explosive barrels, it helps take out the remaining motorcycles.
C.J. gets Respect. If you used the Micro-SMG provided, it just has 80 rounds.
I'd have C.J. go to Ammu-Nation for a lot of either SMG ammo or ammo for a modi-
fied Tec9.
The OG Loc missions
IV.19 "Life's a Beach" OG Loc
This mission is available by the Marina Burger Shot, which is by the Verona
Beach save house, from 22:00 to 6:00. OG Loc wants C.J. to steal a sound system
for him.
Have C.J. go to the beach party, talk favorably (press "Y" for "Yes") to the
lady at the sound system, which is in the open back of a van, then play the
dance game with her (press one of the directional arrows, or W,S,A, or D, as the
corresponding arrow rolls before the circle in the middle of the screen and in
rhythm to the music).
Have C.J. jack the van--the lady gets in but is thrown from it--elude some
shooting by party-goers, and park it in a garage.
All the Pony vans in the game have the same sound system in the back.
C.J. gets some Respect.
The v1.01 patch is supposed to make the dance game easier. That probably
comes up more as a concern if you want to beat your old time at a dance club as
an option, because it's not hard to pass here.
The BradyGames guide says this opens the Dancing odd jobs, but the dance game
is always available:
- in the Alhambra Club at the mid-W side of the block of "IDL" of "IDLEWOOD,"
Los Santos,
- in a club at the S end of the block that the top of the martini glass icon
overlaps N of "HASHBURY," San Fierro, and
- in a club at the NE corner of the block with "TOE" of "THE CAMEL'S TOE," Las
To get a new and more challenging dance, get a dance score over 3,500. To get
another more challenging dance, get a score over something around 6,000-6,500.
There may be a 3rd score to beat, too. (Thanks to the Stats FAQ by bamspeedy-
1298 at Gamefaqs.
IV.20 "Madd Dogg's Rhymes" OG Loc Opens C.R.A.S.H. missions
dog (also dogg) -n.- 1. a close & trusted friend.
Dog: Dog can mean a range of things, it just depends on the context in which
it’s used. As an insult… “I caught him cheating on me, he’s such a dog!” As a
term of endearment…"I love him, he's my dog." It can also mean to criticize or
annoy someone…”Quit dogging me.”
Dog: Entry 1.-Manly man. Handsome and virile. Part of the "well endowed"
species. Natural habitat in the southern US.
mad dawg
1. v. (pronounced "mad dog") To stare someone up and down from head to foot as
if to initiate a fight. "You best not be mad dawging me boy...I'll bust you
When C.J. recommends a writer for OG Loc (he hadn't lost his mind helping OG
Loc get amplified--he was just helping a friend), OG Loc wants him to steal rap-
meister Madd Dogg's rhyme book (Barnes and Noble and the public library were
closed?). C.J. goes to Madd Dogg's mansion.
C.J. has to use stealth on the guards there. I had him crouch, C, while tap-
ping W to edge him along quietly, had him pause in the shadows, and used the
mouse to have the "camera" look around corners. His icon on the radar is white
when C.J. is in the light, and is blue when he's in shadow and hard for others
to see.
The guards are shown as red icons on the radar, and point in the direction the
guards face.
Have C.J. sneak up behind each guard, armed with the Knife provided, target
them with the RMB, and press the LMB for C.J. to treat their neck like something
unfortunate at Perdue Farms. Once C.J. has the rhyme book, have him get out the
same way except using the Silenced 9mm Pistol he can take from fallen guards.
One man, sitting on a sofa playing a video game, says, "This sucks. I mean,
how could Refractions mess up so bad? Tanner, you suck a**!" "Vice City" fans
might remember that the "Autocide" assassination mission featured six targets
with names like those of characters in other video games. One of the names was
Dick Tanner, which referred to the Tanner of "Driv3r," 2004, which was designed
by Reflections Interactive. Tanner in "Driv3r" is voice acted by Michael Mad-
sen, who provides the voice of Toni Cipriani in GTA's "III," 2001.
(This can't be too hard. The 1st time I tried it, C.J. alarmed a guard who
yelled by the pool--fortunately, a forward slash by C.J. had them fall in the
pool; C.J. alerted three guys on the way out, so I hurried up and had him use
the double Sawnoff Shotguns, I think, on them--he still got out with half his
Health. The 2nd time I tried it, C.J. got all the targets with stealth.)
Have C.J. use the BMX bicycle outside and get the book to OG Loc.
C.J. gets some Respect. The game recommends that C.J. use the stealth skills
used in this mission to avoid the police and gang members. Tenpenny calls and
wants C.J. to meet him at the donut place in Market, where a "C" with a red,
white, and blue stripe in the opening--the C.R.A.S.H. icon--appears. The
C.R.A.S.H. missions are available.
IV.21 "Management Issues" OG Loc
OG Loc has this mission for C.J. from 12:00 to 17:00.
OG Loc tells C.J. that Madd Dogg's manager Scipio is trying to drive OG out of
the music industry by telling everybody that OG is whack (nuts or horrible) (as
about anyone with decent perception has noticed about OG). As C.J. drives off
to take care of it, OG Loc calls: the manager's limo driver is going to pick up
the manager.
If you have C.J. bump the limo with his vehicle, just give it a little bump.
Thanks to spaceeinstein for telling me the manager's car is an Elegant and that
"It's a whole lot better to just park your car in front of the manager and jack
him. The car won't be damaged that way."
Have C.J. kill the driver who gets out of it (the 1st time I did this mission,
the traffic stirred up by a policeman's shot killed the driver for C.J.), jack
the limo, take it to a Pay 'n' Spray if needed--the limo must not be damaged,
and park it between two limos, parked in the same direction they face. C.J. has
to stay between the two limos as they go to park in front of the music awards
show building.
The manager--the Will Smith look-a-little-alike, gets into the limo. Have
C.J. drive fast, shaking his pursuers, S to the Verona Beach pier and bail just
before the end of it. (Have C.J. destroy the pursuers if they show up; whenever
I've done this mission, I didn't see them.)
C.J. gets some Respect.
The "Management Issues" way to make a copy of C.J.
including his clothes, haircut, etc. (Thanks to GTA Smart Dude at GTA Forums
for a gimmick I like very much):
Have C.J. follow the black Elegant OG Loc calls him about without bumping it
at all--bumping it makes the usual driver get out. The usual driver looks like
This gimmick doesn't always work because the black Elegant may not drive to
the space between the other two Elegants in the time limit, and that way of
failing the mission doesn't let you try the gimmick. But if the black Elegant
gets between the other two in time yet C.J. doesn't bump it to get the driver
out, C.J. fails the mission the way you want for this to work, and you see this
Then have C.J. get the driver out of the middle black Elegant. The driver
looks just like C.J., although my C.J. copy was a little bigger just as the reg-
ular driver is a little bigger. GTA Smart Dude suggests making a recruit of
him. I recommend using the "recruit anyone" code that gives the recruit a 9mm
Pistol--SJMAHPE on PC--for that. When I did it, the C.J. copy ran away very
fast and I didn't think C.J. could catch him--fortunately, the copy slowed to a
walk after a few blocks.
IV.22 "House Party" OG Loc
OG Loc quits his job at the Burger Shot; it's a parole violation, so he throws
a party to give his rap routine a last chance to be heard before a possible jail
sentence. C.J. agrees to go there after OG Loc says his microphone is broken.
Send C.J. to the party across the street from the Johnson house from 20:00 to
6:00 (with new clothes and a haircut if C.J. needs the upgrade). But when he
gets there, the mike's been fixed, so he steps outside to find and Sweet and
Ryder have been driven outside by OG Loc's enthusiastic but untalented act, too.
Sweet organizes a defense against a Balla attack--a blockade of cars is formed
in the street. Using the radar to help locate targets, have C.J. help attack
eight Ballas in the street (1st wave), snipe four on the overpass (2nd wave),
then shoot twelve that approach from various directions (3rd wave).
C.J. gets Respect.
The C.R.A.S.H. missions
IV.23 "Burning Desire" C.R.A.S.H.
Have the Fire truck mission done so C.J. has the fireproof feature.
Have C.J. go to the donut store (the C icon) and meet Tenpenny, Pulaski, and
Hernandez. Tenpenny wants C.J. to kill a Vago--"a drug-dealing, cop-killing
bi**h--just like you"--who doesn't like the corrupt officers. It sounds like
C.J. is being ordered to kill someone just like C.J.--someone being manipulated
by Tenpenny the same way.
The game tells you to have C.J. get some Molotovs, go to the Vago's house, and
throw them through the five windows indicated. Have C.J. throw them at any
Vagos around, too. The longer you hold the LMB before releasing it, the farther
C.J. throws. There are Molotovs nearby if you run out. This is one act that
will never play Vagos again (sorry).
A woman cries for help from a 2nd floor window. Have C.J. go in the front
door, up the stairs in the back, and down the hall to the last door on the left.
She's afraid to leave, so have C.J. go downstairs to the kitchen, get the Fire
Extinguisher, go back to her room, and shoot the Extinguisher at the base of the
flames. Have C.J. go to her.
Some of the house caves in and blocks the hall. Check occasionally to make
sure she follows while C.J. puts out the fires in the room across the hall, goes
out the other end of the room (past the blocked part of the hall) to put out
fires by the stairs, puts them out in the kitchen, etc., and goes out the front
door. Then have C.J. drive her home. She tells him to call.
The game says she's his girlfriend--"Keep her happy and she'll love you."
(It's a good thing he didn't say she was as dumb as a horse in a burning barn
for not hanging from the sill and dropping to the ground.) She's Denise Robin-
son, and her place is indicated with the Girlfriend icon--a heart (awwr!). See
XI.b Girlfriends.
Having C.J. use Molotovs in the mission can reduce his Molotov supply, so I'd
have him stock up on Molotovs.
Sweet calls: a Grove Street gang member has been buying crack from the Ballas
and selling it to Grove Street Family gang members. He's hiding out in Glen
Park, so Sweet wants C.J. to attack the gang there and drive him out. This
Sweet mission is available at the Downtown Ammu-Nation.
IV.24 "Gray Imports" C.R.A.S.H.
Gray imports are ones made legally but without the agreement of the manufac-
You recruit a couple of gang members for this (III.15). They don't help for
the way I do this, though--they just get in the road.
Tenpenny doesn't want any one gang getting too powerful for him to control.
He heard the Ballas are getting strong weapons from Russian arms dealers, so
sends C.J. to an Ocean Docks warehouse.
Have C.J. go through the blue warehouse on the left, use the M4 on guards and
the explosive barrels carried by Forklifts, get the Armor by the other warehouse
door if he needs it, and shoot the lock to open the door. I've used the M4 or
Molotovs for C.J. to get the three men revealed when the door opened and for any
guards encountered on the way through the warehouse. You can have him shoot a
pallet that's suspended near the ceiling to have it fall on one. Clear out all
the Russian guards till all that's left to handle are the two Ballas and the
Russian arms dealer in the room at the top of the stairs.
If C.J. enters the room, the Russian tries to run to a Banshee to make a geta-
way. Have C.J. shoot the two Ballas from outside the room. (Thank you, Brady-
Games guide.)
The 1st time I tried this mission, the Russian, the guy in black, got in the
near right corner. I'm not sure if C.J.'s bullets had any effect on what might
have been a sliver of the guy I saw from outside the door. C.J. was out of Mo-
lotovs--the ability of Molotovs to burn through walls might have come in handy.
I had C.J. get a safe distance from the outside wall of the corner and send
rockets through the door then at the wall. When C.J. went where he could see
through the door again, the Russian had moved (vibrated?) from the corner to
stand in the middle of the room...briefly.
The 1st time I tried this mission, in a hurry to get through the missions to
get a walk-through out for a big game that had been recently released for PC, I
wondered if someone could figure out a way to take the Russian's car to 8 Ball's
1st and get the guy like Chunky Lee Chong in "III" or such. That someone, un-
surprisingly, turned out to be Rusk, and his method works for PC. With that
strategy, after C.J. kills the two Ballas, have him run in and out of the room
to trigger the reaction by the Russian. Then have C.J. run out through the door
he came in, and the Russian's Banshee will be just beyond it. Have C.J. drive
it forward to the end of the lot, do a 180 degree turn, and run down the Rus-
sian, who comes running from around the far side of the building.
Reader Chen Dong has my thanks for coming up with what might be the fastest
reliable way to get the Russian arms dealer, provided C.J. has a Knife. Have
C.J. chase him and do his fight moves on him, armed with a Knife. Have C.J.
knock him down and gut him like a pig. If the Russian gets up, have C.J. do it
again, etc. (Chen Dong told me his method is good for "Los Sepulcros," too, and
it is.)
I've also done this mission with C.J. able to fire through the door at enough
of the side of the Russian arms dealer to kill him.
The Sweet missions continued
IV.25 "Doberman" Sweet Johnson
A Doberman is often used for what it was originally bred to be--a guard dog.
Since I think the name Fort Baxter was chosen for "Vice City" due to the place
of the same name in the 1955-59 TV series "The Phil Silvers Show," known in syn-
dication as "Sergeant Bilko," starring Phil Silvers, it may be related that one
popular character of the show was Pvt. Doberman. It's enjoyed popularity in the
U.K. like "I Love Lucy" or "The Honeymooners" in the U.S.
Sweet calls, following up on the previous call, to send C.J., alone, to Ammu-
Nation, then to take over Balla territory and drive out the ex-Grove Street guy
there. Send C.J. to the "S" icon at the Downtown Ammu-Nation to pick up "Dober-
man"--C.J. learns that Glen Park is the Balla territory to attack. Stock up on
whatever upgrades C.J.'s arsenal.
C.J. learns about turf wars.
Have C.J., on foot, kill some Ballas to provoke a gang war, which is comprised
of three waves of attackers. If C.J. shoots a policeman, he gets one star.
(I'd avoid that, but there's a bribe in the N tunnel of the two that go through
the stone bridge if it happens.) The other pedestrians and traffic disappear
and Heart and Armor pickups appear.
On the radar and in-game map:
The attackers, Ballas this time, are seen as red blips.
Another gang's territory is covered in translucent purple.
A territory under attack has a Families icon--a little person--and the terri-
tory flashes translucent red.
A Grove Street Families territory is covered in translucent green.
A territory can be owned by C.J. but jointly with one or more other gangs if
C.J. didn't finish a gang war or ignored a call to go to a gang war. Such a
territory is pale gray-green until C.J. does a full takeover for it.
For the next link, Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the 1st in the Address bar.
A GSF territory will have GSF gang members that C.J. can recruit.
C.J. can get the money from a takeover from the gold dollar symbol in front of
the Johnson house.
A fenced-in yard with a gate, or whatever such situation that provides protec-
tion for C.J. and forces the attackers to enter one at a time, makes the attack-
ers easier for C.J. to handle. A rooftop can be a good vantage spot, too. (But
the 1st time I tried it, I just had C.J. use an M4 in the park, and it wasn't
hard to do.)
C.J., having drawn out the gang member gone bad, has to kill him. (The game
calls him a "grass," which is someone who alerts the authorities about crime,
which is a good thing, actually, and he calls out "Tenpenny set me up," which
is ironic, so it's a little confusing when you want C.J. to be a hero. The eas-
iest way is to remember Sweet said the guy is really a crack dealer, and crimi-
nals are liars. Then again, all these guys are committing crimes, so...let's
skip past this part.)
C.J. gets Respect and however much money shows up at the dollar symbol in
front of the Johnson house.
This unlocks the ability to take territories from gangs. But C.J. will lose
any he gains, if not the Respect made while doing it, in Los Santos in the
events after "The Green Sabre," so it's not an immediate concern.
But have C.J. defend his territory when it comes under attack. There's just
one wave to handle when that happens, and a Molotov or two usually does the
trick. If, like me, you already had C.J. do the Fire truck mission to get the
Fireproof ability, you don't have to worry about him losing Health if he runs
through the flames.
Ammu-Nations, shown as pistol icons on the radar and in-game map, and two of
the four Ammu-Nation Challenges, found in some Ammu-Nations, are available. But
since you need to do all four challenges in a row to complete the mission, you
can just practice the 1st two for now.
Body Armor $200, 9mm Pistol $200, Grenades $300, Silenced 9mm Pistol $600,
Tec9 $300, Shotgun $600, Sawnoff Shotgun $800, Micro SMG $500, and SMG $2,000,
are at Ammu-Nation.
IV.26 "Los Sepulcros" Sweet Johnson
Sweet wants the Ballas to be attacked at a funeral for a Balla called Little
Weasel, whom C.J. and Big Smoke killed.
C.J. learns about recruiting gang members (and you learn about it again, if
you've followed this walk-through). Target a prospect with the RMB so an arrow
(green, if they're in good health) points down at them, and press G. Draw re-
cruits near with G and have them wait in place with H. Holding G or H, or going
far away, will disband the group.
After making a couple of recruits, C.J. drives them and Sweet to the funeral
at the graveyard in Los Sepulcros (Spanish for "The Tombs"). Kane is considered
to be Balla "front yard" (a euphemism for hair around a pu**y--Urban Dictionary)
"royalty," and he'll try to make a getaway if there's trouble. Once there, have
C.J. jump the wall to join the others, then go after Kane, killing the other
Ballas as needed to stay alive to kill Kane before Kane makes it a vehicle
chase. Kane is wearing Armor, so have C.J. move in with something strong.
Reader Chen Dong's method returns from "Gray Imports" to work more melee magic
here: have C.J. chase Kane and use his Knife and fight moves on him, knock him
down, and give him a belly ache.
Have C.J. drive the Grove Street guys back to Sweet's place.
C.J. gets Respect.
Thanks to the Gamefaqs "Special Vehicle FAQ" by Thashoka89, Blane and Section
408 for the information about the return from "Vice City" of the "EP" Admiral:
After the game explains how to have C.J.'s gang members draw near to him,
etc., and Sweet tells C.J. to kill Kane, have C.J. kill Sweet with Molotovs or a
Flamethrower. The Admiral is locked--Sweet normally waits in it for C.J.. C.J.
can push the Admiral S to a garage by the beach.
As an alternative available on PC, you can use the data\handling.cfg changes
explained at X.10 Cars and Bikes, notably X.10.b, then get The GTA SA Control
Center, X.13.c, and make your favorite vehicles whatever-proof.
The last of the 1st batch of Los Santos missions
IV.27 "Reuniting the Families" Sweet Johnson
During the mission, there are a couple of opportunities for C.J. to leave the
Jefferson Motel and explore San Andreas without a wanted level. (Thanks again
to Rusk for the tip.)
The "Reuniting the Families" mission, part 1
Sweet wants his Grove Street gang to meet with the other GSF leaders at the
Jefferson Motel. Have C.J. drive them there.
On the way, Ryder picks on C.J. again, and Big Smoke tells him to "cool it."
Ryder says he's as "cool as a Shaolin monk." Shaolin temples are an order of
Chinese Buddhist monasteries famed for association with Japanese Buddhism and
martial arts.
Once there, Sweet goes inside alone--one representative per family can attend.
The LSPD moves in with police cars and S.W.A.T. agents rappelling from helicop-
ters, and get into a shoot out with the gang members. Big Smoke and Ryder
leave while C.J. stays to help Sweet.
The "Reuniting the Families" glitch I don't use
C.J. can leave after the cut scene and go all over San Andreas without a
wanted rating before returning to the mission, as Rusk notes and as reader Carl
Johnson told me in a helpful letter. It's up to you, but I don't save the game
after C.J. gets killed, and I can just imagine how I'd feel if that happened
during the upcoming fight in the Jefferson Motel after a long search through Las
Venturas. So I get C.J. through the upcoming battle then use the later oppor-
tunity to use an exploration glitch.
C.J. is given a Shotgun by the game, but I'd move him into the door nearby and
have him switch to something powerful with a steady burst, like an M4 or SMG, or
switch to Molotovs, which are good for getting around corners.
Have C.J. shoot the attacking S.W.A.T. agents on his way up through the motel
to Sweet. The S.W.A.T. agents may appear on upper balconies, come through a
skylight, bound out of rooms up ahead, etc. When C.J. gets to the sign on the
wall that says the next hall has "Rooms 5-8," have C.J. go down that hall,
around the corner, down the hall to the 2nd room on the right, and into the
room, where Sweet is waiting.
In a couple of places a prostitute runs into a room on the left. You're sup-
posed to be able to have C.J. fill his Health bar by kissing her. But when I
had C.J. let her kiss him, she was thankful, yet it made his Health lower each
time. Rusk says the kiss raises or lowers C.J.'s Health to the maximum it
would have if he hadn't completed the Paramedic mission. I think the Jefferson
prostitutes aren't going to their social disease checkups; I hope he didn't pay
for that. If C.J.'s done the Paramedic mission and his Health is somewhere be-
tween 2/3rds and full, C.J. won't be shot at if he goes back through the areas
he's cleared to raise his Health with the Sprunk machine in the lobby.
Once he joins Sweet, they go to the roof, where a helicopter makes repeated
passes with four S.W.A.T. agents standing on the landing rails or dangling from
ropes while Sweet fires at them (probably not actual S.W.A.T. MO).
The rest of the proper mission is continued after the next section.
The "Reuniting the Families" glitch I use
The game always makes this happen at night when the glare of the helicopter
light may make this hard to do, but have C.J. shoot the S.W.A.T. agents without
destroying the helicopter. Have C.J. try different spots to shoot from and use
the RMB targeting to make green arrows point down at the S.W.A.T. agents if need
be. Then have him leave Sweet alone to shoot down the helicopter. Whenever
I've tried this, Sweet shoots it down after C.J. leaves the roof, then Sweet
waits patiently for his brother.
C.J. can go anywhere without a wanted rating. The traffic and pedestrians,
except for fast food workers (Rusk adds bouncers in casinos and police in police
stations), don't appear, but parked vehicles do. When I 1st tried this glitch,
I heard the helicopter blow up when C.J. was about a block away; throughout
C.J.'s adventure away from the mission, the screen said Sweet's Health was full
and that C.J. ought to go to him.
If you did any of the things I suggested for the similar glitch during "Drive-
By" (IV.7), you might use this opportunity to have CJ. get the rest of the Snap-
shots (V.1.a) or the Horseshoes (VII.8). You could collect ammo for the next
mission (the Minigun makes it pretty easy), but C.J. loses his weapons after
When you've done all that, get full Health and Armor for C.J. and send him
back to Sweet to finish the mission.
The "Reuniting the Families" mission, part 2 and closing
Have C.J. shoot down the helicopter if it's still there (it wasn't whenever
I've tried this).
Sweet is still on the roof and showing all the patience of an even-tempered
leader. Have C.J. follow him downstairs, where they get into the car with Big
Smoke, who drives, and Ryder.
C.J. is given a 1st person view and an AK-47. Have him shoot pursuing shoot-
ers and their Police cars and motorcycles, taking heed of where Sweet says to
look. (This chase is the one part of the game where a car wash is filled with a
pale blue mist. When Big Smoke drives them through it, C.J. complains he gets
soap in his eyes.) I don't want to give it all away. When the "K" jams, you
can watch the cut scene.
C.J. gets Respect.
IV.28 "The Green Sabre" Sweet Johnson
Sweet is proud of C.J. and wants him to join the GSF gang in hitting the
Ballas under the Mulholland Intersection. But Cesar persuades C.J. to meet him
1st. Have C.J. get there fast then transfer to Cesar's car.
Cesar, going on tips he knew would be important to C.J., has C.J. watch in
secret with him as two Ballas, Big Smoke and Ryder, Pulaski driving the green
Sabre used for the drive-by that killed C.J.'s Mom, and Tenpenny come out of a
building. (Thanks to Hameyadea for reminding me about Pulaski.)
C.J. thanks Cesar, and realizes that Sweet is going to an ambush. He has
Cesar put Kendl in safe place. Have C.J. get back to his car and speed to
Sweet--in the lot under the Mulholland Intersection--where he finds a shoot out
going on, and that Sweet has been shot. C.J. tells him about Big Smoke's du-
plicity, etc. Sweet wants C.J. to leave before the police arrive, but C.J.
wants to fight off the Ballas until they do.
Have C.J. get the several cars of Ballas that attack as with a turf war. The
Minigun could come in handy here; otherwise, I'd have C.J. move in a crouch and
do side rolls with the M4. Then C.J. surrenders to the police.
The screen is dark as C.J. awakens with a hood over his head and says it's
hard to breathe. A police man pulls it off--it's Tenpenny, who's with Pulaski
and Hernandez. Tenpenny says Sweet is alive but in a prison hospital awaiting
trial. Pulaski says Big Smoke does what he's told and C.J. better stay away
from him.
Tenpenny says an ex-partner of theirs has been caught at something, will talk
to Internal Affairs, and is hiding at Mount Chiliad. C.J. gets a Camera (with
unlimited film) and is told to destroy any evidence that person might have
(against Tenpenny, etc.) and to bring them evidence that C.J. did it (a photo of
the ex-partner after C.J. kills him) or Sweet will be in prison in the Ballas
Save the game in S Angel Pine for free at the floppy disk that's by the red
shaft of light, used to start "Badlands" (C.R.A.S.H.), in the trailer park.
C.J. gets Respect.
Save the Camera, which has unlimited film, for both V.1.a, taking 50 Snap-
shots, and VI.1, the C.R.A.S.H. mission "Badlands."
C.J. is in Angel Pine with no weapons
Any territories taken over in Los Santos are lost
(C.J.'s Respect doesn't diminish, though)
The Badlands and San Fierro are officially open
The Badlands and Red County save houses are now
V The Badlands and San Fierro Preliminaries
V.1.a Snapshots 50
Have C.J. use the Camera given to him in IV.28 for Snapshots--it has an unlim-
ited amount of film.
The targets for Snapshots are shaped like round thin pillows, are blue with
pink-violet shading on the front edges, and have a white movie camera symbol in
the middle. These revolving targets can be seen in San Fierro, if C.J. uses the
Camera viewfinder (press the RMB and Zoom with Z and X or the Mouse Wheel), 24
hours a day. Without C.J. using the Camera, you can see a throbbing white glow
in the place of each target instead from midnight to 5 am if C.J. is about a
third of a block away from one or closer.
Have C.J. take a picture (press the LMB) of each one to get credit for it. He
can even take a picture of one from a bit farther away from one to be able to
see the glow or see the Snapshot target in the viewfinder. A few cases for
which this is an advantage include:
- one by the middle of the top of the N support column for the Gant Bridge,
- one C.J. can move a few steps E of the previous shooting location and aim E
to get--it's near the top of the mast of the ship,
- and the one on top of the 2nd silo from the N of the five big silos of Fos-
ter Valley--shoot that from up on a nearby hill.
A good map for the locations of Snapshot targets is:
See III.1 for more maps.
The fastest way to find them is to use one of the teleportation devices at
X.13.a, b, or c, but they're easy to get otherwise if you'd rather have C.J. ex-
plore and take in the sights.
You might combine that with Demarest's Pillager, X.13.gg, which puts markers
of all the Tags, Oysters, Snapshots, and Horseshoes left to find in the category
you've chosen on your radar. While you look for Snapshot targets, it also puts
a green marker above each one you haven't taken a picture of yet to make them
easier to find. It works with v.1 or 2 of the game.
(If you use the BradyGames guide for Xbox and PC, pp.133-135, remember that 14
is at the Garver Bridge support, not the Kinkaid Bridge support given on p.134.)
Orion_SR, of the variety of solutions for "Wrong Side of the Tracks," shows
how you can shoot Snapshots through buildings (which I hadn't heard of before),
and get groups of them from on top of buildings, in "Full Zoom":
Juicce kindly provided a map for Orion's strategy:
If you try it during a four star wanted rating, Orion_SR recommends not risk-
ing the Hydra fire by using a helicopter to get C.J. to all four of the shooting
locations a helicopter was used to get to in the video--just use the helicopter
to get C.J. onto the hotel in Queens and possibly the hospital. And a 4x draw
distance mod makes it easier to see where to aim for the targets, but it can be
done without the mod.
After getting 50 Snapshots, the Micro SMG, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, and Grenades
are available at the Xoomer garage in Doherty, San Fierro.
V.1.b Weapon gathering
I'd scarf up that Sniper ammo at the Doherty Xoomer garage and get the Heat-
Seeking Rocket Launcher at Easter Bay Airport. I'd get the Silenced 9mm and
SMG at Ammu-Nation, the Molotovs, AK-47, and Sawnoff Shotgun at the Johnson
house, and the Brass Knuckles in the lot to the W of it.
Instead of SMG ammo, you might get a lot of Tec9 ammo (added to the ammo of
either of the other submachine guns, as Rusk noticed) at Ammu-Nation if you
beefed up the power of the Tec9 as described at X.11.
I like the M4 better than the AK-47, but until the M4 is available at Ammu-
Nations--after "Yay Ka Boom-Boom," it's only in two places: between two of a set
of three ramps at the W end of the Los Santos Airport, and in the backyard of a
house on the W side of the road W of "PALISADES." If you gather ammo for the
M4, you might try flying a Dodo back and forth to speed that up. The strip of
land S of the dock S of the Palisades M4 makes a decent landing strip.
V.2 Save houses
Palomino Creek C6 garage $35,000
NW part of Palomino Creek (Red County)
Dillimore D4 garage $40,000
NE part of Dillimore (Red County)
Blueberry D4 $10,000
on the 2nd floor in the ring of apartments in Blueberry (Red County)
Angel Pine F2 free
by the red shaft of light, used to start "Badlands" (C.R.A.S.H.), in the
trailer park in the S part of Angel Pine (Badlands)
Angel Pine F2 $20,000
in the NE section of Angel Pine (Badlands)
Whetstone E2 $100,000
in Whetstone NW of "LEAFY HOLLOW" (Badlands)
Go to and from the N side to avoid the cliffs.
V.3 Barber and Tattoo shops
The San Fierro barber has the same deals as the Marina, Los Santos barber, and
the San Fierro tattoo parlor has the same deals as the Los Santos tattoo par-
Having C.J. get a haircut can get rid of any wanted rating.
V.4 Weapons And Other Items
A good map of the weapon and item locations is at:
In addition to the weapons previously available in Los Santos and at Ammu-Na-
tions, you can find:
Brass Knuckles
- at the S end of a lot; enter it from the N, where "TON" is of "CALTON
Melee weapons:
Baseball bat:
- at home plate in the baseball field S of the "G" in "GARCIA."
- at the W end of the big dirty pink box of scrap in the Angel Pine Junkyard,
which is E of the top of Mt. Chiliad and close to where the road meets the riv-
- and in the front yard of the 3rd house S from the NW corner of the block of
Golf Club
- in the open garage of the little house on the N side of the NW side of the
W block of downtown Angel Pine,
- at the NE side of the front porch of Avispa Country Club, and some golfers
carry one.
Night stick:
- on the N ramp of the two used to get up to the elevated walk over the street
at the SW corner of the big block E of "AVISPA COUNTRY CLUB," and some policemen
have one.
Pool Cue:
- under the fallen 2nd floor of the building wreckage at the mid-W side of the
brown block N of "DOHERTY," and in a pool room.
- at the bottom of a public stairway; enter it at the S end of the block N of
- and by a Kart at the end of an alley of the block E of "CHINA TOWN"; enter
on the W side of the block and make the 1st left (C.J. can jump a motorcycle
from the nearby ramp through the 2nd floor corridor in the wall; there are five
noodle stands in another nearby alley if C.J. is hungry).
- on the wreckage of a building at the N end of the brown block N of "DOHER-
- at the NW end in the Final Build Construction area, in the 2nd block S of
the "G" in "GARCIA,"
- at the S edge of the tennis courts in the NW area of Avispa Country
Club, and
- in the shed across from Helena's front door after starting to date her (her
farm is W of the Flint Intersection).
- in a corner in the S side of a N-S alley of the block with "CIA" of "GAR-
- in the shed across from Helena's front door after starting to date her (her
farm is W of the Flint Intersection),
- and some policemen, gangsters, drug dealers, and hookers carry one; Ammu-Na-
tion clerks dual wield them.
Desert Eagle
- at Angel Pines Scrapyard, which is where the three squares are E of Mt.
Chiliad on your map, at the near left inside corner of the 2nd big shed from the
- in the back of a lot enclosed by a light gray wall at the W side of the
block that says, "CIA" of "GARCIA," about 1/3rd S from the N end,
- and at Ammu-Nations, $1,200, after "Black Project."
All three types use the same ammo, so the ammo for one is added when C.J. gets
another. (Thanks to Rusk for the info.)
If C.J. doesn't have any type of Shotgun and enters any Police car or a Rang-
er, he gets a Shotgun with five shells. If he has any type of Shotgun, doing
that adds five shells to the ammo for it.
- on a roof with a top structure that's connected by big pipes to the S end of
Solarin Industries, which is a couple of blocks W of the freight liner; walk on-
to the roof at a little area at either the E or W side,
- at the Xoomer garage in Doherty after getting 50 Snapshots, it's occasional-
ly used by the police (who usually use 9mms) at four wanted stars or higher, and
it's used by the Army (with M4s) after C.J. buys Verdant Meadows (a Desert mis-
Submachine guns:
- in Battery Point E of "T" in "POINT" at the base of the NE support of the
four tall gray bridge supports at the S end of the Gant Bridge,
- and by the big tree S of the building at the NW corner of the block with
"DO" of the "DOWNTOWN" of N San Fierro,
- and at Ammu-Nations.
Micro SMG
- behind a trailer at a trailer park near the E corner of the area surrounded
by road S of downtown Angel Pine,
- in Esplanade North at a door along the NW side of a pale blue building on
the gray area that extends NE from the NE corner of San Fierro,
- at Ammu-Nations, at the Xoomer garage in Doherty after getting 50 Snapshots,
and it's used by Ballas (with 9mms) and S.W.A.T. agents.
- in a backyard with an old wooden fence behind a partly bright green house in
the middle of the W side of the block that's E of the block with "TS" of "OCEAN
- at Ammu-Nations, and it's used by FBI agents after "Farewell, My Love" (a
Badlands mission).
Assault rifles:
- at ground level behind the big landscaping decoration rocks that are on the
E side of the mall that's E of the five big silos of Foster Valley; the rocks
are E of the S end of the 2nd silo from the S.
- and at any Ammu-Nation, $3,500, after "Lure" (a San Fierro mission).
- in the backyard of a house on the W side of the road W of "PALISADES,"
- at any Ammu-Nation, $4,500, after "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom" (a San Fierro mission),
and it's used by the Army (with Shotguns) after C.J. buys Verdant Meadows (a
Desert mission).
Country Rifle
- on a mound WNW of, and across the brown line from, "BACK O' BEYOND,"
- and at Ammu-nations, $1,000, after "Body Harvest" (a Badlands mission).
Sniper Rifle
- on the roof of the building at the NE corner of the block S of "EAST" of
- in a wooden shed on the little brown square at the N end of a winding dirt
path that's W of the big brown rectangle of "The Farm" Cult Location,
- at the Xoomer garage in Doherty after getting 50 Snapshots,
- and at Ammu-Nations, $5,000, after "Pier 69" (a San Fierro mission).
Heavy weapons:
- on top of the big concrete support column at the SW end of the Kincaid (RR)
Bridge, inaccessible till the invisible barrier there is gone when the Desert
and Las Venturas become available.
Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher
If you lock onto a target, the missiles seek out the heat of vehicles. To
lock onto a target, press the RMB till the target finder symbol appears over the
target you want and turns from green to red, then press the LMB to fire. Keep
the view finder on or near the target till the missile finds it. It tends to
pick the nearest target in the direction the view finder is pointed in, so if
you want a different one, release and press the RMB again while aiming at the
one you want.
- S of the two little rectangles at the E edge of Easter Bay Airport, and NE
Flame Thrower
It's good for taking out crowds of attackers at close range when C.J. has the
fireproof feature.
- in a group of trees at the inside of the right end of the brown loop that's
- by the two cabins at the S end of a line of six cabins NW of "BEACON HILL"
and N of where the RR goes over the road,
- under the fallen 2nd floor of the building wreckage at the mid-W side of the
brown block N of "DOHERTY,"
- at the S end of the big N deck of the freight liner of S Easter Basin, and
- in the shed across from Helena's front door after starting to date her (her
farm is W of the Flint Intersection).
Thrown weapons:
Tear Gas:
- on the E side of the bottom cargo hold of the aircraft carrier at Easter Ba-
- at the Xoomer garage in Doherty after getting 50 Snapshots.
Molotov Cocktails:
- in the shed across from Helena's front door after starting to date her (her
farm is W of the Flint Intersection).
Handheld items:
Fire Extinguisher
- by the Xoomer gas station on the N side of the two main roads of the S coast
where they 1st become the closest together going SE from Angel Pine,
- and at the S end of the Xoomer station at the W side of the road W of "EAS-
Remote Explosive
- on the front porch of the house at the SE corner of the block S of "DISO"
- in a corner along the short S side of Avispa Country Club,
- and at any Ammu-Nation, $2,000, after "Body Harvest" (a Badlands mission).
See Taking Photographs (I.7.aaa).
Use the Camera to take 50 Snapshots in San Fierro.
at the NW corner of the big light blue building on the gray section that ex-
tends NE at the NE corner of San Fierro,
on the roof of the multi-story parking garage NW of the 90 degree curve in the
road N of the "TO" of the N "DOWNTOWN" of San Fierro,
at the W side of the church that's at the NE corner of the block that says,
"DO" of the N "DOWNTOWN" of San Fierro,
by the garage door S of the middle of the curvy Lombard-like street just W of
the "F" in "FINANCIAL,"
at the NW corner of the Big Pointy Building on the block E of the block with
behind Tuff Nuts Donuts, where "L" of "PALISADES" is,
in the E end of an alley of the block N of "CHINA TOWN,"
at the back of the indoor garage by the hospital; enter from the S end of the
block with "FLORA" of "SANTA FLORA,"
in the W side of the Zombotech building; enter at the NW or NE side of the
block with "DOWN" of the S "DOWNTOWN" of the two "DOWNTOWN"s of San Fierro,
on the N sidewalk of the SW end of the Garver Bridge, a bit W of due N of the
"E" in "EASTER,"
in the middle of the courtyard of City Hall,
in a lot behind the Cluckin' Bell that's at the S end of the small rectangular
block a couple blocks S of City Hall,
behind the tickets and information booth in the N end of Cranberry (RR) Sta-
tion, which is E of the S half of the brown block N of "DOHERTY,"
just past the N end of the RR track that runs parallel to the nearby freight
liner at Easter Basin,
at the S side of the Burgher Shot at the S end of the Garcia neighborhood,
on the front porch of Avispa Country Club,
at the NW corner of the parking lot at the end of a dead end road S of "MIS-
and on the lawn by the T intersection where the E-W road veers NE into the en-
trance (with a big 3D airplane) of Easter Bay Airport.
The Camera can also be taken from the photographer that appears, takes a
couple photographs, and walks into the water S of the Flint Intersection and SE
of the trailer park. You can send C.J. into the middle of the trailer park and
back to make another photographer appear and get another Camera, etc. Don't
target the photographer from in front of them with a weapon--if they raise their
hands, the Camera disappears.
Gifts for girlfriends:
by the red Trash-O dumpster by Lovin' A Loan on the SE side of the W block of
Angel Pine,
behind the 69 building at the most SE curve in the road of Flint County,
on the grassy median strip, at the SW end of the concrete median, of the Flint
in front of the gas station on a gray rectangle just N of the Flint Intersec-
among the big trees S of the N tip of the gray streak shaped like a big "C"
on the N side of the N hairpin turn of the two W of "FLINT RANGE,"
at the SW end of the destroyed section of paved road along the N side of the
onramp to the Garver Bridge,
over the N planter at the N end of the mall E of the five silos of Foster
in the E hairpin turn of the road that goes N from "HILL" of "MISSIONARY
by the green garbage dumpster at the S end of the alley of the block E of the
block with "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS,"
in a grave yard (with grave stones that have the Rockstar logo and "RIP OPPO-
SITION 1997-2004" on them) on the W side of the block with "HA" of "HASHBURY"
on it,
in front of a light beige duplex; if you look at the road that goes N from the
"S" of the big "SAN FIERRO" letters, and bends S of "PALISADES," you'll find the
duplex W of that road just before it bends,
in the E-most little fenced in back yard of the duplexes at the S side of the
block with "DES" of "PALISADES"; enter the block at the N end,
a couple curves up from the S, lower, end of the Lombard-like winding street;
just over the "F" of "FINANCIAL;
at the N side, by the soda machine, of the Xoomer gas station on the E side of
the block E of "PARADISO,"
and NE of the pond with a fountain in the middle of it at the NW section of
San Fierro.
It can be used for a melee weapon but can't be given to a girlfriend as a
inside the walls of RS Haul on the E side of the bend in the road N of the
Flint Intersection,
by a shack just NW of a windmill that's N of the "CO" of "BEACON HILL,"
outside the Victim clothes store in NE San Fierro,
at the front doors of the hospital above the "T" in "SANTA FLORA" (look care-
fully--it's light gray and the surroundings are colored similarly),
in the backyard of the 3rd house S from the NW corner of the block of "OC" of
in the SW end of the paved park with a chili vendor at the SW side of the
block with "SH" of "HASHBURY,"
and in front of the green garage door of the house at the NE corner of the
block that's E of the block with "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS."
Apparel items:
- on top Mount Chiliad,
- on top of the Big Pointy Building on the block E of the block with "AL" of
"FINANCIAL"; enter it on the S side,
- and near the top of the N tall support column of the two at the SW end of
the Garver Bridge.
Night Vision Goggles:
- at the mall that's E of the five big silos of Foster Valley after "Breaking
the Bank at Caligula's" (Las Venturas mission); the goggles are E of the middle
silo on the E-W brick walk through the middle of the ground level of the mall.
V.5 Armor and Bribes
A very good map for Armor and Police Bribes is at:
The Badlands
Body Armor
- at the top of Mt. Chiliad,
- and E of the Angel Pine hospital behind a restaurant wall.
- by the 2nd place NE of "SHADY CABIN" where the brown line--a half water-cov-
ered dirt path--crosses the little stream,
- and in an alley behind the sheriff station on the block SW of the N block of
downtown Angel Pine.
San Fierro
Body Armor
- in Ocean Flats on the block of "TS" of "FLATS," go into the S end of the al-
ley and into the 1st yard on the right,
- in Doherty, at the NW corner of Solaris ("Shady" on PS2) Industries, which
is a couple blocks W of the aircraft carrier,
- on the block S of "GAR" in "GARCIA," in an alley behind the buildings that
are on the the SW corner,
- on a pier at water level by a Dinghy just S of the "AD" of "ESPLANADE EAST,"
- W of the bend in the road formed by the two roads N of "PAL" in "PALISADES,"
by the grass at the base of a gray cliff that's E of the Reefer boat,
- between the "IP" and "LL" of "JUNIPER HILL" in a W lot of the Supa Save,
- and at Easter Bay Airport, at the E end of the green badge-like section,
along the lower street, in a corner of a lot S of the entrance to the parking
garage. the entrance to a parking garage.
- in Easter Basin on the block W of "EASTER" on the train tracks between tun-
- behind a yellow construction fence at the SE corner of the block that's E of
- in an alley S of the row of apartments that are in the middle of the N end
of the block that's N of "SANTA" of "SANTA FLORA,"
- at the W end of the narrow semi-loop of road N of "SS" in "MISSIONARY HILL,"
- in the middle of the N-S alley of the block E of "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS,"
- in an alley--enter the alley on the E side of the block S of "BURY" of
- in an alley N of "DO" of the N "DOWNTOWN" of San Fierro,
- in Foster Valley under the main road at the S end of the pretzel-like inter-
- in a tunnel; in the Avispa Country Club area, you can enter one end of the
tunnel at the end of the road shown under the "Y" of "COUNTRY,"
- and in a lot behind RS Haul, which is on the little block SE of Doherty and
W of the S end of the long airport runway.
V.6 Oysters
If you didn't polish them off during "Reuniting the Families" (IV.27), get the
three of the Badlands and San Fierro.
Since getting the two by the aircraft carrier means getting a four star wanted
level, you could use the GTA SA Control Center (see X.13.c) to send C.J. to a
safe house with a clothes closet afterward to change his clothes to get rid of
the wanted level.
But it would be easier wait a little bit to get them all, including the ones
in the Desert and Las Venturas, with the "Are You Going to San Fierro?" (VI.16)
glitch that lets you explore forbidden areas without a wanted rating.
V.7 Mount Chiliad Challenge
Have C,J. get on the bicycle on the top of Mount Chiliad from 7:00 to 18:00 to
start one of the three bicycle races.
Fast Mount Chiliad climbing
A fast way to the top is to right click the peak to make a marker on it on the
in-game map, then have C.J. run at it on the NW side of Mount Chiliad, from
about where the Whetstone Bridge is, making side tracks to avoid a couple of
cliffs he can't climb. It can be a pretty fast run to the top--faster than a
motorcycle could do it. You'd be surprised at how sheer some of the cliffs are
he can run up. He's a mighty mountain man (and must have incredibly muscular
toes, like a mighty mountain goat).
The PS2 bike morphing gimmick doesn't work on PC.
The gimmick of having C.J. stay at least ten or fifteen feet back from the
last red shaft of light before the finish line (any closer and the shaft of
light disappears), snipe the ones that crossed the finish line until C.J. is in
1st place, then cross the finish line, works on PC. I've seen it glitch so only
two of the other five appear for C.J. to snipe, though. Rusk says he sometimes
found them N of Angel Pine at the scrapyard, and C.J. might snipe them from near
the trees outside of it (if he goes in the entrance, he's disqualified).
You could modify data\handling.cfg (see X.10) to give the Mountain Bike a
lower center of gravity, better acceleration and weight, etc., and just have
C.J. bang the others out of the way.
If you're stumped anyway, the GTA Control Center (X.13.c) teleporter has the
coordinates for the markers, which might please a few of you who'd like C.J. to
get past the other poor contestants at warp speed.
V.7.a Race 1 Scotch Bonnet Yellow route It goes down a winding trail with
guard rails.
V.7.b Race 2 Birdseye Winder Yellow route It goes down a winding trail with
out so many guard rails. If C.J. goes wide on one of the several sharp turns
and falls down the cliff, the game puts him back where he fell.
V.7.c Race 3 Cobra Run It includes a section along a wooden walk, a jump,
and an off-trail section.
V.8 Hippy Shopper Courier Asset Mission (four stages)
This is like the Commerce 24/7 Courier Asset mission (III.7) except you start
it by having C.J. get on the Freeway parked by the Hippy Shopper in Queens, San
Fierro. It's on the W side of the block that's N of "HASH" of "HASHBURY."
Three loops, six packages, three minutes
Four loops, six packages, five minutes
Five loops, seven packages, five minutes
Six loops, eight packages, eight minutes
C.J. has to do drive-bys, throwing packages through red loops, and do four
runs of them in a row. C.J. can pick up dropped packages and try again, and
each package missed and abandoned takes $100 off your score. Look at the in-
game map before sending C.J. to each red loop to plan your course to it.
Press Up quickly and repeatedly, without letting C.J. stand up, to make the
motorcycle go faster. I'd just use the LMB of the mouse to have C.J. throw the
packages because using the mouse to steer makes drive-bies difficult.
The Hippy Shopper makes $2,000 a day and max.
V.9 NRG-500 Challenge
This is like the BMX Challenge except you start it by having C.J. get on an
NRG-500, and he uses it in and around the largely bowl-shaped dry dock--the big
square NW of the ship that's N of "EASTER" of "EASTER BAY AIRPORT," and there
are seven red loops he has to jump up high to get--not just one.
You start with ten seconds on the timer, and having C.J. pass through each
loop makes the loop disappear and adds ten seconds on the timer.
The PS2 gimmick of sending C.J. through a red loop just about the time the
timer runs out to make the timer disappear works for PC. It took me a few tries
to time it right. The game gives the player a chance to be a fraction of a sec-
ond late and still get ten seconds on the timer, so C.J. has to go through the
loop just a bit after that.
If you want to rough it, the BradyGames guide recommends looking for the tar-
gets on the radar and using the shadows directly below the targets to help you
aim C.J. at the targets. You can hold the RMB and turn the view with the Mouse
to help you line up your shots.
Thanks to Kevin Walter, aka savior at the stuckgamer web site, for sending me
an E-mail allowing me to to describe his strategy that lets you do this mission
There are eleven loops you can get at ground level--three are ahead and to the
right from where C.J. starts, and six are around the bottom of the dry dock. He
can get the remaining two, on the slope that goes down the NW side of the dry
dock, while getting the airborne loops.
To get one of the three loops over the SW end of the dry dock, take aim from
the bottom of the NE end. For the middle loop, have C.J. drive through the mid-
dle and veer up at it near the SE end. For each of the other two, have him
drive along the bottom of the side that's opposite to the loop till he's near
the SE end, then cross to the other side and go up through the loop.
To have C.J. get the two over the NW side, aim from right across from them on
the floor above the SE side of the dry dock. To have him get the two over the
SE side, aim from right across from them on the slope that goes down into the
bowl on the NW side. You can have him get the two remaining ground level loops
by having him drive down that slope, stop after the 2nd one, then turn to aim
across at the most NE of the two loops on the SE side.
While he's getting the airborne loops of the two paragraphs above:
When he's on the bottom of the bowl, send him to the NE end to begin a run at
one of the three loops over the SW end. When he's above the bowl, have him go
for one of the four loops over the sides.
Thanks to Kevin (noted before for his BMX Challenge prowess) for making an in-
structional video of the mission that shows these methods in action:
Orion_SR runs through the challenge in a brisk 1:06 in the video at the next
Thanks again to Orion_SR for the advice that the NRG-500 starts this mission
with 300% Health, and, as with several other mission (Paramedic, etc.) vehicles,
if C.J. has accomplished the corresponding mission it won't count toward mission
attempts if C.J. starts the mission and abandons it to take the vehicle for gen-
eral use. The 300% Health isn't diminished by using a Pay 'n' Spray but the
Health reverts to normal if C.J. stores the vehicle in a garage.
V.10 Blood Bowl (Corvin Stadium)
The Bloodring Banger C.J. gets is a modified Glendale. The competitors use a
variety of other vehicles; I didn't see any of them use the modified Oceanic
used for the other Bloodring Banger in "Vice City."
Have C.J. enter Corvin Stadium, the big rectangle with curved sides W of Eas-
ter Bay Airport, to start this mission.
This is like Bloodring in "Vice City" except with the traffic jam causers,
road rage drivers, and drive-bys C.J. runs into out on the San Andreas streets.
You start with 30 seconds; if any car runs through the red shaft of light, that
makes it reappear elsewhere in the ring--if C.J.'s car runs through it, that
adds ten seconds to the timer. Sending C.J.'s car through a wrench pickup re-
pairs his car. It's a long drive from the S, and I don't like to save after
C.J. gets killed, which will happen sometimes with this. You might keep the
trainer running.
A Bloodring Banger (modified Glendale) will be by Corvin Stadium.
V.11 San Fierro Gym
If you've been keeping C.J. strong like I have, he's been past the buff stage
for a good while now, so he can beat the trainer in a fight at Cobra Marital
Arts to get martial arts moves and do an impression of "Oni": "Hee-YAH." C.J.
just has to get the trainer to move off the mat to win. The trainer says some
funny things (repeated later by Snakehead during "The Da Nang Thang") during the
fight, so you might want to drag it out a bit to listen to them.
- Running attack (jump to left kick): while C.J. trots or runs at the intend-
ed victim, lock onto them with the RMB, and press F or Enter.
- Ground attack (right kick a standing opponent; stomp on a downed opponent):
lock onto the opponent with the RMB and press F or Enter.
- Combo attack (three different kicks): lock onto the opponent with the RMB
and press F or Enter repeatedly.
The "lock on" phrase is from the game. C.J. can do these moves without a tar-
get, and when there is one, pressing the RMB just makes an arrow point down to
their head that indicates their health--it doesn't keep C.J.'s punches aimed at
them in the Keyboard and Mouse configuration I use. If you want to see how it
works with targeting, use the Joypad option instead. You don't need to use a
Joypad to try it out, but you can't use Steer with Mouse for it.
Also, holding the RMB and pressing Spacebar has C.J. use a more martial arts-
looking block now, like he's ready to use a karate chop.
C.J. will use the fighting style of the last trainer he beat, so you can
change it to an earlier or later style if you want to.
V.12 Beat the Cock Not needed for 100% completion
The 1st of two triathlons--swimming, bicycling, and running--is available on
Saturdays and Sundays. (Press Tab to see what day it is.) This one is from
Santa Maria Beach in Los Santos to Missionary Hill in San Fierro. One of the
eight competitors is the cashier from the Cluckin' Bell in his outfit that fea-
tures a chicken head his face shows through. The hardest thing about it is
pressing Sprint or Forward quickly and repeatedly through the whole thing.
The reward is $10,000. You don't get a record of this in your Stats.
V.13 Some non-mission vehicle locations
Trains Cranberry Station, E of the save place on the brown block N of
"DOHERTY" (see map).
Maverick above the E rectangle of the row of rectangles along the S coast
of Easter Bay Airport tarmac. It's the only flying vehicle un-
locked at Easter Bay Airport before having a Pilot's License
recognized by the game during Pilot School (VIII.6); C.J. can
take three people that follow him for rides in it.
Before C.J. gets his Pilot's license, he can get into Easter Bay Airport by
climbing onto the booth by the gate and dropping in.
Getting a Pilot's License recognized at Pilot School (VIII.6) unlocks these
Easter Bay Airport flying vehicles:
- the Leviathan and Raindance N of the two squares N of the "T" of "AIRPORT,"
- the Beagle on the N end of the W side,
- the Nevadas at the "Y" of "BAY" and most of the way W of the big circle,
- the Rustler SE of the big circle,
- and a bunch of Dodos and Shamals.
It also makes available in San Fierro:
- a Raindance and Maverick on the roof of the Santa Flora hospital,
- a Sparrow on the roof of a skyscraper at the S end of the block of "DOWN" of
the "DOWNTOWN" that's E of "CHINA TOWN,"
- and a Maverick on a helipad (used in "Toreno's Last Flight") at the NW cor-
ner of the block E of the S "DOWNTOWN" of the two DOWNTOWN"s.
Getting all gold awards in Pilot School (VIII.6) makes a Hunter appear S of
the little square S of the 2nd "A" of "EASTER BASIN."
Sanchez at the dead end of the path W of "THE FARM...." Press NP+ or 2
to start or stop releasing the dust of the Cropduster.
Cheetah in the driveway of the house at the SW corner of the block N of
the Prickle Pine save house (sometimes another car or a locked
Cheetah is there instead), and as an Import after Exporting it.
Hotknife at the Driving School after getting all gold awards (if you can't
do that, use a 100% save game, the "Save N Play" help mentioned
at I.15, or the "EVERYONEISRICH" code).
Turismo as an Import after delivering the ten vehicles of the 2nd Export
Bullet in a lot on the S side of the little thin rectangular block E of
big "J"-shaped block that's S of "DOHERTY," at the corner W of
the "H" of "CALTON HEIGHTS," at Driving School after getting
all silver awards, and as an Import after completing the Export
Uranus on the W side of the block that's E of the N side of the brown
block N of "DOHERTY," and at Wang Cars after "Zeroing In."
Super GT at Driving School after a bronze award, and as an Import after
delivering it as an Export.
Jester behind "Wheel Arch Angels" in a lot by the N-S alley of the block
N of the block with "OC" of "OCEAN FLATS."
Banshee as an Import after delivering it as an Export, and N of the gym
on the E side of the block that's the 2nd block S of "GA" of
"GARCIA" with success in Driving School, for some reason.
Infernus S and across the street from the 1st "A" of "PARADISO," and as an
Import after delivering it as an Export.
Bandito on the S side of the pier NW of City Hall, and at Helen's place W
of the Flint Intersection after C.J. has 50% success in dating
Comet by the "P" of "AVISPA COUNTRY CLUB," and as an Import after Ex-
porting it.
Blista Compact at the dot S of the E to NE curve of the road to Easter Bay
Airport, and as an Import after Exporting it.
Rancher as an Import after delivering it as an Export.
Fire Truck on the block S of the save place that's on the brown block E of
"GARCIA"; it's a little Fire Truck which, for some reason,
doesn't have a water nozzle but has a long ladder which waggles
side to side.
Monster S of the Flint Intersection, and at Michelle's place in NE San
Fierro after C.J. has 50% success in dating her.
Hotdog at the dot by the coast E of "FLINT COUNTY," and in the middle of
the 2nd block S of the "GA" of GARCIA."
NRG-500 between the two E squares on the S coast of the tarmac of Easter
Bay Airport.
Sanchez N of the "N" of "FALLEN TREE," in the SE area of the square N of
"BA" of "EASTER BAY CHEMICALS," at the end of the path W of
"'THE FARM'....," by the dot SW of the save place symbol that's
NW of "LEAFY HOLLOW," one N and one E of the SE block of Angel
Pine, one W and one S of Mt. Chiliad, and one on the block N of
the "B" of "HASHBURY."
Mountain Bike at the S side of Mt. Chiliad, at the upper left and bottom
right of the 1st "N" of "FLINT COUNTY," at the NW corner of
the block of "OC" of "OCEAN FLATS," and at the NW corner of
the side by side rectangles W of "GARVER BRIDGE."
Quadbike by the "H" of "SHADY CABIN"; most of the way E of "CABIN" to-
ward the path; further E, N of where that path crosses the
road; most of the way E on the same path toward a T intersec-
tion with another path; at the S end of the brown lake N of
"BACK O' BEYOND"; and at the path at the SE side of Mt. Chil-
iad SW of the hairpin turn.
Roadtrain at the NE rectangle SW of the ship that's E of "DOHERTY."
Trailer to hitch to a truck cab: in the brown area N of the "AN" of
"ANGEL PINE," W of the little rectangular block that's E
of the big "J"-shaped block S of "DOHERTY," another is N
of that trailer and E of "DOHERTY," and another is near
the coast E of that trailer.
Oil tank trailer to hitch to a truck cab: on the E side of the road that
goes SW from downtown Angel Pine, two are in the NW sec-
tion of the rectangle of "TRE" of "FALLEN TREE," and one
is at a gas station across the street W of "EASTER BA-
Beat up Glendale one is a bit W of "BACK O' BEYOND" and one is S of the "K";
a 3rd is about 2/3rds N from the road N of the "L" of
"FLINT COUNTY" and the dirt path N of that; one is near
the N end of the N-S path that runs through the 2nd "T"
of "FLINT COUNTY"; and one is by the E shed of Angel
Pines Junkyard--on the map, it's where the several small
squares are E of Mount Chiliad.
Beat up Sadler one is SW and across the stream from the intersection where
the gray road crosses the dirt path NNW of the "F" of
"FLINT COUNTY"; and another is at a small farm with a
windmill N of the "O" of "BEACON HILL."
Jetmax on the N side of the pier NW of "CITY HALL."
Squalo III on the coast between the Garver and Kinkaid bridges.
Launch in the S dock of the three in the rectangle of "BASIN" of
Speeder W of the "P" of "BATTERY POINT" and E of the N end of the
2nd tall thin rectangle S of the block with the 2nd "E"
Impounded vehicles appear at the E side of the block of "TOWN" of the "DOWN-
TOWN" that's E of "CHINA TOWN." Have C.J. enter the lot in a Police vehicle to
enter without creating a three star wanted level.
Orion_SR found that C.J.'s last two vehicles, if in certain locations during
certain missions, will be saved in an area of the nearest impound lot.
Combine Harvester after "Body Harvest" (A San Fierro mission): two are in
the square of "THE FARM....," another two are on a farm
W of the upper loop of the Flint Intersection, and
there's one on a farm W of that. It grinds people into
"Sweeny Todd" pie filling that flies out of a pipe in
the back. On PC, at least, you have to have C.J. shoot
the driver to jack it.
Hydra after "Vertical Bird" (final Los Santos missions): on the E end of the
Easter Basin aircraft carrier.
Kart after "Cut Throat Business" (final Los Santos missions): across the
street from the SW side of the S block of downtown Angel Pine, at
the NW area of the block of "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS" and the W side of
the block E of that, in an alley W of "DOHERTY," in an alley by the
China Town save place, and at the top of the windy street W of "FI-
Vortex as an Import after delivering five vehicles of the 3rd Import list,
and on the W end of the Easter Basin aircraft carrier after "Cut
Throat Business" (final Los Santos missions).
Thanks to SAM, the San Andreas Map, for some of the locations and times of ap-
pearances given above:
V.14 Make a copy of your save game
VI The main story missions of the Badlands and San Fierro
The Badlands missions
VI.1 "Badlands" C.R.A.S.H.
C.J. has to kill, and get photographic evidence he's killed, the person that
could inform on Tenpenny's group. We're shown how to use a Camera: press the
RMB to use the view finder, zoom with X and Z or the Scroll Wheel, and shoot the
picture with the LMB.
The BradyGames guide has a good tip about killing the guy from a good distance
from the cabin so he doesn't leaves it and turn this into a chase. Rusk found a
good vantage point NW of the cabin; since C.J. approaches from the S, keep him
out of view along the W side of the plateau until you can see the target with a
red glow--one of those inverted cones over the target's head, I guess--just in-
side a cabin door. After you have C.J. snipe the target's body (if C.J. shoots
the target's head, he won't be able to be identified), have C.J. snipe the four
FBI men who run, practically single file, at C.J.. Then have C.J. photograph
the target.
(This is the mission with a license plate that says "ASSMAN" as mentioned in
section I.1. The vanity plate is on a Washington by the shed the target is in.)
Cesar calls. He knows Sweet is in jail and assures C.J. that Kendl's safe.
Cesar says he's sending the C.J. help of Cesar's cousin, and wants C.J. to meet
the cousin in the diner in Dillimore.
Sweet calls from the prison hospital. C.J. says he has to make sure Kendl's
okay 1st, but he's going to help Sweet get out of jail.
VI.2 "First Date" Catalina cut scene
Cynthia Farrel makes a spirited return from "III" to create the voice of de-
manding, demented Catalina.
Send C.J. to the "?" icon at the diner in Dillimore to meet Cesar's cousin.
(I'd stop at the TV studio to get some Sniper Rifle ammo on the way.) Cesar's
cousin is Catalina from "GTA III," a very abusive nutcake that likes armed rob-
bery, murder, and being the S of S and M, yet C.J. has important concerns that
preclude introducing her to Denise. Poor C.J.--this is Cesar's help C.J. has to
rely on? She gives him four locations she wants to rob. He (and we) can pick
the order.
C.J. gets Respect.
Four "$" icons appear.
You don't see Catalina in instant replays of her scenes--she's replaced in
them by this guy:
I'd seen him around Ganton and had no idea who he was. But considering that
C.J. gets sexually involved with Catalina, and this guy's her stand-in, and it's
a game with homies, there's got to be a joke there that doesn't get you in
trouble--if you can figure it out, send it in. He might be there for the Skim-
mer Weenies, too, I don't know: "And I want him great big with sneakers."
Reader Shane Wong tells me Catalina can swim, too, if C.J. drives into the
water with her while he has his choice of places to rob.
VI.3 "Tanker Commander" Catalina
The building of the nearby Dillimore gas station can't be broken into; it has
Max Payne unbreakable glass. Catalina has C.J. hitch the Tanker truck to the
gas tank trailer (hold the RMB to change the "camera" view and back the truck
into the trailer) and drive her to someone she knows that will buy them. Try
not to jackknife the combo or the trailer will unhitch and you'll fail the mis-
The two station attendants give chase. When I 1st tried it, the pursuers
bumped into things so much, their vehicle blew up halfway there. The last time
I did it, the pursuers made it to the end of the chase. When that happens,
their car runs into the gas pumps at the station beside RS Haul and blows up,
then the two men run away.
Mr. Whittaker pays Catalina and offers C.J. work with his RS Haul company.
Catalina drives away.
Thanks to the "Special Vehicle FAQ" by Thashoka89, Blane and Section 408 for
the way to get an "Everything-Proof" Sabre in "San Andreas":
After this mission is initiated, a locked EP Sabre appears in the gas station
parking lot. Don't have C.J. connect the trailer to the Tanker. Have C.J. kill
Catalina, so the Sabre doesn't disappear, push the Sabre to the street, and use
the Tanker to push it down the street to a garage.
As an alternative available on PC, you can use the data\handling.cfg changes
explained at X.10 Cars and Bikes, notably X.10.b, then get The GTA SA Control
Center, X.13.c, and make your favorite vehicles whatever-proof.
C.J. gets $5,000.
The RS Haul trucking missions are available (the box truck icon).
The Truth calls. Due to how his friend Tenpenny characterized C.J. to him as
a friend and business partner who killed a policeman, he wants C.J. to meet him
at a motel in Angel Pine (the "TT" icon, with one bar across the top similar to
the symbol for pi).
The RS Haul Trucking Asset mission (part one)
Thanks to Spaceeinstein for telling me the name sounds like RS "hole." It's
like "R.S. and L. Bows" in VC, so I don't know why I hadn't thought of it be-
fore. Now that he made me think of it, I think the name probably comes from
"haul a**"--to "hurry up." It's a double pun because if you change "haul RS"
to "RS haul," it sounds like "a** hole."
Thanks to Spaceeinstein for the lists of possible destinations for each mis-
sion, too. With each mission attempt, the game selects a destination at random.
While C.J. drives one of the trucks, press Up to move the "camera" higher when
it can help you see ahead better.
VI.4.a 1. Timed: 2:15.
Red County, East Los Santos
Blueberry, Red County
Blueberry Acres, Red County
Dillimore, Red County
Getting to the Dillimore location on time was pretty easy. You can have C.J.
blow up the truck and restart the mission till you get it. Send C.J. N from the
lot, have him make the 1st right, 2nd right, and go into the lot on the right.
The Red County location was easy, too: send C.J. N from the lot and have him
take the 1st right to it.
C.J. gets $1000 if he's on time. Thanks to Spaceeinstein for telling me C.J.
gets $500 if he's late, $250 if he's later, and fails if he's too late.
VI.4.b 2. Fragile cargo.
Send C.J. N from the lot, have him make the 1st right, 1st right, 1st left, go
through two intersections to a T intersection, go right, and, just after the 2nd
right, go into the red marker at the side of the road in Montgomery, Red County.
C.J. gets $1,500.
VI.4.c 3. Three star wanted level.
Ocean Docks, Los Santos
Willowfield, Los Santos
El Corona, Los Santos
For the Willowfield destination, send C.J. S from the lot and have him contin-
ue to Los Santos and onto the E-W road along the S side of it. Where the road
makes a 90 degree curve E to S, have him turn left onto another E-W road. Have
him take the 2nd right to a T intersection, go left, and take the 1st left.
C.J. gets $2,000.
VI.4.d 4. Timed: 6:00.
Whetstone, SW San Andreas
Angel Pine, SW San Andreas
Have C.J. blow up the truck and restart the mission till he gets the Angel
Pine destination. Then send him S from the lot, have him turn left to loop at
the Flint Intersection and continue S, send him along the S coast making the
right forks, have him turn NW into Angel Pine, and use the radar to send him to
the red shaft of light in the street.
C.J. gets $3,000.
VI.4.e 5. Fragile cargo.
Easter Bay Airport, San Fierro
Battery Point, San Fierro
Easter Basin, San Fierro
Easter Bay Airport is the closest. Go N all the way to San Fierro and turn
left into the lot.
C.J. gets $4,000.
VI.4.f 6. Three star wanted level. The Tanker/Trailer combo has an admira-
ble ability to continue while vehicles not only go over it but under it (like
some strange way worms mate), but it could use some work in being able to stay
El Quebrados, NW San Andreas
Bayside Marina, NW San Andreas
Tierra Robada, NW San Andreas
Don't use any of those northern locations. Have C.J. blow up the truck and
restart the mission until he's assigned to drive to the same Angel Pine location
used for the 4th RS Haul mission. Have him drive on the left side of the road
so the police SUVs run into telephone poles or such 90% of the time. (A very
relieved thanks to the Gamefaqs web site walk-through by Chase "AggroSk8er" An-
(Having C.J. drive N to the Gant Bridge for mission 6 is only advised for peo-
ple who want to use themselves as examples, for the type of politicians that
made too much of the Hot Coffee controversy, that doing this mission for that
long a run has a far greater potential for causing dangerous mental illness.)
C.J. gets $5,000.
The Truth calls and C.J. can meet him for missions.
VI.5 "Body Harvest" The Truth
Tenpenny, using a bong and President Clinton-like inhales to get stoned on
herb, introduces C.J. to The Truth, voice acted by the handsome and very intel-
ligent Peter Fonda, who produced, co-wrote, and co-starred--as Wyatt--in "Easy
Rider," 1969, was nominated for an Academy Award and won a Golden Globe for
starring as Ulysses "Ulee" Jackson in "Ulee's Gold," 1997, starred as Terry Val-
entine (with Luis Guzman of "Vice City") in "The Limey," 1999, and wrote the au-
tobiography "Don't Tell Dad," 1998. He's also the son of Henry, brother of
Jane, and father of Bridget.
The Truth is a marijuana farmer and dealer of various kinds of street drugs.
Tenpenny tells C.J. to pay The Truth for marijuana to deliver, then he leaves.
C.J. won't do the drugs The Truth offers him. The Truth needs to know he can
trust C.J., so he tells C.J. to steal a Combine Harvester from The Farm for him
before C.J. can pay him and get the job. The Truth says "Amaste" as a farewell,
which babelfish translated as "You loved" for me. (Awwr!)
Once C.J. is at the path to The Farm, have him make his way N well away from
the guards to his left. Send him in a crouch over to the spot on the S side of
the E wall of the field the Combine Harvester is going around in. As it draws
close, have C.J. go over the wall and jack the Combine Harvester.
It shreds any guards it crosses, but you may have some trouble steering it;
the wheels used to steer not only use a small radius like a Tractor but are the
back wheels, so it goes in the opposite direction from the one you're used to
when steering cars. The 1st time i did this, I just said the he** with it and
had C.J. drive straight for The Truth's place, over a cliff, and onto a RR
track. The two vehicles that tried to pursue C.J. blew up.
If you'd like a more conventional ending, you can follow the course that Rusk
took: go S to the road, go E a bit, then turn S onto the winding dirt road that
leads to The Truth's farm. (It's just NW of "LEAFY HOLLOW.")
The Truth will get a shipment together while C.J. makes sure he can pay for
C.J. gets Respect.
Cesar calls. The Azteca gang has broken up violently. There's a price on his
head--maybe Kendl's, too. His friends are dead or hiding. C.J. tells him to
rent a trailer in Angel Pine and he'll meet them there immediately. A CV icon
appears there.
The Rifle $1,000, and Remote Explosives $2,000, are available at Ammu-Nation.
VI.6 "King in Exile" Cesar Vialpando Cesar Vialpando cut scene
C.J. goes to the trailer at the CV icon to see Kendl and Cesar. Cesar wants
to kill some Los Santos drug dealers.
Cesar tells C.J. that the drug dealers who've infested the Grove Street neigh-
borhood are Tenpenny, Pulaski, and Big Smoke. C.J. can't believe that about
Big Smoke, but Cesar says Big Smoke sends a car to San Fierro twice a week to
get cocaine. C.J. says he'll watch the highway to San Fierro for it.
Catalina calls and angrily insists that C.J. has to help her rob places. A
pink "C" icon appears in Fern Ridge.
C.J. gets another save house:
Fern Ridge C4 free
At the dot just NE of the "O" of "RED COUNTY" (Red County).
VI.7 "First Base" Catalina cut scene
Catalina doesn't answer her door for so long that C.J. implores her to come
out. She surprises him from behind and angrily puts a gun to his head. He pac-
ifies her by saying they'll rob places, etc. She thinks she loves him. C.J.
isn't sure if he's thrilled. Have C.J. drive her to one of the three "$" icons.
VI.8 "Against All Odds" Catalina
Catalina wants C.J. to help her rob Inside Track in Montgomery. Have C.J.
throw a Remote Explosive on the red door, get far away, then switch to the Deto-
nator and blast the door off. Then have him do the same to the door of the
safe. C.J. gets a wanted star that can turn into three. Have him take Catalina
to the Dillimore Pay 'n' Spray--he has to get rid of his wanted rating for the
red marker to appear at Catalina's shack.
C.J. gets $2,000 and Remote Explosives from the robbery.
Cesar calls: there's street racing--no "chota choppers" (police submachine
guns or police motorcycles or ?)--at the "CV" icon (available after any two rob-
beries with Catalina) S of Montgomery.
VI.9 "Gone Courting" Catalina cut scene
From outside Catalina's house, we can hear that she whips C.J., playing the S
and M dominatrix to get her coffee perking. C.J. seems to be weathering this
alright, but seems worried that this helper is always on the verge of going com-
pletely nuts. Catalina takes C.J. robbing again.
VI.10 "Local Liquor Store" Catalina
Catalina has C.J. drive her to a Blueberry liquor store, but four cowboys with
a Quadbike (a little four-wheeler that drives a bit like a motorcycle) apiece
rob it just ahead of them. She calls them "maricon" (derogatory term for homo-
sexual; http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=maricon) bast**ds and
kills one of them.
Have C.J. drive her on the Quad and chase the other three so she can shoot
them. C.J. can help with an SMG, but you'll probably have your hands full keep-
ing up with them. Her shots have more of a chance of hitting something if you
go after the two who occasionally split off to the left from the other one.
Part of the chase is the Los Santos Unique Jump 28 over the broken wooden bridge
at Palomino Creek. As each dies, they leave behind a briefcase of money; wait
till all three are dead before collecting them.
To make the chase easier, you could drive Catalina to the bank on a Sanchez.
At the end of a cutscene, the game puts C.J. and Catalina on a Quad. Have C.J.
get off it and get on the nearby Sanchez, and Catalina will get on it, too.
(Thanks again to AggroSk8er.)
Take Catalina back home.
C.J. gets a $1,000 cut of the take.
Catalina calls and insists that C.J. go to her.
VI.11 "Made in Heaven" Catalina cut scene
Catalina hates men in a simple-minded us vs. them way, and yells at C.J. She
just wants to rob places with C.J. now and not have a relationship beyond that.
She has C.J. drive her (use her Buffalo) to the last "$" icon.
VI.12. "Small Town Bank" Catalina
At the Palomino Creek bank, Catalina orders C.J. to keep the others there cov-
ered while she robs the safe. The game gives C.J. a Shotgun. (Fortunately,
all three shotguns use the same ammo, so any shotgun ammo you had is added here
and just adds up if you have C.J. get another shotgun later.) Have C.J. wave
the targeting (hold down the RMB) of a gun across the little group of them to
keep their hands up. After the guard sounds the alarm he'll keep shooting at
C.J., so have C.J. shoot the guard before he can do it.
Catalina orders C.J. to get the money from the (three) ATM machines; have C.J.
break or shoot them apart and take the money.
The police arrive. Have C.J. crouch, get out an M4 or such, and follow Cata-
lina down the alley, shooting policemen who shoot from either side and above.
Two policemen get off HPV1000's at the end of it; have C.J. shoot them and get
on one of their motorcycles. Catalina speeds off on another, pursued by two mo-
torcycle policemen.
Have C.J. chase after her, over the broken wooden bridge, through the bribe
under the Montgomery Intersection if it's handy, to find her stopped by a police
barricade. She gets off the bike and puts her hands up. Have him stop by her
to let her on his bike and take her home.
Reader Carl Johnson suggests having C.J. stop at the safe house on the N side
of the N block of Palomino (to put on a new hat, shades, or something for the
torso or legs) to have C.J. get rid of his wanted level before picking up Cata-
lina. This may cause Catalina to be ready to run to C.J.'s motorcycle and speed
up the time he spends facing the attackers at the barricade, good to know if his
Armor or Health is low.
If you let Catalina shoot at the police during the getaway, one of her insults
for them is "perro," which is Spanish for "dog."
On the way, she's still abusive, saying all C.J. cares about is the money. He
says it's not true, but he really needs it now. She makes herself out to be a
heartbreaker to lose and calls off the relationship.
C.J. gets $10,000 for what he's been through.
There's a glitch, if you have C.J. fall through the break in the wooden bridge
instead of completing the jump, whereby C.J.'s three wanted stars eventually
disappear and the streets are barren of movement except for the police barricade
scene. Unfortunately, unlike the "Reuniting the Families" glitch, when I had
C.J. go to Las Venturas, he got a four star wanted level.
VI.13 Big Smoke's Cash/Yay Courier Not needed for 100% completion of the
Cesar calls and tells C.J. that Big Smoke sends cash from Los Santos to San
Fierro on Mondays and Fridays; on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the yay (crack) is
sent back.
If you want to do these missions, do them before "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom"--after the
Syndicate is destroyed, Big Smoke's couriers stop running.
Big Smoke's Cash Monday and Friday
Have C.J. answer "yes" (press "Y") when Cesar calls him about the courier, who
uses a Patriot to take six $300 packets from Big Smoke's Idlewood house to the
Pier 69 district of San Fierro. C,J. says he'll try to spoil their party. When
C.J. rams a vehicle into the courier's Patriot, it leaves $300 for him to col-
lect. After $1,800 is collected, it doesn't make runs anymore. With each suc-
cessive run, the Patriot adds a passenger, up to three passengers, that shoots a
Shotgun at C.J..
Yay Courier Wednesday and Saturday
Have C.J. answer positively ("Y") when Cesar calls him about the courier, who
uses a Sanchez to take a backpack of "yay" (crack) on the same route as above
but in the opposite direction. Try to have C.J. shoot the driver and get the
backpack quickly. If C.J. shoots the backpack, which is very likely, it leaves
a white rail and diminishes the amount of money he gets for the backpack.
A good vehicle to use is a Sanchez, or see X.10.e about making a "Wheels of
Steel" Freeway, which hugs the terrain even better--I'd make it accelerate
faster, too, for the hills.
Cesar calls to invite C.J. to some street racing in the country. Take a
Cheetah, Turismo, Rancher--something like that--and go to the "CV" icon.
VI.14 "Wu Zi Mu" Cesar Vialpando
After C.J. waits a while, Cesar shows up. Claude Speed is seen in the back-
ground. Wu Zi Mu and a few friends go to C.J. to welcome him to the race, but
C.J. is suspicious of him.
C.J. has to win an on/off road race from S of Montgomery through Blueberry and
into the Panopticon. It's been said that you can use any four-wheel vehicle for
it, but Anurag Sinha wrote to me that the game won't let C.J. use certain ones,
including, at least, a Hotring Racer, Monster, Rhino, or Forklift. (Aggro-
Sk8er's walk-through makes it sound funny to try a Tanker, a big truck cab, so I
did. It not only was funny, but I got it my 1st time.)
This shows up in your Stats as "Badlands A," and you have the option of trying
it again to beat your old time for the Los Santos Race Tournaments at VIII.9.h.
As usual, when trying to have C.J. race a four wheel vehicle on hilly terrain,
press Up to move the "camera" higher when you want to see ahead better.
Imut_knight noticed that during the race, you'll always see one of the LV El-
vis wannabe's driving a Walton in the oncoming lane.
Wu Zi compliments C.J. on his driving, says they better leave before the po-
lice get there, gives him his card, and tells him to call if he's ever in San
C.J. gets $5,000.
VI.15 "Farewell, My Love" Cesar Vialpando
Catalina throws a tantrum at an understandably confused C.J., bashing his car
with a crowbar, to tell him she's chosen another lover--Claude Speed, of "GTA
III," who makes a 2nd cameo appearance.
(It's debated whether or not he looks like a younger version of the same guy.
I think his basic look is the same but the different art style used for "San An-
dreas" makes him look noticeably different, like a different artist copied the
1st one's portrait with a couple of colored pencils. He looks sort of ordinary
in "SA" but more handsome in "III." Catalina not only looks cuter but even
younger to me in "III," like she not only had plastic surgery but had her head
C.J. gets a black ZR-350 to race over the same route in the other direction.
It took me a few tries, with C.J. spinning out at corners I wasn't used to, be-
fore I got this one. Rockstar North may have made it a little tougher by re-
quiring you to use a sports car that slides out so easily on fast turns since
you've had a chance to run the route.
This shows up in your Stats as "Badlands B," and you have the option of trying
it again to beat your old time for the Los Santos Race Tournaments at VIII.9.i.
Catalina says C.J. won unfairly but gives him the deed to a garage in San
Fierro; she needs the car to go with Claude to Liberty City.
C.J. gets a call from The Truth, who says he got the shipment for him to de-
liver at a little green village in the hills (Leafy Hollow).
C.J. can get five wanted stars.
VI.16 "Are You Going to San Fierro?" The Truth
(The entrance to The Truth's farm, SW of the "W" of "LEAFY HOLLOW," and the
entrance to KACC Military Fuels, in NE Las Venturas, are the two places I know
of where you can see the sign that says, "No Trespassing; Violators Will Be
Shot; Survivors Will Be Shot Again.")
C.J. learns that The Truth's van has a three ton shipment for him to deliver.
The Truth practices t'ai chi while he talks and chants a mantra: "Ommmm...." A
police helicopter approaches, so The Truth tells C.J. they'll have to torch the
fields, and hopes Gaia (an early Greek Mother Earth goddess) can forgive them.
The Truth gives C.J. a Flame Thrower. C.J. has 5 1/2 minutes to burn them;
you can see what fields need to be burned as red dots on the radar.
Have him shoot flame at the ground from just ahead to far ahead, switch to
Fist/Brass Knuckles to have him sprint ahead that distance, and repeat as needed
to do it the fastest and not run out of fuel. If you don't want to sprint, re-
member that each row is made of patches--you only need to give each patch a
burst of flame for the whole patch to burn. (There's a spare Flame Thrower by a
barn if you run out of fuel; Molotovs work, too.)
The Truth gives C.J. a Rocket Launcher with ten shells to use to shoot the he-
licopter. It circles over The Truth's van with pauses long enough that a GTA
player should be able to hit it. (Thanks to Rusk's walk-through for the tip
that you can make shooting it down even easier by having C.J. run to the hover-
ing helicopter after telling The Truth to fire up the van.)
Saving the Mothership
After C.J. burns the fields, you can have him shoot the Truth through the
windshield of the Mothership, fail the mission, and store the Mothership in a
garage. If it turns white after being saved, you can change it back with a
Transfender if you use the Transfender Fix by OffRoader23 (see X.13.kk). It's
a data file change, so it should work with any version of "San Andreas."
If you just want to use the Transfender for the Mothership, make a backup copy
of data > carmods.dat, un-check the green dot (X.4), and use Notepad to change
data > carmods.dat by adding this line after the line for the zr350:
camper, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw
The "Are You Gong to San Fierro?" glitch
There's a glitch that lets you have C.J. get in and out of The Truth's van and
be able to go to the unopened areas without a wanted rating, then return to the
van to finish the mission. When I tried it, the wanted rating occasionally
flickered on for an instant, just long enough for the police and even S.W.A.T.
agents to appear but go away with nothing to do.
Thanks again to the Gamefaqs walk-through by AggroSk8er.
The Truth has C.J. drive him, in his colorfully painted, late 1960's flower
power-looking Camper (Volkswagen Bus) he calls "The Mothership," to C.J.'s new
garage in San Fierro. (When C.J. wonders how he gets around if he doesn't
drive, The Truth says he has an astral goat named Herbie.) C.J. calls for Cesar
to take Kendl to meet him there.
C.J. gets Respect. There's a "CJ" icon at the Xoomer garage.
Save place
The Xoomer garage W edge of C2 garage free
The S part of the E side of the brown block N of "DOHERTY."
The Transfender garage across the street NE of the Doherty garage is open for
modding cars. It's indicated on the in-game map and radar by a red wrench.
It can mod the Buffalo, Bullet, Banshee, Cheetah, Comet, Infernus, Phoenix,
Super GT, Turismo, Windsor, ZR-350, Admiral, Alpha, Blista Compact, Bobcat, Bra-
vura, Buccaneer, Cadrona, Cabbie, Clover, Club, Elegant, Emporer, Esperanto,
Euros, Feltzer, Fortune, Glendale, Greenwood, Hermes, Huntley, Hustler, Intrud-
er, Landstalker, Majestic, Manana, Merit, Mesa, Nebula, Oceanic, Perennial, Pic-
ador, Premier, Previon, Primo, Rancher, Regina, Romero, Sabre, Sentinel, Solair,
Stafford, Stallion, Stretch, Sunrise, Tampa, Taxi, Vincent, Virgo, Walton, Wash-
ington, and Willard.
A good reference guide to how each vehicle can be modded is the "In-Depth Car
Modifications Guide" by Mastermind73 at Gamefaqs.
A paint job at a mod shop can get rid of any wanted rating.
Six save houses are available.
VI.17 Save houses
Paradiso C1 garage $20,000
NW San Fierro
Calton Heights C1 garage $100,000
SE Calton Heights on the W end of the crooked street (San Fierro)
China Town C1 $20,000
NW Chinatown (San Fierro)
King's C1 $50,000
E end of Queen's at the Vank Hoff Hotel (San Fierro)
Hashbury D1 big garage $40,000
S Hashbury (San Fierro)
Doherty C1 $20,000
S Doherty two blocks S of the Xoomer garage (San Fierro)
VI.18 Clothes Zip clothes stores are open
The jean jacket (R:10; SA:20), $90, has the most Sex Appeal of the jackets,
and more than the ones available before. The brown, sky blue, yellow, and gray
ones, each $40, come in 2nd with a Sex Appeal of 10 and less Respect.
The khakis, each $150, have the most Sex Appeal of the pants, with black kha-
kis having the most (R:8; SA:8), and all of those have more than that of the
ones available before.
The gray boots (R:5; SA:5), $125, and red boots (R:5; SA:5), $135, score the
highest for shoes, followed by brown boots (R:2; SA:4), and all of those have
more Sex Appeal than any available before.
The gold chain (R:2; SA:2), $350, scores the same as the silver Cuban one
available before.
The Zip gold watch (R:2; SA:2), $220, and Zip blue watch (R:2; SA:2), $100,
score as high as the face black watch available before.
The black shades (R:2; SA:2), $100, and brown shades (R:2; SA:2), $150, have
more Sex Appeal, and at least as much Respect, as any shades available before.
The black sun hat (R:2; SA: 2) and plaid sun hat (R:2; SA:2), each $20, have
as much Sex Appeal as, but a bit less Respect than, the green rag back available
Again, having C.J. put on a hat, shades, or something for the torso or legs,
can get rid of whatever wanted rating. And if C.J. has collected all the Oy-
sters, he'll have enough Sex Appeal for his girlfriends however he dresses, so
you can choose the clothes which create more Respect or dress him any way you
The Garage missions
VI.19 "Wear Flowers In Your Hair" Carl Johnson
The garage is a dump; C.J. knows he's been had and he's mad. Kendl and Cesar
assure him they'll help to make it better. The Truth knows a couple of guys who
worked on marine engines in Vice till the mob bought their business. He says he
met them at an '89 San Fierro love-in--they have a great sense of humor.
Jethro, John Zurhellen, and Dwaine, Navid Khonsari, are back from "Vice
City," where they worked at the Boathouse that Tommy Vercetti bought and did a
mission for.
John also did the voice acting of various characters for "Mafia," 2002, a
Demon/Zombie (also photography director and motion capture producer) for "Max
Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne," 2003, Cerberus Guards #2 for "Manhunt," 2003,
and one of the voices for "Conflict: Vietnam," 2004.
Navid did the voice acting for a Mobster/Booze Hound (and was the director of
voice-overs) for "Max Payne," 2001, the Killer Bees caller to Chatterbox (and
wrote pedestrian dialogue and was the director of motion capture) for "GTA III,"
2001, the Porn Host for "Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne," 2003, and Cerberus
Guards #3 for "Manhunt," 2003. (He was also the director of voice-overs and mo-
tion capture director for "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City," 2002, which I've heard
is supposed to be good.)
(I thought I'd add that just in case anyone thinks all they did was get stoned
at a Boathouse.)
The Truth has C.J. drive to the garage Jethro works in as a mechanic and pick
him up. Jethro's ready to work for C.J. Then he has C.J. park so he can watch
a gray van pull out of a hospital parking lot, telling the others they need to
hide and blank their minds about it. I think he implies that they could have
"sub-dermal neurophones" implanted in them if they're not secretive. (You can
also have C.J. go over some SF hills to fly off the road and hear The Truth say
things like, "Houston--we have separation.")
The Truth has C.J. drive to the Hot Dog van where Dwaine works as a vendor.
Dwaine agrees to work at the shop and says he'll meet them there.
The Truth has C.J. park by the police station for a bit. He won't say why, or
explain why a van pulls out into the street at each such place he has C.J. stop,
but implies that there's a conspiracy by comparing it to the lunar landing hoax
(hoax), etc., and that C.J. is safer for not knowing about it.
The Truth has C.J. pick up Zero at his RC shop; he agrees he's the electronics
expert they'd need.
Once at the garage, everybody pitches in to fix it up, and Kendl encourages
C.J. to be ambitious about turning it into a successful business. She'll work
on managing the property while they do.
There's Armor nearby to the E and a little S at the NW corner of Solaris In-
dustries. You might save a Sanchez and something to ram a car with, like a
Firetruck, at a nearby garage so you're not at a loss if you want to have C.J.
act on Cesar's tips about the Yay Couriers and Big Smoke's Cash.
C.J. gets a call from Zero: his landlord is selling his RC shop/home. C.J. is
interested in buying the place, so may meet him there.
Buy Zero's RC shop for $30,000 to open Zero's missions. Zero's shop is about
where the "CIA" of "GARCIA" is. Zero calls to say he was investigating enemy
territory when C.J. bought the shop and invites him over.
The Zero RC Store Asset missions
Zero is voice acted by David Cross, the "David" of "Mr. Show with Bob and
David," and who was part of the writing team for it. It was nominated for an
Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Variety or Music Program in 1995 and 1996.
He also did the voice acting for one of the Marines in the game "Halo 2," 2004.
(For the 1st address, you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the 1st line in
the address bar.)
VI.20 "Air Raid" Zero
Zero is despondent: rival RC toy seller Berkley is obsessed with revenge be-
cause Zero took the award at a science fair.
Have C.J., in the 1st person view, use the Minigun, which is on a pivoting
tripod on Zero's roof, to shoot Berkley's RC planes till they smoke or even
fall. Berkley will have them drop bombs on Zero's transmitters otherwise. Try
to have C.J. turn in the direction of the nearest blip on the radar, scan the
sky for targets, and aim just ahead of the flight path of each plane to let it
fly into C.J.'s line of fire. The Minigun has a long range of fire but C.J.
will likely miss a few when the planes appear more frequently near the end.
C.J. doesn't have to destroy very plane, he just has to keep at least one trans-
mitter from being destroyed in three minutes and ten seconds to succeed. Zero
helps with a Fire Extinguisher.
Zero tries to thank C.J. with a couple of Winston Churchill phrases he messes
up, but you can tell he's grateful for the help.
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the U.K., said, "Never was so much owed
by so many to so few" during a speech to the House of Commons of the British
Parliament on August 20, 1940, at the height of the Battle of Britain, a criti-
cal turning point of World War II. The "few" were the Royal Air Force. His
"We shall fight on the beaches...." speech was made on June 4, 1940.
C.J. gets $3,000.
VI.21 "Supply Lines" Zero
C.J. finds Zero has been stuck on a wall coat hanger by Berkley and wants to
help him get even. He sends Zero's RC Baron to destroy Berkley's delivery peo-
ple, currently using three vans, a bicycle, and a motorcycle. He has to get the
targets, shown on the radar, and land on Zero's roof before the gas supply is
W Forward Down Up LMB Self Destruct
S Reverse Up Down
A Bank left Left Bank left
D Bank right Right Bank right
Q Turn left NP0 Fire
E Turn right
Left Shift Brake
I turn off Fly With Mouse.
Use W or S, and Q or E, to make turns on the ground.
Thanks again for all the help Spaceeinstein has given me. For the self-des-
truct feature, he told me that NP0 has the same function as the LMB, and the RC
Baron "only self destructs if the RC Baron is on the ground and is stopped for a
The BradyGames method is to go W to the van and bicycle, E to a van, then N to
the motorcycle and another van.
Rusk wrote that there's barely enough fuel for the plane in the original PS2
version, and wrote to me that the RC Baron has since been fixed so it doesn't
use fuel while it's gliding in the PC and Xbox versions. (He's reported that
the fuel shortage has been fixed for the new PS2 version, too.)
So the last time I tested this mission, I tried to see how far I could get
away with flying without pressing W/using fuel. It turns out you can do it to a
surprisingly big degree. Once you get it flying, you mainly only need to press
W when you press Down and want the plane to go higher. And the movements of the
plane are slower when you don't press W so often so it's a lot easier to fly.
You'll still catch up with all the targets--sometimes I've found them sitting
still. There's no hurry to do it because there isn't a timer running--you just
have a limited amount of fuel. And I ended up with a lot of fuel left.
So don't keep the pedal to the plastic.
This is easier to do if you land the plane near a target and drive the plane
at the target while firing. The plane usually won't make a van blow up during a
flying pass although I've managed to blow up some vans from the air while the
plane glided.
Zero is exuberant.
C.J. gets $5,000.
VI.22.a "New Model Army" Zero
Zero wants C.J. to help him in his final battle with Berkley.
Zero says he's crossing the Rubicon. Like Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon
river in 49 B.C. was considered an act of war, it means to cross a line and be
irrevocably committed to an act.
Zero has to drive an RC car across an RC toy landscape to Berkley's base.
Berkley fires one of his three RC tanks, each in a fixed location, at the car
whenever it's near one. Berkley also uses an RC Goblin helicopter to drop metal
barrels in the path the car takes.
C.J. helps Zero with an RC Goblin that has a magnet hanging below it. He can
use the magnet to pick up the metal plates and bombs (one bomb that keeps being
replaced) from the ground below the starting position of his RC Goblin, and use
it to pick up and drop the barrels.
W Up Up Dip forward LMB Activate and deactivate the magnet
S Down Down Raise back
A Bank left Left Bank left
D Bank right Right Bank right
Q Pivot left
E Pivot right
(Left Shift probably brakes horizontal movement--I forgot to check.)
Hold Up for Forward for stretches to speed it up.
C.J. and Zero have eight minutes to succeed. You may need to do this once
just to get the layout of the game.
Moments after the mission starts, you'll hear Zero complain over and over for
C.J. to move a barrel that's blocking the path of his car. Just ignore that
and have C.J. take care of the bombs and plates 1st.
Have C.J. put a metal plate in each of the two places where the car needs to
go over a river. If you drop them in something close to proper alignment, the
game will place them correctly. If it doesn't work, try again with the same
plate. (You can also use the 1st plank, after the car goes over it, for the 2nd
crossing if you need to.)
Have C.J.'s RC Goblin fly to each of Berkley's three tanks, turn the "camera"
to an overhead view to aim the bomb at the tank, drop the bomb, then pull up and
go forward to have the helicopter avoid being damaged by the blast. One bomb
should disable a tank. (You might try the BradyGames suggestion to drop one on
Berkley's helicopter when it hovers to pick up a barrel. I still haven't tried
that.) Zero has two spare cars to use if a car is destroyed by a tank, but
each replacement car starts at the beginning of his run.
During the return flight from an effort with a plate or bomb, you can have
C.J.'s RC Goblin move a barrel off of the path, but leave the one right in front
of Zero's car alone.
Then have C.J. get the remaining metal barrels out of the way of Zero's car in
the order they appear in front of it. Have the RC Goblin toss the barrel just
to the side of the path--if there's only one barrel right in front of the car,
you might have the RC Goblin hold up the barrel just long enough for the car to
pass safely beneath it. If there's more than one barrel in one place of the
path, you can speed up the clearing of that section by having the RC Goblin re-
move barrels without turning much (mainly just going forward, dropping, going
backwards, picking one up, etc.)
Berkley has to clear out of town.
C.J. gets $7,000.
This completes the Zero RC Store asset--it makes $5,000 a day and max.
"Beefy Baron" is available.
VI.22.b "Beefy Baron" Not needed for 100% completion of the game
"Beefy Baron" for Zero is available in the room at the back of the RC shop.
It's like a "GTA III" Toyz 'n' the Hood van mission except with an RC Baron bi-
plane, indestructible unless you press the LMB, and with unlimited fuel but
limited time: 3 minutes. You use the machine gun to destroy Berkley's vans--
they aren't on the radar, but nobody can rightfully complain there aren't enough
targets. You don't get a Stat for this, so if you want a record of a big score
you'll have to make a screenshot.
The easiest way I know to fly the RC Baron is to use the method I explain for
"Supply Lines." Once you get the plane as high as you want, let it glide, then
mainly use W, Acceleration, with Down, when you need it to go higher.
Flying the RC Baron this way, I only occasionally had to land the plane near a
van, brake, drive the plane like a car, and fire. The vans usually don't blow
up on a flying firing pass if you fly too fast.
A number of vans can gather and you can get that popcorn popping-type chain
reaction of vehicle explosions going you've seen otherwise. Sometimes you can
get dozens that way in three minutes.
As an option, you might use a trainer to stop the mission timer and try for a
ridiculously big score, go on an unofficial rampage to practice your targeting,
or at least enjoy some stunt flying (barrel rolls, loop de loops, near-misses,
etc.) with the plane up away from the street.
The Garage missions continued
VI.23 "555 WE TIP" Carl Johnson
The District Attorney that's in a position to get Tenpenny and Pulaski in
trouble is blackmailing Tenpenny to get the three tons of grass C.J. delivered
for The Truth instead. Tenpenny wants C.J. to frame the D.A.--to put the weed
in the D.A.'s car trunk then call the police hotline: 555 WE TIP.
C.J. has to go to the Vank Off Hotel, follow a valet's car down to the base-
ment parking garage, kill him and put on his uniform, then go to the front of
the hotel to wait for the D.A.'s car--a green-blue Merit sedan. When the D.A.
exits the car, you have four minutes to have C.J. drive it to his Xoomer garage
where the grass is put in the car, then drive it back, undamaged, to the hotel.
Then send C.J. to make the cell phone call. The D.A. is busted.
That blows another way to get Tenpenny off his and Sweet's backs. Why didn't
he put it in Tenpenny's car and call the hotline? Better, why doesn't he use
his team to compile evidence of Tenpenny as a manipulator and have Tenpenny's
word discounted and Sweet released? I guess because the game would be over
quickly and you'd be playing Grand Theft Bus Ticket. Maybe he's worried that
Tenpenny would manage to send out an order from his jail cell to have Sweet
killed. Then again, with all the killing going on, why didn't he compile evi-
dence, get Sweet released, then kill Tenpenny? Never mind.
The Valet mission is available.
VI.24 Valet Parking Asset Mission (5 Levels)
Have C.J. wear the Valet outfit and go to the Vank Off Hotel in Financial--
it's on the S side of the block that's E of the pizza place that's N of the "AL"
Have C.J. stand where the passenger door rolls up and press F so C.J. gets in
as soon as you get the screen message that it's available. Go forward and make
a right U-turn down into the basement parking garage. Press the RMB and move
the mouse to see if the red shaft of light is in the 1st aisle--if not, go to
the other aisle and park in the light.
You don't have to park it very neatly or undamaged, but you get a smaller time
bonus added to the clock if you get too messy. The biggest bonus for parking
with good alignment to the lines is 15 seconds; the biggest bonus for parking
the car without damage is 45 seconds.
Killing another valet is a 20 second deduction and possibly a wanted level
that can make the mission hard to do. If C.J. steals a car to get back up to
the front of the building, he loses the Valet outfit needed to do the mission.
Then have C.J. run back up and get another car, etc., till the level is com-
All levels start with two minutes on the clock.
Level Cars Tip
1 3 $100
2 4 $200
3 5 $300
4 6 $400
5 7 asset mission completed
The hotel makes $2,000 a day and max.
The last Garage mission
VI.25 "Deconstruction" Carl Johnson
At the Xoomer garage, Kendl says the construction workers up the hill (the
brown block on the paper map) talked to her like she was a hooker. Cesar wants
to handle it, but C.J. insists he do it himself and clear them off the property.
First, C.J. has to destroy the six portable sheds, which are indicated with
blips on the radar. Once C.J. starts destroying the sheds, killing the workers,
or driving a Dozer or Cement Truck, there's a three minute time limit and the
(ten?) construction workers start attacking, one by driving a Dozer at C.J..
The crane nearby can be used to destroy a few sheds but it's too slow. You can
look the place over first.
C.J. can place Remote Explosives without starting the timer. I tried having
him place them on all the sheds--one or two on each of the two most southern
sheds and one most northern shed that are by an explosive barrel or two, and
three on each of the other sheds, and destroy them, but the game always left
three or four sheds intact.
So I had C.J. place the Remote Explosives as described, get up on the ledge
of a wall at the mid-west side of the yard, then detonate the Remote Explosives.
From this vantage point, C.J. could more safely shoot the remaining sheds with
a Rocket Launcher, so I had him shoot all but one, and shoot a few of the work-
ers with an M4. To draw the remaining workers out, I had C.J. run to the mid-
east side of the yard and crouch. He could get all or most of the rest when
they rushed him from across the yard. When the timer was close to running out
and C.J. shot all or practically all of the workers, I had him destroy the last
A riskier strategy is to have C.J. jack the Dozer driven by a worker at the
north end of the yard then destroy sheds and workers by ramming them with one of
the Dozers or Cement Mixers, driving fast enough that the workers can't jack it
and avoiding the explosive barrels. The back wheels of the Dozer are used for
steering, so it turns left when a car would turn right, etc. You might leave at
least one Dozer unharmed since there are only two and they're useful for finish-
ing the mission, but it can be finished with just a Cement Mixer and the game
keeps replacing it.
Once all the sheds are destroyed, there's a cutscene of the construction boss
hiding in a portable toilet and the second part of the mission begins. C.J. has
a little over three minutes to use the Dozer or Cement Truck (or even Remote Ex-
plosives) to push the portable toilet, containing the foreman, into a hole--if
C.J. takes longer, he fails the mission with a two star wanted level. He then
has an unlimited time to back the Cement Truck to the marker at the hole (the
cement is poured in a cut scene).
Jethro calls. He's afraid to criticize C.J., so credits Dwaine with the idea,
but awkwardly recommends that C.J. go to the driving school in Doherty. Driving
School is available--the red "S" icon.
VI.26 "Back To School" Turning Tricks Driving School
Have C.J. start dating Michelle before finishing driving school to avoid the
glitch of her not showing up very often.
You just need 70% with each test to get 100% completion of the game. Which
each success of 70% or better, another test becomes available. The things the
tests are judged by can include time, correct direction when stopping, how close
to the marker you stop, and damage to the car and cones, which often outline the
space you have to travel within. Be careful in your use of S to stop, helpful
at the end of a test, since the test is ended if you stop.
Thanks to Orion_SR for the advice to turn off the frame limiter, and turn down
the draw distance and detail level (visual FX quality, mip mapping, and anti-
aliasing), to slow down the timer for Driving School. The exceptions he recom-
mends are that you leave the frame limiter on for "Wheelie Weave" and turn up
the draw distance for "City Slicking." (I particularly disliked "Burn and Lap"
before trying his advice, but got notably higher scores after trying it.)
I don't think you can choose to have no radio station for this, if it bothers
your concentration, but you can turn down the volume for it in the options menu.
Remember to send C.J. for food now and then so you don't have to build up his
Muscle at a gym again (like I once did).
VI.26.a "The 360"
Press W and S, then add the directional arrow Right (or turn with the mouse if
your keyboard won't respond to three keys at once), to make a round tire burn.
Stop just after the car goes completely over the start of it.
VI.26.b "The 180"
Drive from an area about as big as a parking lot space to do a skid (Spacebar)
you accelerate from around a cone that's surrounded by cones and return.
VI.26.c "Whip and Terminate"
Drive ahead to a skidding turn (a little sharper than 90 degrees?) then for-
ward to the end of the lane.
VI.26.d "Pop and Control"
Accelerate a Police Car to a tire spike strip, where you release acceleration
to go a bit right, left, then right, using Spacebar as needed--a little differ-
ent each time, and brake with S.
VI.26.e "Burn and Lap"
Drive down one lane and up the lane beside it, with a 180 degree skid (S) you
accelerate out of (and which helps you turn faster) close to one end then the
other of the row of cones in the middle of the track, for five laps. You need
to do it in 40 sec. to pass and in 36 sec. (AggroSk8er says a low 35) to get a
gold award.
Normally, doing skidding turns seems easy enough for me. But twelve 180's in
a row, surrounded by cones you can't damage, with the "camera" admiring the
scenery behind the car after each and not swerving ahead till you've already
made a blast of acceleration forward, hoping it will be between the cones, does
not make me a happy gamer.
The stuckgamer site has a good video by Kevin Walter, aka savior, who recom-
mends flooring it the whole time and braking (Spacebar) to cut the curve close
to the cones each lap.
Especially if he did it on PC, GTA_Phreak must be pretty good to get "Burn and
Lap" like he did, too!
But it looks like it uses a PS2 setup for controls, and the handling and
"camera" movement are a little different for PC. For example, Rusk, on PS2,
thought this was easier than me, but thought the Stoppie tests in Bike School
were hard, though they seem easy to me (like "Vice City" scooter stoppies).
Cerbera says the braking, for one thing, is different for PC; a gradual braking
is achieved on PC with programming for the press of a key, if that makes any
difference. I'm guessing it's more likely that the more robotic-looking PS2
"camera" movement adds predictability to this effort to make it easier.
When I used the 3rd person view, I think I noticed a subtle alignment of the
car with the lane if I gave the game a fraction of a second to do it after each
turn. The 1st person view lets you keep the "camera" pointed in the direction
of the car, when you might also put both hands at the keyboard and drive the car
like a motorcycle, but it doesn't give you the overview that the 3rd person
view has. A 3rd person view that remains aimed at what's ahead of the car (the
"camera" "slaved" to follow the action of the main character or their vehicle)
would be my choice, but someone at Rockstar forgot to offer it. This one seems
hard to score higher than silver with to me.
The BradyGames guide says you use a Banshee so handling is not an issue--how
many things did that thing get wrong, anyway? If you're really stuck on this
one, you can improve the road grip for it enough to get gold with this as de-
scribed at X.10.b.
Orion_SR's advice to turn off the frame limiter, and turn down the draw dis-
tance and detail level (Visual FX Quality, Mip Mapping, and Anti-Aliasing), to
slow down the timer makes this challenge easier--about as hard as it should have
been intended to be.
If you're still shy of getting 100% for this, the easiest way is to get the
GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c). It allows you to freeze mission timers that
count up, like this mission uses, and works with either the patched or unpatched
original version of the game. Then all you have to do is get around the track
without hitting any cones so you don't get damage points, and you can get gold
for it in one quick sitting (sigh).
VI.26.f "Cone Coil"
A line of cones cross into your path from one side, farther down from the oth-
er side, and farther still from the 1st side again, followed by a cone with a
ring of cones around it. Move ahead turning one way then the other, make a
skidding turn you accelerate out of and back toward the space beside the last
line of cones again, and return.
VI.26.g "The '90'"
Ahead of you are two cars parked in a row with a bit more than one car space
between them. Drive toward a place a bit to the side of the middle of the
space, then do a skidding stop, turning in the other direction, so your car
rests in the space in alignment with the other two cars.
After I got gold for it, I went to the GTA SA Control Center, clicked the "Lo-
cations" tab, clicked "Read from GTASA," and got:
X -2051.484000
Y -204.451600
Z 34.733980
Angle 268.692700
See X.13.c for how you can use those coordinates with the Control Center.
VI.26.h "Wheelie Weave"
Ahead and a bit to the left is a wall with a ramp projecting from the base of
it. Turn a bit as you go ahead to drive two wheels over the ramp, with a little
right turn toward the red shaft of light as you go over it, so you can continue
and fall to stop on four wheels in the red shaft of light. If you try for gold,
especially, try to avoid scraping the wall on one side, then avoid scraping the
ground on the other, too much or points are taken off for damage. On the luck-
ier attempts, I let the Banshee coast for the last stretch, and just had to make
a subtle left or right turn, for it to fall into the light.
The advice that ended up working for me, so I got gold in one batch of dozens
of tries, was that provided by Kevin Walter, aka savior, in the stuckgamer web
site I recommended at I.15. I turned left to the ramp, letting go of accelera-
tion at it and accelerating and turning right once on it, aiming for the red
shaft of light. That little acceleration difference seemed to help. There are
a variety of possibilities for left and right adjustments after that, but on the
one that got gold, I gave the car a subtle right then a left turn, and had C.J.
run to a save game floppy disk after the car fell into the light.
One way to cut down on time spent on this is to make any vehicle C.J. drives
"Everything-Proof" with the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) so you don't have to
worry about damage.
This is the 2nd one I thought was hard--at least, time-consuming--to get bet-
ter than silver for.
(I also accidentally got some two wheel bonuses, and I noticed the PC version
has the PS2 glitch of the Stats giving you a far greater distance for it than
you actually had.)
After I got gold for it, I went to the GTA SA Control Center, clicked the "Lo-
cations" tab, clicked "Read from GTASA," and got:
X -2050.02900
Y -229.90600
Z 34.753310
Angle 185.916500
See X.13.c for how you can use those coordinates with the Control Center.
VI.26.i "Spin and Go"
You use a Taxi to do the skidding about face I've done countless times--prac-
tically every time I picked up a fare with a Taxi--with the area to do it in
outlined with cones. You reverse, do a skidding turn to point in the other di-
rection, then go ahead a bit into the space.
The game suggests that you use Q and E to look behind, which you might do be-
forehand, anyway. You might push the Middle Mouse Button to look behind while
you reverse, but that might throw your turning off. I just did it a few times
to get the idea where the game needed me to turn, then did it till I got the
gold. Reverse with S, use W to both brake and go forward with a turn to the
stopping space, then stop with S.
VI.26.j "P.I.T. Maneuver"
"P.I.T." stands for either "Precision Immobilization Technique" or "Pursuit
Intervention Technique,"
This is like Vegas gambling except with the collision files of the game.
Drive a Police Car into the back of the side of the one that drives away from
you to make it spin out, and stop close to it.
The curious thing, if you go for gold, is how to do it and not get any damage
to your Police Car. When I tried to avoid damage, my Police Car stopped too far
away from the 2nd one. My best results happened when I pushed my car into the
other one and turned and braked with Spacebar till both cars stopped with the
other car turned some or most of the way in the direction we came from. One of
those efforts got me 100%--no damage--and it would be nice if I had any idea how
to tell you why.
VI.26.k "Alley Oop"
Drive ahead to send the two wheels of one side of your Banshee over a big ramp
to do a barrel roll and land beyond a couple of cars.
The game suggests you release acceleration while flying and level the car with
Up and Down. I accelerated with W, turned a bit left away from then right to-
ward the near corner of the ramp, and released acceleration to press A while the
two right wheels went over the ramp. Sometimes I tried to use A or D to point
the car in the same direction it started in for a stop.
VI.26.l "City Slicking"
Drive a Super GT N from the school parking lot to a place on the coast road
just on top of "ESPLANADE EAST" and back in less than two minutes--1:40 for
gold--without damage.
Thanks again to Anurag Sinha for correcting me about the name of the car and
for adding that you can try this between 3:00 and 6:00 when the trolleys don't
Drive fast in the middle of the road as much as possible.
I went a bit right then a bit left, N on the main road to turn right below the
"D" of the "DOWNTOWN" that's E of "CHINA TOWN" (I smoothed out the turns by
going over the plaza and diagonally E across the street and) then went left to
go N, and eased up on acceleration--a tiny tap or two of S seemed to cause less
slide-out than by using Spacebar--to go downhill around the curve to the red
shaft of light at the intersection. The BradyGames guide advice to turn around
and go back the way you came sounds good to me. It's a little shorter than
trying to make a loop to get back onto your route further S.
If you're stuck below gold and really want that Hotknife, you could make any
vehicle C.J. drives "Everything-Proof," so you don't have to worry about damage,
and freeze the mission timer with the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c). To freeze
the mission timer, click "Freeze Timers" after the mission starts.
For a bronze award, 70-89%, C.J. gets a Super GT (fast but slides when corner-
for all silver awards, 90-99%, he gets a Bullet (one of the best SA cars), and
for all gold awards, 100%, he gets a Hotknife (a fun novelty),
which are parked in front of the school.
The Syndicate missions
These missions are indicated by both a red serpent dragon icon and a blue
skull icon.
VI.27 "Photo Opportunity" red serpent dragon icon
Cesar calls C.J. with a tip about a Ballas car going to San Fierro for drugs.
C.J. wants to know who the supplier is, so send him to meet Cesar in Angel Pine
where C.J. can get on a roof to secretly photograph the buyers.
You're supposed zoom close enough for a good enough picture of the faces of
the subjects, but I once got the side of the 3rd or 4th and the game accepted
it. Get Ryder after he gets out of his pickup truck in the lot up ahead (left
of the Cluckin' Bell), then the guy Cesar says is T-Bone Mendez, who gets out of
a car near the truck, then the guy (Mike Toreno) who gets out of a car he parks
on the street to the right, then the guy C.J. says looks like a pimp (Jizzy),
who gets out of a car by that.
C.J. and Cesar go to a gas station, where Cesar says they should split up and
meet back at the Xoomer garage in San Fierro.
C.J. gets Respect.
VI.28 "Jizzy" red serpent dragon icon
C.J. finds Cesar, Wu Zi, and Wu Zi's assistant going over the photos at the
Xoomer garage. Wu Zi says he told Cesar he was a friend of C.J.'s, and the as-
sistant says the pictures are of the Loco Syndicate, big time dealers in co-
caine, something Wu Zi's group doesn't touch. Besides Ryder, one he can't name
is the guy who runs things, one is T-Bone Mendez--the group's muscle, and one is
Jizzy B., the biggest local pimp and a sort of concierge (basically, someone who
doesn't run things but handles things as a representative of the boss).
C.J. thinks he can infiltrate the group, and find out who their leader is,
through Jizzy, so send C.J. to the Pleasure Domes, which is under the S end of
the Gant Bridge and at the blue skull icon.
Jizzy B., the pimp who operates the Pleasure Domes, is voice-acted with the
experienced comedic stylings of Charles Q. Murphy, brother of Eddie and who was
a writer and actor for Dave Chappelle's "Chappelle's Show" from 2003 to 2005.
C.J. finds Jizzy talking himself up a bit much to a couple of women, then he
talks to C.J. and we find he pretty much talks trash about himself generally.
C.J. pretends to defer to that for work and it works.
Jizzy has C.J. drive one of his women Downtown in his pimpmobile, a Broadway
with purple lining and a "HO 2 HO" license plate. She says C.J. has a strong
"pecho"--chest, asks if he ever had "half and half"--either oral sex in the
front and behind or oral and vag*nal sex--with a "sucia"--dirty, skanky female--
like her, will do things his "ruca"--girlfriend--won't do, and she's no slut but
needs the "feria"--money.
Then Jizzy calls to have C.J. kill a rival pimp, then kill a couple of "punt-
ers"--guys with respectable facades but who go to brothels--to stop them from
beating one of his women before her "HO" bar gets low.
Finally, Jizzy calls to have C.J. kill a whore's sugar daddy who wants to take
her off the street. He's a horny preacher who gets into a Stretch with her and
drives off with an armed guard nearby in an SUV. You can either have C.J. use
drive-bies or get ahead of them and fire a Rocket Launcher back at them. If you
have him use rockets, don't have him disturb them as he passes or they drive off
fast; Rusk likes to shoot S from the SE corner of the Big Pointy building--on
the block E of the block with "AL" of "FINANCIAL."
Jizzy calls. There's an All Points Bulletin on the Broadway, so C.J. can keep
it if he doesn't bring it around Jizzy or the whorehouse.
C.J. gets Respect and $3,000.
Wu Zi calls to invite C.J. over. The Wu Zi Mu missions, which need to be done
before "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom," are available at the "W" icon in China Town.
VI.29 "T-Bone Mendez" blue skull icon
Have a lot of SMG ammo.
T-Bone Mendez is voice acted by Frost (previously "Kid Frost"), which is a
name he picked in tribute to Ice T, whom he sometimes battled in the early days
of West Coast hip-hop. He had a hit single with "La Raza" in 1990--it's also on
Radio Los Santos; his rap variation of Bill Withers' 1971 hit "Ain't No Sun-
shine," "No Sunshine," was featured in the movie "American Me," 1992; and he
stars as Santo, a brutal drug lord whose gang battles force him to question his
choices, in "The Neighborhood," 2004.
Jizzy argues with T-Bone that Jizzy deserves a third, not a fifth, of the mon-
ey that's split three ways--T-Bone says Jizzy agreed to a fifth and not to be a
"pinche"--all-purpose swear word like "f**king"--liability.
When T-Bone gets a call that a money run has been ambushed, he sends C.J. to
the van of the interlopers. As C.J. approaches, each of the four go off in a
different direction on motorcycles--after five minutes, they'll go to a rendez-
vous point. Thanks to Spaceeinstein for reminding me to add that "if you take
too long to get those packages, they will end up in a safehouse and you will
fail the mission."
C.J. gets on a motorcycle, so have C.J. do a forward drive-by on each. These
guys can take a lot of SMG ammo before they fall, but all you have to do is
press Fire (NP0) while C.J.'s FCR-900 bumps the back of an ambusher's motorcycle
to take the package from them. If you manage to cause the ambusher to fall off
of their motorcycle, have C.J. get on it and he'll take the package the moment
he gets on the motorcycle.
After C.J. gets the four packets, have him return to the Pleasure Domes.
C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.
VI.30 "Mike Toreno" blue skull icon
Mike Toreno is voice acted by that bright and dashing James Woods, who played
Maximilian "Max" Bercovicz in "Once Upon a Time in America," 1984, and Lester
Diamond in "Casino," 1995, both of which also starred Robert De Niro. He was
nominated for the Best Actor Oscar for playing Richard Boyle in "Salvador,"
1986, and won an Emmy for portraying AA co-founder Bill Wilson in “My Name Is
Bill W." in 1989. And he's often given special notice for his performance in
"San Andreas"--Young MayLay gave him as a favorite in it, too.
(For the 1st link, you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the 1st in the
Address bar.)
James Woods stars in the TV series "Shark." According to Wikipedia:
"Shark is a legal drama series starring James Woods as Sebastian Stark, a no-
torious Los Angeles defense attorney who becomes a prosecutor. It premiered on
CBS in September 2006, in the 10 p.m. Eastern time zone Thursday night spot.
The pilot was directed by Spike Lee."
I'll add that an episode I saw in Oct., 2007, had a character named Toreno.
T-Bone tries to make Jizzy see that someone with knowledge of their group is
killing their runners. Loco Syndicate leader Mike Toreno calls from a hijacked
van that was making a cocaine run. He's locked inside and tries to indicate
where he is by telling them the sounds he hears. His cell phone battery will go
dead in five minutes.
Have C.J. drive to the construction area--the middle of the brown block, then
the Easter Basin Docks--E to near the coast, then to Easter Bay Airport--the
front gate.
Thanks to spaceeinstein for telling me "a faster way to beat this mission is
to drive directly to the airport instead of following what T-Bone tells you to
T-Bone says Toreno's tag--tracking device--should work now. The bar onscreen
for it fills up as you get closer to the van, which is somewhere on the tarmac.
Robert Rusk told me some people who get the Taxi mission glitch get a glitch
that causes you to be unable to find the van with Mike Toreno in this mission.
See I.12 for Pdescobar's cure for the Taxi mission glitch. Pdescobar found that
the glitch is brought on by going to the edge of the map, so try to avoid that
other than for "Freefall" or "St. Mark's Bistro," and get the Taxi mission done
before doing those two missions.
You can help T-Bone do a drive-by on the motorcyclists by the van as it speeds
off a bit, but don't destroy the van with Toreno in it. It's good to get some
distance from it when it stops since the shooting from the bikers is then joined
by the two who get out of the van and you'll need to help T-Bone stop their vas-
cular systems.
T-Bone helps Toreno out of the van. T-Bone calls him "guero," which is Mexi-
can-Spanish for "blondie." Have C.J. help them blow up the van and get them
into the car.
(Toreno's license plate says, "OMEGA," which means "the last." You'd think it
would say "ALPHA," which means "the 1st," or even "ALPHA ALPHA," "the 1st (of)
the 1st," but then he'd need to have the cowlick and get permission to do "I'm
in the Mood for Love.")
Have C.J. drive down one of the ramps (the two black stubs from the black
circle) and out the security gate. C.J. gets three wanted stars, so have him
either drive N to a Pay 'n' Spray or Transfender shop to get the car a coat of
paint, or continue on the road from the airport till it goes N, then take the
3rd right and go a couple of blocks to a save house to change clothes. Then
have him take T-Bone and Toreno to the Pleasure Domes before they get everyone
in the car killed from leaning out the window to fire at things something like
C.J.'s Grove Street gang members do.
C.J. gets Respect and $7,000.
VI.31 "Outrider" red serpent dragon icon
Have a lot of Sniper Rifle ammo.
Jizzy tells C.J. to meet T-Bone in a sedan at Easter Bay docks. When C.J.
waits in the sedan, T-Bone surprises him from the back seat by choking him with
one arm and putting a gun to his head with the other, demanding to know if C.J.
is a "pinche jura"--"f**king policeman." C.J. has about enough time to assure
him he isn't when Toreno appears and tells C.J. he wants him to help them meet a
shipment. T-Bone says, "You heard what jefe said." "Jefe" means "boss."
C.J. has to destroy four road blocks--police cars, and shoot the men who shoot
from the street and 2nd story windows once C.J. attacks, so the van can get to
the factory.
Have C.J. get the Sanchez and Rocket Launcher near the van and cut W past So-
laris Industries and the RR tracks and go N to the 1st roadblock, which is about
a block S of the "D" of the "DOWNTOWN" E of "CHINA TOWN." C.J. may just need
rockets for the cars.
The 2nd is a bit W of the middle of the N end of the brown block. Have C.J.
use rockets on the vehicles and snipe the shooters.
Have C.J. handle the 3rd, on the W side of the brown block, E of "GARCIA," the
same way.
At the 4th, at the "D" of "DOHERTY," you might have C.J. use rockets on both
the cars and the shooters if you have enough rockets left over.
After C.J. escorts the van to a lot W of the driving school, he has three
wanted stars, which he can get rid of by changing clothes at the safe house
across the street from the school.
C.J. gets $9,000.
There's a "C"--C.R.A.S.H.--icon at the Xoomer garage.
VI.32 "Snail Trail"
Tenpenny and Pulaski want C.J. to kill a reporter and his source of informa-
tion about wrongful police conduct (probably Tenpenny's and Pulaski's). Tenpen-
ny leaves a Sniper Rifle in a sewer pipe in the construction area.
Have C.J. get the Sanchez on the way to the train and follow it as the report-
er takes it to Market Station in Los Santos.
Once there, a meter on the screen indicates how close C.J. is to the reporter,
shown as a blip on the radar, and you fail the mission if the meter fills up
I once had C.J. follow the reporter then wait by the top of the stairs with an
empty meter while the reporter got a Cabbie, but, for some reason, the meter
filled up as the cab drove off.
You might have C.J. wait about a block away from the train as the reporter
goes upstairs, have C.J. go to the base of the stairs after the reporter's red
dot on the radar turns into a triangle pointing up, then, after the screen mes-
sage says the reporter got into a cab, pause a moment to let it drive off a bit
then have C.J. drive upstairs to follow his cab.
As the train pulls into Market Station and before the reporter gets out of the
train, you could send C.J. up the stairs and S about a block to wait at an in-
The Cabbie is easy to follow--the reporter isn't spooked unless C.J. gets
closer than three or four car lengths from him--and, whatever route it takes, it
always lets the reporter off near the S end of Santa Maria pier.
When the reporter meets his source, they stand in front of the Brown Starfish.
You're supposed to have C.J. shoot them with the Sniper Rifle, but you can have
him get the targets however you like. C.J. gets spotted if you have him move in
on them or shoot at them, and the source shoots at C.J. while the reporter runs
around the end of the pier in a panic. Have C.J. attack the source with a weap-
on then the reporter with or without one. Some delicious chili dogs are close
by if he needs a Health boost.
Flying train
Thanks to a post by Cleve, at the Tom's Hot Hardware web site, for a tip about
one of the more unusual sights you can see in San Andreas.
When C.J. follows the reporter's train, three other trains come by in the op-
posite direction. Each of the three are one of these: a Freight with five flat
cars, a Freight with three flat cars and another Freight on the end, a Brown
Streak with a couple of passenger cars. or a Freight with a flat car.
The other trains use the outside track, normally not used, of the pair of
tracks that make a loop around San Andreas (with a couple of short stretches of
single track in LV). These trains go to the middle of the sheltered section of
track at Cranberry Station, then veer E, off the track, and fly or go through
things to get back onto the track just a bit S of due E of "CREEK" of "PALOMINO
You can have C.J. get off the Sanchez as one of the other trains approach,
use the ROCKETMAN code to have him switch to a Jetpack, then follow or ride
(flat cars are useful for letting C.J. ride through the tunnels) the train on
the unique route it takes.
The train will continue on this route after C.J. fails the mission, but will
disappear if C.J. gets too far away from it. C.J. can't jack the train or go
through things himself by riding on it. To help you have C.J. follow it, you
can put a red dot at the spot where the train gets back on the track on the in-
game Map so the dot appears on the radar.
Thanks to dj_chrismanno for the programming explanation for train derail-
"When San Andreas was made they made an error with the train tracks file.
When you are driving the train through the desert and get to the part where
there are two level crossings the train will drive above the track and become
in mid air for a small amount of time. This is because at this part of the
track, the z axis has been calculated wrong due to some rough path writing.
"Trains will not derail in the tunnel south of Crandberry station. Or in the
Market Station Tunnel. It is possible to derail a train on a bridge as there
are grid reference points on the bridge which indicate change of angle. Grid
references are also put along bridges to make the trains sound effect of the
train moving along the track happen. This is why around bends the train makes
more racket.
"The train in snail train you see which appears to fly is doing this because
the trains must move in a circuit. This train moves along a circuit which is
not complete. Instead of driving around the desert and Las Venturus it makes a
direct cut across the map. The reason is because the path file is smaller in
size and less time is spent on the path files. If you want to make trains
drive normally like this go to:
"San Andreas/Data/paths/ and change the name of tracks.dat to tracks2.dat and
tracks2.dat to tracks.dat."
Thanks to DarkJ5 for showing that you can derail the train and drive it where
there isn't a track using the Control Center (X.13.c).
VI.33 "Ice Cold Killa" red serpent dragon icon
This mission is available from 20:00 to 6:00.
Woozie left C.J a message to get Jizzy's phone after he calls the Ballas push-
ers--then C.J. can find and ambush the pushers. Cesar gives C.J. a silenced
Have C.J. go to the Pleasure Domes and shoot the tires of Jizzy's Broadway.
When C.J. goes to the door, they won't let him in, so have C.J. go S across the
lot, climb the scaffolding, jump down to the roof, go to the yellow entrance
light, and walk in a crouch down two flights to the 1st floor.
If C.J.'s Health and Armor are full, you might speed this up the way spaceein-
stein told me about: "A faster way to get down there is to face north once
you're inside and jump down. The cutscene starts as you fall."
In a cut scene, C.J. points the gun at Jizzy's head, and I guess you'd say
Jizzy begs for mercy by his tone, but the words don't come out right for it--
"I'm...not a kind man, not a wise man...but I tried," etc., like he's rational-
izing the criminal things he'd done. Jizzy runs for the door.
C.J. can just run to the door through the shooting, possibly throwing some
Molotovs around 1st--Jizzy won't run for his car till C.J. leaves. Once out-
side, have C.J. damage Jizzy's car (don't blow it up or Jizzy's phone will be
destroyed and you'll fail the mission) to get Jizzy to leave it or jack Jizzy
from it, kill Jizzy, and take his phone.
Rusk wrote to me that you can have C.J. blow up the Broadway with a Rocket
Launcher before entering the building. Later, when Jizzy tries to get away, he
uses a Pizza Boy scooter. If C.J. knocks him off it and jacks it from him, he
won't try to jack anything else, so C.J. can have an easy time of taking care of
C.J. gets Respect and $12,000.
VI.34 "Pier 69" red serpent dragon icon
Have C.J. respond to Cesar's phone call by going to the serpent dragon icon,
just W of the "ESP" of "ESPLANADE EAST," and climbing on the roof to meet Cesar.
Thank you, reader Tony B, for telling me that C.J. can explore without police
instead of going up onto the roof.
On the roof, Cesar shows C.J. that T-Bone's six armed men are on roofs--three
to the left and three to the right--watching over the pier. But when Woozie's
men arrive and start to go up to the roof, C.J. and Cesar realize they better
shoot T-Bone's guards before it turns into a big shoot-out. Have C.J. snipe the
six guards.
T-Bone and Ryder arrive. When Toreno arrives by helicopter, he sees the bod-
ies on the roofs, throws smoke grenades down, and flies away. Cesar and C.J.
realize they have to act immediately if they're going to get the other Syndicate
You can have C.J. go down the stairs with Cesar following and shoot back at T-
Bone's guards on C.J.'s way out the big NE projection, Pier 69, to get T-Bone.
I just had C.J. jump off the roof--he landed with most of his Health--and throw
Molotovs at the shooting guards on his way there. Cesar still showed up for the
cut scene to help C.J. shoot T-Bone. Rusk wrote to remind me to point out that
there's less for C.J. to deal with if you send him along the outside of the
In a cut scene, Ryder jumps over a rail to swim to a Speeder speed boat to es-
cape. C.J. calls him a "shermhead." "Sherm" can be tobacco mixed with marijua-
na or dipped in PCP, but "shermhead" in gangster slang is more generally used to
mean "idiot."
I had C.J. jump and swim after him, get into the Speeder by Ryder's, do drive-
bys on Ryder's Speeder till flames appear, then press S to let Ryder's Speeder
get ahead of C.J.'s boat and blow up. Rusk just has C.J. snipe or rocket him
from the pier and have done with him.
C.J. gets Respect and $15,000.
The Sniper Rifle, $5,000, is available at Ammu-Nation.
VI.35 "Toreno's Last Fight" red serpent dragon icon
Woozie calls. The van C.J. is looking for is by the Downtown helipad where
Toreno is going to take some merchandise out in a helicopter.
The 1st time I had C.J. go there, I had him shoot two that came out to shoot
at him in the street and two in the alley. Toreno's helicopter took off in a
cut scene as C.J. got up near the helipad. Then I had C.J. shoot two on the
helipad. (When I tried Molotovs, it made the wanted rating higher, which makes
the next part busier than you may like.) Have C.J. get the Rocket Launcher from
the helipad, the motorcycle at the sidewalk, and go S to the main highway.
The helipad is at the NW corner of the block that's E of the block with "TOWN"
of the "DOWNTOWN" that's E of "CHINA TOWN." From there, go S and curve W along
the block with "TOWN," go left on a road that curves right as it goes downhill,
and, at the intersection, make a quick left and right to go up the onramp (which
isn't so obvious from looking at the map, so you might want to have C.J. do a
practice run 1st).
By this method, have C.J. speed S of the helicopter and fire back at it with
the Rocket Launcher. If you get very far S without blowing up the helicopter,
you might speed down to the T intersection at the S coast, where the helicopter
hovers for a few seconds.
Rusk recommends having C.J. approach the Downtown helipad from below and to
the E so the gangster on it can't hit him with rockets, then, after the cut
scene, having C.J. use the five seconds or so he's given to lock onto the heli-
copter and fire a lot of rockets at it with a Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher. The
last time I did this mission, I did it like that.
(I wonder if you could change a weapon file to improve how far C.J. could
throw Remote Explosives and have him cover the helicopter with them before get-
ting close enough to cause the cut scene?)
C.J. gets Respect and $18,000.
The Woozie missions
Wu Zi is voice acted by James Yaegashi, who played Cole in "Spin the Bottle,"
1999, and the Legal Assistant in "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing," 2001.
Barnes and Noble also have a recording of him reading the novel "A Long Stay in
a Distant Land" by Chieh Chieng. He also provides the voice of Charlie for "GTA
IV." (For the 1st web address, you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the
1st line in the address bar.)
Su Xi Mu is voice acted by young Richard Chang, who played the Prosecutor in
"Return to Paradise," 1998, and is a shining feature as Gafar in "Kejar Ameri-
ka," 2004.
C.J. can climb onto a brown awning just N of Wu Zi's place and go S over a
couple more awnings.
VI.36 "Mountain Cloud Boys" Wu Zi Mu
When C.J. enters Wu Zi's gambling den, one of Wu Zi's assistants tells C.J.
"We're closed. Pokgai." In Cantonese, "pok" means to fall or slip, and "gai"
means "the street." It's to curse somebody to go die in the street; in Hong
Kong, it's a general purpose curse like "a**hole." (For the last web address,
you have to Copy and Paste the 2nd line to the 1st line in the address bar.)
As C.J. goes upstairs to see Wu Zi, Su XI tells C.J. Wu Zi is blind; when C.J.
protests that Wu Zi was in a car race with him recently, Su XI says Wu Zi has
been blessed with good luck; the Triad that does anything for him is called "our
Lucky Mole," which means "lucky undercover person," I guess.
Wu Zi says he's "dais dais lo" of the Mountain Cloud Boys Triads. In Asian
organized crime, "dais dais lo" is the top gang position--"big big brother."
A few informative sites about the history of Triads, the most powerful drug
dealing, etc., criminal syndicate in the world, and their relationship to Tongs,
Merchant Associations that provide Triads with muscle, money, guns, and mean to
legitimize them in the territory of the Tong, etc., are:
Wu Zi has C.J. go with him to check on the Blood Feathers Triads, who failed
to appear at a recent Tong meeting, to show C.J. how they settle things peace-
fully. Some small Vietnamese gangs have been making bolder trouble lately,
which worries him.
Wu Zi seems to bend to pick something--a coin?--up from the sidewalk, and he
says was checking for a loose cobblestone that was there before.
C.J. and Wu Zi find the Blood Feathers were nearly wiped out; a survivor tells
them the attackers were members of a Vietnamese gang, which then comes back for
another attack.
Have C.J. shoot or throw Molotovs at the shooting gangsters in the alley, then
at those who get off two motorcycles beyond the gate, then at more shooters, in-
cluding a sniper. Have C.J. drive Wu Zi in a gangster's Sentinel. Go slow
enough on the left side of the streets for Wu Zi to shoot from the passenger
side and destroy the attacking vehicles, and look behind, Q and E, occasionally
so you can speed off when one of the attacking cars is about to blow up.
Wu Zi's marksmanship is the strongest example in the game of Wu Zi either
being able to see or being blind but occasionally having a miraculous ability to
know where things are. We didn't see if he drove or was helped to drive in the
race earlier. Later, Wu Zi's assistants are shown to pad the case for Wu Zi's
miraculous ability to see by helping him win at golf putting and card games--Wu
Zi loses at cards to C.J.. The story leaves it open as to which is the case.
C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.
VI.37 "Ran Fa Li" Wu Zi Mu
Ran Fa Li is voice acted, with an assortment of expressive grunts, by venera-
ble veteran villain Hunter Platin, who did the voices of Phil Cassidy, Curly
Bob, and Chico in GTA "III," and the Psycho who terrorized Love Fist in "Vice
Woozie introduces C.J. to Ran Fa Li, a "shuk foo" of the Red Gecko Tong group
of the West Coast.
Tong-affiliated gangs have an ah kung (grandfather) or shuk foo (uncle) who is
their tong leader.
Woozie says Ah Ah Kung sent word that the Da Nang Boys, a Vietnamese gang, is
moving to the U.S. and is likely the cause of the recent attacks. Guppy, an as-
sistant, says Ran La Fi wants a package to be retrieved from the airport; C.J.
says he'll get it for them.
Send C.J. into a garage through the lower level of the front of the airport to
get the Manana (a Dodge Aries/Plymouth Reliant '81 to '84, like in "Vice City").
It has a damage meter and has to be delivered to the N end of San Fierro. I had
C.J. run over each guy at the side of a vehicle roadblock, get out and shoot a
couple of shooting bikers, then, with two wanted stars, take the RR track
through a bribe (leaving one wanted star) and a tunnel most of the way N. A ve-
hicle with another group of attackers appeared, but C.J. got to the destination
before they could get close.
C.J. gets Respect and $6,000.
Catalina calls to call him a pig.
VI.38 "Lure" Wu Zi Mu
Have a lot of SMG ammo.
C.J. suggests that he lure away and kill those intending an assassination of
Wu Zi and Ran Fa Li.
If C.J. leaves the Rancher, the mission is failed. There are no attacks going
to Angel Pine. From Angel Pine, C.J. has to make a loop--to the E coast over
trails and most of the way back over the S coast highway--through red shafts of
light, and often, while he does, men shoot from motorcycles which appear a pair
at a time. Slow down the Rancher to do right and left drive-bies of the attack-
ers. The back and side doors of the Rancher come loose as the Rancher gets dam-
aged, and you can't let the attackers see that it's C.J. in the Rancher or you
fail the mission.
Guppy calls to make sure C.J. made it O.K.; Ran Fa Li got away safely, thanks
to C.J..
This mission features the new Trip Skip time saver: if you fail your effort to
get through the checkpoints, spaceeinstein told me you can go to Wu Zi's place,
"start the mission, enter the Rancher, and the Trip Skip icon shows up--press
Y" and C.J. is teleported "right before checkpoint."
C.J. gets Respect and $8,000.
The AK-47, $3,500, is available at Ammu-Nation.
VI.39 "Amphibious Assault" Wu Zi Mu
Have Silenced 9mm and Sniper Rifle ammo for this.
If C.J.'s lung capacity hasn't been developed enough to let him stay underwa-
ter for longer periods of time, you won't be able to do this mission. You'll
just get an alternative cut scene of C.J. and Wu Zi playing a videogame.
(Thanks again to Mxyzptlk and co.)
In it, Wu Zi asks C.J. if he can swim well, C.J. says he can't, and Wu Zi con-
founds C.J. by beating him at the videogame. Then C.J. is put back on the
street and the screen message says he needs more practice underwater to do the
If C.J. can stay underwater long enough:
At Wu Zi's place, Wu Zi tells C.J. he needs someone outside his Triad group to
swim through Vietnamese gangsters to bug a boat. C.J. doesn't want to, since he
once got a condom stuck to his face while swimming by Santa Maria, but Wu Zi's
blind and can't do it, so C.J. says he will.
Have C.J. swim on the surface of the water through red shafts of light, and
underwater through red loops. A Knife below a green cone is supplied in an un-
derwater tunnel. A cut scene shows two Tropics of gunners nearby.
The 1st time I did this mission, I had C.J. get on the rocks at his right
side and snipe the men on the boats. I wasn't sure if having C.J. blow up the
boats, with about six Sniper Rifle shots, to make sure nobody was on them, would
alert the men on the big ship to C.J.'s approach because I had C.J. do it on
the way back. But Rusk wrote to me that he had C.J. blow up the two boats with
a Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher before going to the big ship then snipe the
searchlight on the W end of it. The next time I tried this, I had C.J. use the
Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher on the Tropics and the search lights at either end
of the ship.
If you don't have C.J. do any shooting on his way to the big ship, have him
swim underwater as much as possible, and just have him tread water when he sur-
faces for air. Keep him away from the circles on the radar that indicate the
two searchlights at each end of the big ship.
Send C.J. under the middle of the ship and have him go up the stairs at the NW
end. A Knife is supplied there.
Have C.J. sneak up behind targets, tapping W while he crouches, as in "Madd
Dogg's Rhymes," to get the five guys on deck and the two guys downstairs. After
he plants the bug, have him go down the steps at the NW end of the ship and swim
back to the dock.
Another way I've done this is to have C.J. swim underwater to the big ship,
pausing above water long enough to get attention and lure a Tropic closer to the
big ship. After he gets Snakehead, he can snipe the targets on the nearby Trop-
ic from the deck of the ship, then jump down to the Tropic and sail it over to
the dock to finish the mission.
C.J. gets Respect and $11,000.
VI.40 "The Da Nang Thang" Wu Zi Mu
Wu Zi tells C.J. he has to go settle something which could establish his posi-
tion in the Red Gecko Tong. He gets a call from Little Lion, whom he tells to
take Guppy to check out the arrival, by container ship today, of the Da Nang
Boys. Wu Zi feels bad that he can't tend to it himself, so C.J. says he'll han-
dle it for him.
C.J. gets into a helicopter and Guppy flies it above the ship for a couple of
lengthwise passes. Have C.J., 1st person view, send the stream of machine gun
bullets just ahead of each target and let the helicopter movement sweep the fire
over it (as in "Phnom Penh '86" in "Vice City"). Then the helicopter is shot
down. Guppy isn't anywhere to be seen, and the only weapon C.J. has left is his
(As Rusk wrote to me, Dr. Simon Chan told him you could use the opportunity to
send C.J. ashore to get more weapons at an Ammu-Nation. C.J. can even go to the
Easter Basin Naval Station and Las Venturas without a wanted rating, and the
pedestrians and traffic are around while C.J. travels in this version of the
glitch. C.J. can even attack the corrupt police and not get a wanted rating.
When I tried it, and had C.J. try to jack a policeman's HPV1000, the policeman
jacked a regular car nearby and drove away, which was different.)
A cut scene shows a Da Nang Boy at the rail of the ship; have C.J. move in a
slow crouch to kill him and take his Shotgun. If you have him use the Knife,
make sure you do it right because C.J. will take longer than you like to move up
on someone that's shooting at him while killing them with a Knife. Have him use
stealth to kill the others and take their weapons on his way across the deck and
through the downstairs area filled with crates. Look for a Health and an Armor
pickup among them, too.
Have C.J. shoot the lock off a box to set the Vietnamese prisoners free. They
slowly walk away; you can have C.J. follow them, and hear some funny rude things
they say, if you forget your way back. (Listening to the accent they use, I
thought they were from India. That Snakehead's so mean he even hates people for
visiting Viet Nam, apparently.)
Have C.J. climb the boxes to get up on deck and kill everyone at the bridge of
the ship, notably The Snakehead. The Snakehead throws C.J. a Katana to duel
with then jumps right at him with his. The 1st time I did this, C.J. had about
1/2 Health, so I had him run back a bit then turn and shoot The Snakehead with a
Micro SMG. (The Snakehead hadn't read what I wrote about the 1st kill C.J. has
to do on the ship.) When I've had C.J. use the Katana, The Snakehead goes down
pretty fast.
Have C.J. dodge him and block a lot to drag it out to hear The Snakehead say
some of the funnier dialogue in the game. (The San Fierro Marital Arts fight
trainer uses the same dialogue.)
Rusk just has C.J. go on deck and use a Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher to shoot
the bridge in Snakehead's area to have done with him.
The four refugees thank C.J. and go off in two Dinghies; C.J. is on a Dinghy
he can drive to the shore.
C.J. gets Respect and $15,000.
Replenish C.J.'s ammunition at Ammu-Nation, etc.
The last Syndicate mission
VI.41 "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom" red serpent icon at the Xoomer garage
Cesar heard from his cousin (Catalina) that C.J. is a hero in Los Santos.
C.J. isn't sure since some of his friends have turned from him since he fought
the big drug dealers and, notably, killed Ryder, whom he thought was his friend.
Cesar assures him Ryder wasn't so true a friend--he tried to bang Kendl.
Wu Zi enters with Su Xi Mu and seconds the motion. He tells C.J. his former
friends have a crack factory C.J. needs to destroy to put them out of business
for good. As C.J. leaves, a mechanic calls to tell him he rigged a car with ex-
plosives which C.J. can use to destroy the factory. At the garage, the mechanic
tells C.J. he wired it with a delay timer to give C.J. time to get out of the
factory before it blows up.
Drive the car to the factory--the entrance gate is W of the driving school en-
trance. On the way there, you can listen to WCTR talk radio to hear things
about missions C.J. has done and people he's met, including OG Loc, who's inter-
viewed by Lazlow.
Have C.J. get out of the car across the street and down the road a bit from
the factory entrance and snipe the two guards; the gate opens. Have C.J. snipe
the two or three that run out, drive through the entrance, and run over or shoot
anyone else in the lot. Then have him drive up the ramp (it's not a jump) into
the factory and around to the back of it where the big kettles are.
(I don't think the people in the building are armed, but I think I recognized
some, wearing what are most commonly used as hospital masks, as being among the
criminals I described for I.5.k Crimes--Criminals wasted. You can have C.J.
run some down on the way to the big kettles to add to your Criminals Wasted
score, if you want to.)
Before C.J. leaves the car, press the LMB to start the timer for the bomb,
then have C.J. get out of the car and the building before they blow up.
Have C.J. shoot gangsters in the lot as he makes his way to the front gate.
There, gangsters in a Voodoo pull in and the gate closes behind them as they get
out and shoot at C.J.. Have C.J. shoot them, get in the Voodoo, and drive it
through the broken remains of a building, up the fallen 2nd floor which serves
as a ramp, jump (San Fierro Unique Jump 7) out of the lot, and go back to the
Xoomer garage.
On a more recent effort, after I had C.J. blow up the factory, I had him get
a few targets in the lot, run up the jump ramp on foot, get on a ledge, and
jump off onto the street. I had him attack some more targets at the front gate
before I noticed the orange dot at the Xoomer garage on the radar, where he went
to complete the mission. This isn't one of the tougher missions that calls for
an easier way to do it so desperately, but it's something to know if you're in
a hurry--you don't have to use the Voodoo to do the jump if you don't want to.
C.J. gets Respect and $25,000.
Someone calls using an electronic voice disguiser: a "friend" wants C.J. to
meet him at his ranch in Tierra Robata so C.J. can learn something he needs to
know to keep Sweet safe. A "?" icon appears at a new save place location W of
the Kinkaid Bridge in Tierra Robata.
Jethro calls: he and Cesar have planned to sell hot cars, so they want C.J. to
buy the car showroom nearby to serve as as a legitimate front for it. A "CV"
icon appears at Wang Cars; once C.J. buys it, the icon appears at the Xoomer ga-
The M4, $4,500, is available at Ammu-Nation.
The Desert and Las Venturas (and the Miniguns there) are officially available.
Three save houses can be bought (VII.1).
The Steal Cars missions
These all use a red "S" icon.
The cars stolen for these missions, except those for the Import/Export board,
will appear at Wang's Motors, which is across the street to the E from the N end
of the E side of the brown block N of "DOHERTY."
VI.42 "Zeroing In" Cesar Vialpando
C.J., Cesar, Jethro, and Dwaine play cards. Cesar gets a good hand: "Read 'em
and weep, cabron." "Cabron" literally means "male goat," and in slang use has
various meanings, about like calling someone a fu**er, a**hole, and/or bi**h.
Kendl wonders how this advances their business. Zero says he's hacked into
the cell phone satellite tracking system.
Have C.J. follow a car by going to the blips on the radar that represent spots
where the driver made a call. They go around San Fierro: from N of the Xoomer
garage, SW, N on the W side to the NW, loop down and back up, then over the Gant
Bridge. When C.J. catches up with the car, he's supposed to do a P.I.T. maneu-
ver on it like he did in driving school, although I once just had his car scrape
across her back fender to cause her to stop and abandon the car. Have C.J.
drive it back to the Xoomer garage.
Thanks to spaceeinsten, man of action, for telling me: "A faster way to beat
this mission is to go directly to Zero's RC shop as fast as you can and wait
there, then pit maneuver her. If you're lucky, you're done."
C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.
The Uranus is at Wang Cars.
Wheel Arch Angels mod shop, which specializes in customizing the Elegy, Flash,
Jester, Stratum, Sultan, and Uranus, is open in Ocean Flats, San Fierro. The
entrance to the garage is on the E side of the block that's N of the block of
A good guide to how each car can be modded there is the "In-Depth Car Modifi-
cations Guide" by Mastermind73 at Gamefaqs.
The garage is indicated on the radar and in-game map by a red wrench. A paint
job in a mod shop will remove any wanted rating.
VI.43 "Test Drive" Cesar Vialpando
Cesar has C.J. take him to the 2nd floor of Otto's Autos, where they can steal
a couple of cars. On the way, they say they like San Fierro, Kendl is like the
Mom of the family now and wants them all to do good, and The Truth has some good
outlooks mixed in with the rest.
Have C.J.'s car follow Cesar's car out the 2nd floor window, etc. They get
two wanted stars and are chased by a couple of Police cars. You might use Nitro
(LMB) when Cesar does for a straightaway--be careful about making turns while
the Nitro burns out. Back up to let Cesar out when they get trapped in an al-
ley, then keep following Cesar (you might try the jump he makes) till C.J.'s
back at the Xoomer garage.
C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.
The Sultan is at Wang Cars.
VI.44 "Customs Fast Track" Cesar Vialpando
Cesar tells C.J. he got a tip from someone who works on freight at the docks:
one container, which he marked with spray paint, has a car they want to steal
and sell.
Have C.J. use the crane (I.7.m Crane Controls) while Cesar inspects the con-
tainers. Drop the container where the shadow it makes indicates it will land in
the red shaft of light. The 3rd container always has the car they're looking
for, but before Cesar can drive C.J. away in it, a car pulls up with three guys
who get out and shoot at them. Have C.J. shoot them, then the three from anoth-
er car, then two guys who show up on foot. C.J. gets less money for the car if
it's damaged, so you might park it in the Xoomer save garage or a Pay 'n' Spray
before ending the mission at the Xoomer garage.
C.J. gets Respect and the value of the car--up to $10,000.
The Savannah is at Wang Cars.
The Export/Import vehicle collection is available. If you saved a Patriot
during the "Reuniting the Families" glitch, you can drive it over there since
it's on the 1st list.
VI.45 Exports and Imports for the Cranberry Crane (30 vehicles)
The chalk board with the lists of vehicles to find is by the crane C.J. used
for the last mission--NW of the big freight ship that's SE of the Xoomer garage.
After doing the last mission, "Customs Fast Track," if the vehicle C.J. is driv-
ing is on the list, you'll get a screen message saying so.
C.J. needs to find the vehicles listed, in three succeeding lists of ten each,
on the chalkboard, and put them on the freight ship. You can use the magnetic
crane or drive them up the ramp. The cars are worth less if they're damaged.
When you load cars onto the ship with the crane, let the vehicle drop to the
ship to stop it from swaying so much before you put it in the red shaft of
light, which you don't have to be real neat about. When you're through using
the crane to load a car onto the ship, leave the magnet hanging low over the
area you drive cars to so you just have to park the next one on the shadow under
the magnet of the crane.
When C.J. goes to the chalkboard, you get a screen message about imports that
are available for C.J. to buy and the days he can buy them, too. You can see
the day of the week in the game by pressing Tab to see the Stats menu. At 1st,
the Club, Perennial, and Jester are available. The vehicles C.J. delivers for
export become available for purchase as imports, too, and a bonus vehicle be-
comes available for purchase with each group of five vehicles exported (see be-
The Club is an early 1990's Volkswagen Golf GTI Mk1 or Citi Golf, except with
the larger of the two pairs of headlights being the inside pair.
The Perennial is a 1962-1965 Chevrolet Nova (or "Nova II"), like in "Vice
The Jester is a 1986-1992 Toyota Supra Mk 3 with the headlights of a 1993-2002
Mk 4.*.
A good map of the locations (although missing a couple Rusk found) is at:
A more comprehensive map is the San Andreas Map: "SAM":
Click the "Vehicles" box, click "Set filter," type the name of the vehicle
you're looking for in the "Enter filter string" box, and click "Done." You can
hold down the LMB and drag the cursor down and across to make a box of the area
you want to enlarge, which appears when you release the LMB, and you can go over
the enlarged map with the scroll bars and change the size with the "+" and "-"
buttons. Click an icon representing the vehicle to learn more about it (always
available, available after bike school success, etc.). To look for another
vehicle, click "Change Filter," type the name in the same box, etc.
There are pictures of the vehicles in section I.8.a and at:
Vehicles exported from it often have a custom license plate, like the Bullet:
"EASUCKS" (Electronic Arts is a competing game distributor), "F*CK YOU," or "TOO
FAST." (Thanks to Zap Zap and Thaddeus McKlown at GTA Forums.)
* this is a location of the vehicle only when it's posted on the chalk board.
List one
1. Patriot * Easter Bay Chemicals, SE of the San Fierro Easter Bay Airport,
a bit S of the "H" of "CHEMICALS." It's a 1985-? AM General M998 Military
HMMWV, aka a Humvee (not the civilian Hummer).
2. Sanchez Near the S end of the brown section at the S end of Mt. Chiliad.
It's a 1989-1992 Yamaha DT 200 dirt bike.
3. Stretch * Behind Wang Cars, which is E of the N half of the brown block
of the Doherty, San Fierro, save place. It's a combination of Cadillac and Lin-
coln Town Car (and other?) limousines (see the "Hybrids" section of I.8.a).
4. Feltzer * by the coast, in the gray rectangle NE of the "Y" of FLINT
COUNTY. It's a 1972-1988 Mercedes Benz SL-Class convertible.
5. Remington * In the Unity (RR) Station, Los Santos, parking lot. It's
just NE of the place where the two short RR tracks veer from the main one in El
Corona. In San Andreas, it's a pimpmobile (see "BEKKNQV" at I.14 Codes). It's
a mid-'70's Lincoln Town Coupe with fins that, I'm guessing, rib the 1958-1962
Cadillac fenders.
6. Buffalo Just E of the dot NE of the "O" for the big "RED COUNTY" letters.
It's the back of a 1992 Dodge Daytona with smaller rear side windows, and the
middle of a 1985-1992 Chevrolet Camaro.* The front has a point in the middle of
the engine hood like the Camaro and the grill slant of a 1987-1993 Ford Mustang,
and it has the headlights of none of them.
7. Sentinel In the SE area of the Los Santos film studio, on the block N of
"MARI" of "MARINA," N of the "I." It's combination of a modified 1984-1987 E28
M5 four door sedan and a 1983-1989 BMW M635CSi, aka M6, coupe, the same as in
"Vice City" (see I.8.a under "Land vehicles").
8. Infernus On the S side of the street below the first "A" of "PARADISO,"
San Fierro. It's a 1991-2001 Honda Acura NSX.
9. Camper In the parking lot behind Sub Urban and the tattoo parlor in Hash-
bury, San Fierro, in the middle of the block of "BURY." It's a 1963-1966 Volks-
wagen Type 1c 11 window Camper, aka a VW-Bus, Bully, and Kombi (as in the 2002
Men At Work song "Down Under": "Travelling in a fried-out Kombi ..."). The
Truth has a similar model but custom painted and without the sun roof.
10. Admiral In the E side of the parking lot for the Papercuts Office Supply
in the middle of the S side of the block N of "CO" of "CONFERENCE" in Los San-
tos. It's like the 1976-1985 Mercedes Benz E-Class (W123) Admiral of "Vice
For delivering five vehicles, the Monster truck, which looks like a 1994 Chev-
rolet S-10 with an extended cab and the grill of a 1983-1992 Ford Ranger, and
for ten, the Windsor, a 1966 Alfa Duetto (later models, a bit different, were
called Alfa Romeo Spider--see I.8.a under "Land vehicles"), are available to
buy. For delivering all ten, C.J. gets $50,000.
List two
1. Slamvan * On the W side of the Nude Club that's on the E side of the
block S of "CORONA" of "EL CORONA," Los Santos. 1994-present Dodge Ram with a
body and cab that were squished when it was made into a lowrider. It's the
fastest at acceleration of the lowriders, brakes good, but doesn't have great
cornering traction.
2. Blista Compact * At Easter Bay Airport, San Fierro, by the little dot S
of where the three roads converge SW of the big circle. It's a 1983-1987 Honda
CR-X with a front bumper guard, like the one in "Vice City."
3. Stafford * At the Vank Hoff Hotel--the Queens, San Fierro, save place.
It's a 1971-1981 Rolls Royce Corniche.
4. Sabre * In Garcia, San Fierro, N of the "A" of "GARCIA" and E of the N
baseball field of the two. It's got the pairs of headlights and sides of the
front bumper of a 1971-1972 Buick GSX, the body of a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle,
and the back of a 1970 Oldsmobile 442 convertible. The back of the cab of the
Chevelle is given a rear window squared off to be a little smaller than the ones
on the convertible versions of a Buick GS, Chevrolet Chevelle, or Oldsmobile
442. It's the Sabre of "Vice City"--the automotive equivalent of a muscular
5. FCR-900 * In NE Las Venturas on the W side of the pizza store S of the
"H" of "THRU" of "JULIUS THRU WAY NORTH," on the N side of the street a block S
of "THRU" (you may need to leave and go back a number of times for it to show
up). It's at the bike school if you got all silver awards, too. It's a 1992
Honda CBR 900 RR Fireblade.
6. Cheetah * In a driveway at the SW corner of the block that's N of the
Prickle Pine, Las Venturas, save house. You may need to have C.J. go away and
go back, even remove other vehicles from the spot, and find locked Cheetahs
there, before an unlocked one shows up (did the BradyGames map guy program
this?). It's a 1991-1992 Ferrari 512TR, the 1991 update of the Testarossa.
7. Rancher * in the SW area of the big brown spot beside "BLUEBERRY ACRES"
in Red County. See "Rancher and Ranger" in section I.8.a under "Hybrids." It's
a 1983-1988 Chevrolet K5 Blazer with S10 Blazer parking lights and a 1992 Jeep
Cherokee back window and brake lights. It's like the Rancher in "Vice City."
8. Stallion in front of the Supa Save, in the S area of the block of the
"LL" of "Juniper Hill" in San Fierro. It's a mixture of a handful of cars with
Oldsmobile on the front and back and what may be an altered Mustang in the mid-
dle. (see the "Hybrids" section of I.8.a).
9. Tanker * By Jay's Diner, on the W side of the road a bit S of the over-
pass S of "BAYSIDE TUNNEL," Tierra Robada. It's a big Mack R or DM 10-wheeler
truck cab that can haul a big trailer.
10. Comet * In the parking lot about where the "S" of "AVISPA COUNTRY CLUB"
is. It looks like a mix of Porsches and Jaguars (see the "Hybrids" section of
I.8.a). If the door is locked, C.J. won't get in, but when he gets in, he jumps
over the door.
For delivering five vehicles, the Bandito, a sand rail (for Baja Racing or
getting around City 17 in "Half Life 2," 2004), and for ten, the Turismo, a
1987-1988 Ferrari F40, are available to buy. For delivering all ten, C.J. gets
List three
1. Blade Across the street and E of the El Corona, Los Santos, save house.
It's a 1965 Chevrolet Impala (flattened, with two more headlights, and a rede-
signed front bumper, front of the engine hood, and wheel wells).
2. Freeway At the N end of the W side of the block N of "HASH" of "HASH-
BURY," and at bike school if you complete it. It's a "Vice City" 1976 or so
Harley Davidson Shovelhead.
3. Mesa * Just N of the Sanchez, the 2nd vehicle on the 1st list, S of Mt.
Chiliad. A 1986-1996 Jeep Wrangler, similar to the Mesa Grande of "Vice City."
4. ZR-350 * In the parking lot of the Clown's Pocket, Las Venturas. A high
performance car. It's a 1989-1991 Mazda Rx7.
5. Euros * under the head of the Sphinx of the Camel's Toe casino, Las Ven-
turas. It looks like a 1990-1996 Nissan 300ZX.
6. Banshee By the N side of the San Fierro gym, which is on the SE corner
of the block that's the 2nd rounded square block S of the "G" of "GARCIA," with
success at Driving School; * where the Ammu-Nation symbol is on the block of
"COME" of "COME-A-LOT." It's a 1992 Dodge Viper with variations mainly to the
front and back ends.
7. Super GT On the N side of the big "J"-shaped block S of "DOHERTY" with
all bronze awards at driving school, and in the NE area of the Easter Bay Air-
port tarmac. It's a 1991-1992 Mitsubishi 3000 GT.
8. Journey At the top of Mt. Chiliad (but it's not easy to drive it down),
in the NE area of the film studio in the block of "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD," Los San-
tos, and at the NW corner of the NW block of the three of El Quebrados. It's a
a camper truck. I found a pretty good match with a 25' 1978 Winnebago with a GM
grill and headlights, except the Journey has two pairs of headlights. (Did you
see Albert Brooks in "Lost in America," 1985? "Born to be wild....")
9. Huntley * in the E part of the N side of the big "J"-shaped block S of
"DOHERTY." It's a 1987 (U.S. debut)-1992 Land Rover Range Rover, except the
headlights look more like the ones on a 1990-1992 GMC Sierra and the grill looks
like the one on a 1989-1992 Ford Bronco.
10. BF Injection On the beach W of the dead end road that's below "MISSION-
ARY HILL." It's a Volkswagen Beetle-based, or similar, fiberglass beach buggy.
For delivering five vehicles, the Vortex, a hover craft, and for ten, the Bul-
let, a 2005-2007 Ford GT based on a mid-late 1960's GT40 MkII, are available to
buy. For delivering all ten, C.J. gets $200,000.
Thanks to the Real Car Name List by PRB051 for the real names of the Banshee,
Feltzer, Infernus, Super GT, and ZR-350, and for the "Rolls Royce" lead on the
Thanks to the Real Life Car List by Hamish Duncan, aka FORDSUCK, for the real
names of the Club, Bullet, and Turismo:
Thanks to nekkidhillbilly at the GTA Forums > GTA San Andreas > General Dis-
cussion > Real Car Names message board for identifying the Blade, the "Chevelle"
and "Buick GSX" leads for the Sabre, the "Dodge" lead for the Slamvan, and the
Chevrolet K5 Blazer lead for the Rancher.
Thanks to QuickFord97 at GTA Forums for the Daytona/Camaro blend idea, CKY-
bassplayer69 at GTA Forums for reaffirming the lead on the Daytona, and canada
rules at Gamefaqs for the "Mustang" lead for the Buffalo.
Thanks to a message at Gamefaqs by sonofkorol for identifying the Windsor.
Thanks to KoLSPD2 at the same GTA Forums message board for identifying the
VI.46 "Puncture Wounds" Cesar Vialpando
Cesar wants a car driven by a fast driver that's hard to stop without wrecking
the car. C.J. gets the idea to use tire spike strips--stingers--that stretch
across the road when dropped.
Have C.J. try to get ahead of the driver and drop (LMB) a stinger--he has
three he can use. The driver goes S on the main highway from San Fierro to the
T intersection, turns E, then goes S across the bridge into Whetstone. Once
stopped, the driver abandons their car for C.J., who repairs the tires, and you
can have him drive it to the Xoomer garage.
The Stratum is at Wang Cars.
C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.
Wang Cars makes $8,000 a day and max.
VII. The Desert and Las Venturas Preliminaries
VII.1 Save houses
El Quebrados A2 $20,000
in W El Quebrados (Desert)
Tierra Robada B2 $20,000
N of the Robada Intersection (Desert)
Fort Carson B3 garage $30,000
NW Fort Carson (Desert)
VII.2 Barber and Tattoo shops The Redsands East tattoo parlor is available
The Las Venturas barber shop has the same deals as the Marina, Los Santos, and
San Fierro barber shops.
Having C.J. get a haircut can get rid of any wanted rating.
At the Redsands East tattoo parlor, the highest scoring tattoos tie with the
Stats of the highest scoring tattoos available before (R:3; SA:3): for the back,
the card, $240, and for the lower back, the masks, $720, and the cross, $600.
VII.3 Ammu-Nation and weapons
A good map of the weapon and item locations is at:
In addition to the weapons previously available in the scenery and at Ammu-Na-
tions, you can find:
Brass Knuckles
- at the N side of the W building of the N block surrounded by road of Las
Melee weapons:
Baseball Bat
- at the SW corner (outfield) of the baseball field which is where "RED" of
- and on the N side, ground level, of Blackfield Stadium.
Golf Club
- on the balcony on the W side of the Yellow Bell Golf Club building, on the
half circle W of the loop of road.
Night Stick
- behind the San Andreas Police Department sign at the SE corner of the block
- by the cells on the 1st floor of that police department,
- and by the Permits and Licenses doorway on the 2nd floor of it.
- at the N side of the S pile of stuff on the floor of Hunter's Quarry,
- at the NE corner of the NE tennis court among eight NW of the N end of the W
dead end road of the two in the middle of the N end of Las Venturas,
- in the E dugout of the two at the N corner (home plate) of the baseball
field which is where "RED" of "REDSANDS WEST" is,
- and hidden in a shrub under a pale gray-blue dormer S of the big skull at
the N end of the displays in front of Pirates in Men's Pants.
Pool Cue
- by a dirty orange and blue-green dumpster at the S side of the building at
the NE corner of the rectangle N of "ORE" of "ROCKSHORE EAST."
- between the two S cages of the Snake Farm on the N side of the road SW of
- and by a telephone pole N of the S trailer of the trailer park N of the lit-
tle block with an Ammu-Nation E of the No Fly Zone.
- behind a little house without a garage among mobile homes and NW of the El
Quebrados save house,
- at the S end of the deck of the pirate ship display in front of Pirates in
Men's Pants,
- on a front porch guarded by two white gargoyles at the SE part of the Orien-
tal-style shopping center NW of "PILGRIM," and N of a Cluckin' Bell,
- and between the two N palm trees of a group of three in a divider at the SE
side of the Four Dragons Casino.
- behind a cylinder at the top of the steps of the S quarry-o-matic of the two
at the SE side of the floor of Hunter's Quarry,
- and at the SW side of the blue warehouse, behind beige walls and fence
gates, at the corner S of "TES" of "WHITE WOOD ESTATES."
- W of a big RR bridge support, which is on the W side of the road that goes
below the bridge and is S of Las Barracks,
- on the 2nd floor of the police department at the SE corner of the block E
- at an Ammu-Nation, and some policemen, gangsters, drug dealers, and hookers
carry one; Ammu-Nation clerks dual wield them.
Silenced 9mm
- in the garden under the foot bridge to the N side of Blackfield Stadium,
- and at an Ammu-Nation.
Desert Eagle
- at the NE corner of the back yard of the 2nd house from the E end on the N
side of the N road of the E block of the Bayside Marina area,
- under the middle solar panel of three in a trailer park across the street
from the Lil' Probe Inn,
- and at any Ammu-Nation, $1,200, after "Black Project" (a Desert mission).
All three types use the same ammo, so the ammo for one is added when C.J. gets
another. (Thanks to Rusk for the info.)
If C.J. doesn't have any type of Shotgun and enters any Police car or a Rang-
er, he gets a Shotgun with five shells. If he has any type of Shotgun, doing
that adds five shells to the ammo for it.
- near the end of the wooden pier S of the "OC" of "VALLE OCULTADO,"
- under the front porch roof of the little house of the trailer park S of Fort
Carson; of those houses, it's in the 2nd row from the E and 4th place from the
- under the ramp at the last "N" of "PILSON INTERSECTION,"
- on the 2nd floor of the police station at the SE corner of the block E of
- at an Ammu-Nation, it's occasionally used by the police (who usually use
9mms) at four wanted stars or higher, and it's used by the Army (with M4s) after
C.J. buys Verdant Meadows (a Desert mission).
Sawnoff Shotgun
- at the W side of the warehouse with a red band around the tops of the walls,
behind a surrounding wall, at the N side of the block with "EST" of "WHITE WOOD
- at the S side of the dirty brown and blue-green dumpster by a wooden fence
at the N end of the N-S alley of the block with "WEST" of "REDSANDS WEST,"
- in the N area of the roof of the "PARKING" building on the block W of "THE
PINK SWAN" (reach it by aircraft or Jetpack),
- and at an Ammu-Nation.
Combat Shotgun
- in a small shrub in the middle of a long thin parking lot divider S of a
white warehouse with blue trim; enter the lot on the N side of the block that's
W of the "FR" of "LVA FREIGHT DEPOT,"
- in front of the Four Dragons Casino after finding 50 Horseshoes,
- just N of the blocked part of the blocked hall of Research Section A in Area
69 after "Black Project,"
- and at any Ammu-Nation, $1,000, after "Don Peyote."
Submachine guns:
All three use the same ammo, so the ammo for one is added when C.J. gets
another. (Thanks to Rusk for the info.)
- between a support beam and the edge of the San Andreas Sound under the N end
of the Mako Span,
- and at an Ammu-Nation.
Micro SMG
- in a jet body part at the SW end of the parts at Verdant Meadows Aircraft
- between a brown wall and a dirty orange and blue-green dumpster at the E
side of a lot, containing a lot of garbage containers, at the mid-S end of the
- at an Ammu-Nation, and it's used by Ballas (with 9mms) and S.W.A.T. agents.
- behind the 2nd building from the W end of the S side of the S street of the
square E block of El Quebrados,
- in the NE corner of the 4th/top floor of the Starfish Casino parking ga-
rage; enter at the SE corner of the block with "THE STAR,"
- in a narrow nook between blue and concrete block walls on the N side of the
grassy alley between the Starfish Casino and surrounding hotels; from the main
entrance (you can't enter), have C.J. go N, jump over the low wall, and go W in-
to the grassy alley,
- in front of the Four Dragons Casino after finding 50 Horseshoes,
- at an Ammu-Nation, and it's used by FBI agents.
Assault Rifles:
Both use the same ammo, so the ammo for one is added when C.J. gets another.
(Thanks to Rusk for the info.)
- by the door of the E trailer of four N of the rectangle W of the dead end of
- in a divider with grass, palm trees, and shrubs in the middle of the lot
that's in the middle of the duplexes of the block S of "WEST" of "REDSANDS
- on the 2nd or so story roof of the Four Dragons Casino at the bottom of the
inside of the N-most "U"-shape formed by taller structures (reach by aircraft
or Jetpack),
- at an Ammu-Nation, and some Triads (Wu Zi's gang; they wear black clothes)
have one.
- under the stairs of the SW guard tower of Area 69,
- on the roof behind the roof of the entrance of the Motel, E of the swimming
pool, NE of the block of "PILGRIM,"
- in front of the Four Dragons Casino after finding 50 Horseshoes,
- at an Ammu-Nation, and it's used by the Army (with Shotguns) after C.J. buys
Verdant Meadows (a Desert mission).
- at an Ammu-Nation.
Sniper Rifle
- on the N side of the steeple of the little church on the N side of the cor-
ner that's S of the "S" in "JULIUS THRU WAY NORTH,"
- on top of the NW corner of the S skyscraper of the Clown's Pocket, at the
"N" of "CLOWN'S" (use an aircraft or a Jetpack to reach it),
- on the N side of the roof above the entrance to the Four Dragons Casino
(reach it by aircraft or Jetpack),
- and at an Ammu-Nation.
Heavy weapons:
- on top of the big concrete support column at the SW end of the Kincaid (RR)
Bridge, accessible now that the invisible barrier there is gone since the Desert
and Las Venturas became available,
- in a small underground room that adjoins the 2nd main room in Area 69 that
C.J. enters during "Black Project"; the Minigun is there from the start of the
- by the elevator doors on the lower level of a parking garage; to have C.J.
get there, have him enter the alley on the E side of "CA" and "LANTE" of "ROCA
ESCALANTE," turn right into the garage, go to the N side, down the ramp, and go
N to the Minigun by the elevator doors,
- on the next-to-the-top level of the scaffolding over the "O" of "ROCKSHORE
EAST" (reach it with the Jetpack or a Parachute),
- and inside Mike Toreno's Tierra Robada house after "Vertical Bird." This
one has a 500 count for ammo instead of 200. His house is the save place S of
the RR track that extends N from the Kincaid Bridge.
Flame Thrower
- in the S end of the porch of the E side of the main KACC Military Fuels
building, about where the "E" of "FUELS" is,
- and inside Mike Toreno's Tierra Robada house after "Vertical Bird."
Heat Seeking Rocket Launcher
- on a N side of the biggest Native American/Mexican building at the end of
the dead end road W of "ALDEA MALVADA,"
- on the NE corner of the upper level of the parking garage where "IN" of
- and inside Mike Toreno's Tierra Robada house after "Vertical Bird." It only
has three shells (ten is typical elsewhere).
Rocket Launcher
- on a roof above the parking garage of The Emerald Isle, a tiny bit W of the
"I" of "Isle" (enter on the N side to drive to the top floor then climb the
stairs to the roof, or use an aircraft or Jetpack to get there),
- in the NW corner of the 8th floor of the Emerald Isle parking garage; enter
on the N side,
- revolving through a corner made by yellow and blue crates of a roughly back-
wards "L"-shaped pile of crates S of the S end of the main body of the terminal
building (between the "S" and "Y" of the big letters of "LAS VENTURAS") of LV
- and inside Mike Toreno's Tierra Robada house after "Vertical Bird." It only
has four shells (ten is typical elsewhere).
- at the W end of the E-W alley of the block of "B" of "BAYSIDE MARINA,"
- by an air duct at the SW corner of the warehouse roof at the S end of the
rectangle N of "ORE" of "ROCKSHORE EAST" (reach it with a Jetpack or a Para-
- and at an Ammu-Nation.
Molotov Cocktails
- behind the liquor store E of the SW block of Fort Carson,
- at the S corner of the roof of Cluckin' Bell and Pro-Laps, at the S end of
the diamond shape W of the dead end road of "CREEK" (climb onto a vehicle then
onto the roof), and
- on the NW corner of the roof of the building at the NE corner of the block S
of "TOE" of "THE CAMEL'S TOE." Have C.J. make a fast run (press Left Shift re-
peatedly) and jump from the roof of the raised entrance structure that's on the
roof of the building to the S.
Tear Gas
- about 18' N of the SE circle (a smoke stack) of KACC Military Fuels,
- E of the N end of the LV Airport tarmac rectangle that's E of "BLACKFIELD,"
at the W side of three yellow and black striped ramps,
Remote Explosives
- in front of the Four Dragons Casino after finding 50 Horseshoes,
- and at an Ammu-Nation.
Handheld Items:
You can get a Camera from one of the photographers around Big Tom. Don't
pressing the RMB to have C.J. target them from in front of them--if they raise
their hands, the Camera disappears. C.J. can leave the area and return to make
more photographers appear if you want him to load up on film.
Fire Extinguisher
- at a gas station without pumps on the N road E of "VALLE OCULTADO,"
- in the narrow space at the S side of the Xoomer gas station on the S side
of the road W of "SPINY BED,"
- and at many fast food places.
Spray Can
- between the W-most two of three long rectangular beige warehouses S of
Gifts for girlfriends:
Light gray-brown Vibrator with dark vertical stripes
- behind a dirty orange dumpster in an abandoned lot on the N side of the mid-
dle of the S road of the E block of the Bayside Marina area.
It's a melee weapon in the wrong weapon slot; you can't use it as a gift for a
by a telephone pole in an asphalt lot W of the RR station on the S side of the
RR track that passes E-W below "PRICKLE PINE"; the station is S of the "PR,"
on the S side of the house with orange shingles that's on the E side of the
2nd dead end street E of the Prickle Pine save house,
at the SE corner of the Emerald Isle,
and at the W side of the red doors and triangular stylized face of the sloped
roof building at the S side of the middle of the "S"-curved road in the middle
of the block of "PILGRIM."
in the front yard of a house on the NE side of the 2nd intersection N of the
at the S side of a little house W of where the dirt road turns from SE to S W
of downtown El Quebrados,
on the N side of the Xoomer gas station office at the N side of the intersec-
tion E of downtown El Quebrados,
in front of a plaque and two statues at the W side of the road at the top of
the W side of the Sherman Dam,
by the grave stone with a cross on top of it at the cemetery at the E side of
the ghost town indicated on the map by the dots S of Las Brojas,
at the concrete divider in the middle of the Julius Thru Way at the N end of
the SE curve,
on the porch of the Xoomer gas station in the rectangle at the E side of the
block that's W of "LINDEN SIDE,"
at the W side, by the doors, of the Wedding Chapel church that's N of the S
end of the SE curve of the Julius Thru Way,
by the wooden fence of the front yard of the W house on the S side of the
street of the S street of the block E of "LAST DIME MOTEL,"
over a flower bed by the N-S street E of Royale Casino and S of the "S" of
in the front yard of the house on the SE corner of the block N of "LAS" of
between two of the gas pumps at the Xoomer gas station across the street to
the N from the NE corner of the block with "THE EMERALD ISLE,"
in front of the yellow Wedding Tackle store NW of the NW corner of the block
that's E of "THE" of "THE EMERALD ISLE,"
in front of the "The Golf Course" sign at the E side of the loop of road of
Yellow Bell Golf Course,
and by a flower bed of the 2nd house from the W that's N of the block that's E
of the loop of road of Yellow Bell Golf Course.
Apparel Items:
- at the bottom of the Launch Bay--the several stories-tall room--inside Area
69 during and after "Black Project," and
- by the door of the abandoned AC tower save place at Verdant Meadows after
"Green Goo."
You can also use the GTA SA Control enter (X.13.c) to get rid of your cheat
count status automatically or after using the ROCKETMAN code to spawn a Jetpack
and save the game without worrying about creating a cheat count or lowering your
Criminal Rating.
- on the tall N bridge support of the Gant (Golden Gate) Bridge,
- in Bone County at the top of the tall antenna SW of the Big Ear (have C.J.
walk toward the base of the antenna to be transported to the top of it),
- in Arco Del Oeste in the E old shack on top of a tall rock formation N of
the "RC" in "ARCO" on the paper map,
- and on top of the tall skyscraper of the Emerald Isle (use an aircraft or
Jetpack to get there).
Night Vision goggles
They make everything look green and let you see the inside walls of the Fort
Carson tunnel (see VII.5 for the location of the last listed police bribe for
the Desert).
- on the upper level by the S generator inside the Sherman Dam (enter through
a door by the E end of the road that's on the top of the Dam) after "Breaking
the Bank at Caligula's" (thanks to pdescobar),
- on top of the NW guard tower of the No Fly Zone after "Breaking the Bank at
- E of the middle silo of the five big silos of Foster Valley on the E-W
ground level path through the middle of the shopping mall after "Breaking the
Bank at Caligula's,"
- and by the kitchen entrance of Madd Dogg's crib after "A Home in the Hills."
Thermal Goggles Heat vision ("Infrared" in data\weapon.dat) goggles make ev-
erything look like the photos Richard Avedon made of the Beatles in 1967, which
is more festive. These seem to be the things that make certain peds show up in
partial graphics which cause some people to think they look like aliens. Ther-
mal goggles don't reappear in a location if C.J. takes them from one and you
save the game, so I use them without saving the game.
- in Zero's RC Shop after "Black Project,"
- in the Control Tower in the middle of the S side of the fenced-in area of
the No Fly Zone after "Black Project,"
- at the N side of the base of the Big Ear after "Black Project,"
- and in the bar room of Madd Dogg's place after "A Home in the Hills."
Welding and Weddings bomb shop
This bomb shop is on the S side of the block W of "ISLE" of "THE EMERALD ISLE"
in Las Venturas. It operates like the one in Los Santos, which is an 8 Ball's
Bomb Shop like the one in Staunton in "GTA III." Have C.J. drive a four-wheel
(even an emergency) vehicle into the back (N side) of it for the vehicle to have
a bomb with a timer installed in it. Press F or Enter while C.J. is in the ve-
hicle to activate the timer, and have C.J. leg it. The bomb explodes in about
eight seconds.
VII.4 Armor and Bribes
A very good map for Armor and Police Bribes is at:
Body Armor
The Desert
at the NE end of the little strip of beach NE of downtown Bayside Marina,
between the wooden house and garage by the pier and just S of the "C" of
on the roof behind the "PECKER's FEED & SEED" sign E of the big chicken of Las
at Verdant Meadows in a fuselage at the middle airplane icon of the N row of
airplane icons,
on the S part of the outer walkway of the Control Tower, which is in the mid-
dle of the S side of the fenced-in area, of the No Fly Zone/Area 69,
in the keycard room in Area 69, and
in the main trench, below the hall floor grating, in Area 69 after "Black Pro-
Las Venturas
on the inner balcony of a motel at the E end of the block of "SANDS" of "RED-
SANDS EAST" (have C.J. jump on a car at the N side of the entrance, at the E
side of the block, and go around the balcony to the Armor),
on the roof of the building of four little "Escobar Int. Airport"-type parabo-
las in the middle of the block E of "CALIGULA'S PALACE,"
on the N side of a church NW of the overpass at the SE curve of the Julius
Thru Way,
under the arch at the bottom of the Come-A-Lot roadside sign,
at the S side of the lot at the SW corner of the block of "D" of "LVA FREIGHT
between the stairs of the pier S of "ES" of "ROCKSHORE WEST" (mentioned before
as accessible from Los Santos),
by two green dumpsters at the N side of Greenglass College,
in back of the N brown hanger of two just under the "L" of the big letters of
and NW of the N end of the trumpet tubing-type shape of Las Venturas Airport.
(**** airborne bribe)
The Desert
at the W side of a building and above the "R" of "BAYSIDE MARINA,"
at the E side of a bend in the road NE of the NE corner of the No Fly Zone,
in a field across the road to the E from the Astro Drive-In Theatre sign,
which is along the road that goes S from the Cluckin' Bell that's E of "FORT
in an alley in the N block of Las Payasdas,
and in an underground tunnel; the N opening is lower on the hill and W of
where the winding road to the Big Ear leaves the main road, and the S opening is
about due S of the N opening and by a RR track.
Las Venturas
an airborne bribe in the NW corner of the block E of where the Strip divides
in the N ****,
an airborne bribe W of the jump ramp of the pirate ship in front of Pirates in
Men's Pants ****,
an airborne bribe over the concrete highway divider where the "A" is of "JULI-
over the S end of the building that's N across the street from the NE corner
of the block of The Camel's Toe pyramid****,
at the W side of the S end of the RR bridge that goes S from the "RTH" of "JU-
in the narrow E-W alley through the middle of the block W of "ISLE" of "THE
in the tunnel through the base of the Washington Monument-type statue of The
Camel's Toe,
S of the dirty pink building that's W of "O" in "HARRY GOLD PARKWAY,"
in the E-W alley with old wooden fencing blocking both ends in the S section
of the block with "WEST" of "REDSANDS WEST,"
under the E end of the E-W bridge just S of "JULIUS THRU WAY EAST,"
in a lot across the street SW from the Four Dragons Casino,
and in a lot where the "R" of "THE FREIGHT DEPOT" is.
VII.5 Oysters (Desert)
If you didn't get them already, get the remaining five. The five locations
are given at IV.27 in the section on the "Reuniting the Families" glitch. The
fastest way to find them is to use one of the teleportation devices at X.13.a,
b, and c. X.13.c works with either the patched or unpatched version of the
VII.6 Bayside Marina Boat School
Getting all gold awards for this is easier than for Driving School.
If you were good at Delphi's missions in the game "Giants: Citizen Kabuto,"
2000, you have a head start.
The timer counts up. You can slow it down, to get a lower time, by turning
off the frame limiter. (Thanks to Orion_SR.)
VII.6.a "Basic Seamanship"
Drive the Coast Guard boat ahead (W) and have it stop (S) between the pairs of
buoys. I used S as the near side of the near pillar of the Gant Bridge went by
the left edge of the screen. I had several at 9.something and didn't get gold
till I had 9.73, so I'm not sure what high nine you have to beat.
VII.6.b "Plot a Course"
Drive the Coast Guard through eight pairs of buoys without bumping them using
the screen and radar. Rusk says to get less than 35 sec. for gold.
VII.6.c "Fresh Slalom"
Drive a Dinghy with a few zig zags through fifteen pairs of buoys. Rusk says
to do it in under 80 sec. for gold.
VII.6.d "Flying Fish"
Drive a Vortex to the right, turn left, and aim for the ramp. When I took a
longer run to the right to have a longer runway in which to build up speed to
the left, I got gold. Press Down when the Vortex hits the jump ramp and while
the Vortex is airborne to keep it airborne longer. When landing, press S and
possibly turn to stop within the buoys. The BradyGames guide says to beat 57
meters to pass, and AggroSk8er says to beat 67 meters for gold.
VII.6.e "Land, Sea, and Air"
Drive a Vortex through pairs of buoys, over a jump, through pairs of buoys,
over two jumps over the bases of supports for the Gant Bridge, and through pairs
of buoys. You may need to run the route several times to make the turns more
accurately if you want to get gold. Take the jumps only as fast as you need to
and press Up if needed to land faster. Rusk says to beat 130 sec. for gold.
For all bronze awards (70-89%), C.J. gets the Marquis.
For all silver awards (90-99%), he gets the Squalo III.
For all gold awards (100%), he gets the Jetmax.
VII.7 RS Haul Trucking Asset Mission (final two missions)
Thanks to Spaceeinstein for the lists of possible destinations for each mis-
sion. With each mission attempt, the game selects a destination at random.
VII.7.a Mission 7 Fragile cargo and timed 6:00.
This one is easy. You may bang the truck a little, which subtracts from the
pay, but as long as you end up with something left on the damage meter, you
pass. By now, money shouldn't matter much, anyway.
Bone County, NW San Andreas
Green Palms, Bone County
The Sherman Dam, NW San Andreas
Verdant Meadows, NW San Andreas
C.J. gets up to $7,000.
VII.7.b Mission 8 Four star wanted level.
Redsands West, Las Venturas
White Wood Estates, Las Venturas
Las Venturas Airport, Las Venturas
LVA Freight Depot, Las Venturas
Starfish Casino, Las Venturas
Creek, Las Venturas
Spiny Bed, Las Venturas
Pilgrim, Las Venturas
Rockshore East, Las Venturas
Randolph Industrial Estate, Las Venturas
The idea of blowing up the truck for a different destination, and picking an
easier one, is about all there is for alternative strategy. So I tried Aggro-
Sk8er's recommendation to use Guto's idea of using the RR track to go to SE Las
The first time I did this, the police kept blowing up the truck before C.J.
could get to the destination. I did learn that you can make the graphics for
truck fires disappear quicker by sending C.J. so far from them that not only the
flames but the glow for them disappears, then counting to ten before sending him
If you want a special fix for it, I think the fastest way would be to use the
Control Center (X.13.c) to make the truck bullet proof. You could also give the
Police car, Ranger (police SUV), and Enforcer a top speed of something small in
C.J. gets $10,000, but after this, he's just glad he's alive.
RS Haul makes $2,000 a day.
VII.8 Horseshoes
I use the Bradygames guide, Xbox and PC version, pp.137-139, for the numbers
but not the haphazard search pattern you'd have if you searched for Horseshoes
in the Bradygames guide numerical order.
A good map of the Horseshoe locations is at:
The fastest way to find them is to use one of the teleportation devices at
X.13.a, b, and c. That last one, the Administrative Console, is available in a
version--the Control Center--that's compatible with the patched version of the
You might combine that with Demarest's Pillager, X.13.gg, which puts markers
of all the Tags, Oysters, Snapshots, and Horseshoes left to find in the category
you've chosen on your radar. While you look for Snapshot targets, it also puts
a green marker above each one you haven't taken a picture of yet to make them
easier to find. It works for v.1 or 2 of the game.
Another option is the Horseshoe Help mod by JVT at X.13.h, which makes a big
arrow, like ones you've seen in GTA's, point down at each Horseshoe that hasn't
been collected yet.
Ones you might get by Maverick or Sea Sparrow (for those who don't want to
wait for a Jetpack at VIII.16 "Green Goo"):
When you're aiming a helicopter for a careful landing, move the mouse for dif-
ferent views--even a "GTA2"-type overhead view is possible and helpful. When
the helicopter is in an awkward position, instead of trying to push it in a di-
rection till the "camera" aims that way, move the "camera" with the mouse then
start moving the helicopter in the direction you want to go.
Also, the new Mavericks are a lot better about letting you hold the Up (NP9 in
"Vice City") button to go forward at an angle for long distances once you have
enough height. And they don't go down when you leave the controls alone for
awhile like they used to, which is nice if you want to reach for a snack or
smoke, etc., and don't want to reach back and see it blown up. You have to
press S to make it go down.
Don't fly over the No Fly Zone or the soldiers there will try to shoot your
helicopter out of the sky.
20. on the roof of the Four Dragons Casino about where the "N" of "CASINO" is.
C.J. could parachute to this one easily, too.
46. in the middle of the S side of the block of "VENTURAS" of "OLD VENTURAS
STRIP," in front of the "S" of the "CASINO" marquee. Land in the big area to
the W of the marquee and have C.J. walk in front of the marquee for the Horse-
31. on top of the Come-A-Lot sign at the SW corner of the block with "COME."
Make sure C.J. has full Health so he doesn't die if he has to jump. I landed a
Maverick between the two spires--it looked like the ends of the blades went into
them a little--and took off with just a few sparks, but I think I was lucky.
You could do something similar by getting an overhead view, getting close, and
having C.J. bail onto the sign. Orion_SR recommends getting this Horseshoe with
a Sparrow or Sea Sparrow since those helicopters are smaller.
3. on the red roof of the corner "Souvenirs," etc., shop on the SE corner of
the block W of "ISLE" of "THE EMERALD ISLE."
14. on top of the highest skyscraper of the Emerald Isle, SW of "EM" of "THE
EMERALD ISLE." (I was surprised that the new Maverick could go so high.)
45. N of the "KA" of "KACC MILITARY FUELS." Land in the parking lot beyond
the entrance, go to the warehouse N of the entrance and go E through it (it had
a few hovering boxes in it when I last looked), then go NW to the Horseshoe.
26. on the beam, supported by pillars, that's along the sidewalk by the middle
of the E side of the Camel's Toe pyramid. You might get the Maverick to balance
just long enough for C.J. to get onto the beam safely and have the helicopter
fall. When I did it, I was lucky. The Maverick fell but rolled upright, C.J.
got the Horseshoe, and his jump only took a sliver of Health away.
19. on a tower at one of the dots NW of the "C" of "COME-A-LOT." When you ap-
proach the roof from the front, you'll see the tallest spire is gold or yellow
just left of the centerpiece. And left of the tallest spire is a short stubby
one with a flat top--without a spire. That's the one the Horseshoe is on. I
landed carefully from the back. It took a little patience, wrangling with heli-
copter drift, but it landed and took off okay.
32. on the E edge of the double "Victim" billboard on a tall pole by the Juli-
us Thru Way East, just N of the RR symbol that's by "SOBELL RAIL YARD." I land-
ed with the rails across the middle of the two billboards. When C.J jumped, he
landed on the wide strips of metal between the bottoms of the billboards. An
invisible wall wouldn't let him walk straight to the Horseshoe on the E side, so
I had him walk over the strips to the W and the outer walks to the E, get the
Horseshoe, and jump. He only lost half of his Health, and he had a pizza nearby
to make up for that.
For the rest, I basically go W: N to S, then E: S to N.
1. In the entrance enclave of a house at the SW corner of the road and RR
track intersection S of "YELLOW BELL GOLF CLUB."
5. in a 2nd floor dormer at the back of the golf club country club building at
the W side of the loop of road E of "YELLOW BELL GOLF CLUB."
21. in the swimming pool in the mid-N of five rectangles, the top one curved,
E of the block that's N of "PINE" of "PRICKLE PINE."
34. E of the same swimming pool in a tennis court.
29. at the base of the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign by the highway NW
from the Pilson Intersection.
47. over a multi-colored stack of crates E of the NE corner of the block E of
"PILSON INTERSECTION." Have C.J. jump on a truck then the wall, walk to near
the middle of the crates and close to them, and try to jump to climb onto them.
27. over a blue wall across the street to the W from the SW corner of the
block E of "PILSON INTERSECTION." Have C.J. jump on a car then the wall.
36. in the mid-E area of the block N of "EST" of "REDSANDS WEST." Have C.J.
jump on the Steakhouse roof then the casino roof.
40. on the mid-W side of the block of "EST" of WHITE WOOD ESTATES." Have C.J.
enter the lot on the E side of the block and go behind the warehouse.
49. over the walk of a one story gray building W of the NW corner of the block
with "BLACKFIELD." Have C.J. jump up to it.
28. on the LV Airport tarmac N of the W side of the runway loop. Enter the
tarmac at the N end of the wavy line on the E side.
25. E of the N end of the runway loop.
15. on the mid-W side of the oval with four prongs--the main airport bldg..
37. in a truck dock at the E end of the S side of the rectangle NE of "D" of
16. in a narrow space between the warehouse and a wall at the S end of the
little rectangle N of the "D" of "BLACKFIELD INTERSECTION."
22. in the middle of the courtyard in front of Greenglass College.
50. over Blackfield Chapel--C.J. can walk up the sloped roof.
30. N of the coast under the Mako Span.
6. in a backyard in the middle of the block E of "MOTEL" of "THE LAST DIME MO-
38. in a back yard across the street to the N from the E end of the block of
9. over a dumpster, behind a warehouse, at the SE end of the rectangle N of
53. on the roof of the chapel S of the martini glass symbol that's SE of
"COME-A-LOT." Have C.J. jump from the roof of a car to climb the Chapel roof.
43. in the middle of the W side of the block N of "OT" of "COME-A-LOT." Have
C.J. use the stairs to get to a roof and jump down to the 2nd balcony over from
the top of the stairs.
2. at the top of the pyramid on the block of "CAMEL'S." A PCJ can drive up to
11. on the 3rd floor of the garage on the block of "R" of "LAS VENTURAS."
Have C.J. enter on the N side, go up a ramp on one side then the other, then go
over the level part to the NE corner.
18. at the base of the big skull display in front of Pirates in Men's Pants.
7. on the roof of the Clown's Pocket front porch. Have C.J. jump on a car
then onto the wall at the N side of Clown's, go E on the ledge, onto a roof, go
around the S side of the "tent" roof, do a running jump up onto a 2' wide ledge
of another roof, then go around to the W side.
48. under the upper part of the 2nd waterfall from the N in front of The Vis-
age--above the "E" of "VISAGE."
44. at the back of an alley on the N side of the block with "THE STAR" of "THE
24. on the awning over the drive-through section of Venturas Steaks, on the W
side of the block N of "SH" of "THE STARFISH CASINO."
39. on the porch roof of the "Arts & Crafts" store in the shopping center on
the N side of the block with "O" of "THE STARFISH CASINO." Have C.J. jump on
the roof of an SUV or van, then climb up onto the porch roof.
17. on a 2nd floor balcony of a motel. Enter the lot on the E side, of the
block of "DSANDS" of "REDSANDS EAST." Have C.J. climb onto several roofs which
are near each other at the N side of the entrance, then turn E and jump to climb
up onto a higher roof/balcony, and go to the SW side of that roof/balcony.
42. in an alley in the middle of the S side of the block N of the block of
13. have C.J. jump on a car then the roof where the 24/7 symbol is SW of "THE
35. have C.J. go NW from the same corner, past the store, and jump over the
wall to the N end of the little lot.
41. across the street to the N from the "D" of "THE EMERALD ISLE," have C.J.
go through the car wash and make a 180 degree turn to the right.
12. have C.J. go N through the parking lot on the W side of the same car wash,
then go E.
10. in a RR tunnel about where the "P" of "OLD VENTURAS STRIP" is. Have C.J.
enter where the brown line turns gray (shown on the radar, not the paper map);
the S end of the tunnel is where the track crosses under a road NW of "SOBELL
4. at about the 2nd "E" of "ROCA ESCALANTE." Have C.J. get on the roof of a
car to jump to the roof of the Erotic Wedding Chapel.
8. in the VROCK Hotel swimming pool, which is found in the splotch that's NE,
across the street and RR track, from "ROCA" of "ROCA ESCALANTE."
23. at the E corner of the big tilted square shape N of "CREEK," behind the
shopping center and at the end of a lane protected by a wall. On the radar,
the right corner of the square is the space between the corners of two squares,
for some reason.
C.J. gets better Luck (the top score, 1000) at gambling, $100 x 50 = $50,000,
$100,000, and the Combat Shotgun, Remote Explosive, M4, and SMG will be in front
of The Four Dragons Casino.
VII.9 Las Venturas Bike School
This is initiated at the red "S" icon in Blackfield.
Thanks to Spaceeinstein for helping again by sending me the names of all the
For a test that requires C.J. to stop in a three-sided section of cones, try
to stop the bike in the middle of them parallel to the sides.
Bike school is easy--no bumps with airgrabs or such. You better at least pass
all these tests with no complaining on the message boards so Rockstar makes the
bikes and replays for stunts as cool as in VC again for "IV."
VII.9.a "The 360" Hold down W and S, add Left or Right to have C.J. burn a
donut (if your keyboard doesn't support the use of three keys at the same time,
add the sideways direction with the mouse) with the BF-400, and stop him when
the bike goes just past the start of the skid mark.
VII.9.b "The 180" Use a PCJ-600 to send C.J. from a space made by three
lines of cones to do a turning skid with Spacebar around another set of cones
and within the outer cones, and return him to the same spot he started from ex-
cept facing in the opposite direction and stop in that spot.
VII.9.c "The Wheelie" Send C.J. and the FCR-900 forward, wheelie with Down
before C.J. goes between another set of cones, wheelie till past the cones--you
can let let the front wheel drop as long as the front wheel doesn't touch the
ground till past those cones, and have him stop in the middle of the far set of
VII.9.d "Jump and Stop" Have C.J. drive the Sanchez over a jump ramp, level
the wheels, and go forward to brake in the far section of cones.
VII.9.e "The Stoppie" Have C.J. drive the FCR-900 forward, hold down Up and
add a tap of S long enough to bring up the back wheel to stoppie height before
reaching the next batch of cones, send him forward with W and Up (the game will
create a straight stoppie for the rest of the test), then release Up before he
reaching the far set of cones and have C.J. stop within them. The training clip
shows the back wheel down for the stop, but I had C.J. stop with the back wheel
up and still got gold.
VII.9.f "Jump and Stoppie" Have C.J. drive the NRG-500 over a ramp, press Up
to point the front end down, hold Up as he lands and add a tap of S to create a
stoppie as before, then send him forward and release Up before he reaches the
far set of cones and have C.J. stop within them.
C.J. has to get at least 70% in all the tests to pass the course.
For all bronze awards (70-89%) or better, C.J. gets the Freeway.
For all silver awards (90-99%) or better, he gets the FCR-900.
For all gold awards (100%), he gets the NRG-5 00.
VII.10 Burger Shot Courier Asset Mission (4 runs)
This is like the previous drive-by delivery missions. You initiate it by hav-
ing C.J. get on the Faggio by the Burger Shot below the "R" of "REDSANDS EAST."
Three loops, six packages, three minutes
Four loops, six packages, five minutes
Five loops, seven packages, five minutes
Six loops, eight packages, eight minutes
Press Up quickly and repeatedly, without letting C.J. stand up, to make the
scooter go faster and make a wavering buzzing sound like some of the soldiers
got sick of hearing with some of the worse things the music stations played on
the radio during the Burma missions of WWII. George Harrison might have liked
them (yet he didn't like Yoko's early recordings--"ee-yie-yie-yiee-eeh"--go fig-
The Burger Shot makes $2,000 a day and max.
VII.11 Kickstart and Dirt Track (Blackfield Stadium)
Kickstart is available at the Trophy icon at Blackfield Stadium on every day
except Monday and Wednesday if C.J. has at least 50% Bike (motorcycle) Skill.
Press Left Shift to skip the intro if you've seen it before.
Have C.J. drive over the "Vice City" "Dirtring"-type obstacles to go through
the colored lights. Green ones are worth one point, yellow ones are worth two,
and red ones are worth three. You need at least 26 out of 50 possible points to
pass the mission. See if you can get a few of the red ones that are harder to
get near the starting area then go for the others.
If you're stuck, make sure a trainer you use to stop the mission timer is com-
patible with v1.01 of the game if you use the patch. You might give the Sanchez
the "Wheels of Steel" Freeway changes, X.10.e, to make it more of a mountain
goat--which works the same whether you use the patch or not.
Stuckgamer pulls out all the stucks for this demonstration of how to get all
61 points (you "I can't fly the Skimmer" weenies watch this--this is good):
The Dune will be in front of the stadium. It's a big-wheeled, bouncy vehicle
like the Monster truck or BF Injection, but slower.
Dirt Track is available at the Trophy icon at Blackfield Stadium on Mondays
and Wednesdays if C.J. has at least 50% Bike (motorcycle) skill.
The track is the figure eight used for "8-Track," but the race is done with a
One curious thing I noticed about it is that the game seems to reward or pun-
ish your ability to get familiar with, and drive better, on the course. You
might see C.J.'s position in the race go down because he hit a wall without see-
ing anyone go past him, or see it go up without seeing him pass anyone. Try to
get familiar with the course--go right after going over the overpass and left
after going under it (it's invisible from below, but it's at a divide in the
road), avoid hitting the walls, and avoid hitting competitors (easier said than
done) to spin them out or they'll spin C.J. out.
The gimmick of shooting the competitors with a Minigun, which, as Rusk notes,
doesn't work on PS2, works on PC, but it's hard to get all of them because they
go by so fast. I've had C.J. kill some and still be in 12th place, too. I
don't know of a place to plug up a spawn place for them like for the Hotring
Racers in "Hotring" in "Vice City."
As with "Kickstart" you might give the Sanchez the "Wheels of Steel" Freeway
changes, X.10.e, to make it have strong road grip.
The BF Injection will be in front of the stadium, and C.J. gets $25,000.
VII.12 The Freight Train Mission
Have C.J. jack either the Freight or Brown Streak train from a train stop,
then press NP+ or 2 to start this Sub-mission. There are two parts to it, and
you can save the game after winning the 1st before doing the 2nd.
Each part is a run with five stops--a stop is the red shaft of light at a
train station. Hold down W till the train goes at a speed of 44--at 45 it can
derail the train. Let go when you're 600 distance from the stop, and hold down
S to brake when you're 350 distance from the stop. When you're near the stop,
a speed of 10 is good to coast the last little segment with because it's easy
to stop from.
The alternative is a short run you won't have long enough to build to a speed
of 44 with. Get the speed up till you're 350 distance from the stop, when you
still probably won't be going as fast as you would have slowed down to at that
distance the previous way. Brake as needed to the stop.
If you floor it continually, you'll derail the train.
You get the variety of cinematic "camera" views, and if you need to see the
red shaft of light better, you can change the view with NP4.
C.J. gets $50,000 and free train rides.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas List SE Index
FAQ/Walkthrough (Part 1, 2, 3, 4)
Armor/Vending Machine/Vendor map
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